Characters vs. Pin Traders: It's Heated War! A Pixie-Dusted Nerdventure (COMPLETE)

Awww thanks so much Timmy :) it means the world to me that you are so happy for me! And we'll see each other in WDW this year one way or another for sure.

Such a beautiful day in the World Showcase!

VIA NAPOLI!!! One of my favorites!
Awww thanks so much Timmy :) it means the world to me that you are so happy for me! And we'll see each other in WDW this year one way or another for sure.

Such a beautiful day in the World Showcase!

VIA NAPOLI!!! One of my favorites!

You've been so supportive of me while I wait to get out of submission and you deserve it too, how can I not! And ain't it the truth now. ;)


It was AMAZING. But I'm getting ahead of myself. :teeth:
Hello lovely readers!

While I don't have any major news regarding my DCP, I do have some news that has made this waiting game much less stressful.


I was originally going to try to visit Disneyland for the 60th when a few days ago, a friend of mine asked if I wanted to go to Disney with her. Of course, I was all for it and it really seems plausible. Her family has a timeshare five minutes outside of WDW and we'd be driving down. This eliminates many of the expenses that made this trip that I'm still writing about now such a hard bargain. As far as I'm concerned, the only thing I really am worried about in terms of money is my ticket, which was the least of my worries, especially when it came to plane tickets. I'm so pumped and although we haven't decided on dates or length of time for which I will be there, I am going back to Disney! When I start paying for things and dates are set, I'll probably start a mini-PTR alongside this TR and hopefully speed up the writing of this so I can be done with it before I go. Speaking of which, let's get back to that Via Napoli lunch we had awaiting us...

Delizioso! Molta Buona! Via Napoli!
June 26th, 2014

Comfortably seated in Via Napoli, I decided to take a few photos!

A girl, a busser of sorts, came around and filled up our waters while we waited for our to-be waiter to arrive and take our orders. Nate and I took the obligatory "we were here and we have photographic evidence" photos:

We ended up waiting around quite awhile after getting our drinks. A waitress did come by and drop off menus, but she ended up not being our waitress. Finally, our waitress came and she had a trainee. Her name was Francesca and the trainee was Alessandra. They both were very nice and after the earlier debacles were very efficient about getting our orders in and such.

Here are our entrees:

I got the Linguine allo Scoglio, which is shrimp, clams, mussels and squid tossed with cherry tomatoes.

Nate got the Lasagne Verde, which is white lasagna, spinach, parmesan, ricotta and besciamella.

Consensus: We LOVED it! I think this was the first dish of the trip Nate finished and the first one I finished without really noticing it. It reminded me of a dish I get all the time at our nearby Giorgio's, but a lot less heavy, which I enjoyed immensely. It left a lot of room for our dessert.

Which came faster than we thought!

I took the photo after the candle was lit and the wonderful serenade we received. I love Italian people! They know how to make the best of even the smallest celebrations. And OMG, that little dessert was perfect. I don't even know what it's called, but it was very light and sweet with a great texture. I definitely hope on a return visit to Via Napoli that I get the same celebration treatment.

Of course, this was only the beginning of our dessert endeavors at Via Napoli!

There was a dessert I HAD to get! I'm sure many of you are familiar with these...


These are incredibly delicious, but oh so filling. They are ricotta cheese fritters that you can dip into whipped cream or chocolate sauce. They are a lot like munchkin donuts except without that weird bitter taste. I was pretty full already when I got these, but I ate every single one and kinda regretted it later. It was worth it though. So so good.

Nate got the Coppa Brutti Ma Buoni:

It's an "Ugly But Good" amarena cherry, vanilla gelato sundae. I will never understand that "ugly but good" part because it looked gorgeous. And apparently tasted just as good! I think Nate managed to finish this too.

Via Napoli, you got yourself some new BIG fans!

We got everything situated with the bill and made sure to leave a large tip for Francesca and Alessandro then left, full, and ready to enjoy the rest of World Showcase and our day without having to worry about food... until dinner that is.

Until next time, arrivederci Italia!

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:thumbsup2Should have known you'd have that dish, I've seen you post food pictures of something similar. You have very sophisticated tastes for such a young man.

I think I'd have gone with the pizza, they always look delish. Yours and Nate's did too, just different.
Wow your Zeppole look yummy!

Was that the Ugly but Good or the Gelato Frizzante? Whatever it is, it looks so good and Nate seems to really be enjoying it.

You may be going back to Disney?? Lucky:hmghost: that should be so much fun, hope it works out! Meanwhile I'm sure some other something or another will come up for me keeping me away yet again this year from WDW. Too bad it's so far for me to drive, that would be a fun road trip with lots to see over the 2000+ mile trip .
I really need to make it for Disneyland's 60th. Would be so fun to go back 60 years after my first visit. I made it to 10,15, 20 etc and every year in between but it's been a while so I think it's time.;)
:thumbsup2Should have known you'd have that dish, I've seen you post food pictures of something similar. You have very sophisticated tastes for such a young man.

Haha, thank you! And I probably did. I love me some pasta and seafood!

I think I'd have gone with the pizza, they always look delish. Yours and Nate's did too, just different.
Wow your Zeppole look yummy!

Was that the Ugly but Good or the Gelato Frizzante? Whatever it is, it looks so good and Nate seems to really be enjoying it.

It was so good and I'm pretty sure it was the Ugly but Good. I didn't take notes while we ate so I might be wrong, but I know we were VERY satisfied after Via Napoli.

You may be going back to Disney?? Lucky:hmghost: that should be so much fun, hope it works out! Meanwhile I'm sure some other something or another will come up for me keeping me away yet again this year from WDW. Too bad it's so far for me to drive, that would be a fun road trip with lots to see over the 2000+ mile trip .
I really need to make it for Disneyland's 60th. Would be so fun to go back 60 years after my first visit. I made it to 10,15, 20 etc and every year in between but it's been a while so I think it's time.;)

Yup! I'm so pumped. Although I still haven't put money down for anything, we worked out all of the basic details so it looks pretty probable that it's happening. I really hope you do get to go back too. There's so much you need to see.

OMG, YES! I was going to try to go, but since this came up that little trip won't happen. Maybe next summer I'll be able to finally see Disneyland. All my friends at Skidmore want to go to Disney with me so maybe that's a good opportunity. :thumbsup2
Spring break is over and I'm back in school, which means infrequent updates might happen again. Luckily, this semester has been pretty low-key and I doubt it will happen. I am however heading into tech week for Urinetown so an update might not be posted for next week, especially since next Thursday is opening night. We'll see.

In other news, before I got back from spring break, I got to talk more with the group I'm planning on going with to Disney and we really got some details ironed out. No money has been put down since we all are a bit financially in a bind right now, but it seems like we'll be able to pool together before our set date. We decided our trip dates would be August 12th through the 20th. We'd drive down on the 12th, stay overnight at a motel, then arrive on the 13th. The 14th would be our first park day and the 15th would be our last, then we'd leave on the 20th and get back on the 21st. We'd spend five days at Disney with one park per day Magic Your Way tickets and then one day at Universal, primarily to see Diagon Alley. No countdowns yet, but I'm hoping to buy my park tickets by the end of the semester so hopefully I'll be able to start a countdown then. Please lemme know if you'll be down so we can plan a meet up!

Until then, let's keep this TR going, only so much time left now...

The Tragic Ballad of Test Track
June 26th, 2014

We proceeded to complete the World Showcase loop. First, sidling on past Germany...

Then, we walked past the outpost and the World Cup set-up where a CM there was playing around with some kids and a Photopass Photographer. Why can't I work in Disney now?

I also found a cool angle of Spaceship Earth!

Along with some awesome drum action!

We sauntered through the final stretch by China...


...and Mexico.

Then, we came upon this sign...

Nate wanted to check out and I was totally down with that so we headed towards the Odyssey.

I saw these cute little ducks chilling in the shade on our way. So adorbs!

There was nothing really special in the Odyssey building. They had a whole store dedicated to World Cup merch, which was of no real interest to it considering a lot of it was elsewhere too. They did however have a nice lounge area where they had the World Cup playing all day. The good seats were pretty much taken but Nate and I sat down in the back for a bit. Nate then took an extended bathroom break, which forced me to stick around in front of a game I cared little to nothing for. Luckily my iPhone was still at full battery so I took total advantage of that.

Nate came out eventually. We weren't entirely sure of what to do so I suggested we go check out the wait for Test Track since it was the only major attraction in EPCOT we had yet to do.

Back to Future World, we went!

*sigh* Retro Epcot appreciation. Love it!

We realized as we got closer that Test Track had a Single Rider. I totally forgot about this even though I've taken advantage of it in the past and had some really funny experiences as a result on both of my previous trips. The standby was way too long so we went and took full advantage of the Single Rider option.

When we hopped in Single Rider, I realized why I had forgotten about Single Rider. It was because I wasn't sure we'd be able to make a car, which was the feature of the new Test Track I was most looking forward to. Luckily, we still did!

It was really cool. I enjoyed this new update to the ride. It was funny, they weren't enforcing the use of Magic Bands that you had. I had to tell Nate to use his because I knew it used the same system. Yay for DisNerdiness

Nate and I actually did get split up on the ride. I ended up riding with two girls who looked about the same age as me and we got super competitive on the ride. I'm sure everyone knows about the ranking of cars they show after every test, but I didn't know it would be such a competitive ride as a result. It was especially awesome when the rankings would flip from one test to the next, upped the competitiveness.

In the end, I came in second to last and one of the girls won overall. It was a sad moment, but made the ride. Aside from that and the sleek new style... I'm not a fan of Test Track 2.0. It's very dull and not as exciting. It feels like a very realistic video game so there's no sense of danger or thrill like the old one. The last scene was especially a let down since it doesn't feel like you're about to hit a wall, you just seem to have a feeling that you'll be let outside. It was still fun, but I miss the original Test Track a ton. Forever my favorite EPCOT attraction, but for one's still there, Spaceship Earth is my new fave.

After the ride, since I was put on the ride well before Nate, I ended up waiting around for him. I was hoping to meet him in the showroom, but I wanted to get a photo of me on the ride before. Unfortunately, the photo never showed up on the screen. I thought maybe they were behind, but it never showed up. The girls I was with eventually got a CM to pull it up on another screen and called me over to see it. I didn't end up taking a picture since I know some CMs aren't so fond of guests taking pictures of the ride photos.

Nate showed up and we continued onto the new showroom.

I enjoyed the showroom. I even joined in on a racing game. It did remind me a lot of a bigger Project Tomorrow, which I think was both a positive and a negative. It didn't feel differentiated enough from other rides in World Showcase, not as unique to Test Track. Needless to say, I still miss the old showroom too. I miss the old Test Track in every way I must say, especially looking back. *sigh* Why Disney why?!?!

It was really hot out at this time and I couldn't think of anything else I wanted to do in EPCOT so Nate suggested we head to Hollywood Studios to ride Tower of Terror. I agreed and we started to head out.

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Awesome that you're going to be in WDW again so soon! I wish I would be down there, I'm going to be in Disneyland at that time. :(

Good that you were still able to make a car! The last time I went in to the single rider line, I wasn't able too. Boo I say. Boo.

Well you know I'm competitive on that ride. Well with everything really. LOL.

I'm sorry you didn't enjoy the new Test Track. I've never been a giant Test Track fan to begin with, so I was kind of indifferent to it. But it definitely stinks when your favorite attraction changes, and you dislike it.
Your meal at Via Napoli looks so :love::love::love:

I love the title "The Tragic Ballard of Test Track". Can all of my TR updates be named "The Tragic Ballard of _____", even if they're good?

I have to agree with you on old TT vs. new TT. Bring it back.
Via Napoli looks phenomenal. I've never had dessert there because I stuff myself with pizza instead, but I really have to try it!

I agree. Test Track 2.0 has grown on me but I just loved the first one so much.
Awesome that you're going to be in WDW again so soon! I wish I would be down there, I'm going to be in Disneyland at that time. :(

Of course by the time I get to this comment, plans have changed. Maybe I will be heading over to Cali for this summer...

Good that you were still able to make a car! The last time I went in to the single rider line, I wasn't able too. Boo I say. Boo.

Awww, that stinks. It definitely felt weird with how it works in that part of the line so I guess it's infrequent if you get to do that or not.

Well you know I'm competitive on that ride. Well with everything really. LOL.

Yes, yes you are. :teeth:

I'm sorry you didn't enjoy the new Test Track. I've never been a giant Test Track fan to begin with, so I was kind of indifferent to it. But it definitely stinks when your favorite attraction changes, and you dislike it.

I still don't understand why they had to change it so much. When it isn't broke don't fix it. They could've stuck Chevrolet's name on the ride without having to make it all a big overhaul then changed up the show room a tad. Nbd, but no. Of course not. Uggghhh.

Your meal at Via Napoli looks so :love::love::love:

It was. It really was.

I love the title "The Tragic Ballard of Test Track". Can all of my TR updates be named "The Tragic Ballard of _____", even if they're good?

Haha, maybe. I will see what I can do.

I have to agree with you on old TT vs. new TT. Bring it back.

YES. *crosses fingers for another TT refurb* But really, 2.0 needs to go.

Via Napoli looks phenomenal. I've never had dessert there because I stuff myself with pizza instead, but I really have to try it!

IT IS! And you should. Those zeppoles were PERF.

I agree. Test Track 2.0 has grown on me but I just loved the first one so much.

I'm really not sure I could ever love 2.0 because it is the epitome of the bad directions Disney is heading in with its attractions (although I think they have really gotten off that track (no pun intended) since), more focus on technological advancement than story.
Today is opening night for Urinetown and my call is super early for some reason so hopefully I can post this update without distraction. Super excited for that! It's almost exactly a year to the day since my last musical in high school. Crossing my fingers all goes well! It's been a super tough week and this whole production has been hit with every type of obstacle possible so we're really going to need some positivity and happy thoughts tonight.

In other news, unfortunately, the Disney trip has been cancelled. My friend, whose parent's timeshare we were going to use, is heading to London for her next semester, which completely conflicts with our plans. I guess that means no Disney this summer. Of course it was too good to be true. I mean, maybe I'll put together another trip to Cali for Disneyland because all my friends at Skidz want to go to Disney with moi. I don't know, we'll see. For now, I'll just keep on posting and writing updates for y'all. Hope you enjoy!

...And Belle and I Found Adventure in the Great Wide Somewhere
June 26th, 2014

Although our path was pretty much set for leaving EPCOT, I needed a drink of water and my own break this time. I pulled out a bottle of water from my bag that I bought earlier and sat down. It was then I remembered I didn't go to meet Belle yet. It was starting to get later in the day so I was nervous I wouldn't be able to today so I sat down, drank my water and looked at the times guide. She was supposed to be coming out within the next hour so we still had time, but we needed to make sure we could get over without being too early and then without missing her.

Nate and I wanted to go check out Universe of Energy to see if it was opened this time and try out a new ride.

Aaahh, Wonders of Life, when are they ever going to properly use you?

If you look real close to the side of the building, you can see two CMs with a chain between them blocking off the entrance. Yup, the ride was closed down once again so we turned around and started heading towards World Showcase.

We took a detour inside of Mouse Gear to check if there were any Svens that arrived there so we wouldn't have to go to Castle Couture again. Unfortunately, that was not the case and so Castle Couture would have to be one of our last stops on our last day since we probably weren't going back to Magic Kingdom tonight. We then headed straight from Mouse Gear to World Showcase.

Nate was feeling pretty worn. Today seemed extra hot and we were outside a lot more than expected so I agreed to taking a ferry instead of the normal walk around World Showcase I usually take. No ferries were near the docks which made me nervous about taking one, but it was a first so that was pretty cool!

As most of you probably know, there are two different boat docks at the entrance to World Showcase. One goes to Germany and back, the other goes to Morocco and back. Morocco is right next to France where Belle meets and the one we wanted to get on. We didn't know which one went where, but right as we're waiting, the Morocco boat returns at the other dock. I freaked out and tried to grab Nate to go to the other dock, but he wouldn't budge. Normally, I would've booked it over, but I think my phone was dead so I didn't really want to leave Nate. In the end, I stuck it out although I was starting to get pretty testy with him. Not taking the ferry from the other dock was seriously defeating the purpose of why we took the ferry so it really bothered me.

Anyways, our ferry finally came in a few minutes later!

We loaded on and got a spot in the back to enjoy the World Showcase Lagoon breezes along with allowing me to take some pictures of the Showcase from the center of it. I was pretty anxious about possibly not getting to meet Belle and not to happy with my travelling partner, but taking photos helped relax me.

I like to think I'm artsy sometimes...

We docked in at Germany and I took off as soon as we were able to disembark leaving Nate in the dust.

I made it to France and Belle was still out, line was not blocked off so I hopped right on in. While I waited, I did a little bit of the creep on Belle and got some cool shots of her from where I stood.

Doesn't it look like it's straight out of the scene where Belle runs off into the field after she rejects Gaston? Aaaahhh, SO COOL!

Nate eventually caught up to me and saw me creeping on Belle. I was about to start taking pictures of the lagoon from where I stood since I had a good view when Nate asked if I wanted a photo of myself waiting. I agreed and got this nice little number as a result:

I was getting really excited about meeting Belle during the wait. A lot of people had brought her books and such to sign, not autograph books, but ACTUAL books and talked about them with her a bit. It was really cute. She also said 'Bonjour!' whenever she greeted someone. I also wasn't the only guy in line going to meet her. There was a couple a few people ahead of us who met her and the guy ended up getting a separate photo. After these were all over, it was finally my turn to meet the lovely Belle.

I handed my camera to Nate and immediately turned around to get a lovely little "Bonjour" from Belle to which I responded with "Bonjour" then handed her my book to sign. I was a little starstruck and nervous as you probably could tell. I always seemed to get nervous around face characters.

She looked up at me as she was signing my book then said, "You must've slain quite a few dragons to win all those medals?"

She was talking about my pins, of course, which took me a moment to figure out. I responded with the very cocky and semi-casual, "Oh yes, very many many many many..."

Belle finished my sentence for me, "...dragons." "Yeah, dragons!" I confirmed. She laughed. Thanks Belle!

She then handed me my autograph book back, to which I immediately noticed her gorgeous signature. Literally my favorite autograph of ALL the characters.

Belle still had her head in our current conversation. She said, "We really could use more of you brave knights around the castle."

To which I responded, "Well, I was there just a few days ago. I'm surprised the Beast never said anything."

She answered matter-of-factly, "Without Cogsworth, things don't run to well, but I'll let him know."

Nate and the Photopass guy were ready with their cameras so I turned around to stand next to Belle. She asked for my arm and I gave it to her like the good Prince I am, but I was surprised by the force at which she grabbed ahold of it. Belle apparently was ready to ditch the Beast to run off to the "Great Wide Somewhere" with me. It became quite evident in our photos.

Also, Nate wouldn't take my autograph book when I asked him to so it made the photo just that much more awkward. Still, I had a wonderful M&G with Belle overall. I bid her "Au Revoir!" and we left. I expected we were going to go right to the International Gateway to catch a boat to DHS, but Nate apparently had other plans when we made it to the UK.

While Belle and I were chatting, he and the Photopass guy were chatting away. He noticed Nate's pins and tipped him off about something at one of the Photo shops underneath Spaceship Earth. I was checking my IG while he was telling me this and one of my friends, Alyssa, who was on her second CP in EPCOT, said I should come find her at work, which was at one of those shops. Of course, I obliged and we headed off back around World Showcase.

I spotted the English phone booths as we were leaving the UK and grabbed Nate to take some photos of me in them. I hadn't gotten one before and it seemed like quite the staple for anyone who visits EPCOT. Here is how they turned out:

Getting all that sass at the end.

I was hoping to also call the booths, but it was right before this trip someone told me the numbers to call them no longer work. Awww, sadness.

Alas, we go on.

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YASS, TIMMY, BREAK ALL THE LEGS TONIGHT! Best go now, there often is a line!

I'm so sorry about August :( sending pixie dust your way so you can return some other way some how

Rides being closed down are theeeee worst.

Your Belle photos... :lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc

I'm so glad someone finally said it in regards to Belle's signature. It's perfection x 1,000,000.

Can't wait to see more. Again, BREAK LEGS!!!
We (me and all of the grandkids) were waiting for your call from the UK booths Timmy, thought maybe you just forgot our number :rolleyes1

Oh the fair and oh so lovely 'Belle' very cute M&G!

:( Your trip is off? Oh so sad, I know just how you feel though.
Wow if the kids from Skidz (sounds like a tv show Man From Uncle college style:tongue:) really want to go to Disney with you a road trip would be so cool. If you drove cross country it would be like Spring break on steroids.:rotfl2:

Anyway :crutches: break a leg at your performance tonight!
YASS, TIMMY, BREAK ALL THE LEGS TONIGHT! Best go now, there often is a line!

"...often is a line. THIS IS URINETOWN!" :teeth: Thanks Kaitlyn! Opening night went amazingly (probably thanks to ya's pixie dust :))

I'm so sorry about August :( sending pixie dust your way so you can return some other way some how

Me too, but I'm actually thinking about using the money to go see some Broadway musicals. It's been awhile.

Rides being closed down are theeeee worst.

You're telling me.

Your Belle photos... :lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc

I'm so glad someone finally said it in regards to Belle's signature. It's perfection x 1,000,000.

Thank you! And it is! One of these days I'm just going to sit down and get it right.

Can't wait to see more. Again, BREAK LEGS!!!

Yay! I'll be updating in just a sec. Thanks again! :D

We (me and all of the grandkids) were waiting for your call from the UK booths Timmy, thought maybe you just forgot our number :rolleyes1

Or you just didn't pick up in time... ;)

Oh the fair and oh so lovely 'Belle' very cute M&G!

She is such a delight. Love meeting Belle!

:( Your trip is off? Oh so sad, I know just how you feel though.
Wow if the kids from Skidz (sounds like a tv show Man From Uncle college style:tongue:) really want to go to Disney with you a road trip would be so cool. If you drove cross country it would be like Spring break on steroids.:rotfl2:

Yeah and my mom got me a $40 Disney gift card for the trip. Haven't used it yet... just in case.

And I know right! The thing is a lot of my friends here don't have their licenses so I might be stuck as designated driver, which is NOT something I want to do. But some time in the future, we're definitely Spring Breaking it to Florida or Cali for Disney.

Anyway :crutches: break a leg at your performance tonight!

Thank you! It went really well.
Hi lovelies!

Thank you all again for your well wishes on opening night! Urinetown actually turned out to be a FABULOUS production, a lot better than I expected. It was stressful beyond belief the whole time and there were many MANY hiccups, usually involving tech, but somehow we made it work and everyone loved it. OMG, but if I have to do another quick change set like I had to do, I'd force the director to get a better run crew because it was more than necessary. I mean, one night I went onstage with my hair still all gross and my shoes on the wrong feet.


It was a crazy weekend that eventually turned me into the sick puppy I am today. I'm feeling a lot better but Urinetown REALLY caught up with me in the end (hehe). Anyways, let's get to this update and a belated HAPPY EASTER to all of y'alls!!! party: Enjoy the update!

Nerds, Imma Let You Leave EPCOT, But Schoolbread Needs To Be Eaten First!
June 26th, 2014

We completed the World Showcase off at Canada...

Right as we were about to leave, I realized that...


I immediately turned to Nate, told him I had to go to Norway, agreed to meet back under Spaceship Earth and I was off.

Here is a video of my rush to get to Kringla:




Decisions, decisions...

Not really, but you know, in other situations... I'll shut up. Here's the Schoolbread:

And I raced off back to Future World to actually eat it.

The weird looks... they just keep on coming.

I just love the Fountain of Nations so much! I may or may not have stopped to watch for a moment.

I luckily walked into the right store and found Nate. He was waiting in line to see what exactly the PP photographer had tipped him off about. I honestly thought he was being ridiculous, but I let him do his thing and starting nibbling on my Schoolbread. So far so good.

Then, I remembered I had to go see if my IG friend, Alyssa (@disneybyajackieo/@disneyfor2), was working. She wasn't in the store where Nate was so I booked it over to the other one. No luck there either. I was disappointed. I found out later that she tends to be all around Future World so she could've been anywhere so that made me feel better when I got home.

I went back for Nate who had asked and said the PP people had no clue what he was tipped off about. They said that there is a pin board that comes out sometimes, which they let him look at, but he said there was nothing remarkable about it. It was actually pointless like I thought. Unfortunately, the Spaceship Earth shops offered nothing to either of us on top of it.

We left and I asked if we could go find a spot sit down so I could eat my Schoolbread without having to stand. We found the empty area by the place where I met Pluto that morning and chowed down.

So what did I think of Schoolbread?

I liked it!

I didn't love it and want to worship it like most, but it was very nice. I also think the fact I wasn't that hungry and it was super hot out played into my review of it too. I couldn't finish it, but I ate half of it, which is a big accomplishment for me. It wasn't going to fit in my bag to save for later so I had to throw it out. I'll definitely have to go have it again during a cooler time in WDW where I could actually enjoy it.

We decided since we were closer that we would take the motorcoach instead of the boat to DHS and said goodbye to EPCOT for what would be our last time. :'(

B-bye you gorgeous Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow! See ya real soon (hopefully)!

It was out to the bus stop to get to Disney Hollywood Studios so no tears... yet.

We had no issues finding the stop for DHS and hopped in to a short, but already forming line.

There was a father and his two daughter in line along with a former CM just solo'ing it in the World (Rock on to that!). The dad and his girls were super nice. They all complimented us on our pins. The CM, who worked in Disney A LONG time ago, was really interesting and had some cool stories to tell. It was nice to have people to talk too because the bus WOULD NOT SHOW UP. We waited for the bus FOREVER. This was actually the first time we ever had a bus issue and it had to be when we went against initial instinct (and trying to beat the heat). I won't bore you with our wait (which was long enough to fill up the queue for the bus), but the bus did come.

The arrival of a motorcoach = Happy Timmy!

It was actually totally worth the wait because we got an AWESOME bus driver! I don't remember his name, but he played a ton of special messages for all of us. One was for all the "princesses" and the other was for all the "pirates". He also did some birthday ones. It was great. I also princess-waved when the princess one came on, which everyone got a kick out of... just so you know... because I'm actually hilarious... okay not really. I even told the bus driver when we left I was actually a princess... he didn't kick out of it. Hence I'm not really that funny. And rambling incomprehensibly.

Anyways, we finally arrived at Disney's Hollywood Studios!

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I'm still following but things are so crazy. I've partly been absent due to some 'screening' of books. My granddaughter and my next to youngest grandson are reading the Kingdom Keepers series. I read them to make sure they're not 'scary', well they kind of are, but I think any Disney fan would enjoy them. Not sure if you've read them but they are sure fun and give a lot of inside info on WDW.

Schoolbread is so hyped on most of the dining threads but I'm allergic to coconut so can't go that route. In a way I'm happy you didn't love it, because then I'm not jealous.:rotfl2:

Anyway, glad your performance went well and look forward to hearing more about your trip. I'm patiently waiting for the part where you finally get to Universal/IOA.:thumbsup2
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Describe to me more of this school bread. Is it like a donut? Because I don't like donuts or a majority of breakfast breads, but I am super intrigued by the school bread. It's pretty hyped up, after all. And I do enjoy toasted coconut, and the custard looks phenomenal. But like you, I will be going in the hotter season so I'm not sure I'll be trying it any time soon. Still, I'm very intrigued... very intrigued indeed...

"Askershu...Akershu...Oh my God, I can't pronounce it" me either, Timmy. Me either.

Your experience with the bus driver = boooo. I think you're funny. I would have laughed. Probably. Maybe.

Yaaaaaaaas to Hollywood Studios. Can't wait for it!
I'm still following but things are so crazy. I've partly been absent due to some 'screening' of books. My granddaughter and my next to youngest grandson are reading the Kingdom Keepers series. I read them to make sure they're not 'scary', well they kind of are, but I think any Disney fan would enjoy them. Not sure if you've read them but they are sure fun and give a lot of inside info on WDW.

A lot of people recommended those books to me when I first joined the boards. I probably would enjoy them, but I like to read about Disney history or real stories about Disney rather than books about characters from Disney movies. That's what the movies are for!

Schoolbread is so hyped on most of the dining threads but I'm allergic to coconut so can't go that route. In a way I'm happy you didn't love it, because then I'm not jealous.:rotfl2:

I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it. The circumstances just weren't right for that type of snack. I definitely would get one again if the moment arose.

Anyway, glad your performance went well and look forward to hearing more about your trip. I'm patiently waiting for the part where you finally get to Universal/IOA.:thumbsup2

Thank you! And don't worry, it'll be here soon enough. :teeth:

Describe to me more of this school bread. Is it like a donut? Because I don't like donuts or a majority of breakfast breads, but I am super intrigued by the school bread. It's pretty hyped up, after all. And I do enjoy toasted coconut, and the custard looks phenomenal. But like you, I will be going in the hotter season so I'm not sure I'll be trying it any time soon. Still, I'm very intrigued... very intrigued indeed...

It's not like a donut, more of a pastry or fancy bread roll except significantly sweet. Yeah, unless you are in the mood for something like Schoolbread, I wouldn't get it in the summer. It's way too filling and flavorful for a hot day unfortunately.

"Askershu...Akershu...Oh my God, I can't pronounce it" me either, Timmy. Me either.

I think someone posted a link on Facebook about how to pronounce it. I MUST FIND THAT LINK AND UNRAVEL THIS MYSTERY!

Your experience with the bus driver = boooo. I think you're funny. I would have laughed. Probably. Maybe.

LOL, it's not a big deal. I have a very abrupt, out there type of sense of humor that might not be for everyone so it's all right. I'm glad you enjoyed it though!

Yaaaaaaaas to Hollywood Studios. Can't wait for it!

I'll post the update for that in just a sec! :)
The Nervous Taurus' Dramatic Return to The Hollywood Tower Hotel Part I
June 26th, 2014

We flew through the main entrance, no Magic Band issues for Nate. Nate wanted to pin trade so we took our time making our way towards Tower of Terror, the reason we returned to the Studios.

I said hi to Mickey as we embarked upon our mission!

And soon enough, there it was!

Ahhh, I missed you beautiful!

I was feeling a bit apprehensive about riding it after so long to be honest. It honestly is the one ride in Disney I will ride that terrifies me, which is part of why I love it so much. The fear was pretty strong today, but I was brave and continued marching onward.

I made a note that Nate and I would have to go see Fantasmic tonight!

We got close enough to see the wait time. I was hoping that maybe it would say 13 minutes, much to my chagrin, it said this instead:

Not too bad, better than we've seen before! We hopped right into the queue.

The Hollywood Tower Hotel is so incredibly detailed! It's wonderful. So much to look at and admire. As much as my nerves were telling me to run away, I was so happy to be back within its doors.

Caught a poor bellhop by surprise when I took that photo. Basically blinded her. Sorry Miss Bellhop.

I considered hanging around to play some Mahjong, but my room was ready so into the library Nate and I went. Apparently lightning strikes tend to travel through the walls into that room constantly and turn on the television. Yeah, I know, weird right?

Moving on...

Our return to the Twilight Zone was quite satisfying after a three year absence. We had an awesome sequence. It was NEVERENDING! The Twilight Zone just didn't want to let me go. I missed you too, love. Of course, this combined with my apprehensiveness resulted in a shaking spell when I came off the ride. It was an awesome shaking, but yeah, that was INTENSE.

Here's our ride photo (we were in the second row):

My face was truly priceless, especially next to Nate who's just cheesin'.

When we got out, we ended up in the gift shop, which is honestly one of the coolest ones in Disney. A tip, if you are not going to ride ToT, please do check out the gift shop. It is just as brilliantly themed as the rest of the HTH and also has some pretty cool exclusive ToT merch.

We weren't really interested in buying anything (a first for me), but I browsed until Nate managed to make his way over to some older CMs for some pin trading. I eventually joined in, a bit more in the mood to see what pins people had. I really wanted a Taurus pin in that Zodiac series they had (Taurus is my sign btw). Unfortunately, they didn't have one, but all the CMs were very into our pins. One of them ended up asking us about a weird rip-off pin she had. It was really cute, but I could've spotted it from a mile away. It's so unfortunate how CMs cannot refuse a trade like that. It's a shame they can't have professional pin trading CMs or something who could be more into it (and that don't act like my friend Scoop Sanderson).

We bid them farewell and headed out. I was still very much enamored with the Hotel's beauty and got a few more pictures before moving on.

I wish there was some way you could stay in the tower. That would be a dream come true. I had to get at least one photo of myself with the Tower. This was the result:

That is an example of walking the fine line between scarED and scarY.

Continued Here
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The Nervous Taurus' Dramatic Return to The Hollywood Tower Hotel Part II
June 26th, 2014

Back down Sunset we went!

I think we should really try to get Queen of Hearts shiek trending. It looks gorj!

Two photographs in, we had to go stop by the Villains in Vogue store!


I really regretted not snatching up those Evil Queen Mickey Ears. Hopefully, they are still there.

If you read my last TR, those might be a bit of a #throwbackthursday for y'all.

I wasn't just taking pictures of my favorite villains, we also did some more pin trading and guess what?


Nate actually found it. While I was snapping away with my camera, he went right up to a CM at the register and called me over. YEAH NATE! It took me awhile to decide what pin to trade though. I had so many good ones, but I made a decision and now I'm the proud owner of it. Oh and Taurus was represented by Eeyore. So perf. We do tend to have our Eeyore moments. At least I do.

Nate was now interested to see what his zodiac pin. He's a Sagittarius so we were on the lookout for that. We decided it was time to return to the hat to see if the CMs there had any or there were any good ones left worth buying.

On the way, I was starting to get super on-point with my photography, if I do say so myself...


Pretty, but yeah, bye.

We didn't find any pins of interest. I was still surprised by how many 25th anniversary pins there still were in DHS. You'd think all these LE pins around the parks would go fast? I guess we came at the right time. We didn't buy any of these though.

I just couldn't justify a reason to buy the pin at that price. It wasn't a huge loss, I have a photo anyways.

Nate and I weren't planning on leaving DHS since I wanted to see Fantasmic. Nate had yet to ride the GMR and with my luck at getting the Cowboy scene last time we rode, I thought why not try our luck again. Also, it started to look pretty gloomy outside and what better way to escape a Florida rainstorm then heading into a crowded theater?

Continued Here
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