"The Official 'True Blood' Vampire Thread" ...spoilers included.

That Sylvie storyline was sooooo stupid and then what gets Eric back up to live ....Sarah Newlan??? Please! My prediction is this Japanese company is working on a "cure" and Eric will receive it, of course by getting Sarah for them.

And how obvious they are guiding the show so that sookie ends up with Bill. I expected much better this season!

And the awful, uneventful way alcide died......just awful awful awful. He DESERVED a much better way to leave the show.
Ugh, I thought the Sylvie storyline was a COMPLETE waste of time. What did it prove? That Eric loves his progeny (Pam)? Well, duh. That was long, long before he released her, so of course we knew he'd pick her over some nitwit French girl. (Although, I do find it funny that Jason is still having romantic dreams about Eric, and he hasn't had his blood in, what, at least two years, right?) And I'm pretty sure I might be the only one who thought they referring to Sookie first (just mumbling her name) when Pam said, "Is this about Sylvie?". I could've sworn she said, "Is this about Sookie?". *shrug*

I stopped watching about 15 minutes before the end, because I had read a spoiler about Alcide, and I don't know if I want to watch it just yet. He was one of my favorite characters in the books, and I don't want to see him go. Much like when I watched Sons of Anarchy and they killed off my favorite character (still haven't watched that episode yet, either).

And I get that it was Bill & Sookie from the start, but the die-hard book lover that I am refuses to accept her ending up with anyone but Eric. I really wish they would keep that one shred of book-truth to the series, since they've changed the rest of it soooooo much.
And I get that it was Bill & Sookie from the start, but the die-hard book lover that I am refuses to accept her ending up with anyone but Eric. I really wish they would keep that one shred of book-truth to the series, since they've changed the rest of it soooooo much.

If I recall, Sookie didn't end up with Eric at the end of the book series. :confused3

I've just been thinking about all the characters and issues that were made and then let go:
Barry the Bellhop
Sookie's cousin (mainly her son, who also was telepathic)
The little werewolf girl (Alcide's arch enemy's daughter, whom he killed)

And I'm sure there are more.'
Yeah, you're right. Now I remember that she wound up with Sam, but I never felt Sam was "right" for her. I much preferred her with Eric, he seemed a better fit IMHO, especially when they were 'married'.
I pretty much agree with the rest of you here. This season isn't so great. I loved the books (except for the last few), and I love the original story that the books told. I also enjoy the HBO show, because I can still have my characters, yet not suffer from the boredom of already knowing what's going to happen.

However, this season is just...different, unexciting.

The deaths are anti-climactic. Tara dies, but we don't even see it. Just her mom holding on to her globby remains. This was a pivotal point in the Tara storyline. She was finally making up with her mother, getting some closure on her horrible childhood. She died protecting the mother that she resented so much, yet all we have is a quick scene of her fighting, and then globby blood while her mom cries.

Alcide, that was a horrible way for him to go. In the books, he's such an upstanding guy, and I guess he is in the series too, but his pack is (or was) kind of sketchy. And with Sookie talking about how she knows that he loves her so much, more than she could ever love him back....he deserved more than what he got. A random bullet from some whacko citizen of the town that no one saw coming. He's a hero character for heavens sake! Let the Hep V vamps take Sookie, and let him go in to save her, let him go out in a blaze of glory.

I imagine the Sylvie storyline leads up to Eric taking something from, or exacting revenge on the Japanese Authority people (whatever they are) for them taking away something precious to him. But, it just doesn't seem like it fits in with Eric's character. He's always been cold, hard towards humans. They're just a meal. Pawns for him to play with. That is, until Sookie, of course, which made us see a softer side of Eric and cheer for the Eric/Sookie romance because it was made that much more special because of his cold heartedness.

And speaking of Eric, I just don't get it. They killed him off last season, just to bring him back (how'd he survive, I want to know??). But they didn't just bring him back. Nooooo, somehow he contracted the disease and is in the midst of dying again. Did he purposely get the disease, like a suicide wish? Makes it seem that way, since he was so fine with dying. Again, that's just stupid, considering he was standing in the sun burning to death last season. Maybe I'm reading into that whole storyline the wrong way, though. We'll see how it plays out, if they gives us some kind of back story on how he survived the true death or how he got the Hep V.

It's always been about Sookie and her love life, throughout the books and the series. I had a feeling in the first book that she would end up with Sam, but once she got with Eric, I was hoping it was him. For the series, it's hard to tell what they'll do. But we know it's not Alcide, and I doubt it's Eric, if he loved her that much, he would have come back to say goodbye to her, or he would have shown he still loved her while talking to Pam when he was giving up, telling Pam to watch over Sookie or something. I don't think Sookie has any *real* feelings for Bill anymore and she ran to him simply because she needed a Vamp for her plan. But it's hard to tell, she was reading that diary, thinking about her first love, with a vamp, her first trip to Fangtasia, thinking back on the beginning of their love. I guess they could be building up to a Sookie/Bill reunion. I guess that's more probable than the Sookie/Sam thing, because there isn't even a hint of them getting together in the series. But there wasn't much in the books to point to them getting together either.

Sorry my post is so long and rambly. Just glad to have other Truebies to chat with. :)
And speaking of Eric, I just don't get it. They killed him off last season, just to bring him back (how'd he survive, I want to know??). But they didn't just bring him back. Nooooo, somehow he contracted the disease and is in the midst of dying again. Did he purposely get the disease, like a suicide wish? Makes it seem that way, since he was so fine with dying. Again, that's just stupid, considering he was standing in the sun burning to death last season. Maybe I'm reading into that whole storyline the wrong way, though. We'll see how it plays out, if they gives us some kind of back story on how he survived the true death or how he got the Hep V.

You're so right. I think the reason they didn't let him burn up in the sun is the uproar it would cause with the Eric fans (me being one of them, lol). He deserves a better death than that, if any at all. What happened to the bad-guy Eric that didn't give a hoot about anything or anyone? Now he's just going to lie there and let Hep V take him? The old Eric would want to go out with a bang. This just doesn't seem like him at all.
You're so right. I think the reason they didn't let him burn up in the sun is the uproar it would cause with the Eric fans (me being one of them, lol). He deserves a better death than that, if any at all. What happened to the bad-guy Eric that didn't give a hoot about anything or anyone? Now he's just going to lie there and let Hep V take him? The old Eric would want to go out with a bang. This just doesn't seem like him at all.

I'm having a really hard time wrapping my head around Eric's storyline. None of it makes sense.

He's out on the ice, in the sun. That's fine, he had the fairy blood from Bill. But it wears off, and he bursts into flames, leading us to believe he died.

Then they decide that it's the last season, the Eric fans are having a fit, we can bring him back. At least that's what it seems like. Because he isn't fitting into the main storyline at all. The wild Hep V pack of vamps devouring Bon Temps. It's like they gave him a side story, after the fact.

They could have told us how he survived. Like a poster here said, maybe he burned through the ice and fell through to somewhere dark, who knows.

But if they bring him back, at least they could bring back the Eric we know and love and want to see. Not some weak shell of Eric who is fine with dying. Spending his last days grieving over some woman (and a human at that!) that we've never even heard of before.

I may not be the best judge. Sometimes I get the characters from the books mixed up with who they are in the series, because some of them are so different, with different storylines. I have to stop and rethink, wait, that happened in the books, but not the show, or vice versa.
She wound up with SAM in the book?? Wow. What a let down. Glad I bailed.

Yup, she sure does. The last book, it's like CH just wanted it to finally be done, so she tied up some loose ends, killed off some people, sent some people away, and threw Sookie and Sam together in a weird way.

I can explain more if you'd like. Just didn't want to put everything out there in case people are still reading the series.
Thank you, True Blood writers who almost gave us a "feels like old times" episode! :thumbsup2

I'm really enjoying the fact they are bringing back most of the actors for an episode (or 2).

And whomever did the lighting on Eric's face deserves my most heart-felt thanks. ;)
Eric's wardrobe in the back flashes cracked me up! They have to find a hep v cure. Eric will not die! Surprised no one was killed this episode. Nice to see Hoyt again
Missed the first half of the episode, my dish did not like the weather. Hope it recorded the late one.

Finally, an explanation of how Eric survived, but they didn't explain how he got Hep V did they? You can tell I'm down to caring about one character.
Eric's wardrobe in the back flashes cracked me up! They have to find a hep v cure. Eric will not die! Surprised no one was killed this episode. Nice to see Hoyt again

Well, if you count Rosie (Eric's "snack"), but she wasn't a main character on the show.

I honestly wanted to cry when Sookie found out Eric has Hep V. I know that if I were acting in that role, I'd have a hard time holding it together, knowing the characters' history together. Throughout that scene after Eric walked through the door at Bill's place and Sookie noticed his veins were blue, all I could think about was the time they spent together when Eric had amnesia. How much he truly, genuinely loved her and didn't care about anyone else but her. And then seeing how hurt he was when he found out she wound up with Alcide (someone he hated) while he was gone. That tore my heart out.

I felt really bad for Jason having to tell Hoyt his mother had died. Hearing him call Hoyt "Bubba" again, and then Hoyt being completely oblivious and asking if he knew him when Jason referred to his mom as "Big Max". It was just so sad that a lifetime of friendship had to be erased as if it had never happened. I love Jason, and thought that scene was very touching.

Looking at the preview for next week, it looks to be very Sarah Newlin-centric. I love that she started off the show as this Virgin Mary type, then turned bad when Jason was at the Light of Day camp (I think that's what it was called), and now she's really gone off the deep end of the crazy pool.
I liked that episode and hated it at the same time.

I enjoyed the Ginger flashbacks. I thought they were well done. Also, Sookie seeing Arlene dying, in two ways. Seeing her in the flesh, and then seeing into her mind that she was being called home, that was touching, and it was probably the most artful thing they've done in a while.

Even thought I want the Eric/Sookie scenes, they made my heart so sad. At the end of the episode I was yelling at my TV. "Don't do this to me! I hate this show so much!"

We know in the books that Sookie ends up with Sam -- however the storyline is so different in the series that I don't see that happening. Sam has his fiancé and unborn child.

They make it obvious that Bill still has feelings for Sookie. But Sookie seems uninterested in him. "It's just lunch."

That leaves Eric. They are pushing for those two -- which I'm happy about. But their scenes together are heartbreaking. Don't let him die!!!!!
Last night was better, but you could run a dump truck through the plot holes. Why would Sam and Jason tell the crazy townsfolk about The vamp hangout? Why would the crazy townsfolk wait until darkness to attack? And why didn't the hep v vampires kill the three in the basement way before the attack? Weren't they waking themselves up on the hour to feed?

Eric and the avalanche story was hilarious though. Liked the flashbacks with Ginger. Alcide's father's scene was touching.

It looks like they will set up Eric being saved by Sookie's blood. Maybe fairy blood will be the cure for hep v.
Last night was better, but you could run a dump truck through the plot holes. Why would Sam and Jason tell the crazy townsfolk about The vamp hangout? Why would the crazy townsfolk wait until darkness to attack? And why didn't the hep v vampires kill the three in the basement way before the attack? Weren't they waking themselves up on the hour to feed?

Eric and the avalanche story was hilarious though. Liked the flashbacks with Ginger. Alcide's father's scene was touching.

It looks like they will set up Eric being saved by Sookie's blood. Maybe fairy blood will be the cure for hep v.

YES!! I was saying that to my husband. Why, why, why would Sam and Jason tell Rosie, who had turned into a crazy, gun toting, kill everyone kind of person that they were keeping people in Fangtasia?

I also don't understand some other things. Like, Vamps sleep during the day. We've seen them wake up, but previously, it's always been really hard to get them up and keep them up. Aren't they supposed to be more like....really dead during the day? And now, they make it seem like, meh, as long as it's dark inside, they can be awake 24/7.

Maybe the books portray it that way more, I don't know. Either way, I guess it would have been too easy for Sookie to grab some shifters and weres and attack the Dead to the World Hep V Vamps during the day when there isn't much they could do about it. Because if normal vamps are dead to the world during the day, the weaker Hep V Vamps wouldn't be able to do much of anything.

Anyway, a better episode than we've been getting lately, so I'm happy about that.
Either way, I guess it would have been too easy for Sookie to grab some shifters and weres and attack the Dead to the World Hep V Vamps during the day when there isn't much they could do about it. Because if normal vamps are dead to the world during the day, the weaker Hep V Vamps wouldn't be able to do much of anything.

Same thing I was saying to my DD while we were watching it. *Why* go at night -- go in during the day with humans and weres. But all that happened was pretty much to further the plot line along, and I'm all for that.

My hope is Jason's girlfriend is the next to go. I think she'll go after Jessica and be killed -- then Jason & Jessica will end up together.

Years ago I remember saying no sense in being rational -- after all we're discussing vampires, weres, fairies, shape-shifters and all other. :lmao:


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