Poor Unfortunate Souls: So Wet, So Full ~ Updated 12/22: Day 8 - Complete & New TR!

catching up! How have you been???
Pretty good, thanks! I've been updating more in the baby PTR, but I will finish this one (probably not until after baby, though!)

THe photos of the castle were so cool. We have not seen that show yet, but your pictures make me feel like it is worth it to actually stake out a spot ahead of time and watch it. It's such a bummer to keep hearing about the rain on your trip. Glad you made the best of it and didn't let it slow you down.
Yes, we loved the memories show. Way better than we had anticipated. The rain was a bummer, but thankfully, it didn't last for the entirety of our trip! :thumbsup2
After Dug ate, we headed out into yet another downpour. We made our way from Cosmic Ray’s to the PeopleMover. Enjoyable, as always. And kept us out of the rain.

We checked out Space Mountain and Buzz Lightyear next, but both were busy with long waits, so we decided to head over here instead:


First we rode Jungle Cruise, then Pirates.

Since the rain was dying down, we thought we might as well do Splash and Big Thunder. However, once we got over to that little area, we discovered that they were both closed for technical issues. So much for that!

Dug’s tweet later that night: Rough night for Magic Kingdom. Astro Orbiter, Splash and Big Thunder all closed. Stupid Overtakers. (Kingdom Keepers books reference)

It was only drizzling by then, so we decided to go check out the interactive queue for the Haunted Mansion for the first time.

Started with all the statues:


There was this wall that played music when you touched the instruments:



Master Gracey’s grave:


The books that pop out:



My favorite thing:



It was fun to finish her little passages. We did quite a few of them.

In general, this area was fun because we were there late on a rainy evening and had it almost to ourselves. We could spend as much time as we wanted playing with things.

Oh, and of course, this was still there:


After enjoying our ride through the mansion, we hit It’s a Small World.

Next was Winnie the Pooh, to enjoy the new interactive queue. This was fun too, especially the honey walls.

We finished up the evening by riding Buzz’s Space Ranger Spin twice. First ride, I got 619,900 and Dug got 228,200. Second ride, I got 553,500 and Dug got 248,400. He gave me the favorable side for the first high-point target both times, but I still couldn’t max out the score (he already had previously).

We were hungry, so went to check if Casey’s Corner was open (it was late!) No luck.

We headed out of the park, taking a couple of pictures on the way. A scene in a window:


Me with Roy and Minnie:


We were exhausted and grateful that a bus for Pop came right away.

Back in the room, I enjoyed my leftover EoS dessert for dinner:


Up next: Does the rain ever stop? And a delicious breakfast at Downtown Disney!
Yay for an update !!! I hope you, Dug and Dugbaby are all doing well. Looking forward to more updates !!

Hey subbing on...:wave2:

Love your TR title...

Your Disnames are very cute... (love UP...:goodvibes)

Have to go back to read and catch up...:surfweb:
Yay for an update !!! I hope you, Dug and Dugbaby are all doing well. Looking forward to more updates !!

Thanks, Susan! We are doing well. Dug Baby will be 2 months old tomorrow! Time flies! I'll try to post 2-month pictures over on the PTR I'm doing tomorrow.

Hey subbing on...:wave2:

Love your TR title...

Your Disnames are very cute... (love UP...:goodvibes)

Have to go back to read and catch up...:surfweb:
:welcome: Thanks, Up is such a great movie! :thumbsup2 Enjoy reading. I promise future updates won't be hard to keep up with (given the whole writing-around-taking-care-of-a-newborn thing...)
We woke up this morning and hesitantly peeked through the window. Would it still be pouring rain? Or would things start improving, as the weather forecasts were now indicating?

We were stunned and confused when we saw the bright thing shining in the blue sky. Light, there was light, finally! :cool1:




Our plans this morning consisted of hitting Downtown Disney for breakfast and shopping. The previous year, we’d purchased quite a few Christmas gifts for family and friends in Downtown Disney. It went over well, so we decided to do it again this year.

We caught a bus and soon were walking up to this place:


Since it was so beautiful, what with this bright orb in the sky, we sat outside on the patio:


In a display of exactly how nerdy I am (I work in accounting :teacher: ), while we waited for our food, I was using the crummy calculator on my phone and some notes on our current room-charge statement to figure out how we were doing versus our budget on the trip. If you recall, we were paying for this trip entirely with WDW gift cards (applied to the room charges) and I wanted to make sure we were on track. Nerdiness:


Things were looking good, budget-wise. And food-wise! Drinks:


Breakfast pocket:


Amazing breakfast pizza:



Such a great deal for counter-service credits! This meal was delicious and also very pleasant, being outside in the warmth and not at all crowded.

After our leisurely breakfast, we headed out to shop. Passed this little train on the way (also, in the background, you can see Fun Finds, which is where to get cheap rain jackets like the one I got):


Our first stop was one of our favorite places: Mickey’s Pantry. Love the kitchen stuff, but really love the spice shop. We picked out some gifts and a bunch of seasonings for ourselves.

Next stop:


Some photos Dug took around the place:






We got some more gifts. One was a scarf for Dug’s sister. She likes to accessorize with them and likes yellow, so we found a yellow one with very subtle Mickey heads in the fabric, so you’d have to really examine it to know how Disney it is. She loved it and was wearing it recently when we went out to dinner with them. Yay!

Next stop, just for fun, was the Lego Store. Cool things outside:




Cool things inside too:


Dug enjoyed all the Star Wars Lego displays, such as:


He has a lot more pictures, but that should suffice!

After all this shopping, we’d worked up an appetite. Where oh where could we find a yummy snack in Downtown Disney? :confused3

Up next: A yummy snack! And mini golf!
When we left off, we were heading for a yummy snack. At this place:


Love the little touches inside:



We ordered this to share:

The Haight AshBerry - Very Berry Sundae - strawberry cheesecake ice cream smothered with sliced strawberries under a layer of vanilla ice cream with blueberry topping, whipped cream, our chocolate-covered blueberries and a chocolate dipped waffle roll


It was very good and refreshing!

On our way out, we walked by the Rainforest Café. Something was going on, I guess:


Also, there was this:


We took a bus to the Swan hotel:


Our next destination was Fantasia Gardens mini golf and the best way to get there was to walk from the Swan. During our walk, I stopped to carry a torch:


We saw some empty entertainment areas:


The course itself was pretty nice and hardly anyone was there. We enjoyed it, and I liked that there was a lot of water around it, but I preferred Winter Summerland, which we did on a previous trip. Here’s a glimpse:


The greens you see are part of the other (harder) mini golf course here:







Another empty entertainment venue:


The ducks that walked onto the greens, then tried to chase me when I videotaped them:





I was afraid of those water buckets. These ones:


They didn’t do anything when my ball went along the green, but the sidewalk next to the green was all wet. I didn’t want my camcorder to get wet, so I chanced it and ran along the greens. Nothing happened. Dug was feeling more adventurous, so he took the sidewalk. And the buckets dumped water…but right after he passed by each one!

We ended up with a tie score. It was a fun way to spend some time. We made the walk back to the Swan:



Once there, we caught a boat to Epcot:


Up next: More Food & Wine!
The breakfast pizza looks delicious!

My kids at school, especially the boys, flipped out when I showed them pictures of the Lego statues. I wish they could see them in person one day.
Mini golf is always so much fun but I've never made the time in our Disney trips to do it! That actually may be something my hubby would do it I ever get him to go again!
Oh Wow... You have a baby Dug... Belated Congratulations...:goodvibes

(I'll have to check that PTR out and find out all about her...)

I love how you guys had so much rain and made the best of it...

and I love how you hung out at the Poly so much... I'm personally a big believer that Disney is a resort and you should enjoy the amenities...:goodvibes

Lots of fabulous looking Food and Wine yumminess...

Pretty MK Halloween Decorations...

lots more but I'm really hungry after those breakfast pizza pics... must have snack...popcorn::
The breakfast pizza looks delicious!

My kids at school, especially the boys, flipped out when I showed them pictures of the Lego statues. I wish they could see them in person one day.
That breakfast pizza was absolutely delicious!

Those Lego statues are so amazing! I wish all your kids could see them too!

Mini golf is always so much fun but I've never made the time in our Disney trips to do it! That actually may be something my hubby would do it I ever get him to go again!
It is a lot of fun. There is definitely a lot more thought put into the course theme at WDW than other places. Also, in our experiences, usually not crowded.

Oh Wow... You have a baby Dug... Belated Congratulations...:goodvibes

(I'll have to check that PTR out and find out all about her...)

I love how you guys had so much rain and made the best of it...

and I love how you hung out at the Poly so much... I'm personally a big believer that Disney is a resort and you should enjoy the amenities...:goodvibes

Lots of fabulous looking Food and Wine yumminess...

Pretty MK Halloween Decorations...

lots more but I'm really hungry after those breakfast pizza pics... must have snack...popcorn::
I'm just glad the rain eventually stopped! But, yes, we did try to make the best of it, since we wanted to enjoy every minute of our WDW time.

Yeah, we hung out at the Poly a lot! Love that place! I agree about enjoying all the Disney resort amenities!

Ha ha...yes, that breakfast pizza makes me hungry too! :rotfl:
Hi, I'm a little late :rolleyes1 but I came across this TR and start reading and figured I'd follow along for the rest. Can't wait to hear more. :)
Catching up over here too! It looks like such a beautiful day when you went mini golfing. We have gone to Winter Summerland twice, and we really love that course. Fantasia Gardens looks really pretty too. Maybe we will try that one next time. Can't wait to see more Epcot pictures.
Hi, I'm a little late :rolleyes1 but I came across this TR and start reading and figured I'd follow along for the rest. Can't wait to hear more. :)
:welcome: I'm sorry that I am writing the SLOWEST TR in the world, but I'm having trouble keeping up with everything in life lately. I will finish this thing, though, just not sure when.

Catching up over here too! It looks like such a beautiful day when you went mini golfing. We have gone to Winter Summerland twice, and we really love that course. Fantasia Gardens looks really pretty too. Maybe we will try that one next time. Can't wait to see more Epcot pictures.
We have done both Winter Summerland and Fantasia Gardens (once each) and definitely prefer Winter Summerland. However, since you've done it twice, Fantasia Gardens might be a good change of pace and is still worth doing. It looks like you're going back for New Year's?? Cool!
I'm back!!! :cool1: Sorry for the long pause! Hope everyone had a lovely Spring & Summer! :rotfl: (if anyone is still hanging around...) Let's finish this TR!

We arrived back in Epcot in search of lunch. Well, I was in search of lunch, but Dug knew exactly what he wanted. We headed straight to the Yorkshire County Fish Shop. I held us a nice table:

Dug obtained his lunch:

He really enjoyed it. It reminded him of his time spent in the (non-Epcot) UK, while travelling around from his study abroad in Scotland.

We ate and then meandered around World Showcase. And because it looks so beautiful to me now, some random photos:

I had been thinking I’d have something from Kringla Bakery for lunch, since I remembered they had some nice looking sandwiches. However, I ended up in the bakery in France instead, enticed by a ham and cheese croissant and a Napolean:

We were planning to see the movie in France next, so Dug was sitting on a bench in the lobby while I got my food. We had just missed the previous showing, which is why I ended up grabbing lunch in France. I munched in the nice air-conditioned waiting area. By the way, these food items plus a drink were considered a counter service credit meal.

Soon, we headed into the movie. It is always so relaxing and enjoyable.

We wandered around the shops in France a bit afterwards, then made our way over to the Japan Food & Wine booth. Dug’s description of the offerings: “California sushi pretty good, spicy tuna sushi better, nice and zesty. Pork Kakuni rocked, very juicy.” I’m not a sushi person, so I left all that and the wasabi to Dug:

I did try some of the pork, though, and it was tasty:

Also, the Disney ducks were stationed under our little table to make sure there were no crumbs unaccounted for. They were not shy and even willing to pose for the camera:

More pretty Epcot:

Clearly, I have not been to Disney in a long time now, as I’m just mesmerized by all the beautiful Epcot scenery. Everything is just so perfect there. :cloud9:

At this point, we were ready for some water, so I checked to see if the Kakigori stand had fountain drinks. No dice. On to Germany. I got in line at Sommerfest, amidst all the brat-hungry and beer-thirsty folks, and got us a couple nice, big ice waters. Refreshing! :thumbsup2

Next up, we collected goodies from the Germany booth and the Cheese booth. Germany provided us with a good-sized Apfel Struedel:

Very good!

We got a cheese sampler, which was very enjoyable, especially the triple cream (similar to brie):

Ah, Epcot:

Our final booth stop of the day would be Mexico. We got the Ribeye Tacos and the Strawberry Lime Margarita:

Both were pretty good. The margarita was fairly salty.

Then we headed off towards the exit:

We timed our bus stop arrival just right and boarded a bus bound for Pop Century.

We arrived “home”:

We enjoyed a lovely afternoon nap in our room. Surprisingly, we were ready for dinner next. Off to Pop’s food court we ventured, hoping to try the new Burrito Bar. However, when we arrived, we learned that is was only offered at lunch. Oh, well, we’d find other things to eat. Dug ended up getting the fried chicken “tv dinner” meal that was on special that night:

He enjoyed it and said the mashed potatoes were particularly good. I’d remembered reading that the Beef & Broccoli was good, so I got that:

And it was good. Also, huge. Can’t believe I ate it all. Plus, both of our meals came with desserts, thanks to the dining plan. We decided to get one for now and one for later. We got a sundae to share:

And we saved a tie-die cheesecake for later:

After our meal, it was time to head out to DHS!

Up next: Lots of Star Tours! And some other things.

After we finished our dinner at Pop Century, we headed to the bus stop and caught a ride to Extra Magic Hours at The Studios.

On our way in, we did a bit of gift shopping. Selected some Christmas ornaments for family members in one of the shops. Had the package held for us until we left the park, to pick up upon exiting.

First ride was the Tower of Terror. Sign said 20 minutes, but line was very long. However, it was extremely efficient and we moved quickly. Cast members were also very engaging. The operator who sent our elevator on its way was having a great time. “Enjoy your doom….uh, I mean room.” And, right as the door was closing, “Oh, one more very important thing…” :scared1:

The ride was great. I love the awesome (though brief) view you get of all the DHS lights at night.

Next up was Star Tours. But, on the way there, we ran across something new to us: Mulch, Sweat, and Shears was performing:

They were really fun and Dug was having a great time dancing to the tunes. :dancer:

We did one round of Star Tours, then headed over to the Muppets:

If I remember right, we ran out of time to see them on our previous trip (December 2010), so we wanted to make sure to catch the show on this trip.

Then it was back to Star Tours for two more rides. We got a lot of different combinations on the three rides we did this night. Dug’s description: “For Star Tours, we hit all the planets tonight, including new ones Hoth and Coruscant and finally saw Yoda”.
It was late and time to head back to Pop. On the way out, we stopped by here to grab our purchases from earlier:

Pretty Studios at night:

We hopped on a bus and arrived back at Pop to rest up for the next day. And maybe enjoy the tie dye cheesecake. I don’t remember. :confused3 Whenever we ate it, I know we enjoyed it! :thumbsup2

Up next: Back to Epcot. A morning in Future World.

Great to 'see' you back here - loved the updates, amazing food photos.. I wish I could be in World Showcase right now :goodvibes

Hope all is well with you and the family!

Emma princess: x

Great to 'see' you back here - loved the updates, amazing food photos.. I wish I could be in World Showcase right now :goodvibes

Hope all is well with you and the family!

Emma princess: x
Hi, Emma! I'm glad someone is still hanging around here! :goodvibes More food pictures to come! I wish I was in World Showcase right now too...I guess this glass of wine will have to do! :rotfl:

We're doing well, thanks! I've been posting more updates on my PTR since Dug Baby's been born. Can't believe her first trip is in less than 4 months now! :cool1:
We got up this morning to find Disney had left the dreaded “eviction notice” on our door. Well, actually, the notice of our Magical Express pickup time (4:45pm the next day), but depressing nonetheless. We pushed through our sorrow and went out to enjoy our day, though.

We did, however, get a little bit later start than planned so we knew we’d miss the Early Magic Rope Drop at Epcot. Our plan was to enjoy Future World until 11am, then finish our Food & Wine sampling.

On our way to Epcot:

Our first destination:

We headed straight here:

We got Fast Passes for 9:15am, then headed into the 10 minute standby line:

After a nice morning ride over California, we headed over to the walk-on Living With the Land boat ride. Always enjoyable and relaxing.

Up next was breakfast at Sunshine Seasons. We got an Adult Breakfast Platter: okay; a Breakfast Panini: very good; and a side order of Croissant Berry Bread Pudding: delicious! Here’s the goods:

And our view:

After lunch, we cashed in our Fast Passes for Soarin’. Had to wait a bit, but enjoyed another flight.

Next, we left the Land and made our way to Journey Into Imagination with Figment. Walked onto the ride, as usual. We survived the skunk and everything. :thumbsup2

We headed into Innoventions West next to use the restrooms in the empty hallway. We also checked out the Epcot history timeline on the wall, which was cool. Pictures of Epcot past. A segway tour group came cruising through that hallway while we were there too.

Then we went over to Club Cool. Refreshed ourselves with foreign Coke products:

We spotted Jiminy Cricket doing a meet and greet outside as we headed out. We wandered through Mouse Gear and then went to the Fast Pass machines at Test Track and got 12:50pm. We took the route past the Odyssey to get to World Showcase.

First stop was Mexico. We rode the Gran Fiesta Tour with no line. Then Dug went to the Cantina to get us some big glasses of ice water. Unfortunately, the staff was inattentive and just gave us tiny waters. Oh, well.

Meanwhile, I went to get us Fast Passes for Maelstrom. Unfortunately, the machine spit out a ticket that said, “Not a valid Fastpass ticket. You currently hold an active Fastpass ticket for Test Track.” Oops. I didn’t realize it was too soon to get another. :crazy2:

Time to start getting food and wine. We went to Scandinavia first and got several things. Swedish meatballs were great:

Rice pudding also great:

Dug enjoyed the Scandinavia sampler. Shrimp salad, herring and salmon all great:

The Xante Sunshine Cocktail was also enjoyable:

After the feast, we decided to just do the 10 minute standby at Maelstrom:

I always enjoy that ride! Strange, but enjoyable.

Next up was the China booth. The potstickers were juicy and very good:

The BBQ Chicken Stick was fall-off-the-bone good:

The Green Tea Plum Wine Cooler was refreshing:


Up next: We eat a bunch more stuff!


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