Wk of Feb 18--WISH Walking/Running Club

Happy birthday Kevin - though I'm with Carrie re the whole looming 39 thingy.
And, hmmm so we run on our toes to go backwards - maybe I'm a toe runner after all, it could explain my marathon time!

I got to run for 7 minutes Wednesday night under physios instructions- I don't think I've ever enjoyed a run so much. Sadly my foot wasn't so filled with joy and glee and spent all day yesterday reminding me of that with every step I took. It's a hundred times better today though so I won't run again this weekend, I'll give it another few days break. I'm figuring another couple of weeks off now isn't really going to hurt me - but a flare once training really starts will scupper the whole thing - the only problem is I can't book my Florida flights or hotel until I definitely know I'm going, and I want to......

Which brings me to my question for Sunny/Craig or anyone else who knows. How do you pool run? I'm aware this could be a stupid question, but I have no clue what to do and it looks like it's in my near future!!!

Sorry not to reply to anyone else - I didn't write it all down when I was reading and now I've forgotten everything I had to say! Helen
Warning :offtopic:

My favorite was: "You want to charge me how much for some little girl to come spend a couple hours at my site???" :mad:

Let me at 'em!

Nobody talks to our Carrie like that:mad:

;) Sunny
Let me at 'em!

Nobody talks to our Carrie like that:mad:

;) Sunny
:teeth: :goodvibes

Helen - I am so sorry anuot your foot. I just run in shallow water (about mid chest). That may not be low enought impact fo ryou. I hbelieve steve and dave use running belt tto keep tehm upright in teh deep water (no touching). Then, you just go through the motions.
Which brings me to my question for Sunny/Craig or anyone else who knows. How do you pool run? I'm aware this could be a stupid question, but I have no clue what to do and it looks like it's in my near future!!!


I'm sorry your foot isn't taking the run too well. That's not a stupid question at all. You need a pool with deep water (over your head). Here's a site that is pretty good at explaining it:


Another with pictures of the waist flotation belt:


You can do your own Google on "Deep Water Running" to gather more info. Be prepared to feel really silly at first! No matter how much effort you put out, your head just bobs along the top of the water at a snails pace while the swimmers race by....


ETA: The floation belt keeps you upright in the water. You then act like your running. Instead of impact, you get resistance from the water. HTH
Sunny - they just replaced the rack system (bike rack, kayak rack, boat loader and towers and bars) I'm not sure about the cost of the damage to my car. I'll bet it is under $1000. The kayaks basically got scratched. The funny thing is, they were skiing down hwy 12 still attached to the rack. It did damage the little handle that phil uses to store his up high in the garage, so he can't put his away, but the kayaks just took a small beating.

I did go orienteering today and it was fun. I spent about 1hr. and it was at a really low heart rate, but it was great to be out in the sunshine!
Just popping in again between teleconferences to tell Krista -- I love the new part of your signature about "moment for moment". What a cool quote! :goodvibes:
Happy Birthday Kevin!

Old? :lmao: did you say old?:rotfl2: Whoa, I'm glad YOU're THE ONE. I'm off the hook then. ;) You take it. I don't want it.
...Just a side note to share my good news...first I'm going to be a grandma :banana: in June, it's our first so I'm looking forward to spoiling her. 2nd, I've lost 15 pds. so far!:yay:
Congratulations! Great news!

Hope you can get your friend to participate with you. No doubt it will do her some good. If she can't play, we're here.
Hey, Monica -- Congratulations! Awesome job on the WI and God's Blessings on the little one! :cloud9:
Thanks Sunny that article is great - and he's right about missing the stress relief bit of running, I'm now at the stage where I spend half my time weeping/shouting or fretting and the other half moaning about my achy head/shoulders - Tim's too scared to come home. Worst thing - I've given up alcohol at home to try and keep my weight down so can't even turn to booze! I'm aware this is nothing compared to what you've gone through, but next time I don't want to run (And I will run again and I will loathe it sometimes) I really need to remember these few weeks.
I'm so sorry Helen. When you ca't get out there, you regret all teh times you didn't go because you didn't feel like it. I hope you can get going on something to help you out soon!
We'll just send all daughters whose Dad's name is Mike:rotfl2:
Umm, my Dad's name is Mike... :teeth:
And red heads naturally have a temper - just ask Chad! :rolleyes1

Just got back from 4.5 miles on the dreaded TM. I finished in 1:02:40 - but I have have no other record. My Garmin was apparently out of juice. :confused3 I really like jotting down my numbers - I am lost tonight! :rotfl:
I think the Mike you all are speaking is Optimator (referring to his 5'1" 10-year-old and martial arts) from a couple of days. Although my 10-year-old is quite snakey with her 7-year-old brother at times.

Don’t have as much time tonight so I will post a quick drive by. Today I was also spossa rest or at least ease up on the pace. It was slick in places with that darned black ice (Don’t you think it is really the road that is black under the clear ice?) but I was outside and not freezing the kiester off. Soooooooooo, of course I picked up the pace from yesterday’s surprising effort and went 6.33 miles in 49:20 or 7:48 per mile. All this and again kept the HR under 150 BPM and it actually felt easier. Tomorrow I will not even take the running gear to work with me and rest. Saturday a nice easy run with the Running Club and then Sunday bang out the Ugly Mudder trail - really should be called mountain – “around 7.5 mile” race.

Good running/walking/wogging all.

Kevin, you're only 28!!!! Holy smokes Batman I have shoes older than that! Anyhoo, Happy birthday Kevinpixiedust: :bday: party:

Good morning all!!:wave:

I'm..... I'm..... OLD!!! :duck:

All kidding aside, thank you all for the birthday wishes. I genuinely means a lot to me. I will have to say that 27 feels like it left a little to be desired, but I'm feeling really good about 28. I think it always helps to feel like it could be the start of something big.

Somehow, someway my schedule was magically cleared by someone yesterday until Tuesday and everything was nice and rescheduled for next week. :confused: but :woohoo: for me!!

I decided to get out and test myself a bit and ran 4 miles in 34:54 this morning. :faint: I guess the treadmill is working. (Or Craig is really on to something there...)

Angie-- Congrats on the new job!!

NUCPharm-- Re: running toe to heel-- OK, I might be dumb, but wouldn't they then have to roll back onto their tow in order to go forward?? Running toe to heal is how we run backwards. I can understand the running on the toes thing and people do that... but toe to heal?? :confused:

Jen-- Great workout!! Way to Go!!

Judy-- Usually 350-400 miles is about right. That said, it can vary. I have a hard time replacing shoes I still think have life in them. Maybe it would make sense to rotate a new pair in and use the shoes with higher mileage on your shorter runs until they "faal" worn out. (I know, not all that helpful, huh? Must be my advanced age.... ;) )

Carrie-- Yeah, kinda glad I decided against that run :) That said, I loved the pics.. I knew exactly where that course runs. It's seriously way prettier in the summer, though. Maybe I will have to do Coast Guard this summer. (I need a race!!)

I think I've done enough shlubbing around this morning. I have a friend taking me to lunch and then I think I'll swing by the running store, since they are having a sale right now. Wow, I was way more exciting on my birthday when I was younger.

Thanks again everyone!
Happy training!
Kevin :earsboy:
Kevin: old? OLD?? OLD!?! You think 28 is old? You ain't seen nothin' yet! I'm sending you a case of Ensure for your birthday :p Seriously, hope you have/had a wonderful day!!

Monica: congrats on becoming a Grandma!! Our DD was the first grandchild and she has always had a special place in her Grandfather's heart. You'll have a ball with him/her!!

I am behind in my reading of these posts. It's really good to see so many people on the boards. I'm hoping to do my LR tomorrow after work just to switch things up some. The hip is holding up quite well so far.

Everyone have a great day tomorrow!!
Kevin - Boy! (MAN) you are not old! On Feb 12th I aged into a higher age group...35! AAAHHHHH!

My dad's name is Joe, not Mike, but don't mess with me!;) Or my children!princess: princess:

goofyguy Mike - WOW! Great pace! I can only dream of paces like that.

Did 6 miles today with a pace btween 8 and 8:30 MPM!
After work, I had rehersal and now I have a headache :headache: so I am going to sit down and watch some CSI!::yes::


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