Wk of Feb 18--WISH Walking/Running Club

Sunny - I had no idea about the 1% on the TM. Learn something new every day!

Kristi - Ooh, have fun at your crop! I was supposed to go to a crop tomorrow night, but the friend I was supposed to go with is sick, so we ended up cancelling. :sad1:

I'm glad we're not the only pet owners who let our cats sleep with us. We've got three cats, two of which are very plump. And all three of them plus DH like to cuddle up with me, and we only have a queen bed. So I'm always waking up, completely unable to move. Good thing they're all so lovable! :love:
Off we go to the Big Easy! Here's WISHin for a good race on Sunday, and perhaps some luck at Harrahs casino downtown or at Biloxi on the way back as well... I know DW will be scarfin down all the crabs legs at the buffet. ;)
Good morning everyone.

Leana - Great run! Be careful on that ice. Did you do a little "stick the landing" gymnast pose when you got up? You never know who may be watching.

Mel - I do the hospital gig. I've dabbled in retail and did a number of years as director. I think of Sunny every 15 minutes as every Tom, Dick, and Harry is put on Levaquin. Sorry Sunny, your extreme opposition to that drug is definetely in the minority in this arena.

Maggie - I hope your elbow feels better soon. At least you don't need your elbows for training as much as Kristi does at the rollerderby ;) .

Sunny - I'm just waiting to see how you get the negative incline on the TM to simulate the downhills. By the time your done running your going to be a a higher elevation than Monte. Great job on the run BTW.

Jim - Weren't you just asking about taking some time off? Running a couple races the week after a marathon doesn't fit into that from what I can tell. Good luck and have fun.

Matt - Good luck this weekend , both at the race and at the tables. Put a buck on black 28 for me. I'll collect from you in January.

Hey Vic - Where ya been? You're not laying low after DEI's performance last weekend, are you?

I did a 30 min XT on the TM last night.

Just a quick question for those of us that a primarily walkers: I'm following a Hal Higdon plan that really fits well for me right now. He considers walking to be cross-training if you mainly run. That works fine for me and I feel it in slightly different muscle groups.

To be honest though, I'm a little afraid of insulting someone by saying that I XT by walking. So please, don't hate me. I understand and am supportive of everyone. It's Hal's fault!

Have a good weekend.
I got my crocs on right now...but then again I'm at work. They are Hawkeye crocs...pretty good thing since I work at the University of Iowa's Hospital....but they are sooo comfortable and they don't get stinky from my feet.
Sunny - I guess I didn't know you could convert pixles to feet...cool graph.

Did a 2 sets of a light circuit weight set today for XT. I say light and 2 sets as I haven't done any weight training for about a year or so.

Judy - I guess I didn't realize that Wilson from "Home Improvement" said hidee ho...I was thinking of Flanders from "The Simpsons" Hidee Ho neighborinos.

Talk at y'all later.
Jim - Weren't you just asking about taking some time off? Running a couple races the week after a marathon doesn't fit into that from what I can tell. Good luck and have fun.

Yes, that was me.

I did take 4 days off and now I'm sitting here trying to figure out my pacing so I can give DS16 a run for his money. :confused3

I don't think I have much of a chance since he likes short races.
Good Morning TEAM! :surfweb:

OK, I'm waking up, fueling up, and warming up for my LR this morning. It's a balmy 12 degrees outside right now, but I won't get out there until the sun gets up around 7am. So by then hopefully we'll be back up to 15-20 degrees. Yesterday I did my 60 min yoga x-training. It felt good to get all stretched out. My legs feel less tired than they did on Thursday - so I'm thinking taking a day off of running helped. We'll see today. I'm going to try to run 12 miles. Hopefully it will go better than last week when I nearly got hit by a car.

OK, Im going to try to do some catching up with my team mates now.
I think I want to get a pair of crocs to wear after my runs. Cam mentioned putting them in her stuff sack for after the marathon, and I would have loved to switch out of my running shoes then.

Mike/Goofyguy- Good luck with the trail race today. Sounds like fun.

Lynnda- Are you still planning on running your 5K today? Have fun and good luck if you are.

Matt- Have fun at the Big Easy in the Half Marathon. Travel safely and enjoy the buffet crab legs.

Sunny- I love your graph of the Vermont City Marathon in Burlington. I can't wait to hear about your experience with it. That's on my list of races to run. Outstanding job on your 12 mile TM LR! Your pace is looking really good. Hope your back is doing OK.

Maggie- Sorry to hear about your fall on the ice yesterday. Hope you are doing well. Don't worry about keeping up with the thread. Just post whenever you can.

Christa- That is such a great story that one of the teachers at the school thought you were a student. What a riot!!! You'll have to hold on to that one. Did you thank the teacher?

Jim- You're posting on the boards while on a date??? Hey, at least you're on a date, right? Good luck with your races this weekend. Take it easy after the marathon. Don't get too caught up in the competition with DS.

Kristi- Good luck with your 7 miler.

Mike/Optimator- Nice job on your x-training yesterday. I can't speak for the walkers on the thread, but it sounds as though you are sincere and don't belittle anyone's effort or performance. So I wouldn't think any of our team mates would be insulted by your walking as x-training, but I'll have to defer to them.

Krista and Steve- I just wanted to say I'm really excited about the Flying Pig 1/2M. It's so great to know I have an event on the horizon, and that I'll be able to get together with some of my teammates. Nothing more to add about that, but I'm excited about it.

Hey, I should tell everyone that DD9 princess: has been asking to run with me lately. She says she wants to train for a 5K. I need to figure out how to work that in, but I definitely want to encourage fitness for her if she is interested. Maybe she can run the 5K at the Flying Pig.

OK, good luck to everyone with their LRs, races, or whatever this weekend. Have fun and stay safe!
Headin' out, 11 degrees, WISH me luck. Hopefully the wind's not kickin' chick'n.
Hey, I should tell everyone that DD9 princess: has been asking to run with me lately. She says she wants to train for a 5K. I need to figure out how to work that in, but I definitely want to encourage fitness for her if she is interested. Maybe she can run the 5K at the Flying Pig.

Thats great Dave! My kids are running the Niketown races in a couple weeks. It is specifically for kids so it should be a good starter race for them. Their school has an after school training program for it. Also, look into the "Girls on the run" program. It is pretty much all over the country and is a top notch running program for girls her age.

I am off on a 12 miler this morning - I gotta get some lazier friends.

Hi guys,

Wow, really impressed with all these 12 milers happening today! I have been really slack since Disney, basically only running once a week, if I am lucky twice. I have also been trying to lose a few pounds before serious training starts again, because once I start running a lot my body just wants to hold onto every calorie I eat (I also eat a lot more b/c I am sooo hungry).

DH has been away overseas most of February in Japan, Germany and China, just a few more days and he will be home then we are off to Disney for 4 nights next Thursday!!:cheer2: :cheer2:

I would like to add that I did run 6 miles yesterday on the treadmill and was finally under 10 min miles! I ran 6 miles in 58:20!! :banana: Hopefully, I can improve my pace a bit more (in case I do the Flying Pig) I would want to try and keep up with Dave and Steve!

Dave, tell us how your 12 miler went today.

Welcome to all the new people!:welcome:

Well, today is the last LR before the big race next Sunday. Doing around 6 miles today--Running buddy planned the course (and he usually shorts the distance!:cool1: ) My foot is still a little sore--but with ice and ibu I'm doing fine. And with all the "resting" next week I should be able to get it 100% better by Sunday.

Oh, and we got our airfare for the Minnie last night!! We're really going!! So excited!!:yay: :yay:

Good Luck Matt!! Have a great race! Weather should be better tomorrow!

Oh, and Dave, just to make you jealous--it's 60 and cloudy here right now at 7:30! But then we'll be dealing with tornadoes later today--so don't know if the cold might not be so bad!

Colleen--great to hear from you! Have fun on your Disney trip

Well, really got to get out of here! Will check in later!
Optimator said:
Hey Vic - Where ya been? You're not laying low after DEI's performance last weekend, are you?

Morning Mike. I've been lurking this week.

Pretty boring race until the last 50 laps. Then a wreckfest broke out. :laughing: Great ending though. I was a big Dale Sr. fan (still am), so I was glad to see Richard Childress back in Victory Lane. Saw Jr.'s interview after the race and he didn't sound real happy about the engines they brought. I'm sure they'll work on that before showing up at Talladega.

Jr. qualified 5th at Fontana yesterday. Hopefully he'll have a good race on Sunday. However, watching a race from the California Speedway is about as exciting as watching paint dry. :laughing: I'm sure I can take my "NASCAR Nap" and not miss much. :lmao:

Y'all take care.
Good morning team... Sorry I have not caught up on the posts. I promise when the new thread starts tomorrow I will stay on top of it. I make me not feel like part of the team when I don't chat with you all.

I am so excited I just finished my first work out of run1 walk 2. Did it for 30 mins did 2.12 miles....feel great. My program says to do this for 1 week before changing so I will stick with it. My first 10K is in 5 weeks but it is a fun walk/run so I am not worried about getting done to fast but the minnie is in 10 weeks so I hope to be at the run 10 walk 1....whew....I am so excited.

It is because of my family and my new extended family on these boards that I feel I continue to improve my running....thank you all so much for the support, the answering of all my questions and just being there for us newbies when we need a boost of confidence or a kick in the pants...whichever is needed at the time.:grouphug:

Jim: enjoy your ability to give your DS a run for his money. Hate to break it to you but there will come a time when he will out run you consistently. You can then sit back and say that you taught him everything he knows!! :laughing:

Dave: I think it's great that your DD wants to run with you. It'll be fun and you'll get to do some father/daughter bonding.

Kim: great job on the workout! :thumbsup2

Sir Bouncealot: nice idea about having the crocs at work. I hadn't thought about taking mine in but it makes total sense especially when I have to wear my boots in b/c of snow. Then I don't have to carry an extra pair. Now I just need some of those thing-a-mabobs to put on them to make them REALLY cool.

I'm still jealous of those of you who are able to run outside. 18 degrees here with a wind chill of 3 degrees does not make for a fun time. I did my LR last night after work. 50 minutes varying the speed between 10 min miles and 11:30 miles. It's amazing to me how 5 more minutes than the last long run seems like a lot. But that makes last week's 5 more minutes seem like nothing. But next week's 5 more minutes...no wait...I don't even want to think about it yet!! :upsidedow

I hope everyone has a great weekend of working out. I really do want to hear how everyone who is running a race(s) this weekend does.
Good morning WISH Team!

Good luck to those in events this weekend.

Good luck to those with LRs this weekend.

Stephanie, take it easy you don't have to push too much if your race is next week. You've got yourself trained up and can do it.

Dave, that is great news that DD wants to do this. That is a long distance for a 9 yr old to cover.

Our Friday Date Night fell through last night so DH gets up and says he really misses "our time" together since we've not even taken the time to have a coffee date during the last several weeks. We've been going to the gym during the week and our time gets sucked up there. Today we will try to make some time, only he just got called to work so who knows. I'm going to put my outdoor stuff on, take a ride to my happy place and look see if there is any non-icy spot I can step on. I'll let ya know.
Hi Everyone-

I got my 12.2 miles in. I wish I had a running partner like Stephanie's who shorts the course! My running partners have Garmins and we go long way more often than we go short. It was a beautiful day for running, bright skies and 40 degrees. It made me feel bad for the northerners on the board. Of course in about 2-3 weeks we will be up to our eyeballs in pollen and they can have the last laugh.

Have a great day everyone!
Sunny - I'm just waiting to see how you get the negative incline on the TM to simulate the downhills. By the time your done running your going to be a a higher elevation than Monte. Great job on the run BTW.

Funny thing about that... No matter how many vertical feet I climb, I'm still able to step off the TM without falling into an abiss:rotfl2: I really hope I don't have to do ALL 18 WEEKS of training on the dreadmill:scared:

I converted pixels to feet by drawing a box between the 200-400' lines and noting how many pixels the box height was. Not real accurate, but it gives me an idea of the inclines on the course.

Kristi-- If Chad's race album is full of Goo-Goo dolls I think there might be marriage counseling in your future:lmao:

Colleen & Vic-- So good to see you!

Matt-- have a blast!

MelR-- If I ever actually buy a bike, I'll let you do all the chosing;)

As far as the 1% goes, I'm no expert so don't quote me on it!

Of course in about 2-3 weeks we will be up to our eyeballs in pollen and they can have the last laugh.


Cecilia, oh, you are so right! I have already started my kids on Zyrtec and Flonase. DS gets so bad that he actually gets sinus infections if I don't keep up with his meds.

Great job on your 12 today.

Sunny, I always wondered about the 1% incline thing too! When I was running yesterday on the TM, it felt like I was running a little 'downhill' , kind of funny, but true.
MelR-- If I ever actually buy a bike, I'll let you do all the chosing;)
WoooHoooo!!!!! I'm ready!! Start saving. I'm picking a really nice one! I think you are going to need a road bike and a mountain bike. The road bike for training, tri's and long rides and the mt. bike because you are a scrapper and I'd be willing to be you would be a great mountain biker!!


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