You're not GAY... you're NUTZ!

amykissangel said:
I guess my question to the OP and those who agree...why do you care? Why is it SO important to you to tell others how wrong their lifestyle is? Are they killers? Are they molesting children? Are they terrorists?

If you answered, "Some of them are," then I'm here to tell you that the same can be said for straight individuals.

My point is this: If the reason you're telling homosexuals that they are sinners is because you're religious, then stop and think about what God wants you to do. He wants you to love others as He loves us...if you've expressed your opinion and homosexuals haven't magically converted to heterosexuals, then stop it. Just stop it and accept them for who they are. You can still feel superior and feel as though you've done "God's Will," and when YOU get to Heaven, you can tell God that you did your best.

My cousin is Catholic, gay, and believes that God put him here to face the hatred and adversity of those small-minded enough to deny someone their rights based on their sexuality.

A music teacher of mine was married to a man who later told her he was gay. They had two children, and what she thought was a happy life...until he told her that he hated himself for what he had become: a liar. He lied and told her that he was in love with her, and married her. He loved her, but he was gay; he was attracted to another men, had feelings of being "in love" with another men, and they divorced.

Trying to conform to the beliefs that many people here have posted, he ruined his own life, and the lives of his family members by pretending to be something he wasn't.

My friend committed suicide because he was gay, but his family couldn't accept it. He had options: becoming a Preist (who was gay, but could never have sex), or pretending he was something he wasn't his whole life. He chose the latter, and the depression was so bad, he killed himself.

Why, oh why, do you have to spread this hatred? I know, I know. It's not hatred. It's just your opinion. And granted there's nothing to prove that there is a "gay gene." But if my cousin and friend and my teacher's husband tried and tried and tried to conform and change, and they couldn't, is that at ALL getting through to anyone?

So what? Do you want them in an institution somewhere where they can't infect others with their poisonous ideas? I don't understand why you just can't let these people be? How are they bothering you? How is their sex life, home life, love life bothering YOU?

YOU'RE not doing anything "wrong." YOU'RE following God's laws. YOU did the "good" thing and tried to "change" your fellow man. So let it go. You did what you were "supposed" to do. Let these people have some peace. Let them love whomever they choose to love because that's how they feel inside.

If you were told that you couldn't be with your husband or wife, the person you love, or if you were told you couldn't pursue someone you were attracted to, would you be okay with it? Would you sit back and say, "Oh, okay. Some people and a couple verses in the Bible tell me I can't be with my significant other and that my love isn't valid. It's wrong and perverted and disgusting. So I'll just live my life alone without that person to complete me. No prob." Are you KIDDING me? You'd fight tooth and nail to have the rights that you DESERVE.

Feel free to look down on those who deserve it: abusers, molestors, killers, rapists, arsonists, terrorists, etc. etc. etc. They did something that could affect you in a terrible way one day. You could be abused, molested, killed, raped, your house burned down, or your town could be bombed.

What are homosexuals doing to hurt you? To cause you harm? They're not doing ANYTHING to you AT ALL, but you still feel the need to hurt them. I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND. I don't. I can't. My parents, who grew up in a small rural community in da UP (Upper Penninsula, for those of you who weren't fortunate enough to visit :) ), are having a very hard time with my cousin's coming out. My Dad just thinks it's "gross" for two guys to be together. My Mom is having religious issues, the same as many of you are. But they know my cousin. They know he loves Broadway, Bernadette Peters, and Disney. They know he hates red meat and adores sour cream and onion chips. And they know he woudl never do anything to hurt himself or his family. They know he would never choose such a difficult life...why, why would you Choose the pain that comes with being homosexual? Of telling your family, friends, of being afraid you won't be accepted?

And I leave you with my last thought: Let's say new Susie at work comes up to you and says, "Hey, I want to introduce you to my boyfriend." Do you immidietly picture them having sex? Or wonder if they're having pre-marital sex and are committing a sin? Good. Me neither. So if a woman comes up to you and says, "Hey, I want to introduce you to my partner, Lisa," why do you immidietly picture their sex life and see them as different? That's your own problem - if you can't look at a person and not see their sex life (which is what you all seem to have a problem with)? Gross. Have fun with that...I don't want to be introduced to you, that's for sure.

BTW, I really AM sorry this is so long.

amykissangel said:
And I leave you with my last thought: Let's say new Susie at work comes up to you and says, "Hey, I want to introduce you to my boyfriend." Do you immidietly picture them having sex? Or wonder if they're having pre-marital sex and are committing a sin? Good. Me neither. So if a woman comes up to you and says, "Hey, I want to introduce you to my partner, Lisa," why do you immidietly picture their sex life and see them as different? That's your own problem - if you can't look at a person and not see their sex life (which is what you all seem to have a problem with)? Gross. Have fun with that...I don't want to be introduced to you, that's for sure.

amykissangel love the post - especial this last part.
I always thought -Why are these judgemental jerks invited into my bedroom?
How about if I start evaluating what goes on in theirs?
You guys are truly fantastic - it's always nice to hear that people appreciate your opinions :) I'm listening to Fantasmic right now to lift the mood...a little later, I'll switch to my homemade "There's no need to tell everyone I'm a loser because I have a Disney CD with 48 burned pieces of park music on it" cd. The people in my office must be very glad I work downstairs so they can't hear the Disney and Broadway. Oh well. :cool1:
amykissangel said:
I have a Disney CD with 48 burned pieces of park music on it" cd.:cool1:

This sounds great - where does one get such a CD?
Well I can tell you one thing...I did NOT download Kazaa Lite on my computer, because such things are illegal. Then I certainly didn't use the illegal Kazaa Lite to search for "Disney Park Music", and I of course did NOT download everything I found and burn it to a CD. So I really don't know what to tell you... :wave:
There was a blurb in USA Today today (6/29) The military is taking us off of the "disabled" or nuts list.

So all of you who rushed out to get your handicapped pass for your car, you will have to return it now.

Now back to Winmx or Kazza Lite........whichever you prefer!
OrlandoMike said:
There was a blurb in USA Today today (6/29) The military is taking us off of the "disabled" or nuts list.

So all of you who rushed out to get your handicapped pass for your car, you will have to return it now.

Now back to Winmx or Kazza Lite........whichever you prefer!
bummer...I was going to use the insanity plea for my downloading case! :rotfl:
Why am I always so late to the party?? I'm so sick of that unfounded argument that there is no scientific proof that homosexuality is determined by genetics. There IS a genetic determinant, it just hasn't been clarified to the point of incontrovertibility. I give you one such study:

Hum Genet. 2006 Feb;118(6):691-4. Epub 2005 Dec 21.

This is a HIGHLY reputable, peer-reviewed journal that has a massive reader base. Strong evidence points to a genetic component in sexual orientation.

And to those that say that there is no PROOF, genetic proof is a tricky wicket. Even the widely accepted tests for ovarian cancer are not 100%, they just indicate an inclination. There are very few proofs available in medicine or science, just really educated guesses.

As a Catholic, I get furious when people use the Bible as an excuse to condemn homosexuality. They hunt and hunt to find a reference to validate their position and latch on to the few writings in the allegorical Old Testament and the highly subjective letters that Paul wrote when asked for advice. Paul's letters? Not the word of God, folks. The word of one man, and not even a very tolerant one, at that.
I can't wait for 10, 20 years down the road when people who think that homosexuality is the product of one's upbringing and environment have a rude awakening when their own child comes out of the closet to them.

So, basically, my parents made me gay? They would LOVE to hear that!

I don't understand how people who proclaim to be straight and that being gay is a choice know anything about it. If they aren't gay, then how do they know anything about my sexual orientation or how it came about? I mean, other than to make assumptions that something must have occurred to cause me to make a "lifestyle choice".

Oh, how I cringe at that phrase - "lifestyle choice". Yuck.
MickeyDee said:
Oh, how I cringe at that phrase - "lifestyle choice". Yuck.
I second that wholeheartedly. Buying an Ipod or a MobiBlu... that's a lifestyle choice. Whether to swallow my dignity and wear Crocs is a lifestyle choice.

Who I love... that goes soul-deep. There's nothing that says more about a person than who they love. There's no more essential component to a person's psyche. What could possibly mean more?

Lifestyle choice. Pfaugh.
You know it will never cease to amaze me how many Christans get this wrong and use it as an argument against homosexuality.

1.) God didn't send the Angels in because same gendered couples were having sex, he sent the Angels in because they had reached a level of depravity unparalleled before. Tons of rapes, beastality, and promiscuity beyond imagination...
2.) He didn't destroy Sodam and Ghomoara even then, because of that depravity. He did it because when he sent his Angels down - the dumb puddings Starte Raping Angels ....

3.) Don't wave your Bible and scriptures at me as though it has to be holy writ, the beginning and end to be followed to the letter well: Well, President Bartlet (West Wing Said it so much better then I ever could - to someone just like you.)

BARTLET: I like your show. I like how you call homosexuality an “abomination!”

JACOBS: I don’t say homosexuality is an abomination, Mr. President. The Bible does.

BARTLET: Yes it does. Leviticus!

JACOBS: 18:22.

BARTLET: Chapter and verse. I wanted to ask you a couple of questions while I had you here. I wanted to sell my youngest daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. She’s a Georgetown Sophomore, speaks fluent Italian, always cleared the table when it was her turn. What would a good price for her be?

(Bartlet only waits a second for a response, then plunges on.)

BARTLET: While thinking about that, can I ask another? My chief of staff, Leo McGary, insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly says he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself? Or is it okay to call the police?

(Bartlet barely pauses to take a breath.)

BARTLET: Here’s one that’s really important, because we’ve got a lot of sports fans in this town. Touching the skin of a dead pig makes one unclean. Leviticus 11:7. If they promise to wear gloves, can the Washington Redskins still play football? Can Notre Dame? Can West Point? Does the whole town really have to be together to stone my brother John for planting different crops side by side? Can I burn my mother in a small family gathering for wearing garments made from two different threads? Think about those questions, would you?

And YES, there are scriptures that pertain to homosexuality being a sin. If not then I guess God would have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorah. And it is not because I do not know them, but because I do not want to be majorly drawn into a conversation where I will be ganged up on and called a biggot and the like because of my convictions. That is what is so hurtful in these situations. It seems in my experiences, that I try to understand homosexuals, listen and love them no matter what. However, sadly, mostly what I recieve back is name calling and disrespectful comments. So I'd rather not.
Just a thought.
I would be willing to admit that nothing conclusive has been found yet, but that's as far as it goes. You see, just because something hasn't been found by science yet, doesn't mean it wont be. Even hundreds of years later we know almost nothing about the genetic coding of a human being. I mean we know a lot, but compared to what there is to know - we have so far to go. We can't even figure out definitivly exactly what every single section of the human brain does... (Unless of course my biology teacher needs to be fired).

We constantly discover new information about the body, the mind and our DNA/Genes - given that, just because we haven't found it yet - doesn't mean we wont.

discernment said:
I think the first hurdle that we would have to overcome to engage in the type of discourse you are describing is to come to an understanding about the whole choice vs inborn nature of homosexuality. We would need to agree up front that their is no conclusive medical or scienitific evidence that would support that their is a "gay" gene. Now you may point to several studies that take a leap into the "gay" gene area but have many gaps in them.
I kid. You know I kid. They look good on you, really.


:scared1: :eek: Ohmygod, this thread is back! :scared1: :eek:

We're gonna need a pointy wooden stake, some garlic, some crosses, and an enormous wedge of cheese. Let's make sure it doesn't rise again, all right?
MrVisible said:
I kid. You know I kid. They look good on you, really.


:scared1: :eek: Ohmygod, this thread is back! :scared1: :eek:

We're gonna need a pointy wooden stake, some garlic, some crosses, and an enormous wedge of cheese. Let's make sure it doesn't rise again, all right?

I have always adored all things VAMPIRE and, as a religious professional, I AM big on resurrections!!!
MrVisible said:
:scared1: :eek: Ohmygod, this thread is back! :scared1: :eek:

We're gonna need a pointy wooden stake, some garlic, some crosses, and an enormous wedge of cheese. Let's make sure it doesn't rise again, all right?

Don't look at me - I'm not the one who summoned it up!
It just won't Die!
It's alive!
scuttled down to the laboratory, racked in the 15KV switch, and got the tesla coils snappin' and cracklin' in the first place?!?!? :rotfl2: hmmmm?


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