You're kidding me, right?

SWEET!!!! I'm originally from Estevan, my grandparents live in Halbrite, and I've got Uncles in Weyburn and Oxbow!

Man what I would give to be going to WDW in 3 days! I would absolutely love to see it all decked out for Christmas. I'm actually restricted from taking vacation from the end of September to the end of March...darned oil patch! But it sure makes our province a ton of money!
I always just play along and tell them all kinds of crap. It's probably half my fault they think we have pet polar bars and skidoos all year round :)
bdtracey said:
SWEET!!!! I'm originally from Estevan, my grandparents live in Halbrite, and I've got Uncles in Weyburn and Oxbow!

Man what I would give to be going to WDW in 3 days! I would absolutely love to see it all decked out for Christmas. I'm actually restricted from taking vacation from the end of September to the end of March...darned oil patch! But it sure makes our province a ton of money!

No doubt! It's a thriving province.. which is why I moved here.. well.. and I followed my now DH. :) I can't wait to see all the decorations! The special parade and fireworks at MVMCP will be magic too! : )

:Pinkbounc :banana: :cheer2: :bounce:
Cass said:
I always just play along and tell them all kinds of crap. It's probably half my fault they think we have pet polar bars and skidoos all year round :)

:) I used to have a friend who had an igloo on his business cards. He told people that it was a picture of his "house" back home in Canada.

Sometimes I wonder if the reason so many people are misinformed is that we have fun playing with their lack of knowledge.

That said, I once got introduced as "from Ontario, Canada, USA" after trying repeatedly to get an Australian to understand that I was from CANADA. Oh well, can't win them all.
While in college, my DH worked at a gas station just outside Windsor and a couple of american's came in asking for the nearest ski lodge. They had skis on the car & everything. They were shocked when my husband mentionned that Windsor is south of Detroit and that we always go to Michigan to ski. Did I mention this was in AUGUST!!! :rotfl: :lmao: :rotfl2:

Another time an american came into the store of the gas station looking to buy beer. My DH directed him to the nearest "Beer Store" and they guy said he saw it, but thought it was a joke.
Applemomma said:
When I went to DisneyWorld as a kid (28 years ago and finally going back in Sept '07!) it was just after the American Hostages had been released in Israel (?), when the Canadian ambassader had been instulental in getting them out. When people found out we were Canadians we were treated like royalty! It definitly made an impression on me as a kid. QUOTE]

I believe the hostages you're referring to were released from Iran not Israel. It just goes to show that anyone can be misinformed, even Canadians. I truly don't mean to offend, but sometimes I get a bit upset by our hauty attitude that we're so much better.

It happens everywhere . . . even to people from Hawaii. It's like a whole 'nother country you know? :rolleyes1 When I left Hawaii to go to college in Washington state there were people that actually asked if I lived in a grass shack.

I live in Ottawa now, and am a proud American, but there is no substitute for getting out there and learning about other countries and cultures.
I really believe that it is hard to know everything about other countries as well as your own, but sometimes it is really hard. I was in a shop in Orlando that sold nylons for the more vertically challanged person and I was trying to find out if they had a shop near Buffalo. I first asked if they had any shops in Canada. She looked but it seems that the States doesn't have a state named Canada. I kept telling her that it was ANOTHER country but that didn't make a difference. Then I said what about Buffalo N.Y. Well apparently there is only New York Buffalo N.Y. So it wasn't only Canada she didn't know it was her own country. I finally just left the store.
Gee, I was just at Le Celliers with my DH (born and raised in BC) his parents obviously Canadian and when the hostess was asking the trivia questions I was the only one who could answer what the national animal of Canada was! Oh yeah...I am proud to be American.

DH (when we were dating) used to tell me the story of the igloo too and when I asked him if HE had ever been asked this question personally he said "No" so maybe it doesn't happen as often as the story is told.

I don't keep lists otherwise I could tell you all the incorrect things that have been told to me about my country from Canadians, I just let it roll of my back, because it is hard to really know about a country you don't live in.

When DH moved here he said there are so many things that Canadians believe about the US that were wrong he was amazed.
Canadians can say dumb things as well. I remember shopping in Yorkdale, Toronto, and asking a clerk if they took American Express. Her answer was "no, we only take Canadian Express".


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