"WE'RE AT MINI DISNEY!" Our First Visit to Disney's Hilton Head Resort UPDATEx2 10/31

Oh gosh am I really this behind! Anyways... I'm here, Jess! Never really knew much about the Hilton Head Resort besides the name up until now so this will be interested. Anyways, still very excited to hear all about your trip! :mickeyjum

Haha no, I just got back! Thanks Timmy! I have lots of pictures and descriptions for you guys so I hope this TR can give you an idea! Thank you!

YAYYY! I'm here! I'm so excited to read about your trip down south! I'm so glad you got to go on this trip, and that Preston got to join you for awhile! :hug:

Aww thank you, Joni! :) I can't wait to tell you guys all about it! I am glad too - it's exactly what I needed! And having Preston go with us was wonderful! :goodvibes

Joining in! I can't wait to hear about Hilton Head. Enjoyed your tweets.

Thank you very much! I'm so glad! :goodvibes

Woo Hoo! I'm here and not behind!:lmao:

Yay! Welcome, welcome! Thanks for following along again!

Yayyyyyyy! I'm here :goodvibes I keep telling my family we should go here, it looks beautiful! Can't wait to hear more :)

Welcome! Haha well you can always use this TR to convince them even more ;) It was LOVELY! Thank you!

can't wait to hear about your trip.

Thank you so much! :)
Came here from the Christmas PTR. I can't wait to read about Hilton Head! I've always wanted to visit there!!
I'm here for the ride, can't wait to hear all about your trip! I'm so glad Preston got to spen a few days at the resort with you, long distance is no fun, right? I just got back from visiting my boyfriend for a couple of days, we are doing long distance this year :( Anyway, I'm super excited that you are writing a trip report!
Came here from the Christmas PTR. I can't wait to read about Hilton Head! I've always wanted to visit there!!

Awesome! Thank you so much! It was a great trip :) Hopefully my report can give you a better idea of what it's all about!

I'm here for the ride, can't wait to hear all about your trip! I'm so glad Preston got to spen a few days at the resort with you, long distance is no fun, right? I just got back from visiting my boyfriend for a couple of days, we are doing long distance this year :( Anyway, I'm super excited that you are writing a trip report!

Hooray! Welcome to the trip report. I am very excited to share! Yes, I am SO glad he got to come back. Long distance is super hard! Oh wow, a year is such a long time! Good luck to you both - I'm sure you'll make it! It's just hard at times but I believe in you! :goodvibes
Pre-Hilton Head Update #1: GEORGIA
August 11th-17th, 2012

Alright, these couple updates are for people who have been following along with me in my previous trip reports/want to hear about my trip to visit Preston. Feel free to skip over the Georgia portions if you don't care about my personal life. I mean, there are some DISNEY STORE pictures within the updates... but really, don't feel obligated to read about my love-struck self.

Like I said, Preston and I were separated for THREE WHOLE MONTHS - from May 11th to August 11th. I seriously cannot believe we did it! Thankfully, this boy is great with communication so we talked all of the time. It was just really hard being apart!

Like I said before, I had a CRAZY summer. In June I took 3 online classes. (Biology, Ethics, and Spanish) I also worked my job at an ice cream place near my house. Then throughout July - August 10th I worked at the Town Recreation as a camp counselor. The day after Recreation finished up, I hopped on a plane to Georgia!

The night before I left, I did my nails all fancy. Although I didn't do Disney nails this time, I painted SUNSET nails! I had sailboats on my thumbs, seagulls on my middle fingers, and palm trees on my ring fingers.


August 11th, 2012
AUGUST 11TH YAY YAY YAY! The long awaited day was finally here and my mind could not process that it was reality. At 11 am, Dad drove me to the airport. I got there and he watched me go through security by myself. This was my first solo flight ever!

Once I got through security, I went to go get some food. I was HUNGRY! I was looking at the very overpriced menu and then I saw SWEET POTATO FRIES! Hello, favorite food! I got those and ate every last one all by myself!


I sat at the same exact table Kristen, Vickie, my Mom, and I sat at before our January trip! Once I finished my delicious food, I went over to the gate. We were boarding a few minutes later! I was in Row 18 on Airtran and I sat next to a cute old couple. I felt very safe on my first flight alone. The stewardess LOVED my nails and it pretty much made my day.

The flight took off, I took a little nap, I edited the Crystal Palace portion of the May video, and then I was arriving in Atlanta! WOOHOO!

I got off the plane and walked for what seemed like forever to the “domestic baggage claim.”

Finally I got there and saw Preston waiting for me. We saw each other, I waved, we smiled, and he walked over to me. He was just like "come here!" and he gave me the biggest hug ever. It was the greatest. :lovestruc It was like no time had passed at all and we completely picked up where we left off.

We walked out of the airport and went to his car. In the front seat, there was a bouquet of blue, red, and yellow flowers sitting there for me. They were SO beautiful. :-)


Preston lives about 2 hours from Atlanta so it was time to start driving! We stopped at Zaxby’s on the way home because I was starving and I had never been there before. It's one of those southern restaurants that we don't have up here in the north! I got a Grilled Chicken sandwich and some DELICIOUS french fries nom.

Then we started getting near Preston’s house and the scenery was GORGEOUS. He lives in the mountains, right near the border of Georgia and North Carolina. We were surrounded by beautiful rolling hills and green mountains… it was absolutely unreal! Gotta love dating a southern boy! ;)

Then we got to his house and I said hi to his family. We brought everything into my very own guest room and then we went for a walk. His house is on the boarding school campus that his Dad works at, so we got to go around and see everything. The school is INCREDIBLE. I am honestly a little jealous that I didn't go there. It’s so pretty and it’s right in the mountains. I couldn’t believe it! Here is the view:



We ran into one of his history teachers and he showed us around the inside of the building, which was gorgeous as well. We got back to Preston's house and just hung out for the rest of the night. I was so tired after traveling all day and we were so happy to be back together after three long months!

August 12th, 2012
We woke up and had blueberry bagels for breakfast. NOM. I met Preston’s best friend Drew who was on his way to Virginia to visit his girlfriend/Preston’s cousin, Ileah.

I literally can’t remember what we did during the day, but we went to a Mexican restaurant for dinner called La Cabaña. YUM! The chips, cheese, and salsa were the best! We both got quesadillas for our meals. Before we left, we bought some ring pops and suckers. YAY CANDY!!

We went to Walmart and got some stuff I needed for the week. We went back home and Preston and I played Scrabble. I played the word “Favorite” for 95 POINTS!!!! Basically I’m awesome. Except Preston still beat me by 100 points! He’s borderline professional at Scrabble. It's kind of insane.

Then Preston’s friend Randi came over with her dog Beau. HE WAS SO CUTE. He’s a blue heeler and he was so tiny! He peed on the floor so when Preston was swiffering it up, he kept chasing the swiffer and falling on the floor. SUCH A CUTE PUPPY.


After she left, Preston made some smoothies and we watched some Saved By the Bell and Fairly Odd Parents on Netflix. It was a solid time.

August 13th, 2012
We went to the restaurant Preston works at for breakfast/lunch. It’s about a 30 minute drive through the windy mountains. I got a kid’s grilled cheese and sweet potato fries and Preston got French Toast. Everything was REALLY good. That was probably one of the best grilled cheeses I’ve ever had!

After we left there, we went to the little Ice Cream/Chocolate shop called Kilwins that was down the street. I got some cake batter and highlands mud, and Preston got highlands mud ice cream. It was yummy! (I sincerely apologize for not taking food pictures. Clearly I was not in my right mind.)

On the way home we stopped by this beautiful waterfall called Bridal Veil falls. I couldn't get over how stunning this whole area was!


Then we went over to the dance sign ups at the high school so I could meet Preston’s brother’s girlfriend, Katie, and Preston’s director, Mr. Patti. Mr. Patti and his wife went to our college for theater, (just like us!) so they were chatting with us about all of the teachers and the program and such. He was SUCH a nice guy and he's the reason why Preston treks 16 hours north to go to college. I’m so glad I could to meet him because he has had such a huge influence on Preston’s life.

Once we left it was raining so we went back to Preston's house. I got changed and we waited for his brother and Dad to get home. Around 9 we went out to dinner at this place called Universal Joint and I got a mushroom burger and TATER TOTS YUUUUUM.

August 14th, 2012
This morning I woke up around 10, showered and got ready. We knew that we were driving Preston’s Mom to Charlotte, NC that day so basically we just waited around until she was ready to go. She was going to Alaska the next day with her business partner, Decker. They record stock footage and sell it to companies, so they get to travel all over!

We left around 4 or 4:30 pm, and we stopped at Chick-Fil-A for our dinner! YAY! That was my first time ever at Chick-Fil-A and it was really yummy! Preston absolutely loves that place and we don’t have it up in the north! It was basically his mission since day 1 to get me to try Chick-Fil-A.


I got the Char-grilled Chicken Sandwich and waffle fries. Everything was SO delicious! I loved it! It's a shame that we don't have any near me!


For dessert, we got THE BEST CANDY BAR EVER when we stopped to refill the gas tank. It had been years since I had one of these babies! You can’t go wrong with a Hershey’s Cookies and Cream bar! They’re like pure magic!


We drove and drove and finally arrived in Charlotte, NC. Before we got to Decker’s house, we had to stop at THE DISNEY STORE at the Concord Mills Mall! They closed at nine and we didn’t want to miss out!


So we went there and I DIED. First off, I realized there was a sale. Then I realized that IT WAS A DISNEYLAND OUTLET! I mean, if I couldn’t go to Disneyland, this was the next best thing!!


For those of you who weren't aware, I was supposed to go to Disneyland at the end of this summer. We had to move the trip to December due to some money/attendance issues. My Dad still wanted to go on vacation in August, but he wanted something within driving distance. So that is how Hilton Head came to be! We are currently saving up for the big Disneyland trip later!

I mean, I wasn't mad we had to move the trip... but this Disneyland Outlet DEFINITELY made up for having to postpone it!!!

I basically bought out the whole store. BUT I MEAN, THE SWEATSHIRTS WERE ONLY 9.99!!!! HOW COULD I RESIST!?!?! Usually they're like $34.99 in the parks!!! Seriously, it was the best thing that ever happened to me. It was GREAT!

I'm guessing you all want to see what I got, right? Well, OBVIOUSLY! It's picture time!

Here are all of my Disneyland sweatshirts - like I said, each one was only $9.99!






My Minnie Mouse Shirt for only $5:


Minnie Mouse Tank Top that was $16.50 (I think?):


Plates that were only $3 each:


Totes that were 2 for $5:


Beach Towels that were $7.99 each:



$3 Cup and $2 Monorail Auto Magnets:


And I think that's about it!

Continued in Next Post
Pre-Hilton Head Update #2: GEORGIA (continued)
August 11th-17th, 2012

While I was at the Disney store, this is what I posted on twitter:

IT'S A DISNEYLAND OUTLET HOLY GOD. This is killing me in the best way possible.

I cannot handle this right now. #hyperventilating #literally

I just did some SERIOUS damage.

Best hour of my life. So many things were purchased. And everything was on sale. And I'm so happy. And EEEEEEEEE that was perfect <3

Yes, I stayed there past store closing. No one was mad. The cast members loved me.


After I cleared out the Disney Store, we drove to Walmart. Preston and I weren't planning on staying the night in Charlotte, but it had gotten late and Decker had extra room in her house for us to stay! We could just leave the next day.

At Walmart we picked up some toothbrushes and breakfast for the next morning. I also spent THE BEST $5 OF MY LIFE on Kermit flip flops! They were from the men's section but they are literally the most comfortable pair of flip flops that I own! FART SHOES! (get the Muppet reference? I say "fart shoes!" a lot, so you might want to get used to it!)


Then we went to Decker’s house and she showed us a bunch of cool new equipment they got for the trip! We hung out for a while and then we went to sleep.

August 15th, 2012
We woke up around 9:30 or 10 am. We got up, had some Blueberry bagels, and said goodbye to Preston’s Mom and Decker. They were on their way to Alaska!

Since we were still in North Carolina, we decided to go back to the Concord Mills mall! YAYAYAY! Ahh Preston, he's such a gem for taking me to that beautiful mall. :laughing:

We went to Game Stop and the Disney Store first. I found another $9.99 Disneyland crewneck that I wanted so I grabbed that.


I took a picture for my best friend Kristen of Kermit and Fozzie! FART SHOES! We are muppets, it's true.


Then we went over to Forever 21! I got a dress, a Minnie mouse shirt, a blue shirt, and some earrings. Seriously, Preston was SUCH a good sport for sitting through me shopping at Forever 21. :rotfl:

Then we looked around the Lego Store so I could make it up to him. Ahh I can't wait until the day that boy can go to the Lego Store in Downtown Disney!


Then we went to American Eagle and I got some $10 shorts and a new pair on sunglasses since Preston accidentally broke my old ones. Thankfully they still made the same pair!

We had lunch at the food court. I had Salsaritas – chicken burrito with corn, rice, beans, sour cream, and lettuce. It was very similar to Chipotle! Preston had the Club Sub from Firehouse Subs. Then we kept walking around the mall… I tried on stuff at a bunch of stores but didn’t find a ton more.

But I did get seasons 1 and 3 of Boy Meets World at Best Buy!

*Sidenote.... if you haven't noticed, Preston looks A LOT like Cory Matthews from Boy Meets World. I have called him that since day 1. Since I'm dating a Cory Matthews look-alike, I am sometimes referred to as Topanga.

So my best friend Kristen texted Preston before I arrived in Georgia and told him to make a sign that said "Topanga" so he could hold it up at the airport for me when I got off the plane. Sadly, he forgot it at home, but he still gave me the sign so I could put it in my room! Here is a picture of my Topanga sign and my new DVD's:


Then went to Cold Stone and got some ice cream. We both got Chocolate Frozen Yogurt. I got bananas and hot fudge in mine and Preston got Reeses.

Then Preston got some AWESOME flip-flops from Pac Sun. They were a little pricey but they are super comfortable. His old ones ripped so they were a necessity! I got a headband from there that was really cute, too!

We stopped back at the Disney store and I got my Sorcerer Mickey plush that I could not stop thinking about! It was meant to be. He was only $12!


I also got an Ariel fleece throw for $15 that I LOVED. Not only was Ariel my childhood/a current favorite, but the color of this blanket is BEAUTIFUL! I needed to buy it!


We didn't leave until around 5 o'clock! It was ROAD TRIP TIME!

Here is Preston’s new little Oswald that he got for $5 at the Disney Store! Preston LOVES Oswald because of the history behind him. I was so proud to hear that. What a winner.


I cranked up the iPod and before we knew it we were back in Preston’s town. It took three and a half hours to drive home from Charlotte. We stopped at Ingles, the grocery store, and picked up some Advil for my pounding headache. We wanted to find some of the Pillsbury Disney cookies but they didn’t have any. :sad2: Sadness.

We hadn’t eaten dinner yet and it was around 8:45 or 9, so we went to PIZZA HUT! Nom. We got a stuffed crust ½ cheese ½ pepperoni pizza as well as some bread sticks. MMMM I was so happy.

On our ride home, I discovered my love for Taylor Swift’s new song – “We Are Never Ever Ever Getting Back Together” and I was just rockin’ out.

This was one of my favorite parts of the entire trip/moments of my entire life. I was SO happy. It was nighttime and Preston and I were just driving around on the country roads of Georgia. This song is so fun and my happiness level was through the roof. It finally felt like summer! I couldn't stop smiling, singing, and dancing in my seat. Finally my life was making sense again and all of the stress from school/my jobs/being apart from Preston COMPLETELY melted away. He probably thought I was crazy because I listened to this song so many times in a row, but it made me SO happy and he just smiled and went along with my insanity. He's wonderful. :goodvibes In that moment, I couldn't have asked for anything more - life was perfect. :-) So whenever I listen to that song now, it will transport me back to that wonderful moment. (Ironic because it is a break-up song... but it's totally not one for me) Thank you, Taylor Swift. You've created another emotional masterpiece.

So then we got back to Preston's house. I saw that Preston still had a ring pop from earlier and I kind of wanted one. So Preston was like, "well do you want to go get one?" Umm YES. After our four hour drive, we made an unnecessary stop at the gas station just to buy me a 50 cent piece of candy. It’s the little things that really make me happy. That boy just gets me. I was loving life. We jammed out to my song some more and went back to Preston’s house and watched Friends for the rest of the night!

August 16th, 2012
This morning we slept in pretty late, got up, and then went to the restaurant Preston works at for breakfast/lunch. (again!) We both got grilled cheese. (I got the kids one again!) Preston got onion rings and then I got sweet potato fries!

We also went to Kilwins again and got some more ice cream! Preston got Kilwins Tracks (aka Moose Tracks/Panda Paws) and I got Strawberry! YUM!

I also got some M&M bark which was the best decision of my life. I cannot tell you how delicious that stuff was! It was just chocolate and chocolate and PERFECTION. :cloud9:


We took the long way home and then I ordered my next batch of Magical Ribbons bows! This was the last day of her sale - $1 off every $9 you spend! I got Magic Kingdom and Hollywood Studios park map bows, a Shipwreck Ariel bow, a Little Town Belle bow for my Halloween Costume, The Haunted Halls bow, and a bunch of CM minis! (Splash Mountain, Fantasyland Merchandise, Haunted Mansion, and Bippidi Boppiti Boutique!)

Preston fell asleep while I was doing that, so I woke him up and then we got ready to go! Me, Preston, and his Dad went to go see a show that Mr. Patti directed at a local theater. The show was called Dames at Sea and I absolutely loved it! There were only about 5 actors in the entire show and it was great! It had a little bit of romance, a little bit of hopeful Broadway, some tap dancing, it was funny, and it had a navy/sea theme. It was really enjoyable and made me want to be in a musical SO BAD. Sigh, I miss them. Please God, let me get cast in a show this year!

Once it was over, we drove back home, dropped off Preston's Dad, and we went to Walmart to get dinner. Note that it was 11 pm and we had not eaten dinner yet. I WAS STARVING. I don't know how Preston eats so late every day! It kills me.

It took forever for me to decide what I wanted, but we finally picked out a Digorno’s pizza. We also got some other groceries like fruit, muffins, yogurts, etc. We got back to his house, ate our pizza, and then watched Friends until we fell asleep.


Continued in Next Post
We drove and drove and finally arrived in Charlotte, NC. Before we got to Decker’s house, we had to stop at THE DISNEY STORE at the Concord Mills Mall! They closed at nine and we didn’t want to miss out!


I wish there was a Disney Store where I come from. You see, I live in Maine, and there was once a Disney Store in the Bangor Mall, but they closed it down. To this day, I still anticipate the Disney Store's return!
Joining in for your trip report. I've read some of your other ones but I haven't commented before. I love how enthusiastic you are about Disney! I hope my 6yr. old daughter loves it as much as she does now when she is your age! I've been following you on instagram as well. I love your photos.. I'm trying to talk my husband into buying DVC so I've been on these boards a lot!
Joining in! So excited to hear about this trip. I live in upstate NY and it really sucks not having Chick-fil-a's around here. I've never been but everyone I talk to loves it!
I never realized how country-ish Georgia is. Preston's hometown looks gorgeous!
That Disney store looks awesome..I saw all your pics on instagram and twitter. I would have went crazy too!
It's seems like you had a great time in Georgia and at the Disney store! I love all of the stuff you got.
I can't wait to hear all about Hilton Head!

PS: I LOVE your sunset nails!
You were in my area when you were in Charlotte. We live about 30 mins it from there and about 1 hour from Concord. I love that disney store they always have the best sales.
I loooooved your sunset nails. So pretty!

Awwww... reunited. So sweet! Those flowers are beautiful. And Zaxby's and Chick-Fil-A are both amazing so your week would have been a success even if you did nothing else the entire time. Hhaha kidding. Kinda. Not really.

Still jealous of your Disney store find! UGH they closed ALL of the ones around here. We used to have two really close by and now? I don't even know where the closest one is... but there is a huge chance that it's that one in Charlotte!

Awwww yay for being happy again! Just from twitter I know how hard this summer was for you so I'm so happy that you're happy!!! Now let's go to Hilton Head! :car: (Any excuse to use that guy.)

Thank you so much! I'm glad that you enjoyed them! I hope I follow you back on twitter/instagram... if I don't, tweet me/comment on a picture so I can follow you!
I'm so glad you're excited to read everything!
Hahaha I KNOW, right?! They have the same face shape, the same hair, and sometimes he sounds like Cory when he talks. It's way too funny. :rotfl: I love it.

Haha, you follow me on both I think! I'm snoogibear on twitter, and dmags on instagram! :goodvibes

I love your new update! It sounds like you guys had such a wonderful time together. Had you ever met Preston's family before? It's a little scary meeting family for the first time! I flew out to Seattle to spend a week with my husband (this is back when I was 18 and we started dating, sooo 9 summers ago!) and meet his family. We spent it on their boat up in the San Juan Islands... It was a little scary at first but then soon I discovered they're quite lovely people. :rotfl:

We did long distance, too! Ours was for 1 year though. I saw him every 3-4 months though, so it wasn't too awful. But I think doing long distance makes every relationship that much stronger!

Anyway, love all of the photos... and I'm SO jealous of the Disneyland outlet!! We are going to Disneyland (my first time EVER) in November/December for my birthday, and I am beyond excited! Then a month and a half later, back to WDW for our annual January trip. AHHH SO MUCH DISNEY COMING INTO MY LIFE HERE SOON! I can't waaaait (if you couldn't tell I'm a little excited). But yes, your purchases look awesome and I'm totes jealous!
LOVE the Georgia updates! You and Preston are the best! So cute. I am glad you guys had such a good time together after having to be apart so long! Long distance is really rough- my hubby and I went to different colleges but we at least got to see each other almost every week. I do think it makes you stronger and more grateful for the time you get together!

Anyway, looove all your purchases! Sounds like you got to enjoy some REALLY yummy food while you were at Preston's too. Chick Fil A is amazing- the next time you are down south you must try one of their milkshakes! YUM.

Isn't Taylor Swift the best? love her! I am so excited that she has a new CD coming out, I have listened to the other 3 so many times and I still love them, but it will be great to have some new stuff from her! She is so adorable.

Can't wait to read about HHI!:cool2:
Excellent! I am pleased to have another report to read. Yours are just too good to resist.
It's nice to hear about your busy summer and your reunion with Preston.
Wow! You really did some shopping! You will be very well outfitted for you Disneyland trip.
What a fun TR! You and Preston are too cute together. I am so excited to learn that the Charlotte Disney store is a DL outlet! Who would have guessed that? My DH goes up there often for work - might have to make him go do some shopping for me!
Sounds like a great start to vacation. Lots of food and a nice boy...what else do you need?

I think I am spoiled in my own Disney store situation though.....an outlet store 10 minutes west and a regular store 15 minutes east. Dangerous.
I live about an hour from Charlotte and OBVIOUSLY I need to make the drive over to the Disney store!! LOL Those prices are unbelievable! I will add that to my 'to do' list before our December WDW trip!

And I said this in Kristen's trip report, too...How have you survived so long without Chick Fil A!?!?! It's my fave!!!!
I wish there was a Disney Store where I come from. You see, I live in Maine, and there was once a Disney Store in the Bangor Mall, but they closed it down. To this day, I still anticipate the Disney Store's return!

We used to have three around here and ALL of them closed down. So I completely understand! This is the first time I have been to one since they closed.

Joining in for your trip report. I've read some of your other ones but I haven't commented before. I love how enthusiastic you are about Disney! I hope my 6yr. old daughter loves it as much as she does now when she is your age! I've been following you on instagram as well. I love your photos.. I'm trying to talk my husband into buying DVC so I've been on these boards a lot!

Hooray! Welcome, welcome! Thank you so much - I am glad my love and enthusiasm for Disney shines through my writing! Aww she sounds absolutely adorable - I am sure she will! Thanks for following my instagram too! Oh goodness, DVC is the best investment you're ever going to make. If you are going to vacation anyways, it really is worth it because you get to stay at the best places on property! And it pays for itself quick! I hope that you can convince him! :goodvibes

Joining in! So excited to hear about this trip. I live in upstate NY and it really sucks not having Chick-fil-a's around here. I've never been but everyone I talk to loves it!
I never realized how country-ish Georgia is. Preston's hometown looks gorgeous!
That Disney store looks awesome..I saw all your pics on instagram and twitter. I would have went crazy too!

Hooray! I am glad you're excited!
I know, right!? I'm glad I finally got to try it.
He lives in the mountains so maybe that's why. But there are lots of hick towns and southern accents down there so it is country-ish! It was BEAUTIFUL! I still can't believe it!
It was the best store EVER. I'm glad you liked the pictures! Haha I couldn't resist - everything was so cheap!

It's seems like you had a great time in Georgia and at the Disney store! I love all of the stuff you got.
I can't wait to hear all about Hilton Head!

PS: I LOVE your sunset nails!

I really did! Thank you!
And aww thanks! I thought they came out pretty well!

You were in my area when you were in Charlotte. We live about 30 mins it from there and about 1 hour from Concord. I love that disney store they always have the best sales.

You are SO lucky you live that close! I would be there all the time. :laughing:

I loooooved your sunset nails. So pretty!

Awwww... reunited. So sweet! Those flowers are beautiful. And Zaxby's and Chick-Fil-A are both amazing so your week would have been a success even if you did nothing else the entire time. Hhaha kidding. Kinda. Not really.

Still jealous of your Disney store find! UGH they closed ALL of the ones around here. We used to have two really close by and now? I don't even know where the closest one is... but there is a huge chance that it's that one in Charlotte!

Awwww yay for being happy again! Just from twitter I know how hard this summer was for you so I'm so happy that you're happy!!! Now let's go to Hilton Head! :car: (Any excuse to use that guy.)

Thank you!
Haha they are good! I'm not huge on fast food but I liked that they had the grilled chicken and AMAZING french fries, so I was not complaining!
Aww I'm sorry. :( Yeah we had three and they closed them ALL. I still don't understand why. If that's your closest disney store... you are VERY lucky because it's gotta be the best one EVER!
I'm happy I was happy too! This summer messed with my head a little bit so I was so glad I had this wonderful trip :goodvibes HILTON HEAD TIME!

Haha, you follow me on both I think! I'm snoogibear on twitter, and dmags on instagram! :goodvibes

I love your new update! It sounds like you guys had such a wonderful time together. Had you ever met Preston's family before? It's a little scary meeting family for the first time! I flew out to Seattle to spend a week with my husband (this is back when I was 18 and we started dating, sooo 9 summers ago!) and meet his family. We spent it on their boat up in the San Juan Islands... It was a little scary at first but then soon I discovered they're quite lovely people. :rotfl:

We did long distance, too! Ours was for 1 year though. I saw him every 3-4 months though, so it wasn't too awful. But I think doing long distance makes every relationship that much stronger!

Anyway, love all of the photos... and I'm SO jealous of the Disneyland outlet!! We are going to Disneyland (my first time EVER) in November/December for my birthday, and I am beyond excited! Then a month and a half later, back to WDW for our annual January trip. AHHH SO MUCH DISNEY COMING INTO MY LIFE HERE SOON! I can't waaaait (if you couldn't tell I'm a little excited). But yes, your purchases look awesome and I'm totes jealous!

Okay yes I do! Good, good.
I have met them before actually! They came up for his birthday in April. I definitely got to spend more time with them when I went to his house though, so it really was great! They are wonderful people. Wow it sounds like you had quite the adventure too! That's really cute! :) I'm glad they ended up being nice! And it's great to hear that you got married after all that! :goodvibes Long distance definitely does make the relationship stronger! It feels like we have been through a lot.
I'm glad you liked the pictures! AHHH oh my God you have an amazing few months coming up! I wouldn't be able to contain myself if I was going to both DLR and WDW so close to eachother!! Have an AMAZING time! I'm so excited for you! :yay:

LOVE the Georgia updates! You and Preston are the best! So cute. I am glad you guys had such a good time together after having to be apart so long! Long distance is really rough- my hubby and I went to different colleges but we at least got to see each other almost every week. I do think it makes you stronger and more grateful for the time you get together!

Anyway, looove all your purchases! Sounds like you got to enjoy some REALLY yummy food while you were at Preston's too. Chick Fil A is amazing- the next time you are down south you must try one of their milkshakes! YUM.

Isn't Taylor Swift the best? love her! I am so excited that she has a new CD coming out, I have listened to the other 3 so many times and I still love them, but it will be great to have some new stuff from her! She is so adorable.

Can't wait to read about HHI!:cool2:

Aww thank you so much! We were so happy to be back together again! I'm glad that you and your husband successfully did the long distance thing too! It's rough but it does make it really special when you're reunited. :goodvibes
Thank you! Yes we ate really well haha. Aww dang they have good milkshakes?! Wahh I missed out lol.
I LOVE TAYLOR SWIFT. I seriously cannot wait for her new CD. I already warned Preston that we are going to be listening to it A LOT. I need some new songs.
I can't wait to write about it!

Excellent! I am pleased to have another report to read. Yours are just too good to resist.
It's nice to hear about your busy summer and your reunion with Preston.
Wow! You really did some shopping! You will be very well outfitted for you Disneyland trip.

Haha aww thank you for being such a loyal reader! Your comments always brighten my day!
Yes I did. :laughing: Good thing I worked so hard all summer! And yes I will!

What a fun TR! You and Preston are too cute together. I am so excited to learn that the Charlotte Disney store is a DL outlet! Who would have guessed that? My DH goes up there often for work - might have to make him go do some shopping for me!

Aww thank you so much! YES it has incredible deals - you should definitely make your way up there sometime!

Sounds like a great start to vacation. Lots of food and a nice boy...what else do you need?

I think I am spoiled in my own Disney store situation though.....an outlet store 10 minutes west and a regular store 15 minutes east. Dangerous.

Thank you! Aww yes, exactly! :-) It was so great!
You are VERY lucky, let me tell you!!

I live about an hour from Charlotte and OBVIOUSLY I need to make the drive over to the Disney store!! LOL Those prices are unbelievable! I will add that to my 'to do' list before our December WDW trip!

And I said this in Kristen's trip report, too...How have you survived so long without Chick Fil A!?!?! It's my fave!!!!

Hahaha I would absolutely do that all the time! They really are incredible! Make sure you do!
I don't know!! I guess when you don't know it exists, it really doesn't bother you. It was good though, I'm glad I got to try it!

Hey, that's my Disney Store! ;) Glad you enjoyed the sales, I always do!

Woohoo! I really did. It was AWESOME! Easily one of the greatest nights of my life. Disney and shopping - what more could you want, really?


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