Your Assignment, Should You Choose To Accept It - Week 1 (Through Apr27)


Daddy to da' princess, which I guess makes me da'
Nov 7, 1999
Ok, game, so here are the rules:

1 - Try to take new shots each week to post. The idea is to encourage people to get creative and actually take pictures, not just post those that you've taken in the past.

2 - Each person can post up to three different pictures to the thread. This should give everyone the opportunity to try out some different ideas.

3 - Discussion on the thread is highly encouraged. Wanna know how someone got that great shot? ASK, cause there's probably three other people wondering the same thing. :teeth:

4 - Let's try to keep the pics to a similar size as those on the "contest" threads. No real limit, but it makes it easier on everyone if we don't have to do too much scrolling to see your pics.

5 - Have fun! One of the reasons we're doing this as an "assignment game" instead of an "assignment contest" is so that newbies out there - like me - won't feel too intimidated by the ridiculous talent I keep seeing on display around here. ;)

I will post a new "theme" each week on Monday sometime (most likely in the mornings, but it depends on what else is goin' on out here in the real world), and the theme will run through the following Monday. Once we get into this a little we may find a different schedule works better, but we'll try it out this way and see how it goes. for the fun stuff:

This week's theme is: A Whole New World (New Beginnings)

Description: Appropriate for our first assignment, huh? With Spring in the air, a young man's fancy turns to...taking pictures of new stuff. :teeth: Pics can be of anything "new" that is meaningful to you....babies...budding trees....puppies and kittens...a wedding ceremony...your brand spanking new flying carpet...a new haircut :crazy: ........anything at all you can think of that you would associate with a "new beginning".

Upcoming themes:

April 28: Pink Elephants on Parade (Critters)
May 5: Reflection (Umm...Reflections ;) )
May 12: Substitutiary Locomotion (Movement)
May 19: I Wanna Be Like You (Things in Pairs)
May 26: Part of Your World (Macro)

Ok...that's it. Now go grab those cameras and get to work! :thumbsup2
Just as a quick idea, here is one I just took a few minutes ago in my neighbor's yard:


They tried cutting out these shrubs last year, but it looks like it didn't quite take. :teeth:
O.K. I wasn't sure I wanted to go first but here goes. I am (as I have said often) new to this. I am very open to comments, suggestions or :sad2: criticism. Seriously I am not at all sure what I am doing so I will be glad to take any advice you all may have. As wvrevy said there is some amazing talent on this board and I want to learn as much as possible.

These irises bloomed in the last 36 hours or so and I liked this shot for the theme because it has the bloom along with a bud that will open in a day or two. New beginnings:rolleyes: .

I was just outside and saw these. Mornings in central Florida take your breath away!


Nothing too special, but my neighbor's are digging for their new pool today. :thumbsup2 I hope they invite me over.

Just a few questions:

1) Do they have to be new shots or can we use old shots that we already have?
2) How many pictures can we post?
3) Can we ask questions?
4) How big should the pictures be?
5) Why are we doing this?

Sorry, I've been around too many kids today. It doesn't seem right not to hear things explained several times. :hippie:

Here's my post for the day. It's a baby butterfly.

Just a few questions:

1) Do they have to be new shots or can we use old shots that we already have? These should be new shots taken this week.2) How many pictures can we post? 3
3) Can we ask questions? I think so.
4) How big should the pictures be? same requirements as weekly contest 600 x 800 max
5) Why are we doing this? For the fun of it.

Sorry, I've been around too many kids today. It doesn't seem right not to hear things explained several times. :hippie:

Here's my post for the day. It's a baby butterfly.


Nice Baby butterfly. I saw it in your slide show.

Hope WVREVY doesn't mind my answering these questions, feel free to correct me.
Nice Baby butterfly. I saw it in your slide show.

Hope WVREVY doesn't mind my answering these questions, feel free to correct me.

Nope...The only correction I would make is to say that Mark was just being a smart aleck. :teeth: The line about having things explained several times kinda gives it away. ;)

BTW...Great shots so far, everyone! Keep 'em coming!

Mr_The_King - Love the combination of the bloom and the bud! :thumbsup2

Mark - I hadda do a little :scared: when I saw yours. :lmao: I am definitely not a bug person!
Here is the first Rose of the season for me. Just took this picture yesterday. This rose starts out kinda orangish/yellowish and keeps changing colors as it opens. Just beautiful.

Nope...The only correction I would make is to say that Mark was just being a smart aleck. :teeth: The line about having things explained several times kinda gives it away. ;)

:rotfl2: It was late, I was tired. How did I miss that he was being a wiseguy again? I always love reading Mark's posts!:laughing:
Ok, I've had a couple people request that we make this into a weekly contest rather than just a discussion thread, the thinking being that there are already so many "Show me" kinda threads that this one could kinda get lost in the shuffle. Sooooo....I'm up for it if you guys are. Just post your thoughts here or drop me an e-mail (My PM's unavailable ;) ) and, assuming there are no objections, we'll start with next week's "Assigment" thread as a contest instead of just a discussion. That'll give all us competitive sorts a little extra motivation to get out and start shooting!

And keep those shots comin'!
I'd like it to be a contest if you're up for the challenge. :thumbsup2 I think how the Disney contest works is great. It would just be alot easier to take pictures from around my home. ;)
you have to clear away the old to make the was already destroyed just this barn left.


for what it's worth, skip the contest
I'd like to keep it as an assignment. I think this way less experienced photographers (like me) will be more likely to participate. There are so many fantastic photographers on this board, sometimes it is intimidating to post along with them in contests. I'd love to see their work, and get their advice, as well as seeing the photos of people who are just learning.
I'd like to keep it as an assignment. I think this way less experienced photographers (like me) will be more likely to participate. There are so many fantastic photographers on this board, sometimes it is intimidating to post along with them in contests. I'd love to see their work, and get their advice, as well as seeing the photos of people who are just learning.

Agreed, however I will participate regardless of the format. If the contest helps bring in or keep the interest of a wider array of people than so be it. I happen to think the assignment format does take some of the intimidation factor out of it for newbies like myself.

As you can see I have given no real decisive answer but I do appreciate your work in setting it up and moving forward with it no matter the format.

There are so many fantastic photographers on this board, sometimes it is intimidating to post along with them in contests.

Now I feel as though I can post pictures here without feeling intimidated. :goodvibes I've been on message boards that are just for photography, and on those boards I wouldn't post to a contest because I know my stuff isn't strong enough. :lmao: I've been posting to the weekly Disney contests here for over three months now and I usually only get one vote, my own, yet I keep on trying every week because I feel that it's so laid back here and it's just for fun. :thumbsup2 Some weeks I don't even want to vote for my own because there's one I like better!


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