Z's Accountability Journal (Comments Welcome)


Eating Goals
1. Ate within my points range
but could have done without
the buttermilk biscuit
the 6 nilla wafers

2. Had 12 fruits and veggies (11 were fresh) :banana:
watermelon 4c
salad at chic-fil-a (counts as two)
medium fruit cup (counts as one)
romaine lettuce 2c
watermelon 2c
orange juice 1c
3. Had all 10 waters
4. Had no fried foods

Exercising Goals
1. Helped my oldest brother pack lots of things. He is moving away this weekend for medical school. We worked for about 3 hrs. I counted this as xtraining. :flower:
2. Stayed up and active most of the day, either helping my brother pack or running errands for him. :Pinkbounc

Bible Study Goals
1. Did sunday school bible study for this day. :teeth:
Oh yeah,

Thanks for the encouragement ladies(Jane E, Kathy, Chris, and Lillygator)! It is always appreciated! :grouphug:
:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

My sister (that's pregnant) just called about an hour ago to tell me that we are no longer going on our trip to DW the week of August 22. It has to do with some general health issues along with her pregnancy. I, of course, support her decision b/c I don't want her or the baby to suffer in any way. I also do not blame her. However, it is very sad! I was okay at first. Then I started thinking about all the things we aren't going to get to do anymore. We won't get to eat at all the places we made PS for (Le Cellier, San Angel Inn, the alfredo one, Kona Cafe) :sad: . We won't get to watch fireworks :sad: . I was gonna get her one of the Guest of Honor badges for her bday and give it to her while we were there , but I guess that would not be very important anymore :sad: . I was planning on having a planned cheat week where I could eat whatever I wanted while we were there (we got the free dining plan) :sad: . We had already planned where we would go each day, the things we would do :sad: . All these things combined really started to stress me. First I had an bad urge to eat everything. Then I thought, maybe if I buy some clothes I'll feel better. That plan quickly dimished when I realized I didn't have the money to spend on that right now. I headed to the kitchen and I ate a breadstick leftover from lunch today. I went for a second breadstick and quickly put it back realizing what I was doing. I called one of my friends to see if she wanted to go on a bike ride with me to blow off some steam but she was out of town. :confused3 I was thinking about eating again, when I thought of the DIS. That's why I am here talking about this. I am just sad that it worked out like this. I was so looking forward to this trip.

:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
Sorry to here your WDW trip was cancelled. you did a great job of coming here instead of eating everything in site. Keep up the good work. here is a :grouphug: to make you feel better.
Oh I'm so sorry that you aren't going to be able to go on your trip. And I agree - you did the right thing coming here and not eating!!!!!

:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

so sorry to hear about your trip, but you did an excellent job last night! Hope today you are feeling a little better and good luck to your sis with her pregnancy!
In a strange turn of events, the DW trip at the beginning of August has also been cancelled. I am really starting to think a whole lot more seriously about going in October. I hope it will work out where I can go then. :confused3


Eating Goals
1. Did not eat within my points range
b/c I did some stress eating
I was doing okay until
the 2nd breadstick of the day from pizza hut
the 3rd peice of pizza for the day

2. Had 12 servings fresh fruits and veggies
watermelon 6c
romaine 2c
watermelon 4c
3. Had only 6 glasses of water
4. Had no fried foods

Exercising Goals
1. It was a rest day
2. Stayed up and active most of the day cleaning and running errands

Bible Study Goals
1. Did sunday school bible study for this day. :teeth:
Hope you will be able to go in October - sorry you had a bad day and hope you can get back on track tomorrow!!!! Hang in there!

Keep on :banana: :banana:

Eating Goals
1. Ate within my points range
but could have done without
the graham cracker
the coconut brownie
1/2 pack ramen noodles

2. Had 8 fresh fruits and veggies :banana:
watermelon 4c
sauteed onions and bell peppers 1c
watermelon 2c
3. Only had about 7 waters
4. Had no fried foods

Exercising Goals
1. Did 3 miles. Finished in 43 minutes 56 seconds. A pace a little under 14.75 minutes per mile. :teeth: :maleficen :teeth:
:banana: :banana: :cheer2: :banana: :banana:
Great stress caused this PR pirate:
2. Stayed up and active most of the day.

Bible Study Goals
1. Did sunday school bible study for this day :teeth:

Eating Goals
1. Ate within my points range
but could have done without
buttermilk biscuit
2 bites coconut brownie
1/2 pck crisy m&m's :love:

2. Had 7 fruits and veggies
romaine lettuce 2.5 c
watermelon 2.5 c
3. Had all 10 waters
4. Had no fried foods

Exercising Goals
1. I was supposed to help my brother move some things, but that got cancelled. I did a lot of walking around and cleaning, so I counted that as xtraining.
2. Stayed up and active most of the day.

Bible Study Goals
1. Did sunday school bible study for this day. :p

Eating Goals
1. Ate within my points range
but could have done without
galactic pop - big rocket shaped popsicle
small spicy rice from churchs (but at least I didn't eat any fried tenders :banana: )

2. Had 8 fruits and veggies, 6 were fresh
orange juice
caesar salad 3c
veggie burger patty lettuce and tomato on burger
corn on the cob (counts as two)
3. Had 12 waters :earseek:
4. Had no fried foods

Exercising Goals
1. Moved a lot of furniture and other miscellaneous things to help my brother move away. Total we probably spent about 4 hours actually loading and unloading things. If I woudn't have done this I would have done 5 miles on the TM.
2. Did not stay up and active most of the day. I was riding 5 hours to Tuscaloosa to help him unload and then rode 4 hours back to my house after we unloaded. I did a lot of butt sitting. :guilty:

Bible Study Goals
1. Did bible study for this day. :wave2:

Eating Goals
1. Ate within my points range
but could have done without
Tall Caramel Macchiato (nonfat)
Full Fat Ranch on my salad at lunch

2. Had 11 fresh fruits and veggies :teeth:
watermelon 4c
salad with lettuce tomato onions 3c
watermelon 4c
3. Had all 10 waters
4. Had no fried foods

Exercising Goals
1. Today was kind of a rest day
I took my little bro's to the zoo. We didn't do a whole lot of walking b/c it rained a lot of the time. I was very proud of myself the way I handled lunch at the zoo. The only things that were on the menu were hamburger, hot dog, corn dog, Lance crackers, chips and sodas. After I ordered the kid's meals for the boys, I politely asked the lady behind the counter if she could just throw me some of the lettuce they put on the burgers in a bowl and charge me like 4 dollars for it. She asked around and they were more that happy to accomodate me. They even asked if I wanted tomatoes, onions, or pickles on it. They had it heaped on a plate and asked if I was gonna eat it plain b/c if I didn't want to she said there was some ranch in the refridgerator in the back (I'm guessing the employee refridgerator). So nice! I like it when people help me! :grouphug:
2. Did not stay up and active most of the day. Drove a ways to and from the zoo.

Bible Study
1. Did bible study for this day. :smooth:
Your condolences were greatly appreciated regarding the cancellation of the DW trip (kathy, chris, lajones81, lillygator) :grouphug:

So.....both my trips in August have been cancelled. The October trip.....cancelled. Now I guess I can focus all my energy on the half marathon trip to DW in January :cheer2: . It seems like I've got a lot of time before it gets here, but looking at the calendar it's a little more real feeling. It will be here before I know it. Its kinda scary. :earseek:
Sorry to hear about your cancelled trips. You're doing great by focusing on your 1/2 marathon at Disney in January. By the time you get there you're going to be in amazing shape. Keep us updated on your training schedule. :flower:

Eating Goals
1. Ate within my points range :maleficen
but could have done without
4 hershey's kisses
rasberry filled donut
1/2 of a chocolate covered donut
1.5 pcs spice cake

******TOM really did a number on me********** :guilty:
2. Had 7 fresh fruits and veggies
grapes 2c
watermelon 3c
grapes 1c
3. Had all 10 waters
4. Had the donuts which are fried :confused3

Exercising Goals
1. Even though I had a bad eating day, I had a great exercise day. I did 3 miles in 43 minutes and 6 seconds. I had another PR! :cheer2: That's a pace of almost 14.3 minutes per mile.
2. Stayed up and active most of the day doing...............something, I didn't write it down but I know I was up all day.

Bible Study Goals
1. Did bible study for this day. :wave:

1. Ate within my points range
but could have done without
2 squares of a hersheys bar
2. Had 8 fruits and veggies (7 were fresh)
salad 2c
carrots strips 1c
baby carrots 1c
veggies in chicken sante fe smartones meal
3. Had all 10 waters
4. Ate no fried foods

Exercising Goals
1. Went shopping for a nice outfit to wear to church on Wednesday (I was meeting up with some people I haven' seen since January :earseek: ). I was hard at shopping from 10AM to 5PM (trying on clothes, powerwalking, etc.). I counted this time as xtraining. My pregnant sis came with me and she was right. She does get crabby :rotfl2: when she does a lot of walking. I'm kinda glad we are not going to DW if she was gonna be crabby the whole time. :teeth:
2. Stayed up and active most of the day powershopping. :maleficen

Bible Study Goals
1. Did bible study for this day. :crazy:

1. Ate within my points range
but could have done without
red velvet bingle (twinkie thingy :love: )
Tall Caramel Machiatto made with nonfat milk (with extra caramel :sad2: )

2. Had 9 fresh fruits and veggies :cheer2:
baby carrots 1c
romaine lettuce 4c
strawberries 2c
other salad 2c
3. Had only 6 waters :guilty:
4. Had no fried foods

Exercising Goals
1. I treated this day as a rest day.
2. I didn't stay up and active most of the day (unless you count grooming processes as being up and active :rotfl2: )

Bible Study Goals
1. Did bible study for this day. :wave2:
Hi, Z! :flower:

Just catching up on your journal. Boy, am I way behind on journals. Sorry to hear about the WDW trips getting cancelled, but it is all understandable and you are right, training for January can take center stage as it will be here soon.

I am sure you will miss your brother, but everyone has to strike out on their own sooner or later. My DD18 goes to school next week. :sad:

Great job on handling the food at the zoo. I will have to remember that when I am stuck on food choices. Bet you had fun trying on clothes and finding some great fits. I must admit that clothes shopping is getting to be alot more fun.

Have a great day and keep up the good work. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
You are doing really well Z!!!! Good job at using the mall time to powerwalk and get some good walking in while doing something fun!! Hope you found an outfit you liked.

Keep on :banana: :banana:


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