Your whine of the day...

Remember the dry hacking cough I was whining about earlier in the thread........well after a trip the ER yesterday I found out I have the flu even after the flu shot. Figures!! :rolleyes:

A few years ago they misjudged and and didn't include a flu strain that ended up being a big problem. Guess who got it? Me even though I got the shot. Guess who didn't? My dh who didn't get the shot.

Clair’s stoped selling Pepsi flavored chapstick

I wish I had known about it. I bet my dh would kiss me more often if I tasted like his favorite beverage. :rolleyes:
Skipped our trip to Maui this December. Went to Prague and Vienna instead. Loved Vienna but felt that Prague is highly overrated and we spent most of our time in Prague.
Returns to the Christmas Tree Shop... I had a coupon for $10 off on $50 or more. I spent $72, so I got the $10 off. I had to take one item back (about $3.15 with tax). Ended up getting about $2.69 in return, because they split up the bill and take the percentage that the coupon represents. Now... if I hadn't bought that item in the first place, my bill would have been $69 and I'd have gotten the full $10 off, but because of how they apportion the coupon, I ended up paying about 45cents more than the value of the merchandise that I kept. Kohl's does this, too. Makes me apprehensive every time I buy stuff there, because returns are such a pain. Grrr...
A new whine-

I’m totally over Christmas this year and it’s usually my favourite time of year. Our tree isn’t decorated even though it’s been up since Friday, I don’t have one gift purchased yet, and I’m not even looking forward to the Christmas cookie decorating party at my parents house this weekend. I just want this year to be over.

Like I said on the Christmas tree thread, I feel more like the Grinch this year when I’m usually a Who.
My whine...I live in NY and it's cold!! We had snow on Saturday and I'm sure they'll be more to come in the next few months. I want to move to Florida but would only go if either of my adult DD's and their families would go and they're not moving any time soon.
Grrrr, I HATE the winter, the cold and I especially hate walking on ice when everything has frozen over.
OK, thanks for listening :)
My new whine: My last pair of glasses killed my nose. I went back to the eye dr. office so many times. They really did try to do what they could but nothing worked and I always had a red, sore imprint on my nose - lol. A few months ago I got a new pair of glasses - very lightweight. They were fine up until about two months ago. Same thing is happening. I went back last week and they said the glasses were slightly crooked and they fixed it and said that should do the trick. Nope. Nose is super red and sore (just on one side though). Guess I'll be going back again but not sure if maybe it's my nose and not the glasses?????
Vacuumed this afternoon.

Decided to make rice to go with dinner tonight.

Appears I’ll be vacuuming tonight.

I'm still stuck on the grumpy reply you made a few thread topics back. When I read your reply in this one I thought you said: Decided to make "nice".. so you may see where my thoughts went; until, I read that you would have to vacuum again! :rotfl2:

jevs: You need to teach those children to vacuum..
So I let our oldest DD borrow my black heels for her orchestra recitals because she lost her black shoes and I was not in the mood to replace them. I wish that I would have just bought her new black dress shoes. My favorite black pumps have a cross strap that's now stretched out. Her feet are only slightly shorter than mine, but are wider. Grrrr.

My new whine: My last pair of glasses killed my nose. I went back to the eye dr. office so many times. They really did try to do what they could but nothing worked and I always had a red, sore imprint on my nose - lol. A few months ago I got a new pair of glasses - very lightweight. They were fine up until about two months ago. Same thing is happening. I went back last week and they said the glasses were slightly crooked and they fixed it and said that should do the trick. Nope. Nose is super red and sore (just on one side though). Guess I'll be going back again but not sure if maybe it's my nose and not the glasses?????
Do you need to have thick lenses? Because my prescription is so high the lenses are thick and it costs like $150 more to have them make them only a wee bit thinner so I just deal with it but it does make it heavier for the frames. I also have to wear kid sized frames because my face is so small. This just compounds the issue lol All that means a lot more weight on my face.

I do wear my contacts too so it's not a 24/7 issue for me
I have a pain in my shoulder blade that is preventing me from turning my head. I slept like crap last night. I have had a headache since Saturday that won't go away. It's cold - like bitter cold and I really, really do not want to commit to doing anything at all. I have a pierogi day scheduled on saturday with my sister that I want to get out of so bad but I am locked in and it's depressing. Sorry that's a lot of whining :-(
Ok, this one is super petty, and I know that:

People don't know how to use quotes.

Quotes are used to denote dialog:

And so, as Tiny Tim said, "A Merry Christmas to us all; God bless us, every one!"

Quotes are also used to denote sarcasm, as in air quotes:

I don't know who this person on the phone is, but he's "very important".

Quotes are not used for emphasis. Bold and italics are used for emphasis. If you are writing in a format that does not allow for bold or italics, use underscores (_) or asterisks (*).

(Related: People don't know how to use the ellipsis, either. Three dots. Just three. Not seven. Not two. Three. The are used to show an omission in a quote or used to show a pause or break in a line of thinking.)
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Ok, this one is super petty, and I know that:

People don't know how to use quotes.

Quotes are used to denote dialog:

Quotes are also used to denote sarcasm, as in air quotes:

I don't know who this person on the phone is, but he says he's "very important".

Quotes are not used for emphasis. Bold and italics are used for emphasis. If you are writing in a format that does not allow for bold or italics, use underscores (_) or asterisks (*).

(Related: People don't know how to use the ellipsis, either. Three dots. Just three. Not seven. Not two. Three. The are used to show an emission in a quote or used to show a pause or break in a line of thinking.)

Emission? Really? Not "omission?" LOL.
My whine is that my one tooth that has a crown has been giving me problems lately. The crown was over 20 years old, and it came off about a year ago. Dentist put it back on, it came back off. He did a root canal. Fast forward to just before Thanksgiving and it came off, the gum around that tooth had been hurting so I knew something was going on. He put the crown back on. It popped back off last Thursday. So frustrating. I went yesterday, not knowing what he was going to suggest. I didn't think it made much sense to just put the old one back on, so I thought maybe he would suggest a new crown. I was prepared for that. I wasn't prepared for his suggestion, to pull the tooth. :( It's a back tooth, so not really a problem, but still. And with our Christmas family gathering at our house this coming Sunday I just wasn't prepared, but didn't want to put it off and have it to "look forward to" next week so I said to go ahead. Thankfully my dentist uses nitrous oxide, I love that stuff!! :) Hated having to keep changing the gauze every half-hour or so, and the Norco he prescribed makes me so sleepy. I did take it yesterday, before the numbing wore off, and took another just before I went to sleep. Woke up about 12:30 and took another, but haven't taken any more today yet. It really hasn't been painful this morning. May have to take one to go to sleep tonight, but otherwise I'll try to just stick with Motrin.

I have a lot yet to get done for Sunday, but will take it a little easy today. I'm looking forward to our family being here for Christmas on Sunday, but looking forward to next week too, to just be able to RELAX and ENJOY the rest of the season. :)
Tags, stickers, twist ties, those little plastic things that hold things together. Good flipping night! Went upstairs to wrap and two hours later I have one gift done.
I spent two hours at a junior high band and orchestra concert for DD#1. Then went to Michaels and Walmart in search of craft supplies that DD#2 needed for a class project tomorrow. Got home at 10pm.

Grabbed food on the way home at Cook Out. Asked for no mayo on my burger and they put extra mayo on it, :mad:

Then helped DD#2 with her homework.

Finally get to sit and watch news/Tonight Show.

Tomorrow won’t be much better. I anticipate a similar whine.


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