Well I sure hope we LOVE SSR (Now Trip Report!!)

Following along. Can't wait to see how the Ultimate Touring Plan goes!

How do you show proof you accomplished everything to get in the Hall of Fame?

I'm so excited about the Utlimate Tour that I'm at the point of being unable to sleep. I swear I slept about 2 hours on Saturday night because I was planning and replanning our touring plan in my head. I hate it when my mind decides to problem solve while the rest of me wants to be sleeping.

There are a whole bunch of crazy rules and log sheets that you have to fill out for the Hall of Fame. For each ride/attraction/show you need to take a picture of everyone in the team on the ride/attraction/show. The picture must show all team members (could be multiple pics) and must show something clearly indicating the ride you are claiming to be on. If it is a show, it must be taken inside the theater. All pictures must be posted online. Since there will be a lot of pictures I probably won't post them all on this website, but will probably just make an imgur album for them and link only the best ones.

I'm feeling a little under the weather right now. I hope it passes. I think I might just be really tired. Did I mention I am all packed? I packed last night. I have never in my life packed earlier than the night before a trip. I must be going crazy. Either that or all the packaholic DISers are rubbing off on me.

Only 2 more work days!!!!!!:cool1:
Your trip sounds great! Love the idea of your t-shirts, checking off the rides. We love SSR, having stayed in the treehouses. It is our home resort and we couldn't be happier. Have a fabulous time.

Love to hear from SSR lovers! We are planning for a tree house for our first use of points in 2015. I can't wait. I always dreamed of staying in a tree house, but never really thought it would be possible.
Did I mention I am all packed? I packed last night. I have never in my life packed earlier than the night before a trip. I must be going crazy. Either that or all the packaholic DISers are rubbing off on me.

Only 2 more work days!!!!!!:cool1:

Im so glad we're rubbing off on you :) we leave in 2 weeks and I'm already partially packed! LOL granted, it's stuff that are 'vacation' clothes we don't need them between now and then
My husband and I purchased points at AKL and one of the incentives was 160 free points to use at SSR within our purchase year. Since we purchased right after we got married, we spent our slightly delayed 10 day honeymoon at SSR.

We got lucky and they put us in a room in the Congress Park area. This was in April of 2009. We had a blast! Loved being so close to DTD, plus Congress Park has its own 'quiet' pool.

In 2010 we took our kids (DD as 21 and DS was 16) and stayed at AKL.

On our last trip (Dec 2011) we again stayed at SSR with the kids in tow in the Congress Park area.

My whole family agrees that SSR is a great resort. We drive, so the proximity of easy parking and the access to DTD is a big bonus. I know you will have a great time!
Karen87 said:
My whole family agrees that SSR is a great resort. We drive, so the proximity of easy parking and the access to DTD is a big bonus. I know you will have a great time!

Awesome! Glad to know a fellow AKL owner also likes SSR. We almost always rent a car and spend lots of time driving to and from downtown Disney each trip, so I think we will love being able to walk there.

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Today's the day!!!! Full day of work ahead of me followed by a 6:15pm departure on AirTran. I believe I have the longest day of making Power Point slides ahead of me ever. Blah. I have packed my blue tooth keyboard so I should be able to do some trip reporting on the road. Yipeee.

This morning my son handed me a GIANT dog stuffed animal and said "Here mom, you can take this guy with you, I don't mind". It was humungous. I talked him down to a small Daisy Duck. So I have a small Daisy Duck packed that I plan on taking pictures of throughout our journey and sending them back to his Grandma. I don't think he knows we are going to Disney without him, so they will have to be pictures of things other than inside the parks. If anybody has any silly ideas of where it would be funny to see Daisy Duck feel free to shoot them my way.
Have a great time! I've been to SSR for the DVC tour and that was it. I can't wait to hear about the resort. Before we stayed at OKW over New Year's I didn't understand the draw to it. Now I'd probably buy points there. I can't wait to read about you're experiences so I can fall in love with SSR too.
traceyg said:
Have a great time! I've been to SSR for the DVC tour and that was it. I can't wait to hear about the resort. Before we stayed at OKW over New Year's I didn't understand the draw to it. Now I'd probably buy points there. I can't wait to read about you're experiences so I can fall in love with SSR too.

I'm on the plane! We will soon both be falling in love with SSR!

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I'm in the Orlando airport waiting for a storm to clear before boarding my plane. I'm a little sad. We had such a wonderful time, I just don't want to leave. The only slight glimmer for me right now is that I get to give my boy a hug tomorrow morning. Actually I will probably hug him tonight even though he will scream at me for waking him up. He's real sweet like that.

So we are battered and bruised from our Ultimate Tour on Sunday, but we had such an awesome time doing it. I can't wait to tell you all about it (well not all about it, but definitely the highlights), but first I need to take you back. Back to our departure day. The trek down to Orlando was rough. Then it got worse. And even worse. Then it did get slightly better before for spiralling down into a place not very much unlike hell although they had a sign outside the place that said Orlando Vista Hotel. If you are unsure about staying at SSR, and you want to have a fantastic opinion of the place, start your trip off with a one night stay at the Orlando Vista Hotel. You will then be guarenteed to be an SSR lover. Just like me!

So the trek. We were flying Buffalo-Atlanta-Orlando. This is the second year in a row we have travelled through Atlanta, and once again we got stuck in Atlanta. Boo! I really have to remember to avoid Atlanta next year. Getting stuck in Atlanta wouldn't be so bad, except our rental car was through Payless, and while our plane was delayed and delayed and delayed, they decided they should probably just go ahead and close payless early for the night. We finally arrived at MCO at 12:45 am. Called Payless immediately (which is not an easy task, it involves 3 phone menus, and then maybe someone will answer on the other end, and then maybe the person will actually talk to you instead of just slamming the phone down immediately, and then if you are really really lucky they will speak english). So after 2 attempts to call Payless Grizzly determines they are closed. Hmmm....what to do? Well the short answer is DON'T RENT FROM PAYLESS!!!! I found one of those shuttle phones in the airport and dialed payless, was able to talk to a person who told me the rental counter was not open. Seriously? Why couldn't they just train whoever answered the phone to also rent out cars. How hard could it possibly be? I could train him to rent out cars (Here's my car rental lesson, just ask the following questions: Do you want to upgrade for 18 bazillion dollars a day? Are you sure? No upgrade? Are you sure you don't want an upgrade? I'm sorry, we have no compact cars, would you like a mammoth SUV or perhaps a mid sized instead? What about insurance? We have 73 types? Here, let me tell you about all 73 types. You don't want extra insurance? Okay, I just need you to initial these 18 spots saying that if you crash the car your life will be over. Alright, good luck to you in your non-insured car. Then direct the customer to a lot filled will cars, each one slightly stinkier than the one you sat in previously, till you finally relent and go with the car that stinks of some sort of rotten food item because it smells better than the smokey smells of the other two you have tried. Wait, I'm getting Payless confused with Dollar, but I'm sure the car selection was similar at Payless) So anyways, we considered forgoing the rental for a taxi, but decided to check Orbitz real quick and low and behold the prices had dropped for the on airport car rentals to CHEAPER than the offsite places . We got a car from Dollar for 4 days for $84. We were thrilled and off we drove to our little piece of torture called the Orlando Vista Hotel. Our happiness about our car rental quickly faded as we found our way to the OVH. I'm going to post this now and give the OVH it's own little post, that and I'm hoping this thunderstorm is almost done trapping me here in Orlando. Don't worry, it's all uphill after the first night.

Lessons learned:
1. Don't used Priceline to reserve a hotel, the $15 we saved was not worth where we had to stay. That or choose more than 2.5 stars as your hotel choice.
2. Check the onsite airport car rental places right before your trip, their prices seem to drop last minute and it would have saved us some major stress knowing the rental counter wasn't going to close on us. We asked, the airport places stay open all night.

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Okay, sorry you were stuck in MCO with a storm, but glad we got a quick update out of it!

I need to look up this Orlando Vista Hotel. We stayed in a horrible place once when going to Sea World and I can't remember the name. You'd think I'd emblaze it to be sure never to stay again, but I've memorized the location since some of these places change mgmt and names, especially if they stink.

I fully agree re: Atlanta. Where we live to go anywhere its Atlanta or Charlotte. I opt for Charlotte whenever possible.

Can't wait to hear more.
Then it did get slightly better before for spiralling down into a place not very much unlike hell although they had a sign outside the place that said Orlando Vista Hotel. If you are unsure about staying at SSR, and you want to have a fantastic opinion of the place, start your trip off with a one night stay at the Orlando Vista Hotel. You will then be guarenteed to be an SSR lover. Just like me!


I once stayed at the Ramada Maingate Inn. I believe it is either across the street or next door to the OVH. It was absolutely awful! I feel your pain.
Thanks for reading along everybody!

So as promised, here is a lovely summary of our 'wonderful' night at the Orlando Vista Hotel.

So after paying a ton of money to rent points for our SSR studio, I had the brilliant idea to save a little bit by booking a room through Priceline. I've used Priceline before, and often actually, but I've never used it for a stay in Orlando. For $50 in Albany I am usually given a room at the Fairfield Inn by Marriott. It's a perfectly lovely hotel and they have free cookies. For $50 in the Downtown Disney area I was given the Orlando Vista Hotel. Does it count as a hotel if you don't want to fall asleep for fear of being crawled on by roaches? Of course I read the reviews on the hotel before I arrived. They weren't that great, but there are always bad reviews of places. I consider myself to have a pretty high threshold for lousy hotels, and wouldn't hesitate to stay in a Motel 6 or Super 8. I'm not picky. The OVH though was well below my very low threshold. Well below. The hallway carpeting leading to the room was so incredibly filthy that I just could not get past it. It totally skeeved me out. That and Grizzly kept thinking he saw things moving on it. The room itself appeared clean. The carpet was newish, but our room had clothing stickers all over it that should have been seen and removed by the cleaning staff. The previous occupant must have had a ball shopping for size large items at Aeropostal. Clothing size stickers EVERYWHERE. And not just those little round ones with a single L, these were the long strip ones that say Large Large Large over and over down the strip. And they weren't flat on the furniture they would be in loops and crumpled and were really obvious. So since those hadn't been cleaned up it just had me thinking icky thoughts about all the other parts of the room that probably hadn't been cleaned either. Neither of us were willing to take our socks off, and kept them on between the bathroom and the bed. This was the first hotel I have ever felt the need to fully inspect the sheets at. They appeared clean.

Then there was the air conditioner. I turned it down to 68. This was apparently against the rules. No-one told me about the rules, but about 5 minutes after turning the AC down to 68 it just shut off. I was already in bed so I figure it must have just reached 68 degrees in the room. Except the AC never turned back on. EVER. And it just kept getting hotter and hotter. While I tried harder and harder to fall asleep in the unbearable heat. I got up to inspect the thing several times to make sure it was still set correctly. Finally there was no way to sleep, it was approaching sauna level. On a whim I turned the AC up to 73 and it decided to start working again. How aggravatingly bizarre is that? 1-2 hours of suffering when all I had to do was turn the darn thing back up. GRRRRRRRR.

We arrived at our room at about 2am-ish, and were planning on getting up at 7:30am to be to Typhoon Lagoon by 8am. The on-strike air conditioner did not help with my already tight sleep schedule. Sigh...At 7:30am our alarms went off. We put on sunblcok as fast as our little hands could manage and skidaddled out of that place. We did glance at breakfast but the mostly donuts and lousy looking muffins did not appeal to us so we just left.

Lessons learned from our one lousy night:
1. The extra money for a night at the same hotel you are staying at for the rest of the stay, even if it's just arrival night and you won't be spending much time there is totally worth it to me now. Either that or I will pay more money to stay at a nicer hotel. A $50 room around Disney I don't think will ever cut it for me again. Apparently I have higher standards now than when I was 20.
2. Be wary of trick air conditioners. Try turning the temperature up on them if they shut off on you.
3. My husband and I used up an entire 3oz bottle of sunblock getting ready for Typhoon Lagoon. Yike! We only brought 6oz with us and after our first application it was already half gone.

Up next we put the delayed arrival and Orlando Vista Hotel behind us and enjoy one fantastic day at Typhoon Lagoon, SSR, the Magic Kingdom and Top of the World Lounge.
So I just spent hours and hours uploading my Ultimate Touring Plan pictures to IMGUR. It took forever! But I will keep you in suspense for a few more posts while I continue to catch you up on the goings on of Thursday and Friday of our trip. So here we go....Thursday morning:

Armed with 4 hours of sleep, sunblock and annual pass vouchers we made our way to Typhoon Lagoon. We arrived at 8am. The park was scheduled to open at 9am. There was no-one there. We sat for a few minutes and it didn't appear as though anyone was going to arrive anytime soon to help us with our annual pass vouchers sooooooooo....we made a last minute decision to run over to SSR and see if we could check in. We arrived at SSR by 8:15 and requested to check-in. They pointed to a room on the map in our requested section, the section closest to Downtown Disney, and then proceeded to tell us that the room was not ready. He could however look for another available room if we didn't mind being in a different section. Absolutely we would take any room they had! So we ended up in Carousel. Just about as far away from Downtown Disney as you can get. But you know what? It really wasn't that far. I timed the walk from DD to our room one night and it was only about 15 minutes. We knew we were going to want a nap later, so we were happy to have our room. We quickly went and dropped off our bag and then headed back to Typhoon Lagoon, arriving back at 8:45am. Now the place was hopping and we got our first taste of the Brazilian Tour Groups! We also noticed a large number of summer camp groups at the water parks too. We exchanged our vouchers for annual passes and stood in the very large crowd waiting to go through the gates. When 9am rolled around they let everyone into the park. Funny thing was, they just let everyone in. We didn't have to scan our tickets. We just had to show the guys manning the gates that you had something that looked like a ticket. All the RFID turnstiles remained covered. Not sure how often this happens, but I'm sure someone in line using a non-expiring water park day was super thrilled to get the free visit.

We loved Typhoon Lagoon. We followed Touring Plans suggested touring strategy and hit Gang Plank falls first, a family raft ride. We got soaked. It was fun. There was another set of slides in there followed by the Crush N Gushers, the roller coaster type water slides. These puppies terrify me, but in a good way. Eventually we made it over to the body slides. These are my favorite type of slide. We rode down once and returned to the line to ride the other 2 body slides. Second time in line our plan was ruined. We arrived at the top to find a high pitch (really high pitched) loud blaring siren going off. It was uncomfortable to listen to. It didn't stop. I felt terrible for the young boy next in line. He was clearly uncomfortable, and his mom was holding his ears for him. I think I felt worse for the Mom because you could just tell by her face that she just felt awful for her poor son who was so clearly uncomfortable with the sound. The agonizing noise was apparently signalling something wasn't working right with the slides. There has got to be a better way to signal this information than this horrid siren. Before too long an army of slide testers appeared in official looking slide testing clothing. (Not life guard gear, this was clearly some special slide fixing crew) They began testing the slides and after about 15 minutes or so came to the conclusion that the water pressure was not high enough and that everyone would need to walk back down the path. Woe! After our last set of slides we hit the lazy river, then ventured into the wave pool, staying for one attack of the monster wave. We then got a cup of coffee and a cinnamon donut type thing and wandered around the park trying to dry off and trying to find that high up suspension bridge we saw while riding Gang Plank falls (we found it, it was cute up there). We departed Typhoon Lagoon around 11:30 and headed back to the room to do some napping. By the time we departed the crowds were outrageous. The touring plan had seemed awkward to us since it didn't have us do the Crush N Gusher slides first, but upon leaving we caught a glimpse of the Gang Plank Falls line and realised that we had made a good decision to follow the provided plan. With the exception of the slides that broke we never had to wait more than 5 minutes for a slide, but now the lines were crazy long.

Lessons Learned:
1. We walked Typhoon Lagoon without water shoes or footwear of any kind. Our feet were fine.
2. If you want a good workout, try swimming out to the rope in the wave pool. Grizzly attempted this and returned defeated and exhausted and nearly dead. Poor Grizzly. He was still in awe of how tiring this task was three days later.
3. I think the water parks need some sort of free cubbies. I wasn't about to pay for a locker to store my shoes and shorts, but it seemed unfair to take a chair just to keep my stuff on. However there was no other option. There should be a place to just keep things so that people don't need to take up chairs from people who may actually want to sit in them.

Next up our first real observations of SSR and our meeting with the Beast at BOG.

Here's a small hint of how we felt about SSR. After seeing the spotless carpet in the Carriage House when we checked in, we were instantly in love. In fact, the outdoor carpets leading into the carriage house, the ones you wipe your feet on, were cleaner than the hallway carpets of the Orlando Vista Hotel.
So off we went to SSR. We wanted to try the food offerings at SSR while we were there, so our first stop was the Paddock Pool. From our Carousel room the pool was only a 3-5 minute walk away as we were in the closer of the two carousel buildings. I ordered the fish sandwich and a Yuengling, and Grizzly got the grilled vegetable panini. Both sandwiches were good, but the grilled vegetable sandwich was delicious!! After our meal we tried the Paddock Pool slide. I love water slides, and this one was sooooooooo awesome. Very fast and nicely thrilling. There was a little girl in line who had been down it "18 or 19" times, and I pretended like I had never gone down a slide before and asked if she could show me what to do. She was so ridiculously cute telling me all about the stop lights at the top and how to put your feet first and hold your nose and swim swim swim once you got to the bottom. She was very excited to teach me about the slide. I was enjoying the time away from my son, but this trip more than last trip I thought about him more and about all the things he would love to do. When the little girl was talking it was like listening to my son, and I missed him dearly.

By this point we are just completely enamoured with SSR. Once we saw the kiddie play area at the Paddock Pool we both couldn't wait to take our son there. After only about 2 hours at the resort we were already planning on cancelling our AKV Value room in September in favor of an SSR room. For those that have not seen the Paddock Pool kiddie area there are 2 large-ish water slides. One is a tube slide, and one is a straight down open slide. Both look like real water slides and I think will be the perfect introduction to water slides for our 3 year old son. From the Paddock Pool we ventured over to the main pool to try the slide over there. That slide was disappointing and not nearly as much fun as the Paddock slide. Before returning to the Paddock pool I took a little side trip over to the DVC showrooms. I was dressed in flip-flops and a bikini and was dripping wet. I asked how we would go about seeing the Grand Floridian model and he said they show them to DVC members every hour on the hour before 3pm, and that there are special receptions towards the evening hours, I think 4pm and 5pm. He offered to show us the models right then and there, but I felt awkward going in in my swim suit, and told him we would be back when dressed more appropriately. We returned to Paddock, rode the slide a few more times before retreating to our room for a much needed nap.

We had a reservation at 6:25 for BOG, so we set an alarm for 4pm and dozed away. Ha! Remember that cup of coffee I mentioned earlier at Typhoon Lagoon. Bad idea. Coffee and I don't mix. Even with only 4 hours of sleep the night before there was no way I was sleeping. I kind of dozed off for about an hour but never really slept. At around 3ish I roused Grizzly. We both lay there for a bit deciding what to do. We aren't ones to just lounge around while at Disney. So we hopped out of bed and made our way over to the Carraige House to apply some gift cards to our account. So off we marched carrying 10 $50 gift cards. The walk took 8 minutes. Not long at all, and we were walking at a leisurely place taking in the immaculate landscaping and admiring the family of turtles and lizards along the way. Once there we were told that we couldn't put a credit on our account. Blah! I've heard of people doing this before, but we were told we couldn't. We left still carrying all our gift cards and headed for the Magic Kingdom. Now I've read over and over again that the busses are terrible at SSR, so I was prepared for a significant wait. We set our stopwatch. Just 3 minutes into our wait our MK bus showed up. Feeling showered in Pixie dust we headed off to the Magic Kingdom to do some Ultimate Tour reconnaissance and to eat at BOG.

Lessons Learned From our Afternoon at SSR:
1. You can't always apply gift cards to your room. :(
2. The Paddock slide is more fun than the other slide. (Why can't I remember the name of the main pool?)
3. It doesn't take very long to walk anywhere in the resort, and the overall feel of the resort is quiet and relaxing. Did I mention quiet?
4. We loved everything about SSR so far.

Here we are ready for our evening at the MK:

Up next...With 2 evenings of BOG ahead of us, how would we feel about our first night? Is our evening topped off nicely at the Top of the World?
Great trip report! We love SSR too and picked it as our home resort for all t he reasons you mentioned. Can't wait to read more.:goodvibes
Sounds like a great 1st day so far! SSR sounds wonderful! Can't wait to hit Typhoon Lagoon this week. Will make sure we hit that family raft 1st!

Looks fwd to hearing about BOG!
Great trip report! We love SSR too and picked it as our home resort for all t he reasons you mentioned. Can't wait to read more.:goodvibes

Thanks for reading along!

Sounds like a great 1st day so far! SSR sounds wonderful! Can't wait to hit Typhoon Lagoon this week. Will make sure we hit that family raft 1st!

Looks fwd to hearing about BOG!

We have a subscription so I'm not sure if you can see it or not, but here is the touring plan we followed: Touring Plans Typhoon Lagoon Plan. We also followed their Blizzard Beach plan and both worked out well.
After being in a state of shock and awe at the length of the lines for attractions we went to Lafue's (I have no idea how to spell that) Tavern to grab a brew. We only got one to share. I despised it. It was way to sweet for me. Grizzly enjoyed it, but said it wasn't something that he would be dying to try again. It was over our brew that we started discussing our must haves from each park. For Epcot it was salted caramel squares and caramel popcorn from Germany. From Animal Kingdom it was the appetizers at the Yak and Yeti. But we couldn't come up with anything for Hollywood Studios or Magic Kingdom. :(. We got excited thinking maybe there would be something at BOG that would become our MK 'thing'.


I like this picture because it nicely sums up our trip to the Magic Kingdom. In Grizzly's hand you can see a Pirate Adventure Map. We took time to explore this interactive adventure and learn the ins and outs in order to make the process speedier on our ultimate tour day. We completed 2 adventures. I actually thought this was pretty cool. It mainly just involves map reading skills and wasn't terribly interactive, but it was fun, and I could see kids ages 6-12 really getting a kick out of it. There were a couple of displays that actually made me duck out of the way of things pretending to shoot at me.

In my hand you can see a dumbo bucket. We got this souvenir popcorn bucket for our son. I knew he would just love it because he still carries around his easter basket buckets from 2 years ago. It was a pain in the neck to pack. I think I was asked by about 10 people where exactly I had found the bucket. Apparently they are just at one popcorn stand in Tomorrowland over by Space Mountain.

Other ultimate tour reconnaissance we completed included checking out what the cheapest arcade game would be to play in the Tomorrowland Arcade. We decided on skeeball because it was only $0.25 per play and it wouldn't take very long. Our Ultimate Tour plan had us meeting Merida as the first thing in the morning. We went to check out her line around 5:30pm and saw that it went from the meet and greet area all the way back up to the castle. It was insane! We talked to a cast member at the front of the line and she assured us that the wait was always this long and it was definitely a good idea to come first thing in the morning.

On our feet in the picture above you can also see our Sketcher Go Walks that we had purchased for our ultimate Tour. We were trying them out these first two days in the heat. I must say that I was not very pleased with my pair. After walking around for already not much time my arches were starting to ache. Grizzly was enjoying his this.

Overall we are used to traveling in the off season, and we couldn't get over the lines for all the attractions. Even the People Mover had a line!!!! By 6:15 we were starving and ready to eat so we wondered over to BOG to check in for dinner. We probably arrived at 6:23 and when we tried to check in for our 6:25pm reservation we were turned away because we were too early. We had to go away and come back and check in 2 minutes later. Seemed awfully silly to me.

About 10 minutes after receiving our buzzer a vicious afternoon storm started brewing outside. This caused complete chaos at BOG. Everyone with a buzzer was allowed to go inside the castle lobby. It was just nuts in there. By 6:45 Grizzly and I decided there was no way we wanted to go through this again the next night, so we asked the reservation person if he could cancel our reservation for the next night for us. He called a manager because he couldn't do it. Meanwhile I raced him using My Disney Experience and one measly bar of reception and was able to cancel the reservation myself before the manager arrived. It was less than 24 hours notice, so I hope I don't get charged the $20 no show fee, nothing told me anything about a fee when I cancelled, so I hope I don't get hit with one. We were finally seated around 7pm.

We were in the main ball room. It constantly snowed outside and was really a beautiful room to eat in. I really wanted to love BOG, but I didn't love it, and I wouldn't rush to go back for dinner. While the windows in the room were beautiful, and the ceiling was beautiful, I just got the sense that I was in a really fancy cafeteria. For appetizers I had the mussels and Grizzly had the french onion soup. We both agreed that the mussels were fantastic and there were a lot of them. They could have easily been shared. I didn't care for Grizzly's soup, but he liked it. It turned me off when the waiter recommended the steak for dinner. Even if it was actually the best thing on the menu, it was waaaaaaay more expensive than anything else on the menu and I just felt like he was trying to up his tip. Grizzly ordered the puff pastry with shrimp and scallops and I had the pork chop. We shared each dish. I thought the pastry was too dry and not fluffy enough, and the pork chop was just okay. Nothing terrible but just nothing fantastic either for those 2 entrees. For dessert we tried 2 cupcakes and both of the ones we had were delicious.

I thought it was funny that at the table next to us they had this long discussion about replacing the potato part of their entree with vegetables because they were on the Atkins diet. The waitress said she would need to get special permission to switch out a starch for a vegetable, but she would ask. This conversation went on for seriously 5 minutes about how you can only switch starch for starch and veggie for veggie and how the waitress was being so nice to ask for an exception. But THEN.....the family went through not 1, not 2, but 3 baskets of bread! Ha! So much for their Atkins diet.

All throughout dinner I kept looking for hidden mickeys in the dining room but I wasn't able to find any. We were actually in the dining room long enough for the Beast to make his grand entrance twice. After dinner we went to meet him in his study and I found some hidden mickeys on the chandelier.


I think the clovers pointing downwards look like Mickeys. Here is our picture with the Beast. He is a cute Beast. Super tall.


Overall we were happy with our meal in that we were glad we got to see inside the castle. We were happy we got to meet the Beast. But the food was just okay, and we don't feel the need to go back any time soon. So unfortunately nothing at BOG would become our Magic Kingdom 'thing'. We are still looking for that.

I'm still completely exhausted from this trip, so I've got to wrap this update up and continue on with our Top of the World lounge expedition tomorrow maybe.

One more thing....Also on this day we were informed that our SSR contract closed, so we were officially owners!!!!! We're still waiting on getting our points into our account. I'm hoping to book a 2 bedroom in January to replace an AoA stay we have planned. It's available today, but SSR is the only resort that has a 2 bedroom available for our travel dates, so I have my doubts it will still be there in a week or 2.

Up next, we venture to Top of the World Lounge for a night cap and Wishes. Thanks for joining along.
(Note-I'm here now. We are at our pre-night off site hotel and check into OKW in a few hours. Couldn't sleep, DH is snoring and left his good pillow in the car)

Sorry BOG was a bust. I've wanted to try it but wasn't sure my kids would like the French menu. Nervous about crowds this week but doing rope drop to get as much done as possible before lunch.

Thanks for the TL suggestions, we don't subscribe but i'll still try the link. DD12 was looking at the brochure this hotel offers on it and cannot wait. She and DD8 are my thrillers. The boys not so much.

Can't wait to hear about ToW. DH and I are coming solo in April and that's on the maybe list.


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