Biggest Loser--SUMMER 2011 Challenge for Losers & Maintainers!

Friday's QOTD - With everyone going places and attending parties this weekend, does anyone have any foods that they make that are on the healthier side, or that they alter to make them healthier? If so, please share.

well i've already talked about all the food that'll be around me this weekend. i just got back from the grocery store and bought the following: oranges (always a good snack!), a box of 100 cal packs, hummus, wheat thins, baby carrots, animal crackers and cheez its for thomas. also, i'm going to make lisa's pasta salad (see her post on pg. 76!). i mean, this stuff isn't exactly the healthiest stuff considering i can devour a box of cheez its in just under an hour but it's way better than eating all the crap that will be there.

Friday's Disney QOTD - Have you ever been to WDW, DL or on DCL during the 4th? If so, was there anything special about that trip that you enjoyed?

you know, i've never been to disney during the summer vacation months. and if i can help it, i don't ever want to go. i don't do well in heat and crowds which is hilarious considering 1) i live in nyc, land of crowds and 2) WDW is my favorite place on earth. lol! we are mostly january visitors. i like the cooler weather. but we've been in september a few times and plan on going this september if all goes well.

has anyone been to WDW on the 4th when they've closed a park? i've heard that they close for capacity often on that day. i can't imagine!!!


well folks, i killed my blender. i was making herbalife shakes for breakfast most days with frozen fruit and milk. killed the motor. darn! i guess that's what happens when you buy a knock off magic bullet. i broke out my regular blender and put so much in (thought i could eyeball it, yeah right) and wound up with 2.5 full glasses of fruit smoothie. whoops. and god forbid i not drink it all!!!

i walked 4 miles today. my pace was 16.5 miles/min. not fast enough to avoid the sweepers at the wdw marathon but enough to keep me happy that i'm getting my butt moving. i would have gone farther but thomas started to melt down in the stroller. i ask alot of him to just sit in the stroller for over an hour each day so i can't blame the kid.

i just realized i forgot to get the ingredients for mackeysmom's eggplant dish. son of a gun. i was going to make it tonight. oh well, next week.
Dylan had his eval and I was told that he was at a 16 month level for expressive language and needed to be at at least 17 months since he's at 23 months now, so he qualifies for EI. They said that they'll call me within 2 weeks to start setting up weekly service, so that's good. Of course, the little bugger decides to stop doing what was asked of him while he was being tested. I knew once she took out the "ball" it was all over :rotfl: I swear that was one of his first words and he loves :love: any type of ball. And of course they can only give him credit for what they see, so maybe he would have been better, but we'll never know. So, it can't hurt and will only help him more.

That is not a huge delay at all! :thumbsup2 I'm sure he will be talking up a storm in no time.

ugh, i have agita reading this. if dylan qualifies than i'm sure thomas would. blergh. and there is NO way thomas would color or do anything that the lady wanted to do! so don't feel bad. they are 2!

now i don't know if i should look into this. i probably should before the new kiddo comes.

i'm glad you got him evaluated. did the lady say anything about how boys are "usually" more delayed than the girls? i wonder how much they take that into consideration.

If you suspect anything at all, get him evaluated. Early Intervention is FREE in New York State. It can't hurt.

I am pleased to report that since I began this weight loss journey about a month ago, I am down 6.5 pounds as of today! There is NO REASON i cant make my goal by may!!

Glad you are feeling better, and congrats on the 6.5 lbs!

So, I've been good with my new Wii Zumba game. I was also looking on-line to see if there were local Zumba classes and the fees and yesterday when I went to pick up Dylan, BAM, there was a coupon for a free Zumba class on the door. 3 of the teachers take it and they had a free coupon. Plus it's only $7 a class which is cheap from what I've seen. So, I'm going to give it a try this week :goodvibes

I'm also going to check out Amazon, I bet there are books that we can buy to help them out alone too.

Isn't the Wii Zumba great? $7 is cheap I think, but I wouldn't know for sure because classes at my school are free!

I would hold off on the Amazon books for now. When the therapist comes to work with him, ask him/her for some recommendations. Chances are that they will give you some exercises to do with him anyway.

Friday's QOTD - With everyone going places and attending parties this weekend, does anyone have any foods that they make that are on the healthier side, or that they alter to make them healthier? If so, please share. family is generally good about making healthier foods, or at least having fruits and veggies available. I'm trying to convince Mom to let me stay home if she and my brother decide to go to the family gathering, mostly because my family drives me nuts in a bad way. But I told her if they ask to tell them that I have to study-the GRE is next Wednesday! :scared1:

Friday's Disney QOTD - Have you ever been to WDW, DL or on DCL during the 4th? If so, was there anything special about that trip that you enjoyed?

:rotfl: NO! I don't know that I would survive it, honestly. Well, maybe the cruise. Too hot and crowded, maybe next year or the year after and I'm hopefully a Florida resident, I'll go check it out, just to say that I've done it.

If I PM you my email address, any chance you could forward that Word Doc to me? These are adorable!

Sure! Some of the newer characters (specifically Rapunzel and Flynn Rider) aren't there though, but there are some generic cards at the end that you could use. Also, they are in the order I wanted them, so you may have to do some rearranging!

my3princes, would you be willing to send me those cards too?

Good afternoon all! I'm down another 1.4 lbs, making the total since the challenge started 4.8-so close to 5 lbs! I want that new clipppie, and I'm going to work extra hard this week to make sure I get it! I'm going grocery shopping today, and my plan is to mow the lawn/weed for exercise. :goodvibes
Friday's QOTD - With everyone going places and attending parties this weekend, does anyone have any foods that they make that are on the healthier side, or that they alter to make them healthier? If so, please share.

Friday's Disney QOTD - Have you ever been to WDW, DL or on DCL during the 4th? If so, was there anything special about that trip that you enjoyed?

We're planning on having gazpacho salad as a side with our grilled food (we'll eat off the grill all weekend -- chicken, salmon, shellfish). It's basically just chopped tomatoes, celery, cucumber, pepper and onion, with some spices and a light dressing. It's a WW recipe and it's 2 pts for 1 1/3 c. definitely better and more flavorful than heavy potato salad. ::yes::

Sue -- That fruit dip sounds good -- what time should I expect you? ;)

I have not been to any Disney destinations during the 4th. I think it would be a ton of fun, but probably more crowded than I would enjoy.

Nancy -- I am so impressed with the workouts you are getting in. You are so consistent, I know you are going to sail through that delivery :boat:

Connie -- My only advice is don't be like me -- I have two autograph books with autographs and no photos because I never printed them out. Poor kid could care less now it's years later :rolleyes1

Lisah -- I am floored I have done so well :faint:. I don't think I've ever been this "on" in my life. The funny thing is, I don't really feel like I'm working that hard -- it's more a matter of doing the right things more days than not. I guess there's some truth to that "calories in, calories out" theory :goodvibes

Zhoen -- Torturing your scale might not be the most effective way to lose weight, but it might make you feel good :rotfl2: It is frustrating when it isn't fast or easy, but that's why it's a journey, not a walk around the block. You can do it! :cool1:

Trina -- I'm glad you're feeling better today. I was sick over the weekend, and it's just no fun. Sometimes you need to wait awhile after your ill to be at 100% for exercise. That's not necessarily a bad thing. ::yes::

Dona -- We're awaiting ds's final report card which will be mailed. He told us he doesn't want to know the grades if they come while he's in Missouri this week. I don't blame him, he should relax and let those finals go. Next year he has algebra. We are quickly approaching the point where I cannot help with math. I took Trig, but I have no idea how it works. That must have been a blessing in your house when your guys were younger -- I'm sure they never got to a level you couldn't understand! :teacher:

Lindsay -- You are going to have a wonderful time on your staycation! Sorry about yesterday, but so glad today is yours to enjoy! :yay:

Deb -- Hang in there, the lockdown at work sounds very scary. We have veterans services in the basement where I work 2 days a week, I never thought of it as a target before :eek:

Tracey -- I hope everything that should be seen at the eval is clear. I know you want your folks to get the care they need. :hug:

Pamela -- Glad you're in the pact with me, I'll think of you when the goodies start to call! :flower3:

Well I guess I can't post about making a plan and then not post one, so here's mine:

Friday -- 10M run, eating -- choc milk for recovery, Lunch: hummus and pretzels, carrots, peppers, blueberry yogurt; snacks: cherries, blueberries, orange; Dinner: Subway BLT, Veggie chips, oatmeal raisin cookie

Saturday -- no formal exercise, outlet mall walking :cool1:, Breakfast: orange, banana muffin; Lunch: salad with a protein; Dinner: grilled protein and veggies, oatmeal raisin cookie; Snacks: veggies, fruit

Sunday -- 3M run, Brunch: muffin, orange, yogurt, watermelon & cantaloupe; Dinner: Grilled protein and gazpacho salad, ice cream dessert Snacks: fruit and veggies.

Monday -- repeat of Sunday.

I'm not sure when we'll go grocery shopping and I'll need to replenish our fruits and veggies. Maybe I can convince dh to go tonight :idea:

Everyone have a fabulous weekend!

Maria :upsidedow
I have absolutely nothing on my agenda for the holiday weekend. Well, other than heading to my folks' house this evening to BOOK OUR WDW PACKAGES!!! As far as eating plans, I got nothing. No, I'm not distracted. I'm sorry, what was the question?? :rotfl2:

Ha, no problemo :rotfl:

Nope, never been during the July 4th season. I've only ever heard two things about WDW on July 4th. 1)It's impossibly crowded. 2) Disney does it up right and it was totally worth braving the crowds. At least once.:upsidedow

Yes, crazy crowded indeed. DH hates crowds. I'm used to them, but I try to avoid traveling there when it's busy now. Plus, I don't really enjoy the heat in FL during the summer much either.

My first trip to WDW was during the 4th. It was 1985 so I don't remember the crowds as much - it was fun though. We did went to the Magic Kingdom and stayed for the fireworkds.

Mine too! I don't remember exactly when, let's think. Must have been summer of 89 perhaps.

well folks, i killed my blender. i was making herbalife shakes for breakfast most days with frozen fruit and milk. killed the motor. darn! i guess that's what happens when you buy a knock off magic bullet. i broke out my regular blender and put so much in (thought i could eyeball it, yeah right) and wound up with 2.5 full glasses of fruit smoothie. whoops. and god forbid i not drink it all!!!

i walked 4 miles today. my pace was 16.5 miles/min. not fast enough to avoid the sweepers at the wdw marathon but enough to keep me happy that i'm getting my butt moving. i would have gone farther but thomas started to melt down in the stroller. i ask alot of him to just sit in the stroller for over an hour each day so i can't blame the kid.

i just realized i forgot to get the ingredients for mackeysmom's eggplant dish. son of a gun. i was going to make it tonight. oh well, next week. [/COLOR]

I've been at DHS when they closed it on NYE. Crazy crowded indeed!

Mmmmm eggplant sounds delish.

That is not a huge delay at all! :thumbsup2 I'm sure he will be talking up a storm in no time.

You are too right :thumbsup2

Isn't the Wii Zumba great? $7 is cheap I think, but I wouldn't know for sure because classes at my school are free!

So far so good, I've only had it a week so I'm just getting started.

I would hold off on the Amazon books for now. When the therapist comes to work with him, ask him/her for some recommendations. Chances are that they will give you some exercises to do with him anyway.

Oh yeah, good idea. We also have a Learning Express in Saugus so they may have options too.

NO! I don't know that I would survive it, honestly. Well, maybe the cruise. Too hot and crowded, maybe next year or the year after and I'm hopefully a Florida resident, I'll go check it out, just to say that I've done it.

Yeah our cruise was full, but I couldn't tell. You can tell when the parks are full .

Good afternoon all! I'm down another 1.4 lbs, making the total since the challenge started 4.8-so close to 5 lbs! I want that new clipppie, and I'm going to work extra hard this week to make sure I get it! I'm going grocery shopping today, and my plan is to mow the lawn/weed for exercise. :goodvibes

Great job on your 1.4 pounds :cool1:

Sue -- That fruit dip sounds good -- what time should I expect you? ;)

Come on up Sunday! We have great fireworks and you can park at my house and walk if you want.

I have not been to any Disney destinations during the 4th. I think it would be a ton of fun, but probably more crowded than I would enjoy.

Well I guess I can't post about making a plan and then not post one, so here's mine:

Friday -- 10M run, eating -- choc milk for recovery, Lunch: hummus and pretzels, carrots, peppers, blueberry yogurt; snacks: cherries, blueberries, orange; Dinner: Subway BLT, Veggie chips, oatmeal raisin cookie

Saturday -- no formal exercise, outlet mall walking :cool1:, Breakfast: orange, banana muffin; Lunch: salad with a protein; Dinner: grilled protein and veggies, oatmeal raisin cookie; Snacks: veggies, fruit

Sunday -- 3M run, Brunch: muffin, orange, yogurt, watermelon & cantaloupe; Dinner: Grilled protein and gazpacho salad, ice cream dessert Snacks: fruit and veggies.

Monday -- repeat of Sunday.

Awesome plan, you go :thumbsup2

So, DH and I ended up taking DS to the Little Gym together. Dylan really seemed to like it, though the class was super crowded. I ran into a girl who was in our mom and baby yoga last summer. She loves it, but said it was crowded more than usual which might be due to the fact that it's summer. I think we'll hold off to find out more about what we'll be doing for Early Intervention first then maybe sign up for the Little Gym in the fall.

Well, I need to figure out my route to Manchester CT so we can hit the road soon.

I'll be back later tonight!
Eval on Mom and Dad is done! Woman was really thorough and explained everything nicely. Mom is doing quite well today. I'm trying to cut back on her pain killers as I don't want her to become hooked on them and I also don't want to run out since it's a long weekend. She's lying down now waiting for the visiting nurse to arrive and then after that is OT.

I ran out to the grocery store to pick up a few things we needed and made myself a salad at the salad bar at the grocery store. I'm trying to be good and drink a lot of water today. I bought some pretzel crisps which are pretty good.

I am going to make chocolate chip cookies the rest of the afternoon and hopefully get to listen to the podcasts. Just haven't had time today.

Brian and the kids have been out all morning doing errands and they are going out for supper tonight too!

Well, I guess I'll get started on those cookies now.

TTFN :tigger:
i just realized i forgot to get the ingredients for mackeysmom's eggplant dish. son of a gun. i was going to make it tonight. oh well, next week.

I just finished the last of mine for lunch today - mixed it in with a little leftover spaghetti squash - very good. :thumbsup2

I'm trying to finish up the odds and ends in my fridge. I'm not a huge fan of leftovers, but I hate when I have to throw out food.

Having a hard time getting motivated today. Just stressing about everything - the COBRA issue (as of today, I am officially uninsured - trying to obtain a catastrophic/hospitalization only plan, but there will be a lapse), the unemployment issue (didn't get the job I interviewed for last week), the cat issue (just had to submit another one of Sunny Doodle's stool sample for a specialized fecal test at the tune of $175).

I came thisclose to ordering a delivery pizza from Papa John's today and just eating the whole thing. I wish my first thoughts didn't always turn to food when I look for comfort.

I hope you guys don't mind the whining/venting. These days my friends are totally tip-toeing around me, making inane conversation about everything in the world BUT insurance, jobs, cat, money, etc. I hate that - I'd rather just talk about, and move on. Otherwise, it is just like the proverbial elephant in the room.

- Laura
Well, I got the area under my bathroom sink cleaned out last night. I got a good start on going through boxes and bins of clothes that I've not seen since 2008. I filled a 55 gallon trash bag of clothes that I will be taking to Goodwill.

I need to finish measuring a few more peices of furniture and then sit down and look at the floor plan for the new house and figure out where everything is going to go. Then I'm going to tackle the entry way closet.

Be back later...
Pamela--that would the University of South Carolina Gamecocks I was referring to yesterday--back to back NCAA College World Series Champs!!!!! DS will be a junior there this year. Have a fabulous weekend!

Sorry, not much of a sports fan here, so the name didn't mean anything to me.

And fwiw--I totally have to bring my own food everywhere now, and you know what? I don't care what anyone else thinks. I think you have a good plan--just do what is best for you.

Well... you have a good REASON for needing to bring your own food. No one could fault you for that. I did buy some stuff to bring along.... all natural sugar-free peanut butter, low carb pita pockets, light Babybel cheese, plain fat free greek yogurt, hummus. And I'll buy some seltzer and fruit when we get there. I'll make it work the best I can.

Ok Buffy. Here's my pep talk. I know you want to quit. I have been there so many times. But you can do this. It's not always easy and it's definitely not fast, but it's doable. Focus this weekend on two things--drinking enough water and getting at least 15 minutes of exercise a day--by yourself if possible--you need some recharge Buffy time. Hang in there.:hug: It really is worth all the effort in the end--because NOTHING tastes as good as thin feels.:hug:

Good advise from Rose, as usual.
Ok, I am out of time. I will try to get on tomorrow morning to update some stuff. Have a great night everyone!

--almost forgot--got my workout in today! I did not want to report to you all that I was slacking!

Healthy Habits Week3 Results

Congratulations to Our Participants:

Congratulations to this Week's Prize Winner: buzz5985! Please PM me your address and I will send you your prize.

Congratulations to Worfiedoodles for earning all 15 HH points!

BIG WOOOOHOOO to all of our HH participants and our winner!!

I :love: you!! You keep me grounded Pamela. OK, tomorrow is an OP day. I have no idea what I'm planning for food but I'll figure it out. I'll come back tomorrow and post how it went.

You WILL do it, I know you will!

I :love: you too Rose!!! And all my other WISH peeps!! You guys rock!!

OK this coming week, hopefully starting tomorrow will get me on par. DH is taking the week off which really helps alleviate my schedule. He can do swim while I get DS14 and his 3 friends from French immersion.
I need to schedule work outs, I'm hoping to get outside and do the track near the pool.
And since DH will be home cooking will be easier. We just need to sit down and create a good menu. I want to go back to Trader Joes this week too and get some more organic meats and produce. Gosh I wish it was closer!!!

Damn, why is this so hard??? I can do the workouts, that is the easy part. But the darn food stinks. I have considered Jenny Craig or Medifast but I need to learn how to do it on my own. You can't eat prepackaged food forever. And I read one of the side effects of the Medifast is hair loss, well I've done enough of that on my own. I'd like to keep the little bit of hair I have left.

OK I'm going to bed. I have to take DS to run at 5:30 and take my dad for his colonoscopy at 7:30.

Tomorrow I commit to my water, a work out, eating OP, and journalling.

Wish we could share some motivation! I have NO problem with the food, but the exercise lately has been TOUGH and definitely lacking.

I hope today is going well for you.

UPDATE_ Home Health Aide and/or Nurse will be starting ASAP...sister will do what she can in terms of help and appts. We have an evaulation for both of my parents tomorrow for long term care insurance. I have to get some things together in the morning for that. I've been working on updating the spreadsheets tonight with new meds and notes on meds, etc.

Mom and Dad are both sleeping right now. I know I should probably get some sleep but I think I'm running on adrenaline right now. Also, eating so late tonight has thrown me off.

I'm happy to say that I am down about 4 pounds since I got here so I will probably get back OP more when I get back. Of course, today I had nutter butters for lunch during Mom's chemo and then we had Subway for supper.

We spent about 5 hours at the doctor's today as we had to go for an ultrasound to rule out blood clots. She is on lasix now for the edema in both legs and feet. Hoping that kicks in fast and when the swelling goes down that the pain will also be reduced. I know I won't sleep much the next few nights. I plan on sleeping as much as I can once I'm home. I can sleep late on Tuesday and then go in for my 1 regular client and then spend the day at home with the girls on Wednesday. We may go to the library and lunch. We got the chemo done as well while we were there. By the end the pain killers had worn off and she became miserable which made it seem longers. I massaged her feet a lot this afternoon during that. I have to call her neurologist tomorrow to check on her dialantin levels and make sure she should still be taking some of the meds that are still on our list. We will have to see how she is tomorrow on the regular schedule again. She finished some meds today.

Well, I need to try and get some ZZZZs before my long night begins. I hope she sleeps more tonight as I'm not sure if I can get through 4 more nights like last night!


Glad to hear that there is some help coming in. THat was a HUGE relief for my Mom and my aunts when they got some help with my Grandmother. It was very stressful, even between the three of them, for someone to be there ALL the time. They were always grateful too that my grandparents had been savers and that there was enough money (especially after the sale of Grandmother's house) to pay for help to come in, rather than have to put her in a nursing home.

The help will make you feel better about leaving and will definitely give your sister some relief.

Thanks for all the suggestions. I thought of another idea this evening. I was at Walmart and picked up this 150 pc puzzle:

I'm going to assemble it on my own, without letting DD know about it, and then break it up into logical three piece groups making 50 groups. I'll put each set of 3 pieces in a small envelope on a poster board calendar. Each day beginning 50 days out, we can take down an envelope and add them to the puzzle. DD and I will finish it up the day before we leave. And, since this is such a good opportunity to learn about calendars, months, weeks, etc, under each envelope, I will have written the day, date and countdown:

July 9
50 days to Disney​

What do y'all think? Once I get it ready, I'll post a pic.

Cute idea!!

Well, we have arrived at our first opportunity to see those inches being whittled away and to celebrate our successes.

We started our challenge with 21 WINners and 13 have reported in this week.

Collectively, over our first 3-week period, we have:

  • Lost a total of 31 1/3 inches
  • Lost an average of 2 2/5 inches
  • Lost an average of 1.49%
Our TOP SIX WINners for this period are:
6) -1.34% - lisah0711
5) -2.27% - JacksLilWench
4) -2.41% - Connie96
3) -2.66% - Zhoen
2) -3.42% - mommyof2Pirates

And (drumroll) our Number One WINner is:
1) -4.78% - Worfiedoodles

:cool1: Congratulations to Maria, Lindsay, Joan, Kaiti, Lisa and ALL of our WINners!

We are off to a great start and let's keep on WINning! :thumbsup2

If anyone still wants to report their measurements for this period, please do. I'm happy to help you track your progress whether or not you are able to get your numbers in before the results are posted.

WOOOHOOO and Maria, again you're on another list!! Good job to everyone!

Thanks and thank you to everyone else who offered such great support.

Dylan had his eval and I was told that he was at a 16 month level for expressive language and needed to be at at least 17 months since he's at 23 months now, so he qualifies for EI. They said that they'll call me within 2 weeks to start setting up weekly service, so that's good. Of course, the little bugger decides to stop doing what was asked of him while he was being tested. I knew once she took out the "ball" it was all over :rotfl: I swear that was one of his first words and he loves :love: any type of ball. And of course they can only give him credit for what they see, so maybe he would have been better, but we'll never know. So, it can't hurt and will only help him more.


Good morning. I was up at o dark 30 this morning. Actually it is still dark. I'm off to 4 hours at work, then I'll pick up Nick and we'll head off for the weekend. I'm a little nervous about work today as there have been threats against the VA that I work at so we are on a total lockdown today. Supposedly the lockdown starts as I'm leaving, but who knows what will actually happen.

Lockdown sounds scary! Hope your day goes well and you have a GREAT weekend. THe weather report sounds really good!

Much better night last night...she woke me at 1 this morning but we both fell back asleep. The dog started wandering around at 3 so I got Mom up then and she took forever and I had to take the dog out 3 different doors to get her to do her business. Mom and I both went back to sleep until 6:20. I had my cell phone set to go off at 6:30 so that was good timing.

I just made my tea and then I need to make Mom her breakfast. The nurse for their evaluation arrives at 9. My mom keeps stressing over the house being a mess The woman needs to see things as they are! This is stressing my dad out so he's pacing.

I've got to get some groceries for them later and she wants to make cookies for the vet and the EMTs that came. They were so amazing last Friday.

Swelling is definitely going down and her legs don't feel hard as rocks anymore.

Well, time to get my tea and then make some breakfast.


Glad today started so well!!

hugs buffy! big big big hugs! it IS hard!! but that's why it's so worth it! i mean, right? i was much heavier a few years ago and it was so hard to take off the weight but once i did i was so much happier. you can do it! my aunt across the street just lost 25 lbs and seeing her SO happy is a real inspiration.

i would steer clear of the prepackaged stuff. stick to your commitment to journaling and getting on here as often as possible. i feel like a runt when i come on here and i'm like, "yeah, i totally ate my face off last night" - it makes me want to come on and say i ate well.

you can do it!!!

Great advise!!!

i'm trying to think about what to bring camping with the big eater family this weekend. fridge space is a bit of an issue. theirs always packed and they use my grandpa's too. apparently he got some new fridge in the camper that is very small too b/c they don't make the kind that he used to have (his camper is from 1988!). thinking about buying a cheapy styrofoam cooler. i don't want to be too obnoxious with what i bring. like, when my mother sees them she just full out says how she doesn't eat any of "that" stuff. if someone said that to me about my food i'd have some choice four letter words to say back. but i'm thinking about bringing some healthier stuff but blame it on the kid. HA! i'm going to bring a watermelon. they never have fruit and i know thomas loves it. done. fruit and not making it seem like i don't want to eat their crap. a pasta salad sounds good too. it's got pasta in it. 'nuff said. the "aunt" mentioned that i could bring a dessert. i'm thinking of buying those bite size brownies. that way i can at least try to tell myself to stop at two.

anyone else have suggestions? something that doesn't have to be refrigerated? i think we're going to bring our keurig! lol! we are coffee drinkers (i only have 1 a day but i neeeed it) and that family doesn't drink it. i could bring some decaf cup things too since i know my grandpa likes decaf.

ok, sorry, just thinking out loud here. it is an absolutely gorgeous day. i want to get out for a walk but after yesterday's workout i'm feeling pretty tired.

have a great day everyone!

Well.... I had a few suggestions, but I'm coming on here late and I see that you already went shopping. BUt here are a few ideas for another time.

Carrots and LC cheese wedges are totally okay for a day or two without a fridge. Pretzels are a good treat.... apples, oranges, peaches, bananas are all okay without a fridge for a few days too. How about those Starkist tuna kits.... shelf stable and a good snack or lunch if you throw in some fruit.

Can't think of much else that wouldn't require at least a cooler and some blue ice. If you decide to bring along a cooler, that gives you so many more options! Fruit salad, broccoli salad (or any other veggie salad), couscous salad, hummus, hard-boiled eggs, cheese, lean lunch meats, diced chicken, lowfat cottage cheese.

Just wanted to do a quick check in:

Yesterday was a blur. Within a half hour of getting to the office I had to evacuate it and get everyone out. They were doing work upstairs and laying a carpet with this strong glue. The smell came throught the vents into our office and was so strong. Everyones eyes and throat was burning and we began feeling dizzy and nauseated. We had to cancel close to 30 patients and I had to coordiante getting staff and a doctor up to our other office site to see our sick patients. It was just a horrible disaster. I didnt get home until 8pm. My parents decided just to keep the boys overnight so at least that was helpful.

So at least today I am off and it starts my 2nd staycation of the summer.

We were originally going to go to dutch wonderland today but my parents spent way to much money this week already doing things with the kids so we decided to do something a bit cheaper. We are going to bushkill falls. Its where Dona was just talking about...the niagra of PA. It will be lots of walking so some great exercise. I am just looking forward to getting away and doing something.

Eating has been bad the past 2 days and I was up .8 at my weigh in yesterday. TOM came on wed. so that just about says it all.

Sorry I couldnt do replies I will try to get caught up later.

Have a great Friday. TGIF

Ewwww on the office issues. Sounds like a dreadful day.

Hope you enjoy Bushkill Falls. I've heard a lot about it.

Sorry about TOM.... hormones are wreaking havoc with me this week too.

I say bring anything/everything you want, in a regular (non-styrofoam, wheeled) cooler, as big as it needs to be to meet your needs, and don't apologize. I would do this anyway, but in your case, you have the PERFECT plausible reason. You're pregnant! You have special dietary needs... maybe a sudden case of all-day-morning sickness? The sight/smell/taste of "heavy" foods makes you hurl?

I agree.... I would do it and use the pregnancy as an excuse if you are afraid of offending anyone.

We're going dashing to the ocean today... with fried food and candy stores on literally every corner, and impossibly beautiful beach bunnies everywhere to remind you how perfect you're not... <sigh> Wish me luck...

So as not to end on a downer note... I took some "me" time last night, colored my hair, and it looks faaaaabulous... Happy day, and wishes for tiny numbers!!!

What is it about the beach and fried foods? Why do they HAVE to go hand in hand? What beach are you heading towards.

GLad you like the hair! I've never had the nerve to color my hair.

So lets talk holiday weekends for a sec. It was exciting to see how many fun things folks have planned for the weekend. Do the very best you can with the food, water and exercise. And most importantly no matter what, jump back on plan on Tuesday.

I guess that is the key do the BEST YOU CAN! No one expects perfection, right?

I hope everyone sees great things on the scale today.

Yeah....ummm.... not so much, I'm afraid.:sad2:

And a BIG, BIG congratulation to our own Worfiedoodles who pulled the hat trick of a healthy lifestyle winning HH, WIN! and being a BL! Congratulations! You so totally rock! I honestly do not remember this happening before -- it is a wonderful, wonderful accomplishment.

Thanks for picking up on that and pointing it out! It is a FABULOUS accomplishment. Hats off to Maria!!

A little trip to the store is in my future this morning and then a movie this afternoon. This is the last day the weather is supposed to be cool and then we can hang out in the backyard the rest of the week-end! Have a great day all!

There is a movie at the second run movie house that DD and I would like to see, but I didn't suggest it today because I was afraid of the popcorn:: Honestly, not sure I could resist and I can't afford the calories with the upcoming holiday weekend. Guess we'll wait for Netflix.

Friday's QOTD - With everyone going places and attending parties this weekend, does anyone have any foods that they make that are on the healthier side, or that they alter to make them healthier? If so, please share.

Well.... I love DSIL's brown rice salad and my couscous salad. Both are fairly light and very healthy. I know my recipe is over on the BL dinner thread... not sure if I've ever posted the brown rice salad. You can definitely control the amount of EVOO in both recipes (and the sugar in the couscous salad).

I also love my MIL's broccoli salad.... again, it has mayo and sugar, but those are pretty easy to control to make it lighter. It is VERY filling too.

Friday's Disney QOTD - Have you ever been to WDW, DL or on DCL during the 4th? If so, was there anything special about that trip that you enjoyed?

Never been on the 4th, but heard stories about crazy insane crowds, so it isn't exactly a dream of mine! Plus we LOVE our standing July 4th plans with DH's family and the kids would be sad to miss it, even for Disney!

well i've already talked about all the food that'll be around me this weekend. i just got back from the grocery store and bought the following: oranges (always a good snack!), a box of 100 cal packs, hummus, wheat thins, baby carrots, animal crackers and cheez its for thomas. also, i'm going to make lisa's pasta salad (see her post on pg. 76!). i mean, this stuff isn't exactly the healthiest stuff considering i can devour a box of cheez its in just under an hour but it's way better than eating all the crap that will be there.

Maybe you could portion the Cheez-its into snack sized baggies and just bring along a few, instead of the whole box? A few baggies for THomas and a few for you.

well folks, i killed my blender. i was making herbalife shakes for breakfast most days with frozen fruit and milk. killed the motor. darn! i guess that's what happens when you buy a knock off magic bullet. i broke out my regular blender and put so much in (thought i could eyeball it, yeah right) and wound up with 2.5 full glasses of fruit smoothie. whoops. and god forbid i not drink it all!!!

Maybe there is a pact amongst all of the small appliances on the planet. I tossed both my electric griddle AND my coffee maker this week!! I replaced the coffee maker, but not the griddle (yet). And I must say that my toaster oven isn't exactly doing a bang-up job lately, but it MUST last for now!!

i walked 4 miles today. my pace was 16.5 miles/min. not fast enough to avoid the sweepers at the wdw marathon but enough to keep me happy that i'm getting my butt moving. i would have gone farther but thomas started to melt down in the stroller. i ask alot of him to just sit in the stroller for over an hour each day so i can't blame the kid.

i just realized i forgot to get the ingredients for mackeysmom's eggplant dish. son of a gun. i was going to make it tonight. oh well, next week. [/COLOR]

HEy.... 4 miles is GREAT, even at that pace. And you are right, the kids get tired of the stroller sometimes. Do you bring along anything special for him to play with, or are you afraid it would get lost?

I've got the eggplant recipe printed for next week. Probably should have planned it for tonight, but I didn't have the recipe with me when I was out today.... but it is printed and ready for next week!!

Good afternoon all! I'm down another 1.4 lbs, making the total since the challenge started 4.8-so close to 5 lbs! I want that new clipppie, and I'm going to work extra hard this week to make sure I get it! I'm going grocery shopping today, and my plan is to mow the lawn/weed for exercise.

Great job on another 1.4!!!

We're planning on having gazpacho salad as a side with our grilled food (we'll eat off the grill all weekend -- chicken, salmon, shellfish). It's basically just chopped tomatoes, celery, cucumber, pepper and onion, with some spices and a light dressing. It's a WW recipe and it's 2 pts for 1 1/3 c. definitely better and more flavorful than heavy potato salad.

THat sounds delightful! Too bad I already hit the veggie market today. Is the dressing anything special??

Pamela -- Glad you're in the pact with me, I'll think of you when the goodies start to call!

And I'll think of you! WHere will you be this weekend? If you're home and I'm in Sandwich, I won't be THAT far and we can send each other "healthy" messages via BL ESP!! :rotfl:

Well I guess I can't post about making a plan and then not post one, so here's mine:

Friday -- 10M run, eating -- choc milk for recovery, Lunch: hummus and pretzels, carrots, peppers, blueberry yogurt; snacks: cherries, blueberries, orange; Dinner: Subway BLT, Veggie chips, oatmeal raisin cookie

Saturday -- no formal exercise, outlet mall walking :cool1:, Breakfast: orange, banana muffin; Lunch: salad with a protein; Dinner: grilled protein and veggies, oatmeal raisin cookie; Snacks: veggies, fruit

Sunday -- 3M run, Brunch: muffin, orange, yogurt, watermelon & cantaloupe; Dinner: Grilled protein and gazpacho salad, ice cream dessert Snacks: fruit and veggies.

Monday -- repeat of Sunday.

I'm not sure when we'll go grocery shopping and I'll need to replenish our fruits and veggies. Maybe I can convince dh to go tonight :idea:

Everyone have a fabulous weekend!

Maria :upsidedow

I'm always impressed when I read about your food. YOu always seem to have such great choices...... lots of hummus and fruits and veggies!

I bought three containers of hummus today because I was SO hungry at the store and couldn't decide what kind I wanted! DS has decided he likes hummus :-)cheer2: ) and he wanted the garlic and chives. I love the sundried tomato, and I bought a big container of the garlic to bring to the Cape this weekend. I'd love to break into it now, but I'm done with my calories until dinner time.


Happy Friday everyone!

TMI warning: Well.... not sure what was up with the scale this morning but the number was :scared1: I'm up a HUGE number from last Friday and even up a big number since I took a sneak peek after last weekend's movie carbfest. But I was having a lot of pain/discomfort last night and it maybe my body trying (and may succeeding) in ovulating this month and that has always been a bad time on the scale for me. I'm gonna stick with it today and take another peek at the scale tomorrow and hopefully the number will be better. If not, at least it will spur me on to be on my VERY BEST behavior, eating-wise, over the holiday weekend.

My exercise has been lacking, but on the eating front I've been doing okay, including keeping the carbs under control, so there is really no reason for such a HUGE change (in the wrong direction) in the scale. SO I'm not beating myself up about it too much. I'm presuming it was a fluke.

I will try to pop on again tonight after we are packed up for the weekend, but no promises. And I have NO internet access over the holiday, unless I decide to bring my laptop and find a quiet corner at DSIL's (one of them lives there year round, so I'm sure she has wireless.... the other, where we stay, is just a summer home and not a computer in sight!). Considering that the car is usually overflowing, I probably will not have room for my laptop.

I did manage a workout this morning while DD was swimming early..... one mile walk (with DS to warm up), 2 mi run, 1 mi cool down run/walk.... not nearly enough, but it had to be for today.

Off to get packing!.........................P
Mom has had a long term care eval, a visit from a nurse and OT! I've been on the phone a couple of times with the nurses from the doctor's offices to check on meds. My brother had one of her meds wrong which could've caused seizures! Don't know if he was careless or just didn't notice. 2nd thing I've had to check on from his time here. I've done all I can. I'm trying to reduce her pain meds as much as possible. We have found some other ways to control pain which is working. I was worried about running out of one of the meds before Tuesday or Wednesday but if we keep doing what we have been doing we should be ok. We have plenty of percoset so hopefully we can cut back on things as much as possible.

I've made 2 batches of cookies for the EMTs who came last Friday and the vet who has helped some with my parents dog. I'm about to make some fish on the grill for Dad and me. Mom will have some quiche and probably some yogurt.

Hoping to watch a movie tonight.

So missing my kids and DH tonight and tomorrow will be hard since I won't be with them at the fundraiser that we all worked so hard on. They will have a flat version of me there though!

Time to start the grill!

TTFN :tigger:

PS Meeting Shawn for a dink in the morning!
Eval on Mom and Dad is done! Woman was really thorough and explained everything nicely. Mom is doing quite well today. I'm trying to cut back on her pain killers as I don't want her to become hooked on them and I also don't want to run out since it's a long weekend. She's lying down now waiting for the visiting nurse to arrive and then after that is OT.

I am going to make chocolate chip cookies the rest of the afternoon and hopefully get to listen to the podcasts. Just haven't had time today.

Brian and the kids have been out all morning doing errands and they are going out for supper tonight too!

Glad that the eval is done. Will they be getting the help they need? How did your mom do while they were there? It must be tough for everyone involved.

Mmmm love fresh baked cookies. Baking is a good de-stresser for me, though then I eat what I bake :rotfl:

Having a hard time getting motivated today. Just stressing about everything - the COBRA issue (as of today, I am officially uninsured - trying to obtain a catastrophic/hospitalization only plan, but there will be a lapse), the unemployment issue (didn't get the job I interviewed for last week), the cat issue (just had to submit another one of Sunny Doodle's stool sample for a specialized fecal test at the tune of $175).

I came thisclose to ordering a delivery pizza from Papa John's today and just eating the whole thing. I wish my first thoughts didn't always turn to food when I look for comfort.

I hope you guys don't mind the whining/venting. These days my friends are totally tip-toeing around me, making inane conversation about everything in the world BUT insurance, jobs, cat, money, etc. I hate that - I'd rather just talk about, and move on. Otherwise, it is just like the proverbial elephant in the room.

Hi Laura,
We don't mind the whining/venting at all, that's what we're here for. Good move on not ordering the pizza, it's a good choice admidst all the negative stuff you have been dealing with, so good for you.

How's kitty doing?

Well, I got the area under my bathroom sink cleaned out last night. I got a good start on going through boxes and bins of clothes that I've not seen since 2008. I filled a 55 gallon trash bag of clothes that I will be taking to Goodwill.

I need to finish measuring a few more peices of furniture and then sit down and look at the floor plan for the new house and figure out where everything is going to go. Then I'm going to tackle the entry way closet.

That must be so exciting for you. I'm so jealous of how close you're going to be. If I ever have points that are going to expire, I'll have to let you know.

TMI warning: Well.... not sure what was up with the scale this morning but the number was :scared1: I'm up a HUGE number from last Friday and even up a big number since I took a sneak peek after last weekend's movie carbfest. But I was having a lot of pain/discomfort last night and it maybe my body trying (and may succeeding) in ovulating this month and that has always been a bad time on the scale for me. I'm gonna stick with it today and take another peek at the scale tomorrow and hopefully the number will be better. If not, at least it will spur me on to be on my VERY BEST behavior, eating-wise, over the holiday weekend.

Okay I'm not the only one this week. I even did Zumba this week. Just not sure what is going on, but got TOM this morning, so maybe it's related.

So missing my kids and DH tonight and tomorrow will be hard since I won't be with them at the fundraiser that we all worked so hard on. They will have a flat version of me there though!

PS Meeting Shawn for a dink in the morning!

Hang in there, you'll be home before you know it.

Shawn from the DIS? Sounds like fun. Have a DRINK :rotfl: for me too. I think that's what you meant. Made me smile though :lmao:

Well, I'm back from CT. Made it there and back with no traffic at all. Had Pepe's pizza with my sister, her 2 kids, her husband and DS so that was tasty. DH is having his left over now. Time to check out my makeup with my niece. Talk to you all in the morning. Have a nice evening.
Yes, Shawn, AKA, Settinsail, and I are meeting at Starbucks in the morning! Very excited! And she has graciously offered to take me to the airport at 5 on Monday morning!

TTFN :tigger:
Just a quick note....I didn't have internet service since Tuesday morning!!! My modem died and I spent at least 3 hours on the phone with Verizon trying to get a new modem. I went to Barnes and Noble to answer email and such and wouldn't you know, my computer ran out of battery!!!
Ok, leads us to tonight....modem up and I am back in business!!

I will respond to everyone exhausted from the fresh air today!!
Sweet Dreams to all!
UPDATE_ Home Health Aide and/or Nurse will be starting ASAP...sister will do what she can in terms of help and appts. We have an evaulation for both of my parents tomorrow for long term care insurance. I have to get some things together in the morning for that. I've been working on updating the spreadsheets tonight with new meds and notes on meds, etc.

Mom and Dad are both sleeping right now. I know I should probably get some sleep but I think I'm running on adrenaline right now. Also, eating so late tonight has thrown me off.

I'm happy to say that I am down about 4 pounds since I got here so I will probably get back OP more when I get back. Of course, today I had nutter butters for lunch during Mom's chemo and then we had Subway for supper.

We spent about 5 hours at the doctor's today as we had to go for an ultrasound to rule out blood clots. She is on lasix now for the edema in both legs and feet. Hoping that kicks in fast and when the swelling goes down that the pain will also be reduced. I know I won't sleep much the next few nights. I plan on sleeping as much as I can once I'm home. I can sleep late on Tuesday and then go in for my 1 regular client and then spend the day at home with the girls on Wednesday. We may go to the library and lunch. We got the chemo done as well while we were there. By the end the pain killers had worn off and she became miserable which made it seem longers. I massaged her feet a lot this afternoon during that. I have to call her neurologist tomorrow to check on her dialantin levels and make sure she should still be taking some of the meds that are still on our list. We will have to see how she is tomorrow on the regular schedule again. She finished some meds today.

Well, I need to try and get some ZZZZs before my long night begins. I hope she sleeps more tonight as I'm not sure if I can get through 4 more nights like last night!

TTFN :tigger:

If you have any question about Assisted Living - ask away. My DF 79 has dementia and currently lives on an Alzheimers Unit in Brightview Concord River in Billerica. He is doing so much better there than when he lived with me!!! Assisted Living is no way like a Nursing Home. Believe me - when I was a teenager I worked at a Nursing Home. They are not as expensive either. Google Brightview - they have some nice photo's on there of Concord River.

Good Morning!

I just lost my post. :headache: Unfortunately, I have to start getting ready for my weekend trip. My BFF and I are going to Newport, RI. My parents suggested we go away. They will love the peace and quiet this weekend. ;) I'm guessing they'll spend the weekend landscaping the yard. :rolleyes1

Have a great, OP weekend everyone!
a quick post to "wish" (hehe, get it?) everyone a lovely weekend!

i've been doing some mental exercises in saying "no thanks" to all the food that will be out this weekend. "ah, no thanks, i'm full." "you know, i'd love some but my stomach has been a little weird the last couple of days."

we'll be finishing packing and hitting the road soon. have a great weekend! not sure if the campground has wifi or not. if it does i will try to get on here :)
Good Saturday moring everyone

Just a short note. We leave at 8:30 to go to the city to see Wicked. I can't wait. The only bad part is that a friend can't wait to talk to me about it and she is one of those people with unbelievable memory. She can pick something apart like you would not believe. I like to take in the entire thing.

We are going to eat at Ellen's Stardust Dinner. Burgers and things. We will be doing a lot of walking in the city so that should help.

Friday's QOTD - With everyone going places and attending parties this weekend, does anyone have any foods that they make that are on the healthier side, or that they alter to make them healthier? If so, please share.

I may make a veggie try for my friend's house. That is the only party we are going to.

Friday's Disney QOTD - Have you ever been to WDW, DL or on DCL during the 4th? If so, was there anything special about that trip that you enjoyed?

I hate very large crowds so we have never been there on a holiday and have no plans to go on special days like that.

Maria Dona -- We're awaiting ds's final report card which will be mailed. He told us he doesn't want to know the grades if they come while he's in Missouri this week. I don't blame him, he should relax and let those finals go. Next year he has algebra. We are quickly approaching the point where I cannot help with math. I took Trig, but I have no idea how it works. That must have been a blessing in your house when your guys were younger -- I'm sure they never got to a level you couldn't understand!

Good luck on his report card. I have been out of college 34 years so when ds got past calc 2 in college I turned to him and said "You are on your own. I can no longer help you. It has been too long"

On the other hand when the boys would ask us to read their papers we realized that if we could spot the mistakes they must be pretty bad. We are not great writers.

Off to get some things done before we leave. We are taking the train in. It is $30 per person to ride 10 minutes and get the train. If we wanted to drive and take a ferry it would be $18 per person, ferry parking, tolls and gas and it would take the same amount of time so we are taking the train.

Have a happy and healthy day.
Good morning fellow losers :) It looks like it's going to be another nice one today. My niece and nephew slept over last night, so I'm taking them and DS out for breakfast, shopping, and groceries so DH can sleep in. Then we'll met DH back here to go see Cars 2 at 11:30.

Yes, Shawn, AKA, Settinsail, and I are meeting at Starbucks in the morning! Very excited! And she has graciously offered to take me to the airport at 5 on Monday morning!

TTFN :tigger:

How nice. It's always nice to meet up with fellows DISers. Wow, that's wonderful of her.

Hi Shawn!

Just a quick note....I didn't have internet service since Tuesday morning!!! My modem died and I spent at least 3 hours on the phone with Verizon trying to get a new modem. I went to Barnes and Noble to answer email and such and wouldn't you know, my computer ran out of battery!!!
Ok, leads us to tonight....modem up and I am back in business!!

I will respond to everyone exhausted from the fresh air today!!
Sweet Dreams to all!

Hope you had a nice sleep. I am lost when it comes to computer stuff, so it's good that I have DH around :rotfl: I'd be one of those people taking it to some place like Best Buy and saying here you go, do what you must.

If you have any question about Assisted Living - ask away. My DF 79 has dementia and currently lives on an Alzheimers Unit in Brightview Concord River in Billerica. He is doing so much better there than when he lived with me!!! Assisted Living is no way like a Nursing Home. Believe me - when I was a teenager I worked at a Nursing Home. They are not as expensive either. Google Brightview - they have some nice photo's on there of Concord River.


Hi Janis, enjoy the weather today. Any local plans?

Good Morning!

I just lost my post. :headache: Unfortunately, I have to start getting ready for my weekend trip. My BFF and I are going to Newport, RI. My parents suggested we go away. They will love the peace and quiet this weekend. ;) I'm guessing they'll spend the weekend landscaping the yard. :rolleyes1

Have a great, OP weekend everyone!

Ugh! I seriously copy every post into word now, b/c it's happened to me so many times. Funny I haven't needed it lately, but I know when I stop that'll be the long post that I won't have time to re-do.

Enjoy your weekend too :goodvibes

a quick post to "wish" (hehe, get it?) everyone a lovely weekend!

i've been doing some mental exercises in saying "no thanks" to all the food that will be out this weekend. "ah, no thanks, i'm full." "you know, i'd love some but my stomach has been a little weird the last couple of days."

we'll be finishing packing and hitting the road soon. have a great weekend! not sure if the campground has wifi or not. if it does i will try to get on here :)

Good for you with the mental exercises. I should practice them well. How does Thomas do with camping?

Good Saturday moring everyone

Just a short note. We leave at 8:30 to go to the city to see Wicked. I can't wait. The only bad part is that a friend can't wait to talk to me about it and she is one of those people with unbelievable memory. She can pick something apart like you would not believe. I like to take in the entire thing.

We are going to eat at Ellen's Stardust Dinner. Burgers and things. We will be doing a lot of walking in the city so that should help.

Enjoy NY, it's supposed to be a nice on out there so I assume NY as well. I loved Wicked. The Wizard of Oz is my favorite non-cartoon/Disney movie.

Let us know how the diner is, I've heard very good things about it.

Enjoy :)
QOTD - What's one thing that you could start doing or continue to do better with on your road to dieting/maintaining success?

Disney QOTD - It's been really nice and sometimes even hot out this week. What's one drink (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) that you realy enjoy at WDW/DL and where do you find it?
QOTD - What's one thing that you could start doing or continue to do better with on your road to dieting/maintaining success?

For me, it's exercising. Now that I have my Zumba for the Wii and a free pass to an actual Zumba class, I think this will help me in suceeding and doing what I need to do to reach my goal.

Disney QOTD - It's been really nice and sometimes even hot out this week. What's one drink (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) that you realy enjoy at WDW/DL and where do you find it?

For me, it's Banfi Rosa Regale. I've seen it all over the boards. I actually found it about 8 years ago while walking around Epcot and fell in love. I had only just begun trying wine at that time, and this one is fruity, bubbly and just delicious. So good in fact, that we ordered it special for our wedding toast and people really enjoyed it. It's easier to find nowadays and can be found locally which is nice. We always have it now for our NYE toast.

I'm a crazy spreadsheet person and have actually started one for my next Disney trip, and it contains food/drinks that I've found on the DIS food porn and drinks threads, so I'd be interested to see what people have to say.
Happy Holiday weekend friends!

I didn't get a chance to pop back on last night and we are loaded and ready to roll right now (except for DH....:rolleyes: ). I just wanted to say HAPPY JULY 4TH to all of my American friends! (Well... those of you in other countries still have a July 4th.... just not as much fun!! ;) ).

THe scale was MUCH kinder today, but still not where I thought it should be. BUt as I mentioned yesterday, I will use that number as incentive to do my VERY BEST on the eating front this holiday weekend.

I was actually so bloated last night that the shorts I bought in late April for my Disney trip were uncomfortably tight! It was really alarming because I have NEVER, in the almost 4 years of this journey, had such a SIGNIFICANT back pedal! But I'll tell you what..... it certainly made it easier to push myself up at 5:30 this morning for a walk/run!

I hope you all have a happy, fun, healthy holiday! I'll be back probably Wednesday to chat!........................P


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