May 10, 2008 Ship of Thieves! Stealing the Magic..AGAIN!!! Panama Canal FL to CA!!! Part 4

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Karen....that sounds delicious! Much better than the pizza we had tonight. If that was the appetizer, what fabulous entree are you having for dinner?!

DH made clams with Linguine, white sauce, butter, garlic, wine, cream... Fresh Clams too!!!

It was OUTSTANDING!!!!!!

Of course, the kitchen is anialated (sp?)

I feel horrible, terrible, aweful....I should be in church right now. I would like to be in church right now...but I'm not. I usually go with DD, but since she just got back from Atlantic City this afternoon, she can't make it. DH is tired from the kids being here and disrupting his peace, so he won't go. I can't go alone because I get lost and wander around for a long, long time looking for it....I have done this before. I'm just plain wiped out today too. So, I'll have to say my prayers at home this year and miss the spiritual renewal that I get when I do go.:guilty:


Light a candle for yourself!! And say the Kali Anastasi! ... and it will be almost as if you were there!

Your dinner sounded delicious!! Did you mean Mignonette Sauce that you make with white wine, sherry vinegar, shallots, sea salt and white pepper? Or do you mean Mignonette pepper which is a coarsely ground mixture of white and black peppercorns mixed together seasonings with such as coriander and occasionally herbs to make the spice?

I will have to take you up on a visit sometime. DH and I had ceviche(scallops, ahi and shrimp) and fresh artichokes for dinner with Bellinis.


Yes and no. DH does the traditional Mignonette for me and does a chili verde type for himself. Very spicy!!!

DH makes a KILLER halibut and scallop ceviche!!!

Yes, you must come visit us!!!


Yes and no. DH does the traditional Mignonette for me and does a chili verde type for himself. Very spicy!!!

DH makes a KILLER halibut and scallop ceviche!!!

Yes, you must come visit us!!!


Sounds absolutely yummy!! Maybe sometime this summer we can plan to visit.


Your mom is very lucky to have you! I know how hard it is, I was the sibling that pretty much took care of my mom, but my sister did come down and spend the weekends with my mom to give me a break. She was very sharp, just had renal failure and diabetes. She was on dialisys for the last two years of her life and we helped her with that. Never had to move her out of her house, but had been planning for her to move to the house behind us that she and my sister would live in. She never made it there, but sister still moved in and that has been such a blessing.

Both of my grandma's had to be "enrolled" in convalescent hospitals. It was very hard to do, but they both were sufferning from Alzheimer's/dementia and it was too hard to try to take care of them at home. One lived to 87, the other to 95, and it was just the last 3 to 5 years of their lives that they were not sharp!

Try to always take a little time for yourself after your visits to her. :hug: And try to always remember the good times with her as well.


yes, thanks for the reminder about taking time for me. I think from now on when we have "doctor days" I'm going to plan some me time from now on.

Oh . . . . I know exactly what you mean Nanette . . . it is so hard to be at this stage of life and watch your parent's age before your eyes. My Dad is going to be 85 - and he is heading down the same road. It is also hard to be that ONE sibling that is expected to do it all.

But in the end, you know you are doing the right thing.


thanks and yes, I couldn't not do what I do for her. I know this is my place and if I didn't do it I'd be very unhappy with myself.


So sorry to hear about your mom. My mother went very quickly with no warning so we did not have to watch a downhill slide like we did with my father over the last two years of his life. Both my mother and dad lived many less years than their parents. My mother lived about 20 years less than her mother and 23 years less than her dad. My dad lived 15 years less than his mother and 18 years less than his dad.

Where did you Mom live at Lake Almanor? We have had a house there for many years on Lassen View Drive.

Their house is on the Penninsula, actually on Penninsula Drive, right cross from the rec center. We vacationed for many year at Lassen View Resort, then moved over to the other side of the lake and Mom and Dad loved it so much they bought a lot and built their dream home in the '80s. Moved in full time '86.

Too chilly today here for us..wish warm weather would return. Happy Easter to you and your family.

For those of you discussing taking care of your mothers, my heart goes out to all of you and kind of know what you are going through (watched my mom go through it for years). My GM moved out here after my GF died. She had severe dementia and would not remember anything. She would yell at us all the time. It was harder on my mom as she was the only one to take care of her over her last 10 years. My aunt never saw my GM again after 1995, she died in 2005 and my uncles both passed away in 1995. There is a great book called the 72 Hour Day, which talks mostly about caretaking for people with alzheimer's, but gives some great tricks at handling their frustration and anger at where they are now in life. You all sound like you are doing a wonderful job and will cherish the thought that you are there when they need you. :grouphug:

Thanks I've taken note on the book title and will pick it up.

I know I have to look at this glass of life as half full instead of half empty. I'm lucky to still have mom here and happy. Most days I'm there, but sometimes it just gets hard to hold it all.

Thanks all of you for the support and understanding. Your kind words of friendship really do make me feel the :grouphug: from far away.

nite nite and Happy Easter :grouphug: back at ya :goodvibes
DH made clams with Linguine, white sauce, butter, garlic, wine, cream... Fresh Clams too!!!

It was OUTSTANDING!!!!!!

Of course, the kitchen is anialated (sp?)


You and Noel are both making me very hungry! Wow, any great recipes with fresh calamari? Friends just got back from Ensenada and have 50# of squid and they sent me home with some.
Happy Easter everyone. Have a wonderful day enjoying family and friends!

You and Noel are both making me very hungry! Wow, any great recipes with fresh calamari? Friends just got back from Ensenada and have 50# of squid and they sent me home with some.

I'll ask DD in the morning, he is the chef, and he's also asleep!

Happy Easter everyone. Enjoy your day. We are off to Church in a minute.

WOW 40 years in 09...that is quite an accomplishment. Congratulations! John and I will never make it that long because we started too late. We'll hit 20 years in 2010 and really do a big celebration for that one. I would like to renew my vows, maybe on DCL. That would be awesome.

How about you and John Marilyn? Will you renew your vows for your 40th?

Not thought about vow renewal. I think John would be too shy really to be the focus of attention.:)

Goodnight Marilyn, have fun with your grandson tomorrow. How old is he?:goodvibes

He was 3 in January and a lovely little boy. His mum has done such a great job.

Soon it will be time to get ready for church - services start at 11:00, conclude at about 2:00 - tonight we go to receive the Light!

At midnight, the church is darkened, and the priest comes out with ONE lit candle, the light coming back into the world. When the entire congregation then lights candles, and the priest goes outside the front doors of the church, and reads the Gospel of the Resurrection to the world.

After Church, a fellowship meal to break the fast in the social hall. Alex has been fasting all of Lent - no meat for 40 days. It will be strange for me this year, because my mom is not with us - she would cook while we were at church every year, and we would go to mom and dad's for an Easter dinner until 3 am . . . no avgolemono soup for me this year.

Have a Blessed Easter and Pascha everyone.

Kali Anastasi! (Happy Resurrection)

For 40 days after tonight, all Orthodox greet each other with:

Christos Anesti! (Christ is Risen!)

and respond with:

Alithos Anesti! (truly he is risen)

I have enjoyed reading your traditions. It does sound very meaningful.

I am not sure I would lke to eat a big meal at 2am though.:)

We hit 40 this Oct 2007. We started very young and plan to make it to at least 75. Very doable as I would only be 92 and he 97.

Are you celebrating Angie? You must have been very young when you married. I can't believe we have almost reached this milestone, it sounds such a long time when you see it written down.:eek:
Good morning, Marilyn!!

Enjoy Easter services!

I have set out the baskets and I am heading off to bed!!

I hope that you have a lovely Easter day!!

Well it was a good Easter Day service, a little unusual, but we are a more unusual Church!:rotfl: It was very meaningful though. We finished off with home made Easter cakes - well cakes wth icing and mini eggs on anyway!

I had a salad for lunch and we are waiting for our visitors now. It s a lovely day, so hopefully we will get out for a walk before tea.
Sorry you are feeling so poorly, Holly. I hope you feel better really soon. Happy Easter to you and Tyler.


Holly, hope you are feeling better, or at least far on the road to wellness!

Thanks! I think I can cope today. Just a bunch of nose-blowing going on. The cough is almost gone. It's just turned into stuffiness, which I can take Sudafed or Benadryl or Dayquil or something to get through the day.

That's so cute! :thumbsup2

HAPPY EASTER everybody! :goodvibes

Tyler woke me up this morning and told me he sees that the Easter bunny must have put some bunny ears on one of his stuffed animals! So we got up to see what other mischief went on while we were asleep. He saw the bunny made a mess of his carrots we left him, and was amazed by the toothmarks all over the stubs of carrots left on the plate. Then when he saw the empty egg cartons on the table, he knew that crazy bunny must have hidden his eggs all over! Some were inside, some were outside, he had fun finding all of them and enjoyed his basket filled with Spiderman goodies.

I took some more cold meds and convinced him to let me sleep 2 more hours. Off to the shower and then headed out of town. I already warned my dad we're only staying 1 hour because I feel lousy. Plus we have to stop briefly at my mom's to say hi, but then it's back home and hopefully to bed early tonight.

Have a great day everybody!
Glad you are feeling a bit better. Have a good trip and enjoy your meal.

This morning sounded fun for Tyler (and you of course). Crazy bunny!!!
John1, DrHug got the "A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes" photo printed. We just need to go get a frame for it. He also ordered horns today that he thinks he can put the DCL horn on. The MH is almost set to come to Ohio! :banana: Listen for those horns in your driveway. :cool1:

I'm Listening! popcorn::
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