Characters vs. Pin Traders: It's Heated War! A Pixie-Dusted Nerdventure (COMPLETE)

Yay for being so close to moving in your dorm! I'm sure you are super excited!

I'll check out your YouTube channel when I get home (I'm at work and can't get into YouTube here). :)

That's too bad you missed EMH at Epcot, but sometimes you just need a little extra sleep. It sounds like you were still having a fun day.

Yay for Star Tours! We didn't do it this time around, but my nephew did Jedi Training so he was really excited. :)

The carrot cake cookie looks good, but that's too bad you didn't enjoy it. :(
Too bad you didn't get up for an early morning at Epcot, but I'm sure your body was thanking you for the extra sleep haha.
I can't believe you haven't seen Star Wars! So good. I definitely recommend watching the original trilogy first. Star Tours is a very good ride, one of my favourites, and I think it does the movies justice.
I had that carrot cake thing last trip too! I think I agree with you, even though I usually love carrot cake, it was a little too much to handle for me.
Can't wait to hear about more adventures!
hooray for Anything Goes!!! I saw the broadway show of it 3(?) years ago and stagedoored to meet everyone and it was basically the best thing ever. so I understand and applaud your appreciation for that show :thumbsup2

I know how you feel about DHS and not doing everything...I love it, but I'm sure there's still stuff there that I haven't done yet. In fact, I don't think I'll EVER be able to do everything at the parks - I've been living here for over a year now and I still have a huge list of everything I have to do! Eventually maybe I'll put a dent in it :rolleyes:

I'VE NEVER BEEN THE REBEL SPY AND I'M SO DISPLEASED WITH THAT FACT. Every time I sit there poised and ready to have my picture taken and then it's always some little kid. ah, well. there's always next time.

I'm not a huge fan of carrot cake either, but I'm sure you'll enjoy many more delicious sweets on this trip so ah well :upsidedow
Yay for being so close to moving in your dorm! I'm sure you are super excited!

I'm so excited, but also stressed since I still have a lot to do before I arrive and lots to think about. :confused:

I'll check out your YouTube channel when I get home (I'm at work and can't get into YouTube here). :)

YAY! I hope you enjoy the vids!

That's too bad you missed EMH at Epcot, but sometimes you just need a little extra sleep. It sounds like you were still having a fun day.

It definitely was a very fun day and we still got a lot done so missing EMH really wasn't a total loss luckily.

Yay for Star Tours! We didn't do it this time around, but my nephew did Jedi Training so he was really excited. :)

That's awesome! I was surprised I never passed by while they did Jedi training since I've done so in the past, but whatever, at least I finally got to ride this totally awesome attraction finally!

The carrot cake cookie looks good, but that's too bad you didn't enjoy it. :(

It wasn't that I didn't enjoy it, it just didn't live up to expectations and I'd rather find other options out there. :-)

Too bad you didn't get up for an early morning at Epcot, but I'm sure your body was thanking you for the extra sleep haha.
I can't believe you haven't seen Star Wars! So good. I definitely recommend watching the original trilogy first. Star Tours is a very good ride, one of my favourites, and I think it does the movies justice.
I had that carrot cake thing last trip too! I think I agree with you, even though I usually love carrot cake, it was a little too much to handle for me.
Can't wait to hear about more adventures!

Most definitely! I think we really needed the extra sleep that day especially after what we did the day prior and the lack of sleep we got too.

I've seen a piece of Return of the Jedi, but didn't get into it. It's been awhile, but I want to check them all out again one day. I mean, if the ride does the movies justice like you say, I'll be getting on seeing those movies very VERY soon.

Yeah. It wasn't necessarily bad just not the light dessert I hoped it was. :/

YAY! I'll update ASAP! :thumbsup2

hooray for Anything Goes!!! I saw the broadway show of it 3(?) years ago and stagedoored to meet everyone and it was basically the best thing ever. so I understand and applaud your appreciation for that show :thumbsup2

YOU SAW IT ON BROADWAY WITH SUTTON FOSTER AND MET HER?! I am jealous. I actually was in NYC when it was on Broadway, but paid it no mind. Now that I've been in the show twice, I am SOOOO going to see it once it comes back.

I know how you feel about DHS and not doing everything...I love it, but I'm sure there's still stuff there that I haven't done yet. In fact, I don't think I'll EVER be able to do everything at the parks - I've been living here for over a year now and I still have a huge list of everything I have to do! Eventually maybe I'll put a dent in it :rolleyes:

I think that's the beauty of the parks. Even though you could work your butt off trying to do EVERYTHING, there will always be something new right around the corner or you missed something you didn't ever know was there.

I'VE NEVER BEEN THE REBEL SPY AND I'M SO DISPLEASED WITH THAT FACT. Every time I sit there poised and ready to have my picture taken and then it's always some little kid. ah, well. there's always next time.

I'll tell ya that the day I do become the Rebel Spy, I am buying the shirt NO MATTER WHAT. But really, so far every time it has happened to someone, it's VERY unexpected so I wouldn't try being so poised and maybe it will finally happen.

I'm not a huge fan of carrot cake either, but I'm sure you'll enjoy many more delicious sweets on this trip so ah well :upsidedow

Oh yes. One snack credit per day equals many many delicious treats that I cannot wait to talk about!
YAY COLLEGE! I liked your Disney Tag video a lot :thumbsup2

I just love those sketches on the buildings. They are amazing!

So many DHS feelings. While MK will always be my favorite, DHS is actually second for me--there's SO much that I love to do there.

I've only seen one of the Star Wars movies but I LOVE Star Tours, it's so much fun!!!

Ooo sorry the carrot cake cookie wasn't everything you hoped it'd be. I am not a big fan of carrot cake so I've never tried it.

Can't wait to read more!!
YAY COLLEGE! I liked your Disney Tag video a lot :thumbsup2

Thanks! :) Less than a week now. I'm so scared and super excited! :cool1:

I just love those sketches on the buildings. They are amazing!

Same, but that's basically how I feel about everything in AoA. That place is P-E-R-F PERF.

So many DHS feelings. While MK will always be my favorite, DHS is actually second for me--there's SO much that I love to do there.

I really fell in love with that place on this trip. It was my least favorite before, but now it's a close third to EPCOT. I'm really looking forward to exploring it more in the future.

I've only seen one of the Star Wars movies but I LOVE Star Tours, it's so much fun!!!

I KNOW RIGHT! I want to ride it again so bad right now lol

Ooo sorry the carrot cake cookie wasn't everything you hoped it'd be. I am not a big fan of carrot cake so I've never tried it.

Can't wait to read more!!

Yeahh, well at least I got to check it off my Disney list of snacks. I HAVE TO have the Red Velvet Cheesecake Cupcake from Starring Rolls next time though.

I'll update ASAP! :teeth:
Only 3 more days left until I finally move into my dorm now, guys! This summer has honestly gone by way too fast, but I'm so excited to finally start my life anew. Oh and get to meet my roommates in person, that's good too! I just wanted to mention this now since I might not be updating on a week or less basis like I am now. I do have updates already written, but once those are up... It's going to take awhile. I'm hoping to have at least one more update before this happens, but if it doesn't I hope you all know I'm NOT ignoring you, I am just needing to take time to focus on other things going on.

I hope you all had a nice summer (since it pretty much is ending for most now) and here is an update to finish it off proper (IF that is the case)...

No DISMeet Yet Nor Glorious Three Hour Finale
June 24th, 2014

We have now arrived at the part of the trip report where things get a little fuzzy. Not that I don't know what happened, it's just certain "insignificant yet significant" events are jumbled in my mind as to what order they happened in. I'm going to try my best, but again they are pretty insignificant events I'm mixing up and there are photos one way or another. Still, you might have to bear with me.

After enjoying a lovely Carrot Cake Cookie (even though my review might say otherwise, I did enjoy it, end of story), I believe we headed off either to the Sorcerer Hat or just took a nice long detour down towards Streets of America to use up our FP+. I'm going with the latter.

And since it was so close, I said 'Hi' to an old frenemy:

I have mixed feelings about Sci Fi. Although the bad experience we had on our first trip didn't really affect me as much as it did some others, I was still turned off by how the one place I was most excited to check out turned out to be the low for TSs we went to that trip. Still, it was such a cool concept for a restaurant and I still had to say hi because... ya know... MEMORIES! And I can't pass up a good photo op:

I was trying to channel Danny Zuko sans Sandy. I think I was spot-on... maybe. I never know what Nate is doing or he is just smarter than me about the fact that there would be a windshield covering half his face if he did what I did.

Anyways, we continued on our merry way stopping here and there for pin trading. I believe right after getting our photos in front of Sci Fi, we pin traded at a DVC stand. It was here I got a compliment on my shirt for that day (the first of many), which I was super excited about since I didn't really get any yesterday. The girl CM who liked it said she really likes 'Hades'. I might've gotten a Hades villain pin from her, I forget.

Eventually, we were walking through the Streets of America... and isn't that a Kermit hot air balloon up there?

With some helpful directions from Kermit himself...

We arrived at our FP+ destination:


This attraction has eluded me for so long and finally I was going to get to see it. Every trip I've been on thus far, this attraction has been closed for one reason or another. Either that or we bypassed it for one reason or another. People complain about how Space Mountain always seems to be down. They obviously have not had my luck with Muppet Vision, but I guess for someone who has rarely seen SM down that's what you get. But Muppet Vision was not down today and there was very little line so we scrapped the idea of using our FP+ and just hopped into standby.

I still need to see this! OMG, thank goodness it came out on DVD the day I was writing this update.

Aaaaannnnndddd the consensus on Muppet Vision: I was actually pretty indifferent to it.

It wasn't a matter of me liking the Muppets humor or whatever because I do REALLY like the Muppets. If you play Rainbow Connection, I will instantaneously start crying and this did not change that. I just... expected more from a 3D show. With ITTBAB and PhilharMagic, I expected this one to be just as amazing and very immersive, but it felt like I went to the movies to see Muppets in 3D, which was very underwhelming for Disney. I still loved the humor, especially Sam Eagle. Literally, my new favorite Muppet (NOT Moopet).

After we had gotten out and surprised by no gift shop just Streets of America, we headed into the nearby so totally awesomely themed Muppet gift shop...

Note how the red light is always on. Well played, Muppets, well played.

We didn't end up buying anything in the store, but we checked out all the cool Muppet merchandise as well as the little MagicBand jibbits. Nate and I were very tempted, especially since I found out around this time that I had MONEY! YES! But again, we didn't buy anything. We did pin trade a bit then headed out.

I was all about those details the Muppets are famous for.

Nate and I decided we should back to the hat to check out what pins they had there since I recall finding some really good pins over there. We decided to go through the scenic route through the Streets of America, which also took us by the Phineas & Ferb M&G. I was thinking about meeting them, but thought otherwise since they had a pretty long line. So I settled for Ducky Momo...

"Ducky Momo is my BEST friend!"

A quick rewind to my PTR, I really wanted to go on DISMeets this trip. I hadn't planned any, but I knew a lot of people who were there so I was crossing my fingers I would find out on Instagram or by a happy chance that we were in the same park. Well, here is one instance where that happened.

Right as we were passing by the Phineas & Ferb M&G area, I saw PrincessCaitlin and her then boyfriend now ex, Sean. I've been reading her and her mom's (dawnbu40) TRs for a little bit and just started reading her DCP one right before I left. I knew she had wanted to break some record for most DISMeets and I mentioned I would be down there while she was so this was the perfect opportunity since we literally walked right by each other.

But that's what happened, we walked right by each other.

My shyness got the best of me (yes, believe it or not I am quite shy... VERY shy) and I didn't even have the courage to say hi. Ugh, stupid shy Timmy! But whatever, it happens. She'd probably be around the parks again I'm sure. It was really funny and ironic, she posted a photo a little bit after I walked by her with her and Sean wearing Muppet Vision 3D glasses. LOL.

Once we had made it to Streets of America, I mentioned to Nate what had just occurred. He didn't care, but he was still curious as to when I would run into one of my Disney friends and actually meet one of them.

Anyways, DISMeet opportunity missed aside, I was back in photo frenzy mode with Streets of America as my model:

I really hope they don't get rid of this completely for Star Wars Land. It's such a great little area and gives me major NYC feels. I also still have yet to see the Osbourne Spectacle of Dancing Lights and if this is gone... where are those gonna go? Ugh, please Disney just keep this. Star Wars can have Lights, Motors, Action and the Backlot Tour, but PLEASE not Streets of America. Please, no. NOOOOOO *sobs*

It's all right I'm okay. The time hasn't come yet. The time is now and there is a TR to be written so let's get back to that.

Eventually, we ended up at Commissary Lane, where I believe we did some quick pin trades along the way... or just Nate did.

I hadn't spent much time in this area before and I thought it was pretty cool. It kinda reminded me of Rodeo Drive and those Beverly Hills cafes that most (I’ve) only seen on TV. Surreal.

Love Dancing with the Stars! I hope my roommates are okay with me needing to watch this. DWTS trumps any soccer or hockey game in my book and my book is everyone's book that everyone must follow. #devilroommate

We made it to the Hat and ended up spending quite a bit of time there and I got a bit merch happy. Nate was walking all around pin trading while I was looking at everything. I ended up buying a 2014 Autograph Book that also has space to put photos (which I still have yet to do), a really cool Maleficent pin, the obligatory 2014 pin (I always buy a pin and a t-shirt for the year I went), the Ellie badge pin (SOOOO PERFECT) and because I bought so much, I was able to get a mystery pin which turned out to be a Fourth of July Chip and Dale pin that I traded away with the cashier who didn't check me out. Sorry, mercy pictures will be available at the end of the TR. :D

I do still have a lovely Sorcerer Hat stars photo...

Ooooo aaaaaahhhh

We then made the decision to go check out the Magic of Disney Animation since I had been meaning to check it out and Nate had never been and off we went! See you in a bit!

Continued Here
Awesome that you got a Macbook Pro! I have one too and have for quite a few years, and I am never going back to a PC. Love love love it!

Dead Poets Society is a great movie. Great choice for a favorite movie. I'm a fan of the Birdcage. Oh and Hook. Oh and Toys! That's a lesser known one, but I love it.

Yay the cemetery! It's totally a cool addition to the queue.

20 minute wait for Space Mountain, definitely cannot beat that!

You were there for the goodnight kiss! It's really the perfect way to end a Magic Kingdom day.

It's okay that you missed EMH. Breathe. It's okay. Just breathe. :rotfl: It happens. I'm going to take it as a sign that your day before was SO AWESOME....that you needed to recover.

YES! Star Tours! Although.....dude. You need to watch Star Wars. You just have to!

Sam Eagle is really the main reason to watch Muppetvision. :lmao:

You totally should have said hi to Caitlin! She's the sweetest person ever! I know it's hard when you're a bit shy though.
Yay for the Muppets. :)

That's too bad your dismeet didn't work out. I can understand though. I am a little shy around people I haven't met before. I wish I could be one of those people that just go up and talk to anyone, but I'm not.

Your purchases sound awesome!
Awesome that you got a Macbook Pro! I have one too and have for quite a few years, and I am never going back to a PC. Love love love it!

I've only had it for a few weeks now and I already like it more. Still adjusting, but beyond that, I love it! I really hope I'll have it for a LONG time.

Dead Poets Society is a great movie. Great choice for a favorite movie. I'm a fan of the Birdcage. Oh and Hook. Oh and Toys! That's a lesser known one, but I love it.

I really want to watch The Birdcage since I heard that that movie was the inspiration for the musical Les Cages Aux Folles. I haven't seen Les Cages, but I want to see The Birdcage to figure out what it's about. I also must see Hook!

Yay the cemetery! It's totally a cool addition to the queue.


20 minute wait for Space Mountain, definitely cannot beat that!

Oh yeah! ::yes:: ::yes:: ::yes::

You were there for the goodnight kiss! It's really the perfect way to end a Magic Kingdom day.

It most definitely is! SOOOO PERFECT.

It's okay that you missed EMH. Breathe. It's okay. Just breathe. :rotfl: It happens. I'm going to take it as a sign that your day before was SO AWESOME....that you needed to recover.

That might have been the case. I still had trouble accepting the fact, but I think I was trying to piece together the previous day when I fell asleep through the alarm so... it was a necessary evil. Our day was awesome, anyways!

YES! Star Tours! Although.....dude. You need to watch Star Wars. You just have to!


Sam Eagle is really the main reason to watch Muppetvision. :lmao:


You totally should have said hi to Caitlin! She's the sweetest person ever! I know it's hard when you're a bit shy though.

I really wish I did. I was hoping that maybe I would see her at The Seas where she works, but that didn't happen. Oh well. I promise not to just walk on by if we ever run into each other though. I promise.

Yay for the Muppets. :)


That's too bad your dismeet didn't work out. I can understand though. I am a little shy around people I haven't met before. I wish I could be one of those people that just go up and talk to anyone, but I'm not.

Same. I can actually be really outgoing sometimes and usually that's in Disney, but at that moment I just wasn't sure what to do so... there ya go. I think I just need to plan my DISMeets rather than be spontaneous though.

Your purchases sound awesome.

They are. Today I got some AWESOME merch.
I LOVE THE MUPPETS :love: I've watched Muppets Most Wanted an embarrassing number of times since it came out on DVD. I just can't get enough of those little goobers haha

I don't think I've ever actually planned a meetup with anyone but I've had a surprising number of people recognize me/I run into them randomly haha and it's always so fun! I love meeting other Disney friends in person :goodvibes

excited to see all the merch you got!!
I LOVE THE MUPPETS :love: I've watched Muppets Most Wanted an embarrassing number of times since it came out on DVD. I just can't get enough of those little goobers haha

I don't think I've ever actually planned a meetup with anyone but I've had a surprising number of people recognize me/I run into them randomly haha and it's always so fun! I love meeting other Disney friends in person :goodvibes

excited to see all the merch you got!!

I still haven't seen Muppets Most Wanted and I want to so bad! I'll have to check if it's on Netflix, I'll watch it there. :thumbsup2

Same, I'm just not outgoing enough to make them happen. I really hope I'll get to meet a lot more when I go back.

Awesome! Because there was A LOT on this day. ::yes::
Two days away now from move-in day/orientation, but today's my last full day in good ole' NH. Tomorrow I will be heading up to Saratoga Springs quite early in the morning so we don't have to get up at ridiculous hours to move in to my dorm and then have to stay awake for a whole day. Yeah, so before any of that insanity happens, I thought I would get one last update. This might be your last for awhile so make it count!

I'll see you all on the flip side!

The Drawing Class Unleashes The Nerd Within ~ Part I
June 24th, 2014

We were now inside of Animation Courtyard bound for the drawing class!

When we got inside the building and found the little waiting area for the drawing class, we were immediately let in. Score! The next class had just gone in when we got there so we had a bit of time to wait. I spent most of it keeping to myself per the norm. I was particularly mesmerized by the "Guess That Character" video where it would digitally draw a character on the screen and everyone would be trying to guess. I ended up taking a video during the wait:

Around this time, I started to pay attention to my surroundings. I believe someone complimented Nate and I on our shirts and pins so I came back to reality. This was good timing since the CM running the queue (which was now filling up since some more people came after us) began asking trivia questions. Trivia and rambling off facts about Disney is my thing (*coughNERDuncough*) and I was all over this even if there was no prize involved. The first question he asked us was about Studio Ghibli and nobody from the class before us got it right.

But guess what?

Timmy the Disney brainiac did.

:teeth: :teeth: :teeth:

Now, because I actually remember this question, I'm going to test your knowledge on this one. The question is about Studio Ghibli, which is a very popular and famous animation company based in Japan that is critically acclaimed in the United States and Disney is their distributor here. I haven't seen many Studio Ghibli (I think only Kiki's Delivery Service and some of Spirited Away, which is considered to be one of the best), but I knew about this one. The question was...

What classic fairytale that also was adapted into a Disney film and used as the basis for the Studio Ghibli film, Ponyo?

I know the answer so give me your guess in the comments. It's worth a shot. AND NO CHEATING!


After getting one answer wrong on another question and a few minutes of waiting later, it was time to go in for the drawing class. I was super excited to finally do this since I not too long ago dabbled in drawing Disney characters and actually came out with some pretty good ones (I draw a great Pluto!) and I heard about this class across the boards so it was about time I did it. Nate never even knew about it so he seemed pretty pumped too. That is until we heard about the "no eraser" deal, but that didn't stop us.

It was time to draw a Disney character.

Our animator was pretty great. I've heard there are a lot of animators who usually tell you who you will be drawing when you get in but he gave us quite a list of choices and there was a vote. I believe I voted for Jiminy Cricket and I think Nate voted for the Genie. I thought for awhile we were going to be doing Jiminy, but at the last minute Jiminy was beaten by...

Tinker Bell!

So we ended up drawing Tinker Bell, which I was a bit bummed about, but it doesn't seem often from what I've heard to do more human-like characters so I was excited to see how this would go.

I ended up not doing so hot. I fell a bit behind at one point and didn't make the center of my photo the center, but it didn't turn out as bad. Nate was killing it on his Tink. I never would've thought he'd be the one to beat me in the drawing department.

That's just my opinion so lemme know what you think. Let's compare!

Here's my final product:

Here's Nate's:

After rushing to get my final touches in (read: WHILST getting my final touches in), the animator announced it was time for him to give away his drawing! BUT to do that, someone must answer a trivia question correctly. I literally pulled my pencil away from whatever detail I was trying to finish up and stood at attention.

The animator asked, "What is the name of the princess from the Disney film Peter-"

My hand shot up before he could say, "-Pan?"

He called on me, noting my abnormally quick reflexes (I actually have terrible reflexes). I answered, "Tiger Lily!"

I knew I was right, but I answered so quickly I wasn't entirely sure. He was all, "Well, Tiger Lily is the Indian chief's daughter..." I came back, determined to win this drawing, "Yes, which would..." The animator cut in, "...which would make her THE PRINCESS! YOU ARE RIGHT!"


He asked for my name then told me that before I got the drawing, I had to show him mine. I wasn't totally okay with this idea, but it wasn't like I did a terrible job, but I so could've done better... in a much longer span of time with a better positioned center. Again, you can't have everything.

Nate went up with me and we talked with the guy a bit before he gave me the drawing. He was really cool and chill. It was honestly so great to have him as an animator. He checked out Nate's and my drawing, giving us little critiques. Nate and I both said we fell behind, which he understood, but he told us we both did nice jobs. He told us, in an attempt to make us feel better I guess, that the next class he was having them draw Elsa, which was even more complicated then Tink. Of course, I was a bit upset since I've rarely heard of classes getting to draw Elsa since she's so new. I was actually ready to sit back down and do that one, but that wouldn't be proper. Tink was fun and I won the animator's drawing so I shouldn't complain. Look at it!

All these photos were taken that night, which is why I was wearing sweat pants.

I also got another compliment on my villain's shirt. The guy even remembered that it was from the Friday the 13th, Unleash the Villains event, the first CM I met who remembered. After talking a little bit more about whatever, probably what we had done and were going to do, he wrapped up his and our drawings and sent us on our way, just as the automatic doors were closing. I would've been more than happy to stick around for the next class, but I know Nate wanted to do other things so I shoved my way out of the Animation Academy.

We ended up in the Animation Museum, which we ended up checking out quite thoroughly. Again, I was in full nerd mode so literally everything Disney in terms of history/nostalgia got me excited and quite picture happy. First, I went up and analyzed the sparkly Walt Disney Oscar collection case:

Then, we ended up in the actual artwork section. I was all about the Princess and the Frog prints. Have I mentioned how much I love that movie? Well, I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEE it.

But I gave some other Disney films love as well.

We made it all the way through the museum and realized that it led right back out into Animation Courtyard. I knew right away I was not ready to leave the Magic of Disney Animation. Along with that drawing class, the Magic of Disney Animation is pretty stocked when it comes to character M&Gs, which we passed on the way in and I was NOT going to pass up the opportunity.

Nate was fine with that and we walked back through the museum. On our way back in, I knew EXACTLY who I wanted to meet and we hopped right in line to meet...


First: Wreck-It Ralph >>>>>>>>>>>> Brave

If you strongly disagree, I suggest you do not say so because you shall be convinced otherwise.

Meanwhile in the queue...

Timmy was F-REAKING OUT again



I was freaking out so much at how Disney managed to bring Game Central Central Station to life so perfectly. The attention to detail was incredible. From the Psy Bug to the inside out outlets, I felt like I just walked right into the rightful owner of the Oscar for Best Animated Film of 2013. And the references to classic games was on point. Nate even mentioned how the music played in the queue were from classic video games and he was naming them off like nobody's business (we had reached a whole new level of nerding in the Magic of Disney Animation, lemme tell ya).

Unfortunately, that was his only two cents because, again (I believe I mentioned this before), HE HAS NEVER SEEN WRECK-IT RALPH, which is a shame since he is the biggest game nerd I know and his knowledge of every single theme song used in the queue made it so evident that he would just L-O-V-E LOVE Wreck-It Ralph. Of course, there was nothing we could do about that before we met Ralph and Vanellope so I hatched a plan to tell them both about how he'd never seen it.

The line was short, but we still had to wait, which gave us time to take out our autograph books (Nate had his old one too). Just as I was taking it out, the character attendant came around announcing something along the lines of: "I'm sorry I just wanted to let you all know that Ralph and Vanellope do not sign autograph books. Ralph would tear it right up as soon as he grabbed it so here are some cards with their autographs on them." The character attendant said it a lot better than I just wrote and she also was Scottish so it sounded cooler too. Anyways, the short of it was I wasn't going to be able to break my new 2014 autograph book in with these two. *sigh* Oh well, I was still getting to meet them and I couldn't be more excited (and rightfully so with what happened next).

Continued Here
The Drawing Class Unleashes The Nerd Within ~ Part II
June 24th, 2014

What could be a long story, I'll make it short and say we had arrived at Sugar Rush, I gave my camera to the new character attendant (they swapped right as we got there) and was immediately greeted by Vanellope.

Nate, not into M&Gs and having NO CLUE AT ALL who Vanellope was just gave her a quick high-five while I went right in for the hug, which just so happened to be perfectly captured by the character attendant.

Then, I was completely under the spell of Disney magic and totally forgot to go over to say 'hi' to Ralph, whom I'm sure Nate was mingling with at the moment, and I just fangirled over Vanellope. I was particularly enamored by the candy in her hair detail (#DisneyItsInTheDetails). I told her I loved the gummy bear in her hair. She responded so cutely and made a gesture like she was eating as if to ask if I like to eat them. I nodded yeah and laughed because she was just so cute. Right after, the most magical thing ever happened and I have to do this in pieces because it was so magical for me.

Vanellope reached for my hand.

I gave it to her.

Vanellope held my hand.

She reached up with her free hand.

She grabbed the gummy bear...

And gave it to me.

I was so happy I almost cried. That was just the sweetest thing ever and I was pretty much prepared to marry Vanellope after that because she was so unbelievably cute. OMG, just that sweet gesture made my day and it wasn't even noon yet.

Now, I had hoped that while Vanellope and I were having our moment, Nate would be doing what he could with Ralph. I know it's hard to meet characters when you don't know who they are (Well, I don't but I can imagine), but he could've tried a bit harder instead of letting this happen:

Poor Ralph.

I was hoping to go say hi, but I didn't even get a chance to because the Photopass photographer immediately asked if we wanted a picture and Vanellope immediately dragged me over by Nate and Ralph to take the photo.

After the photo, I thanked Vanellope and Ralph and hugged Vanellope goodbye. I tried to make amends with Ralph since Nate was out of there before I even said anything, but Ralph was not having it so I left. I'll definitely have to pay more attention to him next time.

Still, this was by far one of the best M&Gs I've ever had. I still think about it from time to time and have to hold back tears. I wasn't really sure if I'd ever have something like that happen during an M&G since I really was a newbie at them, but it did. No doubt in mind will I visit those two again and hopefully get to hang out with Ralph more. *crossing fingers for DCP Fall Advantage 2015*

Once I got my camera back (did not get my MB scanned for this one), I grabbed Nate and we went to get in line for Sorcerer Mickey. I had yet to meet Mickey this trip so it was imperative that I jump at the chance. Also because I had the most lackluster M&G with him on my first trip so I was hoping to remedy that.

The queue was nothing special, but the wait was a bit longer so I took photos of what I could to keep me occupied:

Mickey did take a break during our wait and actually shrunk... REALLY shrunk like I was a whole head taller than him and that's including ears. Definitely the shortest Mickey I've seen yet.

It wasn't too long after he came out, we finally got to meet my favorite incarnation of Mickey and I got to use my autograph book for the first time, which was pretty awesome considering my first autograph was from the big boss Mouse himself.

Munchkin Mickey was... okay. He didn't move around much, probably because he might trip on his robe, but he wasn't to the low of the Mickey I first met. Still, I was disappointed, but I was able to check meeting him in Sorcerer attire off the list so it wasn't all that bad and the photos came out great. I can't complain too much.

I could tell Nate was kinda done with M&Gs since he really stood in a line to just stand so far and even though the line for Minnie's M&G was right there, we bypassed. He did ask about meeting Frozone and Mr. Incredible when we walked by them, but the line was fairly long so I opted out on them too.

Instead, we checked out the posters for upcoming movies up the stairs from Sorcerer Mickey. Nate ended up using the handicapped way because his leg was starting to hurt him a bit. I guess those waits were a bit harder than I thought, but it did not deter him from getting excited about Big Hero 6.

I seriously don't blame him. It looks really cool and hysterical based on the trailers. I can't wait for it to come out!

From the posters we saw though, I'm most excited for Inside Out, that one looks really cool. Oh and Into The Woods, although that didn't have a poster, but Sondheim is always perpetually on the mind with me so it was... mentally there.

Yeah, somewhere among these:

After trying to explain to Nate what Inside Out was about (and epically failing), we said 'See ya real soon!' to the Magic of Disney Animation. We were starting to cut it close now on a FP+ reservation that we did not want to miss. Please excuse us for a moment while we book it through the Animation Courtyard.

Continued Here
Ughh Timmy, I just left you this long, elaborate comment and it didn't go through! That's what I get for DISing on my phone, sigh. So what I will say is, I completely agree about Wreck-it Ralph. It's such a wonderful movie that I think deserves more attention! Your meet sounds amazing!!! What a sweetheart, that Vanellope!! :love:
Timmy, hope you have a wonderful time at College. Speaking from experience, be mindful that it's a great learning experience and please keep an open mind to new challenges, adventures and experiences.
Best of Luck!

Not sure if you saw the movie 'Jack' with Robin Williams....but here is a tribute that includes a scene from the movie...words to live by:

Hopefully I'm not breaking any board rules posting the link. I don't have Twitter or Facebook.
Yeah, I think a big reason why I love MuppetVision so much is that I saw it before Philharmagic ever existed, so I've basically grown up knowing it and loving it. It seriously has my whole heart though. I quote it ALL THE TIME haha.

Yayyyy Disney merch shopping!!

Oooo I would love to draw Jiminy Cricket. We drew Genie one trip and it was AWESOME, my sister's looks perfect!

I think both your Tinks look awesome and YAYYYY for winning the drawing!!! You're a champ!

Oh my gosh, what an adorable interaction with Vanellope! SO CUTE!
Ughh Timmy, I just left you this long, elaborate comment and it didn't go through! That's what I get for DISing on my phone, sigh. So what I will say is, I completely agree about Wreck-it Ralph. It's such a wonderful movie that I think deserves more attention! Your meet sounds amazing!!! What a sweetheart, that Vanellope!! :love:

Awww, I hate when that happens. :( Oh well, I'll just be more eager for your next elaborate comment.

YES!! I love it so much! It's so overlooked these days now with Frozen out, it breaks my heart. And yes, my meet was amazing. Vanellope made my day. :goodvibes

Timmy, hope you have a wonderful time at College. Speaking from experience, be mindful that it's a great learning experience and please keep an open mind to new challenges, adventures and experiences.
Best of Luck!

Not sure if you saw the movie 'Jack' with Robin Williams....but here is a tribute that includes a scene from the movie...words to live by:

Hopefully I'm not breaking any board rules posting the link. I don't have Twitter or Facebook.

Awww, thanks Tink! I'm trying my best, but it's only my first day (well... night) so hopefully I'll start to really settle in.

I think I've seen the end of Jack. But I cannot even bear another tribute, I get way too emotional. I miss him so much.

Yeah, I think a big reason why I love MuppetVision so much is that I saw it before Philharmagic ever existed, so I've basically grown up knowing it and loving it. It seriously has my whole heart though. I quote it ALL THE TIME haha.

I can understand that. I really really wished I liked it more than I did. It just... was so subpar to the hype, I expected some really unique things, but honestly, the effects need some major updating IMO.

Yayyyy Disney merch shopping!!


Oooo I would love to draw Jiminy Cricket. We drew Genie one trip and it was AWESOME, my sister's looks perfect!

Me too and Genie! I probably mentioned this and am just forgetting, but I think he was offered to us and I thought he would've gotten picked. Always next time though!

I think both your Tinks look awesome and YAYYYY for winning the drawing!!! You're a champ!

Thanks Courtney (about both the Tinks and being a champ)! Winning the drawing was the best thing ever.

Oh my gosh, what an adorable interaction with Vanellope! SO CUTE!

I still get the warm fuzzies thinking about it. Vanellope is too cute for words.
Even though the tribute was lovely, what I was trying to convey was the reminder of the words in the speech. I think they might be apropos for a young man, like you, heading into one of the biggest adventures and rights of passage of your life to date.
"Please, don't worry so much." and "Make Your Life Spectacular".

And if all else fails, when things will inevitably get you down? My advice: Think of Disney! (and of course WWOHP):worship:

By the way, more amazing photos and M&G's. :thumbsup2 Looks like you had another action packed day....I'm exhausted just reading about it.:rotfl2:
Even though the tribute was lovely, what I was trying to convey was the reminder of the words in the speech. I think they might be apropos for a young man, like you, heading into one of the biggest adventures and rights of passage of your life to date.
"Please, don't worry so much." and "Make Your Life Spectacular".

And if all else fails, when things will inevitably get you down? My advice: Think of Disney! (and of course WWOHP):worship:

By the way, more amazing photos and M&G's. :thumbsup2 Looks like you had another action packed day....I'm exhausted just reading about it.:rotfl2:

OH lol Thanks Tink! Even though it's only been three days, inspiration and inspirational quotes in particular have been life for me. It's been a little tough, but I've met some super nice and awesome people so I'm grateful for that.

That helps too! Everyone thinks it's awesome I'm into Disney here so I've got that and I have most of my stuffed animals with me for that.

Thank you! It was, but it was SOOO much fun. We were hardcore this trip. HARD. CORE.


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