Wk of Feb 18--WISH Walking/Running Club

Krista - Be glad Hines sleeps on the floor. Mystic has decided that the entire bottom half of the bed belongs to her. Finding a place for my legs is a bigger challenge every night!

Monica - Congratulations on being a grandma! And more congratulations on the weight loss! :cheer2:

Kevin - :bday:

Melissa - Crazy kayak story! Glad no one was hurt.

Judy - I thought that was you on the treadmill with me this morning! Great job! And I'm with you on the no sympathy for the babies. I'll turn 45 in September. DD gets her license in 13 days. 28 IS NOT OLD!

I forgot to post yesterday - it was my 1 year anniversary on the WISH boards! I made my very first post on Feb 21 when I had decided to run the Minnie and had no idea what I was doing! BTW, where are Jodi and Amy?

Did 48:00 on the TM this morning - didn't do any long running intervals, but I did increase my speed ever so slightly. Am going to update my playlist tonight so I'll have new music for the next run, which I'm keeping my fingers crossed will be outside this weekend!

Speaking of babies, how's Lynnda doing???

I'm good! Thanks for asking!!! :hug:

I haven't posted much, but I have been lurking - you all are too funny!!! I so look forward to reading this thread each day! ;)

Yea for all the training runs!!! And I love reading the race reports - you guys are awesome!!! :thumbsup2

Not much news for me. I have been sleeping less and less, and moving less and less... I feel like Mrs. Jumbo whenever I try to walk! :blush: Of course, the comments of "Wow - you've gotten really big lately..." don't help. :rotfl: Only 6 and a half weeks, though! :cool1:

DH is doing well - he is taking a break from running this week to let his calf heal, but he has been cross-training on his new bike! :thumbsup2 The bike is really nice! It is the same model number as mine, but a year newer - I'm a teensy bit jealous with all the extras that are on his! :rolleyes1

Anyway, you all are the best! Keep up the great work!!!

:goodvibes Lynnda

Can't really keep up with everyone else. Ran tonight for first time since race on Sunday, did not feel so good.

All those freezing your rear's off up North won't want to hear this, but our very SHORT winter down here has officially ended (that was quick :sad2: )

It was HOT when I ran today. And Monday the low is only supposed to be 66 :crazy2:

I run so much better in the "COOLER" weather. Oh well, the bliss of living in Florida :scratchin !! We are going out on the boat Saturday, so should I really complain, I THINK NOT!!:wave2:

Super-quick post for me. It's been a crazy week!

Kevin - :bday:

Made it to the gym tonight. What's up with all the crazy folks being at the gym at 10:00 at night? Don't they know that we want to work out in peace? :rotfl:

I managed to do the R1/W2 intervals for my entire time on the TM tonight! Yay! 2.75 miles in 41 minutes.
Kevin: old? OLD?? OLD!?! You think 28 is old? You ain't seen nothin' yet! I'm sending you a case of Ensure for your birthday :p
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
Don't forget the Depends super pack with the coupon for prune juice inside.
Happy Birthday Kevin...here's to MANY more!
Monte - Congrats on the weight loss and the soon to be new arrival! My youngest is ten and my Mom still spoils them.
Thanks for the rewelcoming Dave and Carrie... and yes so far so good with the new treadmill Dave. It is taking some getting used to running on the treadmill as I don't have the familiar landmarks from the bike trail.
Judy - Not trying to trick anybody, just breaking out on my own to become a more active member on the WISH boards rather then lurking. Although I don't make the "Home Improvement" connection, but I haven't watched an episode for awhile.
Sunny - I also read ChiRunning and there are some aspects I don't understand or am unable to translate into my stride. But I do try to keep an effort on my posture and it seems to be helping a bit.
Melissa - Hopefully you are able to get the kayak rack fixed and get back on the water soon.
Mel - Wearing a "Freelove" running skirt may not be as bad as wearing a running kilt.:rotfl:

Training note:
XT yesterday using Power90 (a cardio/sculpt dvd DW and I ordered a couple of years ago) and it just didn't seem as taxing as it used to.
After work today, I got on the treadmill for 45min (2.9 miles), and ran a mile in the middle of it. Feels good to work off the stress from work. Just need a massage and a caribbean sunset to top it off.....SIGH.

Happy Training!
Oh man!! I open my big mouth and half the world now has a bad opinion of my poor DD. For the record, she is a beautiful, sensitive and intelligent young lady. She just happens to be um... a little surely at times. We're just hoping that the hormones of puberty act as reversing agents. It'll happen, right? Right? RIGHT???

Judy - A "handsome man" comment will go a long way. You may want to reexamine the team photo from Pop before you stick with that comment.

Melissa - What I want to know is how the heck you got the kayaks home after they decided to hop off the car?

Also, are you suggesting that we males are so insecure with or "maleness" that we must divert any closeness we share with one another toward a hot looking woman basking in the glow of physical activity? You obviously give us too much credit! That would take having more than one thought or feeling at a time. We're not that deep!

Goofyguy Mike - Wow!! Fabulously fast. Is this new found speed for you or par for the course? What the heck kind of PR's do you have?

Stephanie - pixiedust: for the foot. Chalk it up to taper madness. Funny you should get the "looking for the man pharmacist". My graduating class back in 1990 was 2/3 female and the most recent numbers I've seen are at least that lopsided. Us XY chromosomers are a dying breed!

On the training front: I got my 13 miles in. Finished it in 1:57 for an exact 9:00 mpm pace. I tried not to worry about pace, but when I get out there running I have a little trouble not competing with myself. Anyways, the last 2 miles were a little tough. To top it off, I had to jump over a couple of big snow piles (like a steeplechase) avoiding traffic and run a hundred yards or so on a trail with ice/snow that I couldn't get any footing on in the last half-mile. Not the best things with tired legs. I have a new respect for Melissa doing her 50K.

Feeling pretty good now though. Hope to XT a little today if kids' crazy schedules allow.

Everyone have a magical day.
Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb:

OK, not much for me to report. I was planning on doing a hill workout yesterday, but my legs felt dead (and I had been really tired). The scheduling was getting tough with "Daddy Camp" so I decided to give myself a rest day. I'm feeling a little guilty about it, but I'm trying to listen to my body.

Had a good "Daddy Camp" yesterday. Took the princesses, DD6 princess: and DD9 princess:, to the science museum. We saw a great star show "The Mysteries of Orion". Wow, they had some amazing Hubble Telescope shots of the Crab Nebula and the Orion Nebula. Very cool. That was the last "Daddy Camp", as DW doesn't work on Fridays. So now we're back to the normal schedule.
don't mess with me!;) Or my children!princess: princess:
I am not a confrontational person but don't mess with my kids:thumbsup2

Great someone who watched CSI last night, I hope it was the same one I didn't get to finish watching cause I had to pick DS up from work. Did they ever find Ryan and what happened???? I had to leave just as they enhanced the video to see Megans friend and that neighbour kid...can't remember his name in the reflection.

Will check back in later.

Morning team. Foot still hurts today--but is much better after icing--so back to that today. But what hurts the most is my gluteus from that silly "little" class I took yesterday! Today's a rest day for me, Yippee!!! Tomorrow is "only" a 6 miler--funny how 6 miles, now, seems like nothing!:thumbsup2 But it probably will be on the TM--80% chance of severe thunderstorms--I will run outside in the rain, but draw the line at getting sent to Oz b/c of a tornado!:lmao:

Hope everyone has a great Friday!
Krista - Be glad Hines sleeps on the floor. Mystic has decided that the entire bottom half of the bed belongs to her. Finding a place for my legs is a bigger challenge every night!

Oh, no, Hines sleeps with us every night, he just waits for us to fall asleep before jumping into bed, normally on my side. :rolleyes: He was happy last night because Stephen was out of town and I let him sleep with me the entire night. :upsidedow
I am not a confrontational person but don't mess with my kids:thumbsup2

Great someone who watched CSI last night, I hope it was the same one I didn't get to finish watching cause I had to pick DS up from work. Did they ever find Ryan and what happened???? I had to leave just as they enhanced the video to see Megans friend and that neighbour kid...can't remember his name in the reflection.

Will check back in later.


GIRL! Yeah they found him. It ended up that Megan had pushed him and he hit his head and died. They wrapped him up and the freaky teacher took him to her studio and killed herself and they were laying there like Romeo and Juliett. Megans friend died due to a blow to the head from Ryan....I don't know if that was b/4 the video enhancment thing. The neighbor was going to jail, but Megan got off free b/c she was in such bad shape and clamed she could not remember anything....but the teacher had taken pics of everything.

OptiMike - Don't worry. It will eithe rgeet better or worse. You have a 50/50 chance. :rotfl: ;)

Krista - My cats always sleep on my side, because Scott owuld wake up and kick them out of bed. I am too sound of a sleeper to notice.

Stephanie - Please go very esay on your foot. It's too close to your race for you to be hurt! :wizard:

We did 3.6 last night, outside, at a 10:58 pace. A little slow, but we did a lot of back and forth on teh path avoiding ice. I shoudl get an outside one in at the ILs, but their roads are awful, so I hope I don't hurt anything. :rolleyes: CAn you tell I'm looking forward to the weekend.

Anyway, Saturday calls fo freezing rain adn sunday calls fo snow. BAck to the TM. :(
Hi friends!

I have come to the realization that I cannot keep up with everyone thread wise, age wise, running wise....;)

I'm having a good week. My kids are all healthy and this morning I did a little over 3 miles (TM) at 1% in 30 minutes.:cool1: I cannot wait for spring and the thaw and the ability to run outside again.

Have a great weekend!

BTW, I saw a regular at my gym in a cute running skirt/skort, and I thought of all of you. I did purchase 2 of them, but I haven't felt it was warm enough to show them off yet.:p I'm also regretting that I only bought black (you know, to make my rear look so much smaller:rolleyes: ). The gym regular had a cute pink one.
I forgot to report my workout yesterday....I started with the spinning bike and after 10 mins. I said forget it, man that hurts the ole' dupa! I switched to the stationary bike, which was much more friendlier and rode for an hour, then hit the machines for about 15 mins. All and all I enjoyed the workout.

Have a good weekend TEAM:goodvibes
OptMike - Phil stayed with the boats and mangled rack and I went ahead and p/c boy from pre-school. Then boy and I went home and switched car seats to phil's truck (suv, whatever) and went back to get him, the boats and the mangled rack and drove home slowly. Phil's has crossbars and bike racks, but the boats can go upside down over the bike trays. We wouldn't want to transport then longdistances that way, but we drove slowly!!!! I was having a little trouble figuring out how we were going to get the kayaks home too. I had to work that out in my mind as i drove to preshcool! Anyway, the new rack they sent me locks on and the kayak stackers have front and rear tie downs for the boats!!! I guess the material they use to make kayaks must be pretty tough!! They only got scratched. I can't imagine if our bikes had been on top!!!!!

Martha - You can send me a 6-pack of ensure for my b-day!!! I actually drink it quite a bit. I think you'd better not send that to the young pup kevin, it might be too stout for him yet!!!

Thinking about a 10 mile trail run race this weekend. I'll do it if phil doesn't want to. Our friend is putting it on so one of us needs to go.
Morning folks - happy Friday!

I didn't make it for my run on Wednesday, so I was determined to get out on Thursday. So determined that a little bit of falling snow was not going to sway me. So I went on my 3.65 mile run around the neighborhood, and for the most part the run was great!

Maybe it was because of the snow, but I was really trying to pay attention to the idea of short strides, quick turnovers. It was almost more of a shuffle, but it sure was speedy (for me). I ran a 12:30 pace in 45:38. That is a full 1 minute off my pace from the same route, the same day last week. Woohoo! I also tackled a really big hill, running the whole way and it felt so great at the top! Not tired at all.

Anyhow, the only bad part was halfway through I misjudged the amount of traction in one particular spot and I slipped and landed on my lil' ol' rear. Luckily no damage other than a severely bruised ego. I got up, brushed off the snow and finished strong.

Stephanie - Make sure you take care of that foot of yours! If the pain doesn't go away or if you see any swelling, be sure to see a podiatrist. Consistent pain is never a good thing, so be careful!
Kevin - Happy birthday from yesterday! Please don't say you are old since you and I are the same age!
Mouse Skywalker - Your Daddy Camp sounded great! I'm sure your daughters really enjoyed spending time with you.
Optimator - Awesome training run!
TXAng - Great job on getting to the gym - keep up the hard work! I'll be in your neck of the woods in a week and a half and I'm making a run around Town Lake, followed by lunch at the Salt Lick BBQ in Driftwood, a definite plan in my schedule!!
angietuck2 - Time to get used to the warmer weather already? Yikes. I hate running in really cold weather, but cooler temps do help make for a better run. Good luck with the heat.

Have a great day guys!
GIRL! Yeah they found him. It ended up that Megan had pushed him and he hit his head and died. They wrapped him up and the freaky teacher took him to her studio and killed herself and they were laying there like Romeo and Juliett. Megans friend died due to a blow to the head from Ryan....I don't know if that was b/4 the video enhancment thing. The neighbor was going to jail, but Megan got off free b/c she was in such bad shape and clamed she could not remember anything....but the teacher had taken pics of everything.


I knew the teacher was in on it somewhere, she was a bit weird. Ya I knew the friend had died so that must have been before but I didn't know how she died.

Thank you for the update. I am a CSI freak.... Las Vegas and Miami only I haven't been able to get into the NY ones yet.

Dave - Good for you for taking a much needed rest day. That science museum sounds really neat.

Leana - What brings you down this way? I have a confession to make...I've never been to the Salt Lick. I know, I know, I'm a terrible Austinite! :sad2:
Greetings, greetings...:)

Have we heard from Paul lately??? :confused3

This morning I did 2 miles on the TM, all at 1%: 15 @ 3.8 then 10 @ 4.0 then 5 @ 5.0. Then I took the stationary bike for a spin. I was happy with it. Although for a few minutes on the TM I had tremendous pain in my second toe of my left foot. I had hammer toe surgery on that foot so there is a pin in there (Krista! Take note!) and for a few minutes I could really feel the pin. It hurt like heck! But, then it stopped.

Oh Helen, I can feel your frustration in your post. Oh man...I wish I could do something for you. :flower3:

Jackie - Glad to see you this morning! :wave2: Hey, is that your cat or dog named Mystic? We call our horse Mist that all the time. Miss. Mystic. Miss Tick. I think it's a great name and BTW we are going there for a day trip for my Dad's birthday. :drive: Yay! Mystic pizza! Ohh happy WISH anniversary!

Andrew - Oh I'm glad you plan on becoming more active on the WISH board! :thumbsup2 Good! The Home Improvement question was because you wrote "Hidee ho". Isn't that what the neighbor always used to say over the fence?

Optimator Mike - I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say we absolutely do not think your daughter is anything less then a lovely young lady. :goodvibes You know us, give us an inch and we'll run like crazy with it. Ask Kevin. We're STILL talking about his zebra issues and it's been quite some time now. You KNOW Carrie will never hear the end of her "treadmill incident". OMG you did 13 miles in 1:57?? :worship:

Dave - Ohh! I want to go to Daddy Camp! It sounds like so much fun! You do such cool stuff with them. :hyper: I hope you enjoyed the rest day.

Krista - Our cat Lena - who is only 11 pounds - gets 1/3 of the bed all winter because of our heated mattress pad. Charlie gets half...so, where does that leave me you might ask? Squiggled in the middle, unable to move at all most nights. :upsidedow In about five inches of space. Ahh yes, no wonder I am sleep deprived.

You know my husband, The Marathon Man? Well, far be it from me to say I told you so....but he has done something to his knee. It is really hurting him. He went to Dr Hunka-Hunka-Burning Love and they took an x-ray. It didn't show anything but he is on Naproxin and icing. And it really hurts him. You know, not for nuttin, but I told him he was doing too much too soon and for no good reason. His long runs have been 15-18 miles. I'm like WHERE are you going with THAT??? The marathon is 11 months away! So he had backed down to 5-6 miles. See, he does not have the benefit of the sage advice and wisdom I have here. He should probably join us. But then I wouldn't be able to complain about his mother all the time like I do. :rolleyes:
Hi everyone,

The audit kept me in the office and away from the roads once again :sad2: The weekend looks to be strong storms so a wash out once again. Stay safe everyone looks like some bad weather coming through pixiedust:

Today is my last day at my "old job". As much as I'm excited about my new opportunity I never knew this day would be so difficult.

WISHing the day goes very quickly :hourglass

Oh Judy this is too much of conicidence.... We have 2 horses at home Missy & Misty are their non registered names. Their registered names are way too long to post here :rolleyes2


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