Weight Watchers Chat

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I DID IT :banana: - I can't believe it - I am doing intervals for my long runs so I ran 3 minutes, walked 1 minute. I averaged about a 14 minute mile, which for me is good! I only have to add 9 more miles to get to the 1/2 marathon, but I feel better about it after each run - it is amazing what you can do if you only try!

Thanks for asking!

Great Job Tammy!! Keep going you can do it.
Ok, so I've had about as horrible of a weekend food wise as you can have :mad:. And the thing is I picked on crud all weekend, at least if I was going to eat it could have been something good. I was so good all week too. We had 80 degree temps all week then this weekend rain and maybe 40 as a high so the weather has been blah also. I feel kind of down too cause although I have lived in NC for 10 years I am missing my friends and family in NJ. I hope everyone else had a better weekend. :)
A few questions from a WW online person--I don't have the education ya'll get in the meetings so forgive me if this is common knowledge....

Just how important is it to get 6-8 glasses of water/liquids per day for weight loss? If you don't get them, is it harder to lose? On weekdays or days I work out I do ok w/ this, but have a tough time on weekends.

I've always been the person who can open the can of pop and sip on the same one all day. Feel bloated and nasty if I drink too much and just physically find it hard to do.

That being said, my losses have been minimal or non-existent the last few WI's, despite my strict adherance to tracking food.

Just how key is the water thing?
Not sure about the importance but I think I remember that you can have 2 drinks other than water a day and then water for the rest. My little smiley thing shows up online after 6 glasses. The following is from the WW website...

Bottom Line
While the claims for drinking 64 ounces or more of water each do not have a valid scientific basis behind them, drinking enough fluids to prevent dehydration is critical. This means replacing the water that is lost each day in urine, sweat, breathing, and other bodily functions. Water losses are greater in warmer climates, during strenuous exercise, in high altitudes, and in older adults. For most people, these losses can be covered by drinking about 48 ounces of fluid per day which is the amount Weight Watchers suggests as a guideline for good health.
Hope this Helps!

I have my last 10-10-10 challenge weigh-in tomorrow. Wish me luck and good luck to all whose WI is tomorrow! Have a great week everyone
I think the water is very important. What I try to do is fill a large cup and drink it all in one gulp before a meal. Helps fill me up and meet the requirements. Sometimes it is hard to do though.
Ok, so I've had about as horrible of a weekend food wise as you can have :mad:. And the thing is I picked on crud all weekend, at least if I was going to eat it could have been something good. I was so good all week too. We had 80 degree temps all week then this weekend rain and maybe 40 as a high so the weather has been blah also. I feel kind of down too cause although I have lived in NC for 10 years I am missing my friends and family in NJ. I hope everyone else had a better weekend. :)

:hug::hug::hug: big hugs coming your way :hug::hug::hug: Sorry to hear you had a tough weekend - hopefully the sun will shine today and you will feel better. I can imagine its hard to be away from your family. Today WILL BE a better day - back on track - you can do it!
:hug::hug::hug: big hugs coming your way :hug::hug::hug: Sorry to hear you had a tough weekend - hopefully the sun will shine today and you will feel better. I can imagine its hard to be away from your family. Today WILL BE a better day - back on track - you can do it!

Thanks Tammy!!! unfortunatly no sun today there is a actually a small chance of snow or wintery mix :scared1:. I know I shouldn't be complaining about the weather especially since a lot of northerners have been living with tons of snow for months. I am going to pick myself up today no matter what!!
I DID IT :banana: - I can't believe it - I am doing intervals for my long runs so I ran 3 minutes, walked 1 minute. I averaged about a 14 minute mile, which for me is good! I only have to add 9 more miles to get to the 1/2 marathon, but I feel better about it after each run - it is amazing what you can do if you only try!

Thanks for asking!

:banana: :banana: :banana: WOW!! Congratulations. You're an inspiration. :goodvibes

Ok, so I've had about as horrible of a weekend food wise as you can have :mad:. And the thing is I picked on crud all weekend, at least if I was going to eat it could have been something good. I was so good all week too. We had 80 degree temps all week then this weekend rain and maybe 40 as a high so the weather has been blah also. I feel kind of down too cause although I have lived in NC for 10 years I am missing my friends and family in NJ. I hope everyone else had a better weekend. :)

Well, Stephanie, I hope your week starts out better. Did you stay within your points??? I had a difficult weekend as well. I just couldn't seem to get full. :confused3 I have no Weeklies left and had to rework my menus for today and tomorrow so I could find some extra points. I hope today is better for both of us. :goodvibes
:banana: :banana: :banana: WOW!! Congratulations. You're an inspiration. :goodvibes

Well, Stephanie, I hope your week starts out better. Did you stay within your points??? I had a difficult weekend as well. I just couldn't seem to get full. :confused3 I have no Weeklies left and had to rework my menus for today and tomorrow so I could find some extra points. I hope today is better for both of us. :goodvibes

:hug:to you too. Honestly, I started out counting and by afternoon I just didn't even bother :sad2:. I also keep up with my water and I didn't even do that and I didn't exercise either. I did't even get on the scale this morning and I do that every morning. I am just going to start fresh today using my dailies and whatever happens Thursday is what it is. My kids are still off, this is their last week (this one was a long one 4 weeks off)and I am taking them to the movies today. Anyway, hope you were able to rework your menu for today Jess, hang in there we can do it!!!
:hug:to you too. Honestly, I started out counting and by afternoon I just didn't even bother :sad2:. I also keep up with my water and I didn't even do that and I didn't exercise either. I did't even get on the scale this morning and I do that every morning. I am just going to start fresh today using my dailies and whatever happens Thursday is what it is. My kids are still off, this is their last week (this one was a long one 4 weeks off)and I am taking them to the movies today. Anyway, hope you were able to rework your menu for today Jess, hang in there we can do it!!!

Hey Stephanie, it's like we were the same person all weekend. I didn't track at all. Just not in the mood. I had planned to run, but when you wake up and it's 15 degrees with a windchill of 5, you say you'll do it later. Later never came. Then, we ordered take away and I selected based on what I wanted, not on what would work. It's was two very bad days. But, today is a new day and we're back on track, right!

Congratulations on your long run Tammy!!! You're doing great.

Good luck finding points Jessie. For me, fruit is the answer!
Hey Stephanie, it's like we were the same person all weekend. I didn't track at all. Just not in the mood. I had planned to run, but when you wake up and it's 15 degrees with a windchill of 5, you say you'll do it later. Later never came. Then, we ordered take away and I selected based on what I wanted, not on what would work. It's was two very bad days. But, today is a new day and we're back on track, right!

Congratulations on your long run Tammy!!! You're doing great.

Good luck finding points Jessie. For me, fruit is the answer!

Ok, group :grouphug:. Are you at least getting excited for your trip this week? I hope so, you will have a good time.
Hello, welcome!!! Congrats on your recent wedding. I scanned through your trip report and your pictures of the wedding and everything are amazing, what a beautiful couple. I just came back from disney and gained 3lbs but, I have to look at the 60 I've lost. This weeks meeting topic about setbacks was perfect. Ya got to just pick yourself up and just keep swimming ;). Good luck to both you and your husband.

Thanks for the welcome and for the compliments on our wedding pics! We had an amazing time! The wedding and honeymoon are the reasons we joined WW, lol, I gained 15lbs since the wedding and my clothes didn't fit so i knew we had to do something!

So This past weekend we went out a few times to dinner but I tried to make good decisions and track my points as best I could. Our local fair is in town and we're going this evening. I have saved all my extra weekly points for this so hopefully it won't show on the scale tomorrow afternoon.:confused::rolleyes1
:banana: :banana: :banana: WOW!! Congratulations. You're an inspiration. :goodvibes

Well, Stephanie, I hope your week starts out better. Did you stay within your points??? I had a difficult weekend as well. I just couldn't seem to get full. :confused3 I have no Weeklies left and had to rework my menus for today and tomorrow so I could find some extra points. I hope today is better for both of us. :goodvibes

Thank you - that makes me feel good.

The weekends are always hard for me too - I weigh in Saturday morning, then I tend to binge on snack foods Saturday and Sunday afternoon - luckily I was too busy this weekend to binge, but I did have a run in with the peanut butter jar Satruday afternoon.:rotfl:

I know today will be a better day for you! :hug:
Hey Stephanie, it's like we were the same person all weekend. I didn't track at all. Just not in the mood. I had planned to run, but when you wake up and it's 15 degrees with a windchill of 5, you say you'll do it later. Later never came. Then, we ordered take away and I selected based on what I wanted, not on what would work. It's was two very bad days. But, today is a new day and we're back on track, right!

Congratulations on your long run Tammy!!! You're doing great.

Good luck finding points Jessie. For me, fruit is the answer!


Your weather sounds terrible - bet you are so ready to head south - I don't blame you for not running either - it was a chilly 29 degrees when I went out yesterday and windy, that was my first experinece with the cold and I was not dressed properly. I need to get some pants, but want to wait to fall to get the right size for next winter.

Good luck getting back on track today :hug:

Your weather sounds terrible - bet you are so ready to head south - I don't blame you for not running either - it was a chilly 29 degrees when I went out yesterday and windy, that was my first experinece with the cold and I was not dressed properly. I need to get some pants, but want to wait to fall to get the right size for next winter.

Good luck getting back on track today :hug:

Thanks Tammy. I managed fine all winter -- ran no matter the temp. Then we were blessed with a couple of 60 degree days a couple of weeks ago. That spoiled us and it's been hard to go back to winter.

I'm getting very excited for our trip. We're seeing that it's 83 degrees in Orlando. That will be a huge temperature shift. Only 4 more sleeps!
Thanks Tammy!!! unfortunatly no sun today there is a actually a small chance of snow or wintery mix :scared1:. I know I shouldn't be complaining about the weather especially since a lot of northerners have been living with tons of snow for months. I am going to pick myself up today no matter what!!

I'm one of those Northerners and I don't mind a bit if you complain. Crappy weather is crappy weather and it can bring you down. And just because someone has it worse than you (someone always will!) doesn't mean you aren't entitled to a little pity party for yourself every once in a while!

Today is bounce back day though!!! Pick yourself up and do something fun to break that funk!!!! :)
My first weigh-in today and I lost 3.6 pounds! My scale at home said more so I was really disappointed at first but after I got home I realized it was still a great loss and I should be happy!!
My first weigh-in today and I lost 3.6 pounds! My scale at home said more so I was really disappointed at first but after I got home I realized it was still a great loss and I should be happy!!
congrats,I would love to lose half that much in a week these days. But i do that too weigh at home then get down cause its less.
Catching up on the weekend ...

Here's some interesting information -
How much weight have you lost? See what your weight loss equals :)
OMG, that was funny! :rotfl:

Back from weigh-in - this was my 16th week, so I received the lovely charm! I was down 3.4 pounds for a total of 36.4!!!

Whoo hoo! That's AMAZING! :dance3:

Yippee!! Today was my 12th weigh in since starting the program January 1. I have lost every week so far.
Congratulations! An every week loss is really great :).

Hello, it's been awhile since I checked in. I've been busy and was sick for 5 days!!

My happy news is that I was done 3.6 pounds today (didn't weigh in last Saturday-I was gone). That makes a total of 21.2 pounds since mid January.
I hope you're feeling better now Julia. Congratulations on your great weight loss ... still great over 2 weeks. :thumbsup2

Hi Everyone!

Well this week I stayed the same after my initial 5 lb. loss the first week. Oh well, right? It is almost TOM so that could have something to do with it.

On a positive note, we went out to dinner tonight to Longhorn Steakhouse and I was able to stay OP. I had a mixed green salad, steamed asparagus and a 6oz. sirloin. I was very proud of myself for not dipping into the endless loaves of bread they kept bringing or the free desserts we got because our waitress forgot to place our order.

Sometimes a "0" is a success. More to the point, you had a great non-scale victory by passing on the bread and desserts :thumbsup2.

I am a little leary of the new ponts system....I am having a hard time making my points each night - I am meeting my good health guidelines and then I feel like I am just adding foods in to be adding them in...I read on the weight watchers website and this seems to be common and it appears they still want you to have a treat....
I don't think it's about "treats" but more about LIVEing with the WW eating plan and not DIEting. In many ways it is easy to stay focused and diet for a few weeks but it's hard to keep up at it if you feel you can't have the things that you enjoy eating. Right now you're writing down everything, planning ahead and second guessing things before you eat them. That will work for a while, but the weekly points give you the ability to have something you love to eat without guilt. I guess what I'm saying is that you might not need the weeklies now, but don't beat yourself up over it if you use them later :hippie:.

Ok, so I've had about as horrible of a weekend food wise as you can have :mad:.

I am just going to start fresh today using my dailies and whatever happens Thursday is what it is.
That's exactly what you need to do! Heck, I probably wouldn't even try to count those points from the weekend or take away all your weekly points. I would just "write it off" and go forward like you're doing. :grouphug:

My first weigh-in today and I lost 3.6 pounds! My scale at home said more so I was really disappointed at first but after I got home I realized it was still a great loss and I should be happy!!
You bet 3.6 is great! Whoo hoo! :cool1:
My first weigh-in today and I lost 3.6 pounds! My scale at home said more so I was really disappointed at first but after I got home I realized it was still a great loss and I should be happy!!

congrats,I would love to lose half that much in a week these days. But i do that too weigh at home then get down cause its less.

Ok..I have to ask this question -- When you weigh at home, what are you wearing? Probably not the same thing as when you wear when you weigh in at Weight Watchers??? My guess is you're probably wearing a lot less at home ;). The addition of the clothes may be what is making the difference. :laughing:
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