Your DVC...Who's Most Jealous?

Who's Most Jealous?

  • Boss

  • Co-Workers

  • Neighbors

  • Family

  • Inlaws

  • Other time share owners

Results are only viewable after voting.


"Have itch...MUST see Mouse!"
Aug 2, 2005
:stir: Time to stir it up!
So, you find people around you who every time that
you mention your DVC, WDW, Mickey etc. cringe and
try to counter your elation with with a negative?
Who do you find to be most jealous?

:furious: "WHAT! Your talking DVC again" -SIL(owns marriott)
I voted "co-workers", but in reality the one I would have voted for wasn't a choice. I wanted to vote "friends".
I voted for other timeshare owners. A friend of mine owns Fairfield and she keeps saying, "why did you spend so much more" You should have bought ours. But, I tell her all of the perks we get plus staying on property. She instantly changes the subject with a huff.:sunny: Her resorts are not up to Disney quality either.
If I could, I would check "all of the above." They all think I've got a screw loose because I could vacation at WDW every year.

Plus, they really think the DVC point system is a rip-off. "What?!" They ask, "You mean you have no guaranteed week?! No guaranteed condo size?!"

I've tried to explain that the points flexibility is a good thing, not a bad. But they just don't get it. And since they don't want to get it, I've stopped trying.
Every time we have taken other timeshare owners to stay at DVC with us, they have ended up buying in! Timeshare owners totally understand once they get on-site.
I wish there was a catergory for "Nobody" as our friends and family could care less (which is even more frustrating!). It's hard to have something you're so excited about and have no one even want to hear any of the details. My daughter's friend found out we were going to WDW again and said "that's kind of weird" and was totally sincere. Why do people think it's strange that you like to vacation @ WDW on a regular basis? How is that any different from someone that goes to the same beach, lake, or even somewhere like Vegas once or twice a year? I just don't get it!
My family totally gets it because I bought after staying at my sister's place. My co-workers think I'm nuts because I'm single and "no one wants to go to Disney World every year." They don't get/don't want to get what a good investment this is if you're a Disney-holic. They're jealous because I know a good deal when I see one and have the guts to jump in.
My in laws don't "get it" at all. SIL thinks we are crazy for going all the time. She went once, and figures that should be enough for anyone!! :rotfl2: We do have friends who get it, but can't go too often. We have other friends who "get it" so much, they want to go all the time!
My choice of vote wasn't included in the poll either. It's my Banker, he's jealous Disney has the money and not his branch.
I think my sister is the Most jealous! Some of my inlaws would be second. My SIL offered to give us $500. to use our BWV pts for a 1 bedroom over Easter. My DH just laughed and told her we don't rent the points and she wasn't even close to what they are worth.
I told my brother and he thought it was great, my mother kind of thought I was nuts but now that she is coming to VB with us in June I'm not all that crazy. My best g/f keeps asking me why I keep wanting to go to Disney why don't I go some place else on vacation. I didn't tell her I bought the DVC she would think it was such a waste and that I should had spent my money on something else. What does she know...I will think of her while I'm laying on VB. :wizard:
co-workers... 2 of my coworkers are DVC members and the rest just don't understand... one of them has even started saying "are you talking about the cult again?" when i bring up disney... to which i reply "all hail the mouse" :thumbsup2
jx3smom said:
I think my sister is the Most jealous! Some of my inlaws would be second. My SIL offered to give us $500. to use our BWV pts for a 1 bedroom over Easter. My DH just laughed and told her we don't rent the points and she wasn't even close to what they are worth.

I hear you!!! My financial planner told us we were nuts to buy a timeshare. He begrudgingly transferred our money for the purchase. My DH was worried that he had a point, I could care less. It's my money, not his!!!!! :love:
I didn't vote because you didn't have my answer: ME

We own 330 points, but my brother has twice that. Not fair! And he's my 'younger' brother at that! :confused3 So I guess that makes me the one who's most jealous. :guilty:

But I'm better looking! ;)
I also wish there was a Nobody catagory.
Timeshares in general get a bad rap where I live.
Caskbill said:
I didn't vote because you didn't have my answer: ME

We own 330 points, but my brother has twice that. Not fair! And he's my 'younger' brother at that! :confused3 So I guess that makes me the one who's most jealous. :guilty:

But I'm better looking! ;)
LOL, Bill. Don't let John know you envy him, or he might not take you along anymore! ;)
If there was a nobody category that would have been my vote. My sister & BIL think DVC is a rip off, and my in-laws are only impressed by the beach. My parents, however, think it's wonderful and would never be jealous. I am most frustrated w/ negative comments from in-laws, & sister & BIL. The in-laws are coming w/ us for the 1st time in Oct. will be interesting to see if their attitudes change. :rolleyes2

"why are you going to WDW again!" this from a person that goes on an eastern caribean crusie every year!

I just don't get why they would care how my family and I vacation :confused3

Of course when they get an itch for WDW - then they start to say stuff like - Whens your next trip to WDW - any chance we can come and stay with you?

Family! what can you do! :crazy:

Yep, there needs to be a *nobody* category.

My wife likes to keep our financial arrangements private -- questions about how much you paid for a car, how much you pay for your kids schooling, etc. are taboo subjects.

So we haven't really told family and friends about our DVC membership. It's our little secret.

Also, we seem to be the only Disney Nerds in both our families -- they just don't get it. I want to go to Disney every year, but the rest of our family is more along the lines of once a decade! So talking about DVC membership wouldn't get them excited, but may simply come off as bragging (which is exactly why my wife doesn't like talking to family and friends about big ticket purchases like this).

I voted neighbors and just lumped other friends of ours in that category. But they are not jealous in a negative way. Most of them want us to take them with them. Others have asked me to plan trips for them and are checking DVC out when they get to WDW.

I would have voted family also, but my Dad (who is just as big a Disney fan as I am and the one who got me into Disney) just bought into DVC this past week. All of his friends think he is crazy buying into a timeshare at his age, but he just says, he doesn't care. He says he worked hard for his money, so now that he is retired, he can spend it anyway he wants. :thumbsup2


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