I'm Sick of it!!


Jan 27, 2005
Why do people think it is okay to insult the fact that I like to go to Disney on vacation? I don't insult where you are going! I get it - you went to Disney and didn't have a good time. You said it was expensive, it was crowded and the food was lousy. Mind you, you went to MK and AK. You did not go to Epcot or to HS. However, you had a great time at Seaworld, but for some reason you, your husband and your twin five year old boys did not have fun at a place where quite a few people on this planet do manage to enjoy themselves. Sorry I needed to vent! I was at a party today and again the fact was brought up that I am going back to Disney in the fall and they just can't understand why. Why don't I go someplace else? MYOB!!
I get the same reaction from people. I am thinking of keeping my next trip a secret. I can't stand the negative comments I get for the most happy place on earth!
It's the work folks that find out because I have to put in for vacation and from there it leads to loads and loads of questions! I just wish I could say MYOB, but you have to stay on good terms with those you work with.
We are DVC members and we go yearly. As my boys get older 16 and 13 now the trip changes. Watching my kids be kids still at their "it isn't cool to hang with mom and dad" age is to use a term priceless! I get the same thing you get but ya know what I don't care or justify anymore. It is our special place and as long as my kids, dw and I love going we will go! ( getting tougher financially but...).

Disney is a place that we have so many special memories that no one will ever take from me! I say to heck with the non disney lover!
LoL...I lived through that with my coworkers for a few years, until they realized how much money I could save them & all the ins & outs to make their trip a lil more enjoyable.

Matter of fact we actually raised $2100 for a coworker who has been down on his luck.

His son is 7 now, but has been battling CF since birth, has autism, and something else ( which eludes me at the moment )

Well right b4 we had our Christmas Beefsteak we presented this to him. Actuall another co worker had looked into a personal guide that strictly deals w/ kids with certain issues and stuff. He hates clapping and loud noises, so the personal guide made this the most absolute best trip that they could have ever imagined.

BTW They were there in a 1 bedroom value, but were also upgraded to a Savannah view too. These guides don't come cheap but with all the money we raised we were able to have that person basically 16 hours out of a day for 7 nights..

Some of the people that contributed to this, after finding out how good a time he had, actually want me to plan their trip...LoL

Theyre all wondering why I don't get a cut or a paycheck from WDW,,,LoL

Now If I can only convince the in laws... Theyre the ones who constantly say .."You know there 's so much more out there that you guys can see in this world.".LoL I'm like ........Other than Disney...NO? LoL
I'm sorry you had to go through that. I just went through it this past Christmas. One of my aunts, who I wasn't even talking to, butted into my conversation with my cousin's wife just to say that I shouldn't go every year. She said I should save the money for my kids' college tuition and that I just shouldn't go every year.

I don't understand how it is anyone's business. It was sort of the last straw with me in regards to that side of the family. They have never fully accepted me as my dad is technically my step-dad. However, he has been the only dad I have ever had. I told my dad I have tried for years, and I am just done with it. I stood up for myself to her as well, and it caused a lot of back and forth between my dad and her via text. I had to apologize to my dad, but he was very understanding.

What kills me is that she was just talking about taking a vacation to Mexico. She is broke, so I have no idea why she is telling me how to spend my money that we work very hard for. To top it off, her own sister goes often, but she has never said a word to her. Whatever. Guess I'm off the hook when it comes to that side of the family's get-togethers. Thank the Lord for small blessings.

No matter what anyone says, or how they think I should be spending my money, it doesn't matter. My kids are growing up. My son can move out in two years if he wants! I won't get these years back, so it is important to me to make as many memories with them as I can. This year is our time to pause and take a break for ourselves to celebrate 15 years of marriage though, so we are recognizing what an amazing feat that is nowadays and going on a 15 year late honeymoon!

I'm honestly at the point where I dare someone to tell me I shouldn't go. It is none of their business!!! People can be nosey and rude. I just don't put up with it anymore. That being said...most of the people I know are excited to hear about our trips and ask when we are going next. I just went to a Women of Worth meeting at church, and several women came up to me telling me that my daughter (7) has been telling them that we are going without her! They laughed and had a good time talking about it. Those are the kind of women I like to be around.
It would be a generalization, but "those" people just don't believe in magic. Everyone I know that feels that way and makes negative comments fits that description. Thy just don't believe. Now that may make us seem simple but Walt said "be childlike, not childish". Everyone has their own way to escape the world and it's pressure. I don't want to sit in a boat and fish. WDW is our happy place- pun intended.
I get the same thing from everyone I know (except DH). I don't tell people any more, and I don't really even post pics on facebook of trips anymore- mostly because I realize no really gives a crap. But, as fun as it is telling people about how amazing Disney is (which is kind of like talking to a marshmallow, because people just don't get it unless you are a Disney lover), I will admit I have a blast feeling like I know some secret to happiness in life that all these negative people are missing out on!! When I tell certain people that we are planning a Disney cruise, they always say 'oh go on such and such cruise, its wayyyy cheaper' and they think they're doing me a favor. :lmao: . No thanks, I'm good. I prefer Disney and I think you definitely get what you pay for. Not to mention I have zero desire of going on a cruise unless it's a Disney cruise. How's this- my family and DH's family get irritated with us now because we go to Disney more than we go visit them (we are military and live FAR from both families). Yet, they have made ZERO effort to come see us even though we still go see them! Um...until you want to make some effort, I'll go to Disney, thanks! Haha..had to do my own venting! Oh man, and I could go on and on! Sorry!

But, you just gotta do what gives you joy, and if Disney gives you joy, then that's where you need to go! Everyone has their own idea of a perfect vacation and no one should slam you because it's not THEIR idea of a perfect vacation. You just come hang out here on the Disboards and rest assured that there are LOTS of other people, just like you. :goodvibes
I get that all the time and I have learned to just brush it off. MY kids (older now) have even said something even though DD can't wait to go back to WDW with her 4 1/2 year old. I told them I took 2 cruises - Disney cruises. "Why don't you try something different or go on another cruise ship". I did go somewhere else - St. Martin, Key West, Cozumel, etc.... but how I chose to get there was Disney because I know it will be great. I do go other places but I love Disney.

We go every year to Disney and we have a great time. We gave friends of ours a room to join us. They recripocated and we went to Hilton Head with them. They came with us again and now we are looking at another place to go on their RCI time share. Another friends went for the first time and we did hear the "food was lousy", expensive place, crowded." Guess what, she has been back twice since her first trip two years ago.

Some people like to go to Vegas, any of the islands, etc and they go every year. Everyone who knows me always asks "when is your next trip to Disney?" and have asked me for advice for their trips. I am a DVC member so I know that if I wasn't, I could not do this every year but to each his own. I love it, don't let the comments get to me. I know what good!!!!

P.S. DizDaD7 - that was a great thing you did! That little guy and his family will always remember that trip. You certainly shared the magic!:love:
I get it all the time about everything, even non-Disney trips. When you stop giving detailed answers, suddenly you're unfriendly. Can't win either way. People just like to be able to throw their opinions on you even when you don't ask.
Why do people think it is okay to insult the fact that I like to go to Disney on vacation? I don't insult where you are going! I get it - you went to Disney and didn't have a good time. You said it was expensive, it was crowded and the food was lousy. Mind you, you went to MK and AK. You did not go to Epcot or to HS. However, you had a great time at Seaworld, but for some reason you, your husband and your twin five year old boys did not have fun at a place where quite a few people on this planet do manage to enjoy themselves. Sorry I needed to vent! I was at a party today and again the fact was brought up that I am going back to Disney in the fall and they just can't understand why. Why don't I go someplace else? MYOB!!

I get the same thing. Every year my family goes to Disney World for April vacation. One of my sisters says to me for God's sake Claire why don't you grow up and go on a big girls vacation! Really??? My Dh, and 2 DD's have made so many memories in Disney. Good luck to you with those people and just tell them you will always be young at heart and will always have magic in your life. What do they have whales and fish??? Sorry couldn't resist. We are heading down to the Mouse House in 32 more days and to all the people out there who insult or make fun of us Get a life!!!!Enjoy your vacation.:yay:
Don't worry about what other people say about your vacation. DH and I are in our 60's, don't have children, and we go to Disney World once a year. We are DVC, and we love sitting on our balcony at AKL, going to the parks without feeling we have to do everything, eating at interesting restaurants, and experiencing the magic we find only at Disney Resorts. We also go to the DVC resort at Hilton Head for that same magical feeling. We do take other non-Disney trips during the year, especially cruises. This summer we're going on a river boat cruise from Amsterdam to Switzerland and then a week at WDW in the fall. Last summer we took an Alakan cruise. The year before that we did volunteer teaching in Honduras. We have varied interests and travel several times a year, but we always try to get to WDW every year simply because we want to. Some people think we're crazy to go to WDW every year at our age, but we enjoy being there. Some people are jealous that we can afford to travel so often, but we both still work, don't waste money on things that aren't important to us, have invested wisely, and are fortunate enough that we can do what we want to do. We ignore comments about our trips and financial situation and enjoy our life.
I haven't gotten that too much yet.... this will be our 3rd consecutive year going and my brother asked thru text: "Why are you going to Disney again?" but he didn't say it in a rude or judging way, I think he just asked out of curiosity. B/c when I responded to his text that the kids love it and there is so much to do there, each vacation is a whole diff experience. He then said "oh ok cool have fun", so I know he wasn't judging. Now I'm SURE the in-laws talk behind our back (What else is new, they like to do that about everything and anything we do in our lives!) but they can't say too much b/c each year my work has conventions in Orlando, so I tell them it's for that and they can't really say anything. :rotfl:

Don't worry about what others think (I know, easier said than done)---- honestly, if you get a response you don't like, tell them "This is MY vacation, MY hard earned money going towards the trip, so what's it to you where we go?" Or...you can always go with the response "We are going to Florida" and leave it at that. haha.
anytime I mention a vacation people always say... Disney again??? Someone actually asked me if I really still have a good time when I go??? I said... no we have an awful time.. they gave me a twisted look, so I said... well it was a stupid question.

When they pay for my vacation, they can decide where I go.. in the meantime... I dont care what they think....

I dont know why people would want to go down the shore every year or to AC on the weekends. But I dont put them down for it... to each their own.
LoL...I lived through that with my coworkers for a few years, until they realized how much money I could save them & all the ins & outs to make their trip a lil more enjoyable.

Theyre all wondering why I don't get a cut or a paycheck from WDW,,,LoL


I tell my friends that I *DO* work for Disney. I just don't get paid! :lmao:

I tell my friends that I *DO* work for Disney. I just don't get paid! :lmao:

Wish I could get paid though . As much as I love Disney. Man there'd be a million happy kids and parents every year......Oh! They already get that. But you get the point.

I'd make a great Goofy....... ............ Just sayin..lol
P.S. DizDaD7 - that was a great thing you did! That little guy and his family will always remember that trip. You certainly shared the magic!:love:

Yea it is a lot of fun helping people that want the help, let alone someone that really needs the Help.......

And this goes beyond that. Even when I'm down in WDW it still gets me how some people even down there where everyone should be happy.....Just don't get it.

And by that I mean.. Give up up your damn seat when a mom of 2 lil ones is struggling, and besides giving up your seat give them a helping hand.

Or when people are at the resort waiting for a bus or returning from a park, and are at the front of the line but are being held for a handicapped person or for someone in a scooter....I see them get all bent out of shape Because they have to wait a whole 5 minutes.

I'm like really, really. This 5 minute delay is what's upsetting your whole vacation. I'd like to actually tell them to maybe think about trading places with them and then see...

Anyhow sorry for ranting there.....and thanks for the kind words.:thumbsup2
Wish I could get paid though . As much as I love Disney. Man there'd be a million happy kids and parents every year......Oh! They already get that. But you get the point.

I'd make a great Goofy....... ............ Just sayin..lol

My kids HONESTLY believe that when I retire we are moving to Florida and I'm going to get a job as a Jungle Boat skipper. I have said it THAT MUCH!


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