The GH Official Thread

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I agree that they ruined her character this time. She was the reason I picked the show back up after not watching since late 2005 or so.

I wish that they would keep her on the show but get her away from Sonny and give her a better storyline. She's always whining and complaining about everything.
Thats one of the reasons I don't like the character of Sam anymore. They have her just like Brenda too.. Whiny.. No backbone.. Now when Sam was single I LOVED her!!! Just makes me mad the writers making the women so wishy washy...
I was reading a mystery book this morning, and found a minor character named Officer Spinelli. Since the book was part of an entire series by this author, I can't help wondering if this "Officer Spinelli" was the inspiration for Spinelli's name because someone on the writing team is a fan of this author. It also kind of got me thinking-how do all the characters get their names? Like who came up woth "Robin Scorpio" or "Sonny Corinthos" or any of the other names. I'd love to know "the rest of the story" (as Paul Harvey said).
I was reading a mystery book this morning, and found a minor character named Officer Spinelli. Since the book was part of an entire series by this author, I can't help wondering if this "Officer Spinelli" was the inspiration for Spinelli's name because someone on the writing team is a fan of this author. It also kind of got me thinking-how do all the characters get their names? Like who came up woth "Robin Scorpio" or "Sonny Corinthos" or any of the other names. I'd love to know "the rest of the story" (as Paul Harvey said).

Very interesting! I never thought about it before. It would be fun to hear from the writers how they have come up with the names, or the characters and stories, too! (and WHAT they were thinking with some of the story lines! :confused3)
Thats one of the reasons I don't like the character of Sam anymore. They have her just like Brenda too.. Whiny.. No backbone.. Now when Sam was single I LOVED her!!! Just makes me mad the writers making the women so wishy washy...

Agreed. Also loved her with Lucky. They made a much better couple, IMO.
Previews for the week of 25-Jul-2011
by Carol Banks Weber

**On July 26th, new head writer Garin Wolf’s stories take over.
Jason and Sam go over what they’re going to do for their wedding ensemble and what all this will mean for the entire town.
Jason and Sam get positively lovey-dovey over their lovey-dovey state. :crazy2: :crazy2: :crazy2:
Alexis busts in on Jason and Sam’s place, getting hysterical about becoming the mother of the bride to a hitman groom.

Elizabeth answers to Monica, in an update on Jake.
Monica becomes apprised of all she’s missed, namely who Jake’s real dad is.
Monica cuts short Jason and Sam’s lovefest to demand restitution for being kept out of the paternity secret.

Wait’ll Elizabeth casually drops Jason and Sam’s engagement on Carly… Floored doesn’t begin to describe Carly’s reaction.
Shawn surprises Carly with Josslyn, but he’s not going to be here long.
Like a virus, Jax has also made his way back to PC, to steal Josslyn away from Carly.

Michael and Abby put themselves to the task of going after Sonny, wherever he went (to beg Brenda back).
Sonny is in a very bad place right now, at rock bottom, bemoaning the loss of the only woman he’s ever truly loved.

Elizabeth holds onto her GH position for dear life, because it enables her to be closer to Lucky, watch over him, and give him any clues in his latest, dangerous case. :rolleyes:
Siobhan heartily disapproves of Elizabeth’s role in Lucky’s life and police case.
Siobhan worries about Lucky succumbing again to drug use.
Anthony makes sure Lucky’s temptation is impossible to bear, by making sure the cop is inundated with narcotics galore.
Ethan and Siobhan’s concerns for Lucky’s welfare draw them together, possibly for a tension-riddled triangle.
Ethan and Siobhan have a chat about what’s going on with Lucky and whether he can handle this drug case.
A vision of Jake comes upon Elizabeth suddenly, like a bolt, and renders her emotionally defenseless and overwrought.
Siobhan comes upon an overwrought Elizabeth.
Elizabeth seeks a kindred spirit to settle her down, Jason. :banana:
Lucky and Siobhan find themselves in opposition because of Elizabeth’s role in his drug case.
Elizabeth and Siobhan lay into one another on GH’s roof.
Elizabeth puts on airs and disparages Siobhan for assuming Lucky will cave into drugs so easily.
A familiar drug dealer tries to hook Lucky back as a client.
Elizabeth pounces on what she believes is a drug deal in progress at GH, but it turns out to be her amping out for nothing. Someone urges her to settle down, now.
Siobhan feels heartsick when she spies Lucky and Elizabeth acting like they belong together.
Next thing you know, Siobhan’s little head hurts. Bring on the medical trauma.

Nikolas comes on the scene—after a brief absence—to try to make it up to Lulu. But he must sidestep Helena’s digs while he’s at it.
On Cassadine turf, Helena tries to eat Dante for lunch when Lulu barges in acting like she’s tough sh*t.
Lulu does what Lulu always does: pops off unthinkingly and arrogantly to Helena.
Helena pours scorn on Lulu for even thinking that she could bring Luke back.
Helena menaces Lulu with thoughts of an ***-beating, and worse. But it’s all talk for now.
Helena considers giving Lulu what she wants, an audience with Luke. But nah.
Lulu deigns to fly back to PC, after all, giving up on the dad patrol. She has company, another character hot on her tail.
Anthony makes a nuisance of himself with Tracy. The two dance around each other’s rapier wits and kindred backgrounds.
Tracy isn’t exactly aggrieved to see Anthony either.
Kristina hounds Johnny to let Ethan off the mob payroll. This is about the time Ethan walks in, sees half-naked Johnny with Kristina, and feels protective.
Johnny has to explain that it’s all innocent with him and Krissy to Ethan, then he does as Krissy asks and dumps Ethan as an employee.
Kristina begins to feel faint. Maybe it’s a deadly disease…

Patrick uses the ole distraction method of sexual healing to pull Robin away from cracking the chief-of-staff whip.
When Robin gets a load of Patrick chatting up Carly, she blows a fuse and acts snottier than normal.
Patrick might have to referee a food fight erupting between Carly and Robin.
Robin and Patrick’s secret getaway is hit with an Epiphany.
Jackal, P.I. throws himself into the case of the bakery. But Maxie just wants her Spinelli back and hard at work computer hacking.
Jackal, P.I. and Maxie search desperately for the engagement ring she accidentally threw over the roof (Sam’s) while in the sewage tunnels—where they were a few years ago when they first noticed one another as romantic potential. But this does little to bring Spinelli back to his senses.
Olivia takes care of Steve’s air (conditioning?). In return, he takes care of her sexual needs.
Cue the porn soundtrack. Olivia and Steve get off on one another.

Next week: Jason and Sam’s engagement leaves Carly livid and gives her a reason to scheme on… Carly makes her ire known to Jason and Sam… Anthony requests Skye go back to PC… Someone’s shadowing Carly, who does not know this is happening to her… Carly unmasks her spy… Skye drops in for a visit, in part to forewarn Carly about Jax slithering back… Lucky experiences a drug trip, shooting him back to some of his most memorable hits… High as a kite, Lucky wanders back to one of the pivotal moments of his life, that church where he made a permanent lock with Elizabeth… Elizabeth and Siobhan get ready to beef… Matt solicits Patrick to muzzle Robin at GH for the love of god… Dante and Lulu make their way back to PC, as does Jax… Maxie and Matt go over what makes them tick and that pesky Spinelli, not much of an issue for them… Elizabeth doesn’t mean to but she may wind up running down Jason and leaving him in a comatose heap.
News for the week of 25-Jul-2011
by Carol Banks Weber

Stuart Damon (Alan) will film his triumphant return this week, presumably still dead and as a ghost for Monica, who will find herself in need of spiritual guidance.

Casting has cast out for an actor to portray a new character named Dr. Ewen Keenan, another role for the typical, white, overplayed, blond, blue-eyed Aryan in his 30s. Personality-wise, Dr. Ewen is moody, brooding, hiding some anguish from his past. Also, a headstrong, fiery 30-something babe. Glad to see new head writer Garin Wolf doing nothing new but bringing on even more newbies instead of using the solid cast he already has.

GH’s loss is DOOL’s recent gain: Multi-Emmy winner Sarah Joy Brown (ex-Carly) moves on over to NBC’s hit soap, DOOL, as Madison James, a CEO who hires Sami and becomes a mentor. Madison pops up in September.

For those who expected Tamara Braun to resume duties as Carly or even a recast for Megan Ward’s Kate, forget it. That dubious honor went to a complete newcomer named Kelly Sullivan. She’s done soaps before, on ATWT and OLTL, but nobody from GH’s fandom has really ever heard of her. She’s also done Law & Order: Criminal Intent, theater, and film (Caroline By Committee, Love Online, According to Greta).

Bradford Anderson (Spinelli) and wife Kiera sired daughter Juna Meredith, July 18th, coming into this world at 7 lbs., 3 oz.

Gossip for the week of 25-Jul-2011
by Carol Banks Weber

Head writer Bob Guza Jr. wasn’t the only GH scribe axed. His wife, mediocre breakdown writer Meg Bennett supposedly was too, along with David Goldschmid. Taking over as breakdown writers are breakdown writer veteran Shelly Altman and, on possibly a temporary basis, script writer Tracey Thomson.

AMC, OLTL and GH may have been picked up by Prospect Park for continuation online in webisodes. GH? What gives? According to Daytime Confidential’s Jamey Giddens, “cuttlebutt is growing that fans of ABC Daytime soap operas are in for quite the season of change as not two, but likely all three Mouse House sudsers begin to transition to web series over the next year and a half. I'm hearing from multiple sources that General Hospital, the only daytime soap set to continue on ABC beyond January 2012, is part of the licensing pact that production company Prospect Park signed with ABC.”

There’s been no official announcement about GH’s cancellation or its new TV time slot, despite Katie Couric’s talk show greenlit to take that time slot. Sounds like an announcement’s gonna happen sooner or later. When it does, Prospect Park gets GH for 10 years, just like it got AMC and OLTL.

Elizabeth will accidentally hit Jason Morgan, Sonny’s hitman, with her vehicle, leaving him in a mini-coma. When he awakens, he’ll be Jason Quartermaine, medical resident, again. :rolleyes:

Jax comes back to finish unfinished business, maybe to illegally take custody of his child Josslyn from Carly then fly away again, never to be seen. Knock wood.
Agreed. Also loved her with Lucky. They made a much better couple, IMO.

Thats when I loved her most too... She had such confidence.. Loved that. KM was really able to go with the role and show what an amazing actress she can be. Don't get me wrong she is a wonderful actress but I think the writing holds her back which is sad..
Elizabeth will accidentally hit Jason Morgan, Sonny’s hitman, with her vehicle, leaving him in a mini-coma. When he awakens, he’ll be Jason Quartermaine, medical resident, again. :rolleyes:

I have been waiting for this for a very long time -- Dr. Jason Morgan would make me very happy, and I don't particularly care if Sam is part of the deal or not. She is much more interesting without Stone Cold -- then again, maybe she would be really fun with our over-aged med student! :rotfl:

Maria :upsidedow
I have been waiting for this for a very long time -- Dr. Jason Morgan would make me very happy, and I don't particularly care if Sam is part of the deal or not. She is much more interesting without Stone Cold -- then again, maybe she would be really fun with our over-aged med student! :rotfl:

Maria :upsidedow

DR JASON MORGAN... Gotta love SOAPdom!!

Maybe.. just maybe the mob will become soooo far back burner:goodvibes

Steve Burton will get to utilize his face muscles again. for emotional expression. However he has done a completely fantastic job keeping Jason Morgan true to nature. He has been able to show us great emotion with his eyes.. even through his "Stone Coldness".

I have been consistently watching GH since 1978.. I started watching at college as it was on the tv in the student center during my break between classes. :)

There are so many changes going on at GH right now. I see a definite trend to bring back hospital based storylines, core family characters and ROMANCE!!! and Humor too!!! The storylines may seem simplified for our fast paced, technically advanced society.. but so far I am liking what I am seeing.

Rock on Quartermaines! Rock on General Hospital with Doctors, Nurses and patients!! Rock on family based drama and romance! :yay:
Watched two whole shows! No fast forwarding. Very unusual. I hope that the new head writer can keep this up. My show is becoming interesting again, now if he can repair Jason and Elizabeth I will be really happy.
Watched two whole shows! No fast forwarding. Very unusual. I hope that the new head writer can keep this up. My show is becoming interesting again, now if he can repair Jason and Elizabeth I will be really happy.

From your lips to SoapGod's ears! :goodvibes
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