Wk of Jan 14--WISH Walking/Running Club


I haven't seen you since Sept! (probably because I can only hang onto the main thread for a few posts before they leave me in their dust! :lmao: )

I've been thinking of ya! Did I read that right? Are you going Goofy in 2008? I hope so, it would be great to see you again. :goodvibes

CAM!!! I was telling DH about your fall and still finishing. We totally agree with everyone else here. Many would have sat on the side after the fall and I have to wonder if I wouldn't have been one of them. That you went on and finished is amazing and inspiring. You ROCK! :cheer2: 26.2 is still 26.2! Doesn't matter how you look at it. The miles still add up to the same. :goodvibes

I can't believe I've only been back to work 1 week, it seems like instead of a week that it's been a month since we flew home (we flew home last Thursday). This week back has been unbelieveably stressful. Next should be better but still crazy. I told my boss that I hope the reason I'm stressed won't be around next January LOL He said no, it would be gone around May but then we'd need more work LMBO to which I replied he best go back to his office and get to work :lmao: I'm just begging to be canned! LOL

Hope everyone else is having a good training week and staying healthy. Keep those colds at bay!
Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb:

I'm fueling up/waking up for my first Saturday LR since the Marathon. I'm not actually going really long - about 4-5 miles since I'm still in "reverse taper" mode. We'll see how it feels. It will be my first run on the roads since the marathon (I've been on the treadmill, swogging, and yoga for the past 2 weeks).
New WISH Team members. If you read one thing over and over, believe this. Being part of this team is fantastic. Part of the ride you get for the event is what I call the roller coaster. There will be lots of ups and downs. The more you post here, the more you will find yourself enjoying the ride more. It is an incredible journey. Don't be afraid, shy or whatever to come here and just post up anything. You don't have to know us right away, or all of us at all. You will get to know some of us. It makes the event you are enjoying have MORE meaning and we love to have you.
Lily - and anyone reading. This is sooooo true. Being a part of this team made the marathon so much more special to me. I had a group to share my experience with. Now I can't imagine running a big event without my team mates.

DianeL- I love the name of your new Pal Mickey "Miles". Did he cover the distance with you at the half? How'd he like it? Do you have any pictures of you with running the half with your Pal Mickey? We never ended up getting one of the HCOE editions of the Pal Mickey, but my DDs still enjoyed their original Pal Mickeys and they went with them everywhere around the park.
'Bout to get ready for my 13.1 this am--will check in later to let ya'll know how it goes. I get to try out my new Hind long sleeve wintergear today! :cool1:
Kathy -- sending pixiedust: for your shins! As for training for Minnie, I think last year I looked at the 1/2 marathon plan, cut it off at the week where I was supposed to go 9, and then worked backwards from there to figure out when to start training and how much to do. That way I was following a structured plan but wasn't doing as much as I would for the 1/2 marathon. I'd bet someone here has some better advice than that and hopefully, they'll chime in.

Helen – You are so sweet! I miss you! It will be so great to have you there in person for 2008 race weekend! :love: And I have absolute faith in your ability to stay on WW for the next 48 days! Come join us on the “weight loss while training thread”. The support there is fabulous and unflagging!

Maggie -- A lot of people here have had hip and hamstring issues and there was a period of several weeks last year where I literally couldn't lift my right leg and had to use my hands to lift my leg, kind of like Krista said Stephen was going through. I know there are experts who can tell you precisely how to stretch it, but I do a few things on an ongoing basis that have helped. I sent you a PM so as not to bore everyone with the details. I hope it helps.

Diane – I swear. If I’d wanted to finish and been unable to stay on my feet, I am convinced Rhonda would have found a way to carry me. I don’t remember much, but I remember her pulling on my arm to get us ahead of the sweepers and saying: “yes, Cam, you CAN do this!” Talk about faith! Hopefully, everyone here knows that with WISHers on the course, there will be teammates to support them when their spirits are low or determination is flagging. And just knowing Lily was doing the Goofy that day with a very painful knee and that Sunny was out there after all she’d been through this year – amazing & inspiring! Anyway, I hope work calms down for you soon, though not so much that you have nothing to do! I don’t remember --was Miles with you at the finish of the 1/2?

Jackie -- Congratulations on doing stretching and strength training in the mornings! :thumbsup2 That takes a lot of discipline. :cheer2: Let us know what you think of MfM!

Stephanie – Sending you pixiedust: today and hoping you are having a wonderful 13.1!! :goodvibes: Isn't new running gear FUN!?

Hey, Dave! How are you loving your reverse taper? ;) I hope you had great weather today for your LR. BTW, your pictures I sent you have been bounced back 3x. I am going to try again today.

I did 40 minutes on the TM this morning, including warm up for total of 2.9 miles (13:48 overall pace). I LOVE running to music. There isn’t much more motivation than “I Run for Life” or “Mountains” or the theme from “Rocky”!

Next up on my event calendar is a 5K on 3/3 and one on 3/17. The one on 3/3 is the first 5K course I ever did (3/05) and my finish was 10/10 in my age group, finish time 54:52 (pace 17:42). The one I am doing on the 17th is one I did in 3/05 and 3/06 with finish times, respectively of 51:43 and 43:33. The 43:33 in March '06 still stands as my PR for a 5K and I was 12/21 in my age class -- my goal is to PR it this time on the time/pace. Knowing the course should really help, as long as the weather isn't too bad. I have 8 weeks to get ready for it.
Maggie and everyone - DH found a website last night that looks interesting. I haven't had a chance to really check it out, but I bookmarked the site and at least wanted to tell everyone here - www.sportsinjuryclinic.net - may have something that would help you!

I did 40 mins on the TM this morning - had planned to run outside, but went out to walk the dog and decided between the cold and the wind I'd be happier inside. Instead of music though, Cam, I played the recorded show "Modern Marvels - Behind the Scenes at the Magic Kingdom" and pretended I was running at WDW!

Hey, Dave! How are you loving your reverse taper? ;) I hope you had great weather today for your LR. BTW, your pictures I sent you have been bounced back 3x. I am going to try again today.
That's weird. I'll PM you a different e-mail address, my "work" address. Reverse taper is OK. Actually better than the real taper where I kept getting sick. I had a nice run today. Kind of cold, snowy and blustery, but I did 4.2 miles in 42:30 min. I couldn't believe my pace. I couldn't see my Garmin while running because it was covered up with my coat. I couldn't believe I knocked out 10 min miles. Felt pretty good.
Okay, I had the most AWESOME run today!:cool1: I've found out the my "perfect" marathon conditions are upper 30s, no winds, and a little drizzle! We finished the 13.1 in 1:59:43:banana: Talk about a PR!!!

Now for the part where I bore you with the splits (keeps me honest!;) )
Mile 1: 9:08
Mile 2: 8:52
Mile 3: 9:07
Mile 4: 9:11
Mile 5: 9:12
Mile 6: 9:27
Mile 7: 9:18
Mile 8: 9:19
Mile 9: 9:14
Mile 10: 9:12
Mile 11: 9:02
Mile 12: 8:58 WTH!! We're flying!
Mile 13: 8:48 WooHoo!!!!:woohoo:
Last 0.1: 0:48

I was definitely thinking of my WISH buddies this morning. My running buddy showed up in a lime green jacket and i was green with envy!!!:rolleyes1 Now to go find one for myself!!!

I also LOVE to run to music!!! can't live without the iPod--I got the shuffle for my anniversary and it's great--so small I can clip it to my tights or the Amphipod and never know it's there! My fav running song--kinda corny--but Ricky Martin's "The Cup of Life" from the World Cup--I love the part where it goes "Do you really want it??" Really pumps me up!!! Okay, need to go cold soak and then shower--oh and put in my WISH shirt order!! Good luck to all those with LRs this weekend!!! You guys are the best!!!:thumbsup2
Miles did not make the race. I harnessed him up to my water belt the night before the race and decided with the temps and his weight he wasn't going to make the race. I'm glad I made that decision, I had a queasy stomach from the time we had bagels in staging till way after finishing. Upon finishing my water belt came off and when I spotted Mom I gave her mine, Susan had given her's to Mom i think in the MK!

We train with the belts but it sounds like it was annoying Susan that day and my stomach didn't want anything tight for any longer than needed.

I might think of taking him on the Minnie (still my goal) but he won't be doing the Full in January ;) LOL

Oh and I realized something else when I had him on my belt the night before the half.... I never had water on my belt when I had him on it LOL I use the belt but there are many days that if we are only doing 6 Miles we just carry a bottle or I use a bottle lanyard. :rolleyes1 How silly of me!

Cam: your right about the inspiration of knowing your team mates did it and worked thru their pains/issues. it does help. Susan had a ton of issues in Jan'06. While feeling sick on the course this year I thought of how she managed it last year and finished. Now knowing what you, Lily and Sunny fought thru I'll be keeping that in mind knowing that you all did it to push on. :goodvibes Rhonda is quite amazing! It definitely helps having that smiling supportive face, for me it was the WISH scream team. In Sept it was Anne and Paul. The positiveness of the team does pull you thru.

Stephanie: EXCELLENT JOB! Woohoo! I don't think it's corny at all, I swear I had copied that song onto my computer for iPod and must have listened to it without having the computer copy it. I've been meaning to go back and do that. I just saw the Shuffle over Marathon weekend, had seen it online but that thing is perfect! I'm thinking of getting one myself now since it clips so nicely to a hat. Just perfect! Great job on the time today!!!!

Dave: Susan was the one to name him Miles :) My fave still is my Original too (the one in the DL photo). Did your girls get any of the outfits for their Pal? I was wondering where you were over the weekend. Wish I had been able to spot you and say Hi. But there is Jan'08 and I plan on making more of the WISH meets. :)
Stephanie -- AWESOME RUN!!!! :banana: :thumbsup2 :cheer2: You must be just glowing with pride!!! And those conditions don't sound all that favorable, but I am thrilled that they worked for you. :hug:

Dave -- I re-sent the pix. Let me know if they made it this time.

If anyone else here saw pix on my various threads that they want in high-resolution, please let me know. I'll be glad to email them.

BTW -- a HUGE thank you to Carrie (wtpclc) and Judy (honeibee) for some really amazingly generous things they did for the marathon weekend.

Carrie bought and shipped to me at our resort the lime green clappers that you see in so many of the pictures. She knew she wouldn't make it to Friday's WISH meet at POP and wanted everyone to have them for Saturday a.m. Isn't that sweet and generous? Thank you, Carrie! I know they saved my hands on Saturday clapping for WISHers!

And Judy had the WISH name tags printed and bought the pin name tags that you see in the POP pictures. What a darling! They were great!! And when she left on Sunday, she left them at the front desk of my resort so that I could hand them out to any WISHers who didn't get them Friday night. What a sweetheart! Thank you, Judy!
PLEASE read ultramickeymouse/Robert's story on the boards, if you have not already! He will be getting a phone call from the RD of WDW races on Monday to discuss concerns about the conditions of the course. He wants your input!!!!
Phew! I finally made it to the end of the 24 pages of posts. I thought I would never catch up!

Cam- I had a similar experience during my first WDW 1/2 marathon in 2005, although I did not fall during the race. The course for the half that year was the same as the full this year except the finish line was in the MK parking lot in front of the Poly. I missed the sweepers in front of the MK by about 5 minutes. I did not get to go down Main Street. We were detoured through the back way into Tomorrowland. I was so disappointed that I did not get to run down Main Street. I crossed the finish line 3 minutes after they turned off the mats. I got my Donald medal, but I did not have an official finish time, and I did not get a certificate. I did, however, get to stare at DH's finisher's certificate from the marathon all year! Although I was very proud that I completed a 1/2 marathon, I felt empty and diminished in some way. What did I do? I registered for the 1/2 again for 2006 and trained hard. In 2006, I got to run down Main Street (of course this time it was earlier in the race), finished 20 minutes before they cutoff the mats, and got that finisher's certificate. And, as you know, in 2007, I did the full. My heart goes out to you Cam. :hug: I know that you feel like you have a small empty place in your heart right now without experiencing Main Street and having an "official" finish time, but I think that 15th anniversary medal you will earn in 2008 will fill that place quite nicely.

Sunny- You are in my prayers that your back will feel better and all health issues will be resolved. :wizard:

As to Minnie training, I am going to start training 10 weeks out and follow the first 10 weeks of the MFM run a half-marathon plan.

I did 2 miles outside last night. I managed to run 1 1/2 miles of that, which is great for me. Of that, I was able to run 3/4 of a mile straight without stopping. I was slow, but I was running and it felt good. I have begun my journey, like Cam, to run most of the Minnie in May. My goal is to work up to one mile of running straight without stopping. Maybe that will be my LR tomorrow. ;)

And for a "Yay Me" moment, I have lost 5 pounds on WW since I got back from the marathon. I am in control, in training, and back on track. It feels fantastic. :love:

Still moving along!

I just did my first Week #4 of Couch to 5K. Looking forward to next week, I am a little nervous.....but I will not quit!!
Still moving along!

I just did my first Week #4 of Couch to 5K. Looking forward to next week, I am a little nervous.....but I will not quit!!

Congratulations! I just started my first Week #2 of Couch to 5K, which I'm really enjoying. I look forward to reading about your progress!

And for everyone: Right now I tend to read more of this thread than I post, but I want you to know your stories and progress are keeping me motivated!
I did 2 miles outside last night. I managed to run 1 1/2 miles of that, which is great for me. Of that, I was able to run 3/4 of a mile straight without stopping. I was slow, but I was running and it felt good. I have begun my journey, like Cam, to run most of the Minnie in May. My goal is to work up to one mile of running straight without stopping. Maybe that will be my LR tomorrow. ;)

And for a "Yay Me" moment, I have lost 5 pounds on WW since I got back from the marathon. I am in control, in training, and back on track. It feels fantastic. :love:

Congrats on the 5 Pounds!!!

I am hoping to run most of the Minnie, also. I have now walked 3 Disney events, and there is nothing wrong with that, but it is time to get moving a little bit faster!!
]Maggie -- A lot of people here have had hip and hamstring issues and there was a period of several weeks last year where I literally couldn't lift my right leg and had to use my hands to lift my leg, kind of like Krista said Stephen was going through. I know there are experts who can tell you precisely how to stretch it, but I do a few things on an ongoing basis that have helped. I sent you a PM so as not to bore everyone with the details. I hope it helps.

Thank you Cam.

Maggie and everyone - DH found a website last night that looks interesting. I haven't had a chance to really check it out, but I bookmarked the site and at least wanted to tell everyone here - www.sportsinjuryclinic.net - may have something that would help you!

Jackie - Thanks for the site, I will check it out.

I had a nice run today. Kind of cold, snowy and blustery, but I did 4.2 miles in 42:30 min. I couldn't believe my pace. I couldn't see my Garmin while running because it was covered up with my coat. I couldn't believe I knocked out 10 min miles. Felt pretty good.

Dave, I have been meaning to tell you that it is obvious how your hard work and determination has paid off. You accomplished alot in the last year.

And for everyone: Right now I tend to read more of this thread than I post, but I want you to know your stories and progress are keeping me motivated!


Today I did 3 miles at the track. Felt great. I focused on my posture and technique and ended up less than a 15.4min/mile. I am VERY happy with that. Hip/ham felt better than it has. Yeah.

Tomorrow will be a rest day. No babysitter available and dh will be at the Bears game. Have a great weekend.
New WISH Team members. If you read one thing over and over, believe this. Being part of this team is fantastic. Part of the ride you get for the event is what I call the roller coaster. There will be lots of ups and downs. The more you post here, the more you will find yourself enjoying the ride more. It is an incredible journey. Don't be afraid, shy or whatever to come here and just post up anything. You don't have to know us right away, or all of us at all. You will get to know some of us. It makes the event you are enjoying have MORE meaning and we love to have you.

Okay, this one wins and will get me to start posting and watching this thread. I

spend a lot.....a lot of time on the DCL thread. I'm part of the Blabbermouth group that has 54,000 posts. We are a group of cruisers that have been cruising, meeting, traveling, diving together over several years.

I've learned from that thread how much more fun it is to have a group of DISers with you. Since my son is only running the half with me in 2008, I'll need some Wishers to join with on the full for 2008.
I never ever have anything to say, but read the posts alllll the time.

OK - I put in 3 miles this morning wogging - I'm on the five minute walk, one minute job plan still. But I think I will be ready for the Minnie 5K with no problems.

Trying to put in 4.5 miles tomorrow.
Hey Team - Well, it seems that yesterday I came down with the dreaded stomach bug that everyone I know has gotten. I got so sick last night. The good thing is that I am feeling better now. I feel drained, but at least I can eat. The funny thing is that up to the marathon, I did everything to not get sick, and I didn't. Now I get sick. But I have also been traveling, so I very well could have picked it up from the hundreds of people that coughed on me at the airports I went through.

So, my dreams of getting back on track today went out the window. I hope to get on the treadmill tomorrow. FOr inspiration I wore my 1/2 marathon shirt to my girls swim class this morning. Even tho I felt rotten, I was still able to beam in my shirt! I got the looks too! It was awesome. Then I came home and napped!

HEATHER - BIG HOORAH for you!! I lost 2 pounds so far. It is an AWESOME feeling.

CAM - Thanks for the pics. All were received and I was beaming again to see me running!!

STEPHANIE - AWESOME run. You are fast!!!!! Congrats.

OK, gotta get dinner started. DH had a dinner thingy to go to, so the girls and I are making homemade mini pizzas and watching disney channel in our PJ's tonight.
Hi Everyone!

Wow we have been chatty this week!

Heres the thing: I came with in one button push of registering for the Goofy Challenge today.

My running buddy "claims" she already registered. I told her I would run it if she did - so now I have to follow through.
A challenge like this will definately keep me training all year. I will have a years more "base" under my belt when the serious training starts which is a year more than I had when I started training for this years marathon.

Yikes! I am scared. The Full was HARD this year! Of course, if I run the Goofy, I am NOT going to worry about time!
It was hard being at Disney without my family. It was hard not having dh at the finish. And since he is a CPA, there is no way he can take time off in early January. So if I run it, I will be pretty much solo again. Thats my biggest hang up. My Team was great, but most of them brought family with them so I ended up feeling like a third wheel most of the time.

I guess I need to decide FAST since the race is filling up.

Hi Everyone!

Wow we have been chatty this week!

Heres the thing: I came with in one button push of registering for the Goofy Challenge today.

My running buddy "claims" she already registered. I told her I would run it if she did - so now I have to follow through.
A challenge like this will definately keep me training all year. I will have a years more "base" under my belt when the serious training starts which is a year more than I had when I started training for this years marathon.

Yikes! I am scared. The Full was HARD this year! Of course, if I run the Goofy, I am NOT going to worry about time!
It was hard being at Disney without my family. It was hard not having dh at the finish. And since he is a CPA, there is no way he can take time off in early January. So if I run it, I will be pretty much solo again. Thats my biggest hang up. My Team was great, but most of them brought family with them so I ended up feeling like a third wheel most of the time.

I guess I need to decide FAST since the race is filling up.


Go for it. It sounds like you are trying to talk yourself out of it.

Talk yourself into it and have fun!!


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