Let's have a pending party!!


Sep 16, 2010
Hi! Are you a CP hopeful who's made it through the web based interview, through the phone interview, and FINALLY get an email from Disney, only to find out ..... that you're PENDING?! :confused:
Then come on down! Pull up a chair, give us your details and keep us up to date with your progress! Perhaps they just haven't gotten to the applications for where we applied? We may have to wait a little bit longer, but there's still hope!!! :goodvibes

My name's Amanda, I had my phone interview on Aug. 25th and got my pending letter on Monday the 13th. I LOVE Disney, but only applied for 3 positions (I'm a girl with a plan). I applied for Concierge (which I'm pretty positive I won't get, but dream big, right?) Hospitality and PhotoPass.

I created this in the hopes that everyone who's pending would be able to keep track of how other ...pendee's? are doing, and to give us hope when others finally hear word.
I'm Lindsey. I'm turning 22 on Sunday and I am a senior graduating in December from my school.

I phone interviewed on Tuesday, August 24th over the phone. I received my pending email on the 7th of September. I got the paper letter two days ago reminding me of my pending status. This waiting game is more nerve-wracking for me than waiting for my college acceptances was!

I applied for Attractions, Merchandise, Concierge, and QSFB. I've worked retail before, and worked with a lot of children during my time employed at a shoe store. I kept them entertained with games and Hannah Montana stickers! I've also been an RA for three years at my school and have handled almost every situation that could possibly have been thrown at me in that time!

I like "pendees" as a term! Good luck, fellow pendees!
Hi, I'm Amanda.

I applied on August 27th, had my phone interview on August 31st and got my pending email by September 10th.

I applied for almost everything except for the Bippity boppity boutique (because I can't do hair and its way to competitive), photo pass (didn't interest me) and lifeguarding. My top 4 choices were Hopper, Merchandise, Quick Service and Full Service food and beverage.

This morning I met with the advisor for the Disney Program at my school and he said the people who get pending letters either applied to early and they don't know where to put you yet.

Stay hopeful pendees and think purple!
Still thinking purple! I was hoping to hear from the CP yesterday with an email telling me "happy birthday and welcome to the CP!"
That would have had been an amazing birthday surprise! Hopefully this week we'll hear back. I must check my email at least 10 times an hour!
I know, right? I would have adored that!

You're in western Mass? Are you out there for school or do you live out there all the time... or both? I'm from eastern Mass and live 45 minutes from my school!
I go to Westfield State, which is about 40 minutes away from my house. What school do you go to?
UMass Lowell. In my last semester now... I graduate in December with a bachelor's in Liberal Arts. I've been an RA on campus for 3 years now, too!
Thats funny, my cousin is a freshman at Umass Lowell and wow, and you're still on the pending list? I think being a senior/holding an RA job for that long would show that your more than capable.
I'm pending also! I applied for everything except for Custodial, QSFB, BBB and housekeeping. I know those roles I would not be happy in. Hopefully we will know something sooner or later!
If a Disney College Program Campus Rep (a student at your school) hosted a Pending Q&A night, or even just a general CP Q&A night, would you go? Or would you rather just be able to email the Rep whenever you wanted, or ask questions here, instead of a one night thing?

I'm a rep, so I'm trying to figure how best to get everyone's questions answered, because after our presentation, I know there are going to be a ton!

Thats funny, my cousin is a freshman at Umass Lowell and wow, and you're still on the pending list? I think being a senior/holding an RA job for that long would show that your more than capable.

Does your cousin live on campus, do you know? I always have to ask! I'm hoping that I look capable and they just don't know where to put me yet because I'd rock it all! ;)

If a Disney College Program Campus Rep (a student at your school) hosted a Pending Q&A night, or even just a general CP Q&A night, would you go? Or would you rather just be able to email the Rep whenever you wanted, or ask questions here, instead of a one night thing?

I'm a rep, so I'm trying to figure how best to get everyone's questions answered, because after our presentation, I know there are going to be a ton!


If I had a rep, I would totally go!
If a Disney College Program Campus Rep (a student at your school) hosted a Pending Q&A night, or even just a general CP Q&A night, would you go? Or would you rather just be able to email the Rep whenever you wanted, or ask questions here, instead of a one night thing?

I'm a rep, so I'm trying to figure how best to get everyone's questions answered, because after our presentation, I know there are going to be a ton!


KBelle, I think that having a Q&A night would be great! There is no rep for my college (or any of the nearby colleges) and I wish there was someone I could just talk with, without calling up Disney Recruiting. A Campus Rep seems less intimidating. But I feel like limiting a meeting to just Pending might not encompass everyone that has questions, while a general Q&A meeting would let people just drop in and know they can ask any question they have, no matter how random.

Would you be able to post in this thread what pending status generally means? Do lots of people receive pending notices, and do many end up getting accepted? It'd be great to get some answers straight from representatives. :)

Hi, I'm Amanda.

I applied on August 27th, had my phone interview on August 31st and got my pending email by September 10th.

I applied for almost everything except for the Bippity boppity boutique (because I can't do hair and its way to competitive), photo pass (didn't interest me) and lifeguarding. My top 4 choices were Hopper, Merchandise, Quick Service and Full Service food and beverage.

Amanda, I feel like you're my evil twin!! I love photography and would totally enjoy lifeguarding or BBB, but I absolutely did not want to do QS or FSFB. :laughing:

Yes she does, I'm not sure which hall though but so far she's enjoying it!
So I applied for Spring Advantage.

I did Fall '09, and left my program about 2 weeks early, so I'm Pending while I wait to hear the decision on whether or not my Restricted Rehire Status will be lifted. Either way, I'm still one of y'all!

I think my interview went well, and hopefully I'm only Pending because of my Rehire Status. My top choice was Bibbidy Bobbidy Boutique, second was Vacation Planner, and I also had Hospitality and Concierge, but they told me they were only considering Hospitality majors, and I bombed the Concierge question, so there's no chance of that one. haha. I also said I'd do anything else, since my top choices are a little rarer to get, but I did say I'd prefer to do something other than Custodial this time, even though I really enjoyed it.

So yeah, I guess my mom back at the house got the Pending letter about a week after I interviewed, I'd say.

Does anyone know how most people get their final result? Through mail, email, or a phone call? Just curious.
Would you be able to post in this thread what pending status generally means? Do lots of people receive pending notices, and do many end up getting accepted? It'd be great to get some answers straight from representatives. :)

Since I'm not an "official" Disney rep (meaning I'm not on Disney's payroll for this, I don't have an ID, etc.) I don't know official numbers (and if they did let us know, they probably wouldn't let us release them).

From my own experience, and that of some of my friends, pending usually means that you did well on your phone and web based interview (do they have the web based interview for World? I did DLR) but they don't have your top roles available, or there is a problem with a rehire status, etc. I interviewed in early October, got a letter about 2 weeks later that said I am a strong candidate, but they are still making decisions, and they would let me know in early December. I think that may have meant that none of the roles I wanted were available, and they were trying to decide where to put me.

December finally came, and I got a phone call from a Disney rep who said that I was accepted into the program, but they still had no role for me. Then, she said that if I accepted, which I had to do in the next 3 days, I had to be open to any role on the checklist. Figuring that I could probably live with whatever role I got, although I wasn't too happy about it, I went for it, accepted and paid all the fees. A few days after the deadline to sign up, she called me back and said I got Vacation Planner, a role I added during my phone interview because they said they had a need for it and QSFB. So, in the end, it worked out. This also happened to a few of my friends, some in Vacation Planning as well.

So, there's no set answer as to why someone is pending, but if you've made it that far, there is a good chance that you will be accepted, but that's not a guarantee, and whether or not you get your desired role is another thing.
I'm a rep, so I'm trying to figure how best to get everyone's questions answered, because after our presentation, I know there are going to be a ton!

I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I'm going to be very honest with you. In fact, you may not even be this type of Rep, so what I'm about to write may not even be applicable. I'm also a former Rep (was for several years), so my opinion does include a bit of knowledge about the job.

I think Campus Reps are wonderful resources for learning about things to do and see while in Florida.

I also think they are wonderful when it comes to finding out who is the best resource at their school to talk to about credit and the like.

I'd also like to add that being a live person able to promote a presentation on campus (hanging posters, doing tables, etc.) is a great asset for a recruiter to have on a campus since they can't be there themselves for any period of time to do these things.

They are also great people to give a testimonial about what they gained from the program (but so is any other alumni who left Disney).

With that said, I think those are really the only good things they are for.

Many Campus Reps (and other alumni) present themselves as having all of the answers and knowing the in's and out's of the program. This is stuff like how it operates, why stuff happens, and related topics. The reality is that Reps don't have any inside information.

Some Reps even misrepresent themselves by calling themselves "Recruiters" and doing other things that make them see more than they really are... former participants who are assisting their recruiter with promoting the program on campus.

I feel that Disney does an excellent job of providing information about how to get ready to do the program and all of that following the interview and accepting an offer. Like I said, Reps can be a resource for fun stuff to do in FL or who to talk to at school, but other than that, let Disney inform people what they need to do.

I've seen Reps and other alumni give completely wrong info on here and other boards. I can't imagine what is said in a live room when an actual recruiter isn't present.

For the record, I may have unintentionally given out incorrect info as well, but I try to make sure that whatever I say is accurate and encourage anyone to verify my statements with Disney instead of taking my word for it. You would be a fool to not verify stuff you read on here with Disney.

You know how they taught us to tell Guests, "I don't know, but I'll find the answer for you?", I don't think a lot of Reps do that or do that enough.

I think the best thing that a Rep or any other alum could do if they aren't 100% certain they are correct is to tell someone who to contact. In fact, I would even go as far as not even attempting to answer any question that wasn't presentation or school related.

I don't think anyone intentionally gives out incorrect info, but I do think people get caught up in the ego of "been there/done that" or being in a position of perceived expertise that they don't want to be humble and refer someone on to the true experts. I've seen that happen. And it happened to me during my first semester as a rep.

Housing question? Contact Disney Housing. Course question? Contact Disney Education. Can't log in? Contact the Tech team. General question? Contact Recruiting.

I'm sorry for the long post. I hope you aren't offended. I don't know you or how you interact with people interested in the program. I really don't recall off the top of my head any negative interaction you've had on here. My statements are just based on my observations and experiences over the years and my general feelings about Campus Reps.
To BigDreamer,

Haha I wouldn't say my evil twin but yes complete opposite, good luck though!
So, there's no set answer as to why someone is pending, but if you've made it that far, there is a good chance that you will be accepted, but that's not a guarantee, and whether or not you get your desired role is another thing.

I hope I make it in! I also hope I hear back before December, because I need to start making grad school and job plans. I'd do anything on the checklist except lifeguarding, because I couldn't perform the tasks necessary to be a lifeguard. I am not a strong swimmer!
During the phone interview, the lady said that the hopper (my first pick) is mostly for the last minute applicants. Since I'm pending, couldn't they just make me a hopper since it's for the last minute people?


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