Joanne and Paul's VR - 4th May 2011

Just tagged a long to this thread. Your plans sound wonderful and I would love to know how you have arranged your reception/dinner at Citircos. I'm hoping to be a Swan bride in the fall of 2011 and have just starting my planning. I'm hoping to have a small dinner reception at the California Grill or perhaps the Yachtsman steakhouse. Any help you can give would be great (and sorry if you mentioned how you set it up in another post!).
Sorry you didn't have fun on your trip, we just went camping in the New Forest and it was lovely.
Just tagged a long to this thread. Your plans sound wonderful and I would love to know how you have arranged your reception/dinner at Citircos. I'm hoping to be a Swan bride in the fall of 2011 and have just starting my planning. I'm hoping to have a small dinner reception at the California Grill or perhaps the Yachtsman steakhouse. Any help you can give would be great (and sorry if you mentioned how you set it up in another post!).

Sorry you didn't have fun on your trip, we just went camping in the New Forest and it was lovely.

ThaddeusToad (great name!!) - Thank you so much for the kind words about my plans!! I have e-mailed Lee and his team at Citricos about my reception and they have been most helpful and agreed to hold my reception at their restaurant. I still need to officially book the ADR in the usual way which I can't do until November, but Lee has already 'pencilled in' my reception in his diary and has answered all my questions and e-mails very promptly. He has been great.
I assume that the proceedure would be the same for the restaurants you mention but I cannot help with the e-mail addresses as I got Lee's e-mail address from a fellow disbride who had already arranged her reception at Citricos. Good luck with all your planning.

Claire sweetie - We were on the south coast near Portsmouth, so not too far from the New Forest but our weather was appalling!! I am glad you had a nice break though.
Claire sweetie
No I didn't, I went to Selsy in Sussex :sad2:, but I wish I had come to Cleethorpes!!! I least that way I could have met up with you. That would have been such fun!!!

Come next time. I'll buy you an ice cream and a donkey ride:lmao:
Hi Joanne Hon
Wonderful planning and DISigns Hon! I am so happy for you and Paul!
I am going to be following this along if that is ok--I'm just so excited for you.
Hugs Mel:grouphug:
Aw Mel
I am so happy you are along for the ride. It's lovely to have another one of my DISigner friends over here with me (Dolly also drops in!!). Makes it feel just like home!!
Such great information, I've been stalking all the VW PJ for a few months now and I've finally taken the plunge and joined, yeah!! So excited for everything you have done so far, you are so creative. DH and I will be celebrating our 15 year and plan a DCL VW in November 2012. I have to say though, I'm already excited after reading many other reports. Great job and can't wait to hear more!!
Such great information, I've been stalking all the VW PJ for a few months now and I've finally taken the plunge and joined, yeah!! So excited for everything you have done so far, you are so creative. DH and I will be celebrating our 15 year and plan a DCL VW in November 2012. I have to say though, I'm already excited after reading many other reports. Great job and can't wait to hear more!!

Hi and thanks for reading!!
I will be looking forward to hearing all your plans for November 2012!!
I am having such a ball with my planning and am so looking forward to my special day. I am sure it will be the same for you!!
Happy planning and if I can help with anything just let me know!!
Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't posted for a while but real life takes over sometimes. All the schools went back last week after the summer break and so it is always a busy time getting Alfie ready for a new school year!! He is now in the final year of primary school and will go to high school next September. Where we live still operates a selective system and has a grammar school for which he needs to sit an entrance exam. He sits this at the end of this month, so some extra study time has been on the agenda!!

We have decided to do a 'Trash the Dress' with Randy a few days after the VR. I an very excited about this as I have always thought they look like such fun!! We have schedualed it with Randy for Monday 9th May at 10.00am. I was figuring on having it at a resort pool (Randy is willing to shoot wherever we want), but I am unsure of which one to pick. Any ideas girls? I thought it may be nice to have it at a resort with a beach too so that we could get some 'messing on the beach' shots too. At this point in our trip, we will be staying at POR which is a beautiful resort, so I have thought about doing it there too. What do you all think? I was concerned that if you were not staying at a particular resort, they may not be too happy about your having your 'TTD' session there, but I do have pool hoping priviledges with my DVC membership and Randy thinks it wouldn't be a problem whichever resort we choose so I am really undecided!!
I love all your ideas!! I wish I would have seen your welcome bag ideas before my wedding I would have had to steal some of them! A trash the dress session with be so much fun! I want to do one on our year anniversary but not sure if it will happen now do to my dress already being trashed by the cleaner :sad1:.
I love all your ideas!! I wish I would have seen your welcome bag ideas before my wedding I would have had to steal some of them! A trash the dress session with be so much fun! I want to do one on our year anniversary but not sure if it will happen now do to my dress already being trashed by the cleaner :sad1:.

:scared1: OMG it's terrible that the cleaner trashed your dress!!! What happened?
What about the beach club? I don't know what the pool is like but there is a beach area I believe. Failing that I think you can't go wrong with Poly or GF, that way you can get some lovely castle shots.
Do you know what, Claire sweetie, I hadn't even thought about the possibility of castle shots if we had the TTD at the Poly or the GF!!! You are a genius!! I think I am leaning towards the Poly - it is a very pretty pool and it has a beach with hammocks which would make for lovely pictures!!
I love the Beach Club, but I believe that to do a TTD at Stormalong Bay, you are obliged to pay for lifeguards :confused3 I think a DisBride (? Boardwalk Bride) did one there and had to pay for lifeguards. I would like to avoid this if I can!!
Hiya! Thought I'd pop over and read your PJ seeing as you were reading mine!! :goodvibes Your VR sounds like its going to be beautiful!! I look forward to seeing the pictures! :) By the way, I love your fascinator/veil and the dress is gorgeous!! I look forward to following along! :thumbsup2
KitKat - Thank you sweetie!!
Glad you are following along!!

We have definately decided to do the TTD at the Poly. I am looking forward to getting both beach and pool shots. As Claire (brer rabbit) said, we could maybe get some shots with the castle in the background, which would be great since we will not be having an in-park shoot. I love some TTD shots I have seen, (sorry to the gorgeous Disbride who they belong to - I can't remember your name!!) which uses a bottle of champagne, and has some great pictures of them opening it etc. I think I may steal this idea!!
I am currently working on the next edition of the newsletter. For the second half of our trip, we are staying at PORS and have the DDP. I am hoping to gather ideas on where people want to eat, and will include a reply card with the newsletter so people can contribute ideas regarding where to try to get ADRs. I think that some days we may all eat together (all 15 of us!!) and others we will be in smaller groups, so I need to be organized before ADR day (which is 1st November). If I am booking an ADR for the whole group, will I have to use the group reservation line? How many are allowed in the party before you are required to book through the group reservation line?
I was REALLY naughty and bought a pair of Jimmy Choo's from Ebay last week!!! They are gold and I absolutely love them!!! I am hoping to wear them for the 'Get Together' dinner at the Turf Club Grill on the first Monday of our trip!! The will probably cripple me but after all 'beauty is pain' and they are to die for!!! I have always wanted a pair and couldn't resist!! I will take a pair of comfie flip-flops to change in to incase we decide to hit either DTD or the Boardwalk after the dinner!!
I am typing this at work so will try to post a picture of the shoes tomorrow.
Oh my goodness! I'm so glad I found this thread! Your story brought tears to my eyes! I only read page one for today, but very anxious to dig in and read the rest! :lovestruc
Oh my goodness! I'm so glad I found this thread! Your story brought tears to my eyes! I only read page one for today, but very anxious to dig in and read the rest! :lovestruc

How sweet you are!!
I hope you enjoy reading the rest, and will stick around to the bitter end. One of the nicest things about these boards is all the new friends one makes!!! :lovestruc

Here, as promised is my naughty Ebay purchase!!!
I absolutely love them, and intend to wear them for the 'Get Together' dinner on the night after our arrival in WDW.



I am still slogging on with the latest edition of the newsletter. It seems to be a slow process but I will post it when it is done.

I have been playing around with the labels for the individual elements of the first aid kit for the Welcome bags. Here they are


I have decided to be completely anal about the whole thing and order small white boxes for any item that has original packaging which won't allow for one of my sticky labels to be attached!!! I think I am being too fussy, but I am a bit of a perfectionist about these things and I know my small amount of guests will appreciate my humble efforts!!!

I have ordered one of the gorgeous dress hangers from the Etsy seller several other DisBrides have used. It will say 'Paul and Joanne' and I will post a piccie when it arrives.
I have also ordered a sample of a chocolate swan which I am considering using on the tables at Citricos. I kind of hope that I don't like it when it arrives, as if I do, I will order 3 or 4 of them for the table, and they will be a nightmare to transport in the hand luggage on the plane!! The seller assures me that they are really well packaged (they must be as she sends them through the mail!!!), so if I like the sample, and I consider them to be sufficiently well packaged to survive in my hand-luggage, it may be an option. We shall see.....


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