You're going there AGAIN!?!


<font color=darkorchid>Family of Disney Nuts!!!<br
Jan 11, 2005
Does anyone else have to deal with that question? We love going to Disney but our friends/family look at us like we are nuts.
What do you say to your friend/family. I'm starting to want to make up somewhere else. What do you think?
For those who understand, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not, no explanation will do.
Do they go to the beach every year? Do they go to the mountains every year? If you know this, or something similar happens, just shoot the questions back at them. Especially if they go to the bech and do housekeeping.
anyone who would make a statement like that could never possibly understand the magic anyhow. So just smile :goodvibes with the knowlegde that you are doing something that gives you great joy, and look around at the parks and on these boards, we've got lots of good company :sunny:
The good news is eventually even if they don't get it, they get smart enough to change the question to...when is your next trip? :cool1:

Just keep going and keep enjoying
I guess some people just don't know how to react to things they don't understand. I just tell them "Yep, how boring of us...that's why we didn't invite you."

No, I don't say that. I have just begun PREPPING our relatives for our August trip-to-be. I am having a garage sale next week, and just listed a TON on Ebay last night, and took a bunch of stuff to a consignment shop last week. I just began telling relatives that we are seeing how much we earn, and then we will buy the best vacation we can, once we know how much $ we have to work with. Since almost all the negative comments we get involve cranky comments about money, I am playing from that angle to begin with. Eventually, we hope to have them used to it enough where they quit belly-aching at us.

In fact, when I mentioned the Ebay, garage sale, etc being for a potential vacation,my MIL spent almost half an hour listing all the places we should try to go just so we are not "tempted to make the kids go only to WDW." Yeah, of my 4 kids, only 1 can swim so WHY OH WHY would we spend a long weekend and hard-earned\, potential WDW money at an indoor WATER PARK?

We need to start a sticky with snappy comebacks!
I know exactly what you mean. A co-worker asked me why I always go to Florida, and this question came from someone who NEVER takes a vacation. So, now I'm secretly planning our spur of the moment trip with my adult DD for Mem. Day.I'm sure the co-worker has overheard some of our conversations. I still haven't decided if I'm going to tell my department where I'm going or just flat out lie about it. As for the DH and I have tried to plan a couple of Disney Vacations for just the 2 of us, but guess what? Other family members invite themselves along. They almost "get it", but not like My DD and myself.
At first I was asking why they would ask me that and after I heard " its for kids " a million times when someone ( and now its only people who don't know me well) ask me now I start off by saying......Well I had such a great time at Disney last time biking, boating, canoeing, parasailing, fishing, diving with the dolphins,swimming with sharks, playing tennis ,golfing, horseriding, mini-golf, shopping , eating, watching the fireworks, going to the water parkS, dancing , petting the goats and other animals, watching a luau , sitting by the pool with a cocktail, drinking at a pianobar, enjoying a comedy show, seeing a concert , watching a movie, watching the red sox beat the yankees while having a cold one at ESPN, driving a real race car around a race track, getting a facial and massage at the spa, and I had't even stepped into a park.

Somewhere during my reply they walk away or listen to the whole thing and say WOW no wonder

:thumbsup2 :sunny: :teeth:
That is the best yet!! I'll try that :rotfl2:

Maybe it is that they think it's expensive. For my family of 4 it's actually cheaper. We don't buy as many souvenirs, don't rent a car, etc.. And it's so relaxing to know you can do as much or as little as you want. They just don't get that it's NOT Six Flags!!
Some people ONLE like places that have SUPER big rollercoasters. They do not appreciate everything else that Disney has to offer which is almost unlimited fireworks/activities/rides/shows/good food/nice places to stay at/parties just all kinds of fun stuff.
Most people have stopped asking. This will be my 15th trip. But my boss asked me last week "are we going to have to have an intervention?" I said, no, I'm enjoying my addiction too much. And a coworker who over heard said "no interventions until after she has helped me with my trip planning."

Once I bought DVC, they mostly quit asking.

i have been so many times alot of my co works ask me when im going again and ask questions about there trips cause it is there first time. friends are sick of hearing that we are going there we try to all get together and go on vacation i pretty much set it up so they should not complain but they do and then i get your going again you need to find something else to do. ok how about the disney cruise :) why disney cause it is the happiest place on earth and i can act like a kid again. I don't wanna grow up I'm a disney world kid forever
Isn't it sad that we have to worry about people finding out we are going to WDW, until we build thicker skins? Of all the things most people have to worry about, I am surprised MY vacation plans rank up there on their lists at all. :confused3

I think I might just tell them that when we were there last time, we forgot to do a few we are going back to do them. Since there are always new things there, that excuse might last forever! :sunny: "We are going there yet AGAIN because last time, we forgot to eat a princess meal at 1900 Park Faire. We can't skip THAT for Lia's entire childhood...gotta get back there while she still LOVES the princesses! And I forgot to ride Expedition Everest. Oh, and there's a rumor that my fave, Illuminations, might change soon. Gotta get back there and videotape it!" ;)
Hahaha, I was told an intervention is coming my way too. This year I did not buy an annual pass as my DD started college, and we figured we would not go 2 or 3 times in a year. I bought a 10 day no expiration hopper instead, figuring it would last a few years.

So, I was there December/January 2006 with DD; March/April 2006 with my mom, and am leaving again on May 30th with DD...... :banana:
The way I see it, everyone who shakes their head in bewilderment at my travel plans is one more person who won't be in line for E:E ahead of *me*! :cool1:
My boss has finally gotten to the point where he only asks me if I am goin to Disney World or Disneyland. To the rest of the people I just say that I have fun every time I go there. If I ever stop having fun, then I will stop going. Don't see that happening for a long time.

Most of the people who ask me that question are people who go to the same place year after year on their vacations - beach, moutians, Vegas, camping, golf, whatever. Once I point that out to them, they are still incredulous that I would want to go to WDW over and over again.

It's not that they can't understand wanting to go to the same place year after year, it's that they can't understand anyone wanting to go to WDW even once. Whether they think it's too expensive, or they think it's just for kids (thus torture for adults, like Chuck-E-Cheese), or they think of Disney as a huge, evil, heartless corporate conglomerate, they are predjudiced against WDW as a vacation destination for even one year, let alone every year.

Talking doesn't convince them. Some people will always look down on WDW fans.

I don't care what people think about me. I only care how they behave toward me, and as long as they refrain from asking loaded questions like, "Aren't you tired of that place yet?" (which insinuates that there must be something wrong with me for liking that place), I really couldn't give a tinkers damn about what they think of my personal choice in vacation destinations.


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