Biggest Loser--SUMMER 2011 Challenge for Losers & Maintainers!

Question for those doing the Healthy Habits:

How do you keep track? I've tried doing it on the computer and in my journal but neither works. Any ideas?
UPDATE_ Home Health Aide and/or Nurse will be starting ASAP...sister will do what she can in terms of help and appts. We have an evaulation for both of my parents tomorrow for long term care insurance. I have to get some things together in the morning for that. I've been working on updating the spreadsheets tonight with new meds and notes on meds, etc.

Mom and Dad are both sleeping right now. I know I should probably get some sleep but I think I'm running on adrenaline right now. Also, eating so late tonight has thrown me off.

I'm happy to say that I am down about 4 pounds since I got here so I will probably get back OP more when I get back. Of course, today I had nutter butters for lunch during Mom's chemo and then we had Subway for supper.

We spent about 5 hours at the doctor's today as we had to go for an ultrasound to rule out blood clots. She is on lasix now for the edema in both legs and feet. Hoping that kicks in fast and when the swelling goes down that the pain will also be reduced. I know I won't sleep much the next few nights. I plan on sleeping as much as I can once I'm home. I can sleep late on Tuesday and then go in for my 1 regular client and then spend the day at home with the girls on Wednesday. We may go to the library and lunch. We got the chemo done as well while we were there. By the end the pain killers had worn off and she became miserable which made it seem longers. I massaged her feet a lot this afternoon during that. I have to call her neurologist tomorrow to check on her dialantin levels and make sure she should still be taking some of the meds that are still on our list. We will have to see how she is tomorrow on the regular schedule again. She finished some meds today.

Well, I need to try and get some ZZZZs before my long night begins. I hope she sleeps more tonight as I'm not sure if I can get through 4 more nights like last night!

TTFN :tigger:
Thanks for all the suggestions. I thought of another idea this evening. I was at Walmart and picked up this 150 pc puzzle:


I'm going to assemble it on my own, without letting DD know about it, and then break it up into logical three piece groups making 50 groups. I'll put each set of 3 pieces in a small envelope on a poster board calendar. Each day beginning 50 days out, we can take down an envelope and add them to the puzzle. DD and I will finish it up the day before we leave. And, since this is such a good opportunity to learn about calendars, months, weeks, etc, under each envelope, I will have written the day, date and countdown:

July 9
50 days to Disney​

What do y'all think? Once I get it ready, I'll post a pic.
Question for those doing the Healthy Habits:

How do you keep track? I've tried doing it on the computer and in my journal but neither works. Any ideas?

I make a chart to hang on the fridge. I use magic markers so it's nice and colorful. At the top I write "Healthy Habits Week X". Down the side I write each day of the week, and then under the title I write across whatever the challenges for that week are. Then it's there at the end of the day for me to check off!

And Connie, I think that's a great idea! Very unique!
Well, we have arrived at our first opportunity to see those inches being whittled away and to celebrate our successes.

We started our challenge with 21 WINners and 13 have reported in this week.

Collectively, over our first 3-week period, we have:

  • Lost a total of 31 1/3 inches
  • Lost an average of 2 2/5 inches
  • Lost an average of 1.49%
Our TOP SIX WINners for this period are:
6) -1.34% - lisah0711
5) -2.27% - JacksLilWench
4) -2.41% - Connie96
3) -2.66% - Zhoen
2) -3.42% - mommyof2Pirates

And (drumroll) our Number One WINner is:
1) -4.78% - Worfiedoodles

:cool1: Congratulations to Maria, Lindsay, Joan, Kaiti, Lisa and ALL of our WINners! :cool1:

We are off to a great start and let's keep on WINning! :thumbsup2

If anyone still wants to report their measurements for this period, please do. I'm happy to help you track your progress whether or not you are able to get your numbers in before the results are posted.
My youngest started with early intervention at around 5 months for physical therapy and started speech at about 1 1/2 years old. The physical therapy was for torticollis. He was watched pretty closely because he has limited hearing in one ear. There is a shortage of speech therapists doing early intervention in some states. We had to wait a few months after his evaluation for the therapy to start, we waited because he was so young and was already receiving services. At the time he just made the criteria to recieve the services. He is 7 and is still in speech at school but his continuing therapy is more related to the hearing loss. Good luck at his evaluation.

Thanks and thank you to everyone else who offered such great support.

Dylan had his eval and I was told that he was at a 16 month level for expressive language and needed to be at at least 17 months since he's at 23 months now, so he qualifies for EI. They said that they'll call me within 2 weeks to start setting up weekly service, so that's good. Of course, the little bugger decides to stop doing what was asked of him while he was being tested. I knew once she took out the "ball" it was all over :rotfl: I swear that was one of his first words and he loves :love: any type of ball. And of course they can only give him credit for what they see, so maybe he would have been better, but we'll never know. So, it can't hurt and will only help him more.

Of course I was the guilty mom at times during the test. He refused to color and when they asked me if he colored at home, I was like, um not really he doesn't have crayons. He tries to steal pens from the desk, but we try not to let him use them unless we're right there. Whoops :sad2: So of course I email DH right after and I'm like we need to go buy Dylan crayons!!!!!!!! I mean he colors at dinners when we go out to eat which is usually twice a week, but other than that it's usually at daycare. I know they paint and color there, so it's not like he doesn't do it at all.

So, anyway I signed us up for a free class at the Little Gym tomorrow to see if he likes it. I'm off with him on Friday's so that may be something we might start doing. I don't know if it helps with expressive language, but I'll find out. I guess EI also offers play groups if we can get in, so we'll try to sign up for that.

Actually he does walk on a leash! I work at Petsmart and he comes into the store all the time! I will take a picture next time!

Yes, please do so :)

Oh and the HUGE GIGANITC plus:

It's 16 minutes from the gate of the community to the gate of Disney World!! :banana: ::MickeyMo

Now we're talking :banana:

QOTD, Wednesday June 29th: water. how do you get your water in each day? drink glasses throughout the day? fill a water bottle? drink it by a certain time?

Disney QOTD, Wednesday June 29th: When was your last trip to Disney? (WDW, DL, DCL, AbD) When is your next trip?? tell us a little something about it!

I am terrible with my water intake. I actually will only drink it if it's flavored. I usually have it with Crystal Light and probably not enough. Though when I do my Zumba on the Wii I will drink 16 ounces of it in 20 minutes.

As for Disney, my last real trip was November 2007 :scared1: Though we did go to DTD and on the Disney Cruise this past May. Our next "real" trip will be Dylan's first trip in Dec 2012.

dvccruiser sue duh, i totally knew how old dylan was. brain fart! sorry about that! as you know thomas is a couple weeks older and he is just as behind in the talking as your little guy is. at his 2 year appt the doctor said that speech evaluation was not necessary. when she asked if he at least had 6 words i was like, "no!" but but then once we counted he really was about there. mama, dada, papa, car, coo coo (choo choo) pweas (please), pooh (pool, lol). he kinda says "where is it?" and "what's that?". he does not say bye anything. no bye dada or bye mama. he kinda sounds just about where dylan is. he is jussssst starting to try to repeat a few things that i say. like, yesterday we were blowing bubbles at the beach and i asked him to say bubbles. he tried...a little. a few of my girlfriends have said that their boys started to become more verbal AFTER they turned 2. i'm going to give it some time.

this probably doesn't help you at all. but i thought i'd share that you're not the only one worried about their non-talking 2 year old.

watch, by the next challenge (or one after that) we'll be saying "why won't thomas and dylan just shut up already!!"

Exactly :laughing:

We have family festival this week so last night was oldies night, where they block off the center of town, have a dj playing oldies music and dancing in the square. We met up with Sue/dvccruiser briefly and it was so fun to meet her adorable little Dylan. We had dinner at a deli, and I did have a meatball sub, but that was it, so could have been worse.
The fireworks are sunday at the park near our house, so we have a pre fireworks cookout, and our whole neighborhood is just crazy with parties, and fun. It looks like the work on our side street is not going to be done by then, so we'll have to stick in our little yard. We normally have a water ballon fight in the street.

We have people coming over, but if they leave early we may swing by. I don't supposed those workers will be out on Sunday :rotfl:

BAD night last night. Mom was in horrible pain and then had me up about every hour to go to the bathroom. I'm am beat and just hope I can get through another 4 nights of this. Of course the last night I have to be up early anyways for my flight. I have a headache which I have when I don't get much sleep. Just had my shake and I just put the kettle on for my tea. I should probably have 2 cups of that this morning.

You're almost home :hug:
Good morning. I was up at o dark 30 this morning. Actually it is still dark :lmao: I'm off to 4 hours at work, then I'll pick up Nick and we'll head off for the weekend. I'm a little nervous about work today as there have been threats against the VA that I work at so we are on a total lockdown today. Supposedly the lockdown starts as I'm leaving, but who knows what will actually happen :confused:
Much better night last night...she woke me at 1 this morning but we both fell back asleep. The dog started wandering around at 3 so I got Mom up then and she took forever and I had to take the dog out 3 different doors to get her to do her business. Mom and I both went back to sleep until 6:20. I had my cell phone set to go off at 6:30 so that was good timing.

I just made my tea and then I need to make Mom her breakfast. The nurse for their evaluation arrives at 9. My mom keeps stressing over the house being a mess The woman needs to see things as they are! This is stressing my dad out so he's pacing.

I've got to get some groceries for them later and she wants to make cookies for the vet and the EMTs that came. They were so amazing last Friday.

Swelling is definitely going down and her legs don't feel hard as rocks anymore.

Well, time to get my tea and then make some breakfast.

TTFN :tigger:
I've never figured out the calories for the Eggplant Gratin, but I read somewhere recently that each WW Point is "roughly" 40 calories. Using that unscientific calculation, the entire recipe would be about 520 calories. I normally get four servings out if it, so we'd be looking at about 130 calories per serving.

I had a serving of it tonight mixed in with some whole wheat pasta - added a little extra marinara sauce - yummy. :thumbsup2

Hope that helps,


thank you so so so much for that recipe. it sounds delicious AND better yet, it sounds like something i actually can do! LOL! and, if not, you live closeby...i'll just come to your door next time i know you're having it for dinner :)

and i see you're a mets fan! woot! i took the little guy with me to a game last week with a friend of mine and it was great. we actually won! thomas got an awesome mets outfit for his birthday :)

I did the paper chain with DD when she was 4, disaster!! I had it color coded so each kid cut their color off when it was their turn but DD kept cutting them all off in a day.

I like the mickey heads. If you can't pilfer the paint chips let me know, I can cut mickey heads on my cricut and mail them to you.

I can't help you with the autograph book because I don't have the first page done and we've been to WDW 12 times!! LOL

I :love: you!! You keep me grounded Pamela. OK, tomorrow is an OP day. I have no idea what I'm planning for food but I'll figure it out. I'll come back tomorrow and post how it went.

I :love: you too Rose!!! And all my other WISH peeps!! You guys rock!!

OK this coming week, hopefully starting tomorrow will get me on par. DH is taking the week off which really helps alleviate my schedule. He can do swim while I get DS14 and his 3 friends from French immersion.
I need to schedule work outs, I'm hoping to get outside and do the track near the pool.
And since DH will be home cooking will be easier. We just need to sit down and create a good menu. I want to go back to Trader Joes this week too and get some more organic meats and produce. Gosh I wish it was closer!!!

Damn, why is this so hard??? I can do the workouts, that is the easy part. But the darn food stinks. I have considered Jenny Craig or Medifast but I need to learn how to do it on my own. You can't eat prepackaged food forever. And I read one of the side effects of the Medifast is hair loss, well I've done enough of that on my own. I'd like to keep the little bit of hair I have left.

OK I'm going to bed. I have to take DS to run at 5:30 and take my dad for his colonoscopy at 7:30.

Tomorrow I commit to my water, a work out, eating OP, and journalling.

hugs buffy! big big big hugs! it IS hard!! but that's why it's so worth it! i mean, right? i was much heavier a few years ago and it was so hard to take off the weight but once i did i was so much happier. you can do it! my aunt across the street just lost 25 lbs and seeing her SO happy is a real inspiration.

i would steer clear of the prepackaged stuff. stick to your commitment to journaling and getting on here as often as possible. i feel like a runt when i come on here and i'm like, "yeah, i totally ate my face off last night" - it makes me want to come on and say i ate well.

you can do it!!!

Thanks for all the suggestions. I thought of another idea this evening. I was at Walmart and picked up this 150 pc puzzle:


I'm going to assemble it on my own, without letting DD know about it, and then break it up into logical three piece groups making 50 groups. I'll put each set of 3 pieces in a small envelope on a poster board calendar. Each day beginning 50 days out, we can take down an envelope and add them to the puzzle. DD and I will finish it up the day before we leave. And, since this is such a good opportunity to learn about calendars, months, weeks, etc, under each envelope, I will have written the day, date and countdown:

July 9
50 days to Disney​

What do y'all think? Once I get it ready, I'll post a pic.

CUTE!!! i love it!! can't wait to start doing these things!! i reeeeeeallly like the puzzle idea!

Thanks and thank you to everyone else who offered such great support.

Dylan had his eval and I was told that he was at a 16 month level for expressive language and needed to be at at least 17 months since he's at 23 months now, so he qualifies for EI. They said that they'll call me within 2 weeks to start setting up weekly service, so that's good. Of course, the little bugger decides to stop doing what was asked of him while he was being tested. I knew once she took out the "ball" it was all over :rotfl: I swear that was one of his first words and he loves :love: any type of ball. And of course they can only give him credit for what they see, so maybe he would have been better, but we'll never know. So, it can't hurt and will only help him more.

Of course I was the guilty mom at times during the test. He refused to color and when they asked me if he colored at home, I was like, um not really he doesn't have crayons. He tries to steal pens from the desk, but we try not to let him use them unless we're right there. Whoops :sad2: So of course I email DH right after and I'm like we need to go buy Dylan crayons!!!!!!!! I mean he colors at dinners when we go out to eat which is usually twice a week, but other than that it's usually at daycare. I know they paint and color there, so it's not like he doesn't do it at all.

So, anyway I signed us up for a free class at the Little Gym tomorrow to see if he likes it. I'm off with him on Friday's so that may be something we might start doing. I don't know if it helps with expressive language, but I'll find out. I guess EI also offers play groups if we can get in, so we'll try to sign up for that.

ugh, i have agita reading this. if dylan qualifies than i'm sure thomas would. blergh. and there is NO way thomas would color or do anything that the lady wanted to do! so don't feel bad. they are 2!

now i don't know if i should look into this. i probably should before the new kiddo comes.

i'm glad you got him evaluated. did the lady say anything about how boys are "usually" more delayed than the girls? i wonder how much they take that into consideration.

it's getting close to his 2nd bday!!!

Good morning. I was up at o dark 30 this morning. Actually it is still dark :lmao: I'm off to 4 hours at work, then I'll pick up Nick and we'll head off for the weekend. I'm a little nervous about work today as there have been threats against the VA that I work at so we are on a total lockdown today. Supposedly the lockdown starts as I'm leaving, but who knows what will actually happen :confused:

oh boy. lockdown. that does NOT sound like a fun little day at work! be careful. o'dark 30- lol!

morning all! thomas didn't wake up til 6:15 this morning. holla! of course i've been tossing and turning all night but at least i didn't have to get out of bed at 5!

i'm trying to think about what to bring camping with the big eater family this weekend. fridge space is a bit of an issue. theirs always packed and they use my grandpa's too. apparently he got some new fridge in the camper that is very small too b/c they don't make the kind that he used to have (his camper is from 1988!). thinking about buying a cheapy styrofoam cooler. i don't want to be too obnoxious with what i bring. like, when my mother sees them she just full out says how she doesn't eat any of "that" stuff. if someone said that to me about my food i'd have some choice four letter words to say back. but i'm thinking about bringing some healthier stuff but blame it on the kid. HA! i'm going to bring a watermelon. they never have fruit and i know thomas loves it. done. fruit and not making it seem like i don't want to eat their crap. a pasta salad sounds good too. it's got pasta in it. 'nuff said. the "aunt" mentioned that i could bring a dessert. i'm thinking of buying those bite size brownies. that way i can at least try to tell myself to stop at two.

anyone else have suggestions? something that doesn't have to be refrigerated? i think we're going to bring our keurig! lol! we are coffee drinkers (i only have 1 a day but i neeeed it) and that family doesn't drink it. i could bring some decaf cup things too since i know my grandpa likes decaf.

ok, sorry, just thinking out loud here. it is an absolutely gorgeous day. i want to get out for a walk but after yesterday's workout i'm feeling pretty tired.

have a great day everyone!
Just wanted to do a quick check in:

Yesterday was a blur. Within a half hour of getting to the office I had to evacuate it and get everyone out. They were doing work upstairs and laying a carpet with this strong glue. The smell came throught the vents into our office and was so strong. Everyones eyes and throat was burning and we began feeling dizzy and nauseated. We had to cancel close to 30 patients and I had to coordiante getting staff and a doctor up to our other office site to see our sick patients. It was just a horrible disaster. I didnt get home until 8pm. My parents decided just to keep the boys overnight so at least that was helpful.

So at least today I am off and it starts my 2nd staycation of the summer.:banana:

We were originally going to go to dutch wonderland today but my parents spent way to much money this week already doing things with the kids so we decided to do something a bit cheaper. We are going to bushkill falls. Its where Dona was just talking about...the niagra of PA. It will be lots of walking so some great exercise. I am just looking forward to getting away and doing something.

Eating has been bad the past 2 days and I was up .8 at my weigh in yesterday. TOM came on wed. so that just about says it all.

Sorry I couldnt do replies I will try to get caught up later.

Have a great Friday. TGIF
Good Friday morning everyone.

Just getting ready to type some paperwork up for my calc kids to work on during the summer. I was supposed to do it last week but I forgot. I need to get it on today. They will be thinking about it in the next couple of weeks because their scores will be coming out. I thought they were due out today but they will not be ready until Tuesday. I have heard that overall the scores were not that great but I heard that last year and my kids did wonderful so I am concerned but I just want to know the numbers.

Lindsey Have fun at Bushkill Falls. Don't let the guys lead you through the falls too fast or you will pay for it tomorrow.

Off to type.

Have a happy and healthy day.
Quick check in. Feeling better although not 100% so its whole wheat toast for breakfast and NO COFFEE! Back to work, have to leave in 5 min. My plan was to get up really early and get my run in because I have to go to a bbq at boyfriends friends house tonight (which im super nervous for) and wont have time to run. I must have been delusional last night because there was no way i was waking up at 7 to go running! oh well. Just means tomorrow won't be an off day as planned!

I am pleased to report that since I began this weight loss journey about a month ago, I am down 6.5 pounds as of today! There is NO REASON i cant make my goal by may!!
UPDATE_ Home Health Aide and/or Nurse will be starting ASAP...TTFN :tigger:

Much better night last night...
I've got to get some groceries for them later and she wants to make cookies for the vet and the EMTs that came. They were so amazing last Friday.

TTFN :tigger:

So much good news, so glad you are going to get a moment to catch your breath!!! It's great about the cookies, hopefully having something like that to do will lift her spirits and distract her from how she's feeling... not to mention that it sounds like she could definitely stand to be licking the bowl right now! :) The poof fairy ate my post the other day, but I was going to suggest banana milkshakes... just milk, vanilla ice cream, and fresh (greenish) bananas... really tasty and pretty easy to hold down no matter how icky you're feeling. You can bump up the calorie count by using a heavier brand of ice cream, higher fat milk, that sort of thing. The home care nurse will be SUCH a help.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I thought of another idea this evening. I was at Walmart and picked up this 150 pc puzzle:

What do y'all think? Once I get it ready, I'll post a pic.

Unbelievably cute!!!

anyone else have suggestions? something that doesn't have to be refrigerated? i think we're going to bring our keurig! lol! we are coffee drinkers (i only have 1 a day but i neeeed it) and that family doesn't drink it. i could bring some decaf cup things too since i know my grandpa likes decaf.

I say bring anything/everything you want, in a regular (non-styrofoam, wheeled) cooler, as big as it needs to be to meet your needs, and don't apologize. I would do this anyway, but in your case, you have the PERFECT plausible reason. You're pregnant! You have special dietary needs... maybe a sudden case of all-day-morning sickness? The sight/smell/taste of "heavy" foods makes you hurl? (It's real... the banana milkshakes mentioned above provided a good majority of my required daily calories when I was pregnant with DD#2... I lived on fruit and made up calories wherever I could... she really *IS* made of "sugar and spice") I can't imagine anyone denying a pregnant woman her fruits and veggies.

If you choose to be less conspicuous, ok, then those grape tomatoes are fantastic for travel, baby carrots can hold for a day or two without refrigeration... can't think of much else...

Somehow we went from "biggest loser" to "survivor"... my scale, which decided to cooperate this morning, gets to survive another week. I considered last night showing it a video of what happens when you put a lithium battery in the microwave, just to make my point, but it was not necessary. So yay. 1 month, 10 pounds... check that box... I've reset my WW day to Friday so I'm not doing 2 weigh-ins per week, the little fluctuations were messing with my head. I'm glad to see that number, but not as happy as I was expecting... I'm stuck at the thought of "30 more pounds 'til goal, knowing that the first month is the "fastest"... 7.5 lbs to the 10% goal... 14.5 to a 25 BMI... it's like looking up a mountain and realizing you're nowhere close yet, ya know? I know, one step at a time...

We're going dashing to the ocean today... with fried food and candy stores on literally every corner, and impossibly beautiful beach bunnies everywhere to remind you how perfect you're not... <sigh> Wish me luck...

So as not to end on a downer note... I took some "me" time last night, colored my hair, and it looks faaaaabulous... Happy day, and wishes for tiny numbers!!!
Thank you again Nancy for coaching last week and to dvccruiser76 (Sue) for coaching this week!:goodvibes

Congrats to all our WINners--especially Maria!!! Great job!

Thank you to Connie, CC, Dona, Buffy, and Lisa for helping with the challenge!

I hope everyone sees great things on the scale today.

So lets talk holiday weekends for a sec. It was exciting to see how many fun things folks have planned for the weekend. Do the very best you can with the food, water and exercise. And most importantly no matter what, jump back on plan on Tuesday. :goodvibes

I hope everyone sees great things on the scale today.:goodvibes
Good morning all!
Thanks, Nancy, so much for being a great coach this week! :flower3: Lots of great questions -- especially the Disney questions. :welcome: to our new coach, Sue!

A BIG congratulations to all our superstars, and especially to our biggest loser, Kelli! :cool1:

And a BIG, BIG congratulation to our own Worfiedoodles who pulled the hat trick of a healthy lifestyle winning HH, WIN! and being a BL! :yay: Congratulations! You so totally rock! I honestly do not remember this happening before -- it is a wonderful, wonderful accomplishment.

Question, I'm looking at the W.I.S.H. Teams and I have no idea which one I should join...anyone have any suggestions?? Bias opinions welcome!

Trina, Kathy, Lindsay and I are on the INCREDIBLES. We are not the most active team but everyone is very, very nice. Rose and Maria are Ohanas I believe but I don't know if they are taking new members. There is a fairly new team there too but I can't think of what their names are. There is the main WISHers thread, too. I don't post there but do read it. I don't know if they do more team stuff during Marathon week-end. I mostly consider myself a WISH'er first. :goodvibes

Buffy, you got some great advice for getting back on the wagon and it sounds like you are there! :thumbsup2 Remember, we are always here to pick you up if you need it. :hug:

Lisabelle, I love the picture of your walkers. :love: Looks like such a fun vacation and non-Disney, too.

I'm hoping that's enough motivation to keep me moving :thumbsup2

I'd say you are off and running, girl! :cheer2:

Everyone have a great day, and do make a plan for the holiday weekend. I know we can report on Tuesday we did well, if we make a plan and a pact that we will get through it together! :thumbsup2

I love this idea, Maria, I will make my plan today! :hippie:

--almost forgot--got my workout in today! I did not want to report to you all that I was slacking!

Even if you had forgotten your workout today, I would never, ever say you are a slacker, Rose, not just because you are my friend and I'm nice, but BECAUSE YOU ARE SO NOT A SLACKER! :hug::flower3:

Wow! Great ideas for the countdown, bellebookworm9. :thumbsup2

Tracey, I'm sorry for the rough times but glad things are getting better. :hug: And I'm really glad that you are getting them some help. I agree with Deb that it's been a tough haul for all of you, especially your DSis whose FIL just died, too. It's a hard, hard thing for your whole family. :grouphug:

Connie, your puzzle idea is one of the best countdowns I've seen! :cool2:

Sue, there is nothing worse than Mommy guilt. :hug: We've done plenty of things wrong with DS and he still manages to be a wonderful, healthy, smart guy in spite of his parents foibles!

Deb, lockdown sounds scary. :hug: I noticed that there had to be a guard at our local Social Security office when I was there a couple of weeks ago. What is the world coming to? :sad2: Be safe and enjoy your week-end!

Lindsay, nice work on the evacuation and emergency plan coming through! :thumbsup2 I think you should get a bonus. :flower3: And a big :woohoo: for staycation!

A little trip to the store is in my future this morning and then a movie this afternoon. This is the last day the weather is supposed to be cool and then we can hang out in the backyard the rest of the week-end! :yay: Have a great day all!
Good morning everyone! I will be your coach for the week. Sorry for the delay, DS was not cooperating this morning, but now he's settled down a bit.

So, I've been good with my new Wii Zumba game. I was also looking on-line to see if there were local Zumba classes and the fees and yesterday when I went to pick up Dylan, BAM, there was a coupon for a free Zumba class on the door. 3 of the teachers take it and they had a free coupon. Plus it's only $7 a class which is cheap from what I've seen. So, I'm going to give it a try this week :goodvibes

Aside from that this will be a nice weekend. I'm driving half way to my sister's in CT to take my niece and nephew for a few days. Dylan's 2nd b-day party is Sunday and we're going with a Dinosaur theme.

So, as you can guess, I've got a lot to do that day :goodvibes

Good morning. I was up at o dark 30 this morning. Actually it is still dark :lmao: I'm off to 4 hours at work, then I'll pick up Nick and we'll head off for the weekend. I'm a little nervous about work today as there have been threats against the VA that I work at so we are on a total lockdown today. Supposedly the lockdown starts as I'm leaving, but who knows what will actually happen :confused:

Ugh, I hate getting up when it's dark. I hope there are no threats today and that you have a wonderful weekend away :)

Much better night last night...she woke me at 1 this morning but we both fell back asleep. The dog started wandering around at 3 so I got Mom up then and she took forever and I had to take the dog out 3 different doors to get her to do her business. Mom and I both went back to sleep until 6:20. I had my cell phone set to go off at 6:30 so that was good timing.

I just made my tea and then I need to make Mom her breakfast. The nurse for their evaluation arrives at 9. My mom keeps stressing over the house being a mess The woman needs to see things as they are! This is stressing my dad out so he's pacing.

I've got to get some groceries for them later and she wants to make cookies for the vet and the EMTs that came. They were so amazing last Friday.

Swelling is definitely going down and her legs don't feel hard as rocks anymore.

Well, time to get my tea and then make some breakfast.

TTFN :tigger:

I hope everything goes well today. I agree they are better off seeing how things really are versus a clean house. This will help them determine exactly how much help they really do need. Hang in there!

ugh, i have agita reading this. if dylan qualifies than i'm sure thomas would. blergh. and there is NO way thomas would color or do anything that the lady wanted to do! so don't feel bad. they are 2!

now i don't know if i should look into this. i probably should before the new kiddo comes.

i'm glad you got him evaluated. did the lady say anything about how boys are "usually" more delayed than the girls? i wonder how much they take that into consideration.

it's getting close to his 2nd bday!!!

Sorry for giving you agita. They didn't mention boys versus girls, but when they come for a one on one session, I expect they will. And, it's also hard to tell where they don't always cooprate so things may seem worse than they are. I'm also going to check out Amazon, I bet there are books that we can buy to help them out alone too. Don't worry too much, and if you are, you can always ask for an evaluation. They're free in Mass, so it's worth it.

Have fun camping. How does Thomas do? I was thinking of maybe throwing the tent up one night this summer in the back yard and camping with DH and DS.

Yesterday was a blur. Within a half hour of getting to the office I had to evacuate it and get everyone out. They were doing work upstairs and laying a carpet with this strong glue. The smell came throught the vents into our office and was so strong. Everyones eyes and throat was burning and we began feeling dizzy and nauseated. We had to cancel close to 30 patients and I had to coordiante getting staff and a doctor up to our other office site to see our sick patients. It was just a horrible disaster. I didnt get home until 8pm. My parents decided just to keep the boys overnight so at least that was helpful.

So at least today I am off and it starts my 2nd staycation of the summer.:banana:

We were originally going to go to dutch wonderland today but my parents spent way to much money this week already doing things with the kids so we decided to do something a bit cheaper. We are going to bushkill falls. Its where Dona was just talking about...the niagra of PA. It will be lots of walking so some great exercise. I am just looking forward to getting away and doing something.

We had a weird work situation this week too. They had a gas leak and the place smelled terrible when we got there Tuesday. So, they had to call the fire dept. and gas company and got it all straightened out, but it took some time.

Yahoo for staycation :cool1:

Have fun in PA!

Just getting ready to type some paperwork up for my calc kids to work on during the summer. I was supposed to do it last week but I forgot. I need to get it on today. They will be thinking about it in the next couple of weeks because their scores will be coming out. I thought they were due out today but they will not be ready until Tuesday. I have heard that overall the scores were not that great but I heard that last year and my kids did wonderful so I am concerned but I just want to know the numbers.

Good Friday morning to you too! Hope you get all of your paperwork done. It can be a good feeling once you're all done :)

I am pleased to report that since I began this weight loss journey about a month ago, I am down 6.5 pounds as of today! There is NO REASON i cant make my goal by may!!

Awesome job, 6.5 pounds is something to be proud of, especially when you know you're on track to accomplish your goal :thumbsup2

Somehow we went from "biggest loser" to "survivor"... my scale, which decided to cooperate this morning, gets to survive another week. I considered last night showing it a video of what happens when you put a lithium battery in the microwave, just to make my point, but it was not necessary. So yay. 1 month, 10 pounds... check that box... I've reset my WW day to Friday so I'm not doing 2 weigh-ins per week, the little fluctuations were messing with my head. I'm glad to see that number, but not as happy as I was expecting... I'm stuck at the thought of "30 more pounds 'til goal, knowing that the first month is the "fastest"... 7.5 lbs to the 10% goal... 14.5 to a 25 BMI... it's like looking up a mountain and realizing you're nowhere close yet, ya know? I know, one step at a time...

So as not to end on a downer note... I took some "me" time last night, colored my hair, and it looks faaaaabulous... Happy day, and wishes for tiny numbers!!!

I'm wondering if I should get a new scale too. It seems like it gives a different reading if I move it sometimes :eek: Plus it only does 1/2 pounds.

Good for you for taking some me time. Enjoy your Friday!

Thank you again Nancy for coaching last week and to dvccruiser76 (Sue) for coaching this week!:goodvibes

Congrats to all our WINners--especially Maria!!! Great job!

Thank you to Connie, CC, Dona, Buffy, and Lisa for helping with the challenge!

I hope everyone sees great things on the scale today.

So lets talk holiday weekends for a sec. It was exciting to see how many fun things folks have planned for the weekend. Do the very best you can with the food, water and exercise. And most importantly no matter what, jump back on plan on Tuesday. :goodvibes

I hope everyone sees great things on the scale today.:goodvibes

Hi Rose!

Thank you Nancy for doing such a great job. I hope I can do as good of a job, but it will be tough. You had some great questions.

Great job to everyone of our losers, maintainers and gainers for keeping up and staying strong last week. Let's keep up the good work!

Sue, there is nothing worse than Mommy guilt. :hug: We've done plenty of things wrong with DS and he still manages to be a wonderful, healthy, smart guy in spite of his parents foibles!

A little trip to the store is in my future this morning and then a movie this afternoon. This is the last day the weather is supposed to be cool and then we can hang out in the backyard the rest of the week-end! :yay: Have a great day all!

Hi Lisa, isn't it the truth. I'm only just beginning and I'm sure I'll have plenty more guilty days ahead :confused3 You live and you learn and hope that everything turns out okay in the end.

What movie are you going to check out? We're going to take DS for his "first" official movie tomorrow with my niece and nephew. Cars 2!

Hi Kathy, it was nice seeing you Wednesday. Depending on who we have here Sunday we may try to swing by. Do you watch the fireworks from your house or walk down?

Hello you everyone that I missed. I hope everyone has a great Friday. We're taking Dylan to a free Little Gym class at 10, so I'll be back to check in in a bit. If you're traveling, stay safe, happy and healthy this weekend :flower3:
Friday's QOTD - With everyone going places and attending parties this weekend, does anyone have any foods that they make that are on the healthier side, or that they alter to make them healthier? If so, please share.

Friday's Disney QOTD - Have you ever been to WDW, DL or on DCL during the 4th? If so, was there anything special about that trip that you enjoyed?
Friday's QOTD - With everyone going places and attending parties this weekend, does anyone have any foods that they make that are on the healthier side, or that they alter to make them healthier? If so, please share.

For a lot of cookouts, I make fruit salad. I have a wonderful fruit dip made from cream cheese, fluff and a dash of lemon juice, so now I make it with fat free cream cheese. Still sooooo tasty popcorn::

Friday's Disney QOTD - Have you ever been to WDW, DL or on DCL during the 4th? If so, was there anything special about that trip that you enjoyed?

My first actual trip to Disney was over the 4th of July, so it was special in itself. Though after going then and another time, I find it to be rather crowded. But, hey it's Disney right. I'll take to empty or full :laughing:
I took a page for each character I thought we might meet, put two of those pages per page in a Word document, printed it, hole punched, and put them in a binder. I don't want to carry the binder around again this year, but I would do it again. Then when I came home, I was able to cut out the autographs and paste them next to the pictures in my scrapbook. Another option is to put together a photobook on say, Shutterfly, but that can get a little pricey. Here's a pic of one some of the pages from last year's book (the characters loved it!):

If I PM you my email address, any chance you could forward that Word Doc to me? These are adorable!

I have a folder somewhere on my desktop with almost 200 individual autograph pages. I made it several years ago so I probably don't have the most recent characters. It is formatted for 8" X 8" cardstock. Now we just make the cards for any new characters and bring along the ones that we didn't come across on previous trips and just search out those characters.

Same question... could you email me those pages? Or at least a few samples?

CUTE!!! i love it!! can't wait to start doing these things!! i reeeeeeallly like the puzzle idea!

Unbelievably cute!!!

Connie, your puzzle idea is one of the best countdowns I've seen! :cool2:

Thanks y'all! I am 37 years old and have now had exactly *TWO* creative ideas. :rotfl: (The first one was back in 2004.)

Friday's QOTD - With everyone going places and attending parties this weekend, does anyone have any foods that they make that are on the healthier side, or that they alter to make them healthier? If so, please share.

I have absolutely nothing on my agenda for the holiday weekend. Well, other than heading to my folks' house this evening to BOOK OUR WDW PACKAGES!!! As far as eating plans, I got nothing. No, I'm not distracted. I'm sorry, what was the question?? :rotfl2:

Friday's Disney QOTD - Have you ever been to WDW, DL or on DCL during the 4th? If so, was there anything special about that trip that you enjoyed?

Nope, never been during the July 4th season. I've only ever heard two things about WDW on July 4th. 1)It's impossibly crowded. 2) Disney does it up right and it was totally worth braving the crowds. At least once.:upsidedow
Friday's QOTD - With everyone going places and attending parties this weekend, does anyone have any foods that they make that are on the healthier side, or that they alter to make them healthier? If so, please share.

I ussually bring a veggie tray. It's a healthy choice and my kids generally devour the veggies - to the point I have to tell them to save some for othe people.

Friday's Disney QOTD - Have you ever been to WDW, DL or on DCL during the 4th? If so, was there anything special about that trip that you enjoyed?

My first trip to WDW was during the 4th. It was 1985 so I don't remember the crowds as much - it was fun though. We did went to the Magic Kingdom and stayed for the fireworkds.


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