You're not alone, Verandah Man


<font color=009966>That's M.O. in A.B.<br><font co
Jun 24, 2003
Andy, I just returned from visiting family in MA. While waiting for our connecting flight in the airport, I took DS into the ladies' room to change his diaper. As I was washing my hands, a gentleman came out of one of the stalls. When he saw me, he stopped in a panicked freeze, realizing he was in the wrong place. :blush: (He did have his glasses on. I would have thought the lack of urinals might have tipped him off.) He was very embarrassed. I thought it was very funny. Of course, your experience came to mind immediately!;)

DH has been hinting at a January 2004 DCL cruise, if the FL resident rates work out for us!:boat:

On a final, unrelated note, I'd just like to request a little strength for DH today. It's the 10th anniversary of his mother's death, at age 49, from ovarian cancer. This is a very difficult day for him.
Too funny. Prayers on the way for Your DH. I can certainly relate.
Originally posted by moinab

On a final, unrelated note, I'd just like to request a little strength for DH today. It's the 10th anniversary of his mother's death, at age 49, from ovarian cancer. This is a very difficult day for him.

I am so sorry that your DH lost his mom at such a young age :( How old was your DH at that time? :hug: to all of you :worried:

On a brighter note, I hope you are able to take that cruise :boat: :sunny:
Will send up prayers and be sending pixie dust your DH's way today.

P.S. Thanks for the ladies room story, I needed a chuckle today.::yes:: I also hope you get to go on the cruise in January.
I just reread my post, and realized what a strange mix of OT's it is. I've been away for 5 days, so I just threw everything together.:crazy:

I'm sorry to go OT, but I've found a lot of strength in this community, and was hoping to tap into it. DH was 28 when his DM passed away. His father was not involved in his life, and the rest of his family is distant (emotionally and physically) so he misses her even more than one might expect. Also, six weeks after she died, his best friend was killed in a snowmobile accident.

As he said to me last night, he doesn't know why this year, this number "10," is so significant to him, but it is, and he's really struggling.

Thank you all for being here and being so great! I couldn't wait to get back online!:grouphug:
My best to your husband. "Anniversary grief" is well documented. It happens. Tell him he is not alone in feeling this way. My DH's mother died when he was in his 20s also. He has been missing her even more years than your DH. Years may dull the grief, but you will always miss the person.

Come on the January 10 Eastern with us, we'll cheer him up! What kind of Florida rates are you getting?

Another schizy somewhat-OT post.


Thank you for your kind words. I'll let him know about the "anniversary grief." It will help him to know that it is normal.

I wish we could join in on your cruise, but he has the week of January 4th off from work. FL resident rates don't usually come out until 2 months before the cruise, so we won't know for another month or so what is available. We're thinking that, being right after the holidays, it will be slow, and we're hoping that DCL will offer the FL resident rates. We paid $379/person for our 3-day in July, and have seen $599/person for the 7-day offered several times. Not sure what he has in mind. We had originally planned on booking the 7-day, but then business died down at work, and our income went down with it, so we didn't think we could cruise at all. We consoled ourselves by saying that the 7-day would be more enjoyable when the kids would be old enough for the club. But the past week, he kept hinting about going back on "the Disney boat," as DS calls it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.:goodvibes
My thoughts and prayers are with you DH, I know what he is going through. I just lost my mom 7 weeks ago. :grouphug:
Big hug to your DH and your family. You will find a way to go on that cruise.:boat:
Keep Smiling :D
{{{Hugs}}} and prayers to your DH.

Just having lost my DD in Jan to cancer, I know how difficult this time can be :-(. In August when he would have been 86 was very hard also. Our family decided not to sit around dwelling in our grief. We got Mom and everyone together, went to his resting place, planted a tree and decorated it, said prayers, the grands sang Happy Birthday and we all released balloons. It somehow seem to help to ease our pain and get thru the day. I also believe it helped the grands to understand, his soul journeys on w/o his physical body and he is happy with God and no
longer in pain or suffering. ^i^

Best wishes, I hope your cruise plans work out!
Originally posted by moinab
On a final, unrelated note, I'd just like to request a little strength for DH today. It's the 10th anniversary of his mother's death, at age 49, from ovarian cancer. This is a very difficult day for him.

Thoughts and prayers to you, DH and family on this very difficult day.:hug:
Yesterday was the 8 month mark since my dad passed away....but what I think makes it even worse is that after he left us ... my brothers and sisters took mom to Disney for the first time at age 74

Amazingly she got to walk down Main St. USA with her kids.

132 days after my Dad died ,, Mom had a stroke and died of a broken heart..

But we got her to disney first..

Can't see anymore.

thanks for listening

Originally posted by Born 2 Cruz
Yesterday was the 8 month mark since my dad passed away....but what I think makes it even worse is that after he left us ... my brothers and sisters took mom to Disney for the first time at age 74

Amazingly she got to walk down Main St. USA with her kids.

132 days after my Dad died ,, Mom had a stroke and died of a broken heart..

But we got her to disney first..

Can't see anymore.

thanks for listening


How tragic Dave, so glad you were able to get your mom to Disney with "her kids" before she passed away. Sending good wishes, {{{{{hugs}}}}} and pixie dust your way as well!!!
My thoughts and PD to everyone that has had to go thru a difficult time. DH's dad passed away almost 17 years ago and just last week he found out his mom has 6-8 weeks left with the world. Also, last week I found out that I'm having surgery on my wrist on 11/3. It will be a difficult rest of the year for us.
To everyone a big :grouphug:
I just want to say thank you so much to all of you, for your prayers, pixie dust, and good wishes, but most of all, for sharing. Our burdens are so much lighter when shared with others.

This was a very difficult day, but we've gotten through it, and find comfort knowing that she is free from the pain that plagued her.

4nana, your story is so very touching and inspiring. What a wonderful family you have.

Jackie, 4nana, Dave, and jilljill (hope I didn't miss anyone) my thoughts, prayers, and {{{{{hugs}}}}} for all of you and your families.

I'm always happy to listen and share, anytime.:listen:

God bless you all.:angel:

Hey Maureen~ Prayers, hugs & PD to hubby...

My Dad's been gone almost 2 years, I take his birthday and anniversary off to "spend the day with him". This year, Jacqui couldn't take the day off, so we went to the cemetary with balloons & flowers after she got home from work.. Well, to make a long story short, it was getting dark as we headed down to Bourne (he's buried at the National Cemetary), as we're driving down there, I make the comment "I hope there are street lights in the cemetary so we can see where we''re going!" and my mom says, "Why would they need street lights where they are???" then it dawned on me what I had actually said!!!

Well, anyway back on topic....We're going on the 1/3 cruise, think you can talk hubby into that one?? Hope so, would love to meet you guys!! Maybe we can find Andy's glasses:3dglasses:boat:

I sent the link to the 1/3 cruise thread to DH at work yesterday, and he emailed back "I want to go on this cruise!"

So now, it's a matter of $$$. We'll have to see if FL resident rates are offered, and if we can afford it. Actually, we have the cash in hand right now, but we don't want to go on a spending spree until his job situation is more secure. It sure would be a great family Christmas gift!

I have to admit, I'm a little nervous thinking about a 7-day cruise. DS will be almost 3 1/2 at the time, but isn't even close to potty training yet, so he wouldn't be able to use the club, and DD will be 1 year old on 1/31. She's already a little fireball on wheels. I think if I could check them into the nursery for one night at Palo, I'd be ok. ::yes::

I'll keep you posted!


I have a vision of snorkeling at CC and fighting a myopic fish to get your glasses back.:rotfl:

Our dream is to cruise twice a year. DH and DD have their birhdays in December and January, and I and DS have our birthdays in July and August, so we've talked about doing August and January cruises each year. I know I'm getting ahead of myself, but there's a certain Eastern cruise in August that's calling our name...
there's a certain Eastern cruise in August that's calling our name...

Gee, and I wonder when that might be???
No Andy, you are not alone.
I am back.

Next time I am in public and need a restroom, I'll drop by the men's room!

Actually when I was stationed in Korea, I had a bit of an experience to share with you.

I went to a restaurant ladies room - both the mens and the ladies restroom doors opened to one large bathroom - men and women BOTH used the same room for their functions! It was a bit disconcerning when I walked past my boss at the urinal in order to use the stall......

The outdoor facilties weren't much better - just big holes in the ground and NO wiping paper. You learned fast to carry tissues with you!!!!

But I loved Korea, the people and the culture.

Hey Rae~
I can just imagine if Andy had wandered into one of those restrooms without his glasses!!! :rotfl:


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