Parents of Class of 2018 thread

Okay first thing first - Vicki - I can NOT believe you lost your screen name. That is breaking my heart. Did you ask anyone and could they do anything? Your pictures...and your tag. OMG. :sad::sad::sad::sad::sad: I lost my tags and had to change my avatar, but that was it. I seriously did not know that was you. So cool about the WDW trip with you and Jules. We did one a few years ago and he says he wants to go again sometime the two of us. Matt said for his 16th birthday he wanted to go to WDW and take all the tours. :lovestruc

Anyway....back on topic! Glad everyone is doing well. We have been very very lucky and only had 1 snow day so far! We are suppose to go to HHI next month for Spring Break. Last year, we lost Spring Break because of snow...we were the horrible parents that still went and he missed a few days of school. :hippie:
We are starting to pick courses for next year. Gym night is this coming week and then the following week is Freshman/Sophomore Formal. I feel like the end of the year will be here before we know it! He wants to get a job this summer (until the social calendar interferes :rolleyes:). Was hoping he could get something at the grocery store, we thought they hire at 15, but it is 16. Oh well. There is always Sesame Place. :scared: LOL. First step to working for Disney! :thumbsup2 He really enjoys his business class and thinks that is the career path he would like to take. Like I said, he knows he would like to work for Disney in some capacity. We are nerds and we have Disney careers sent to us every morning and checks out any that have to do with business and checks out the job description and degree requirements. :earsboy:
Lisa,I did ask and I have to send an email and see what they can do.

Julia's going to try and work summer rec this summer. It's summer camp for 6 weeks from 9-4. The park is only a block from my house, so it's perfect. She'll put her application in soon.
We are going to Hilton Head in July in the middle of it, but if think they're allowed to miss.

We're definitely doing the KTTK tour in November.

Julia wants to be a nurse, but does want to do the Disney College Program. Which I may have been talking up since she started middle school.

They had their last cheer competition of the year today and they came in 1st. Great way to end the year!

Is anyone choosing any classes for next year yet?
Anyone done with school yet?
Not here.

Julia's last softball game was yesterday.
She made the JV team, but sat the bench a lot, she would have rather been on the freshman team, she would have played way more. Disappointing season, but she had fun with the girls regardless.
She has her softball end of year dinner tonight.

Last day of school is June 22. The year flew by. I can't believe they'll be sophomores next year.
Anyone done with school yet?
Not here.

Julia's last softball game was yesterday.
She made the JV team, but sat the bench a lot, she would have rather been on the freshman team, she would have played way more. Disappointing season, but she had fun with the girls regardless.
She has her softball end of year dinner tonight.

Last day of school is June 22. The year flew by. I can't believe they'll be sophomores next year.

Nope. As mentioned previously, we homeschool. And with a major move and a new baby, we are still working and will be through June. She finished one course today and another in a couple of weeks.

She just started on a new course that she will work on through the summer and I am compiling book lists for the fall. And schedules. Oh my!
We are done June 12th (well really 11th since 12th is a test make up day) and that is the earliest we have gotten out in the past 3 years so that will be nice! I am not sure that we have a full week of school left as we have Keystone testing and they do 1/2 days for kids not taking the Keystone. Between that, Election Day and Memorial Day, it will be here before we know it!

I was talking with someone a few days ago and said something like this time next year I don't know that I will be planning our summer WDW trip because any vacation will revolve around college visits. And then I wanted to throw up. This time next year we will be visiting colleges. Matt is still trying to figure out what he wants to do/go. He is pretty sure that he wants to do business - just not sure accounting, finance, marketing, etc. He just said "what ever The Walt Disney Company will hire me to do, I will do." I guess we could always visit UCF and still manage to get in Disney. :rolleyes1

He is looking for a job for the summer and after school but having a tough time. He will be 16 in November, just when we would want his hours to cut down because of school, so it is slim pickings. He applied to two grocery stores in the area and he also applied to a local farm/market/nursery and waiting to hear back. I said maybe take it as a sign that you are suppose to have one more "summer of fun" and just go with it. That didn't go over to well. Guess that's a good thing, right?
Our school gets out June 5. My boys have a week off, then they are off to scout camp. After that they are going to glacier national park with the scouts.

I'm surprised about college visits so soon! We aren't even thinking about that yet. In fact my nephew is a junior this year, and he just started college visits.

My DS is working on his Eagle Scout project. I'm hoping he earns Eagle by fall. The boys seem to lose interest when they get older.

My DS got his first job back in December. They called him the day he turned 14 and could legally be hired. He's washing dishes at a small family restaurant. He's been doing great!

2018 is coming faster than I would like! I will still have my youngest here until 2020, but it won't be the same. I'm trying to talk DS into living at home and attending a local college, but he's not interested. Lol
We are done June 12th (well really 11th since 12th is a test make up day) and that is the earliest we have gotten out in the past 3 years so that will be nice! I am not sure that we have a full week of school left as we have Keystone testing and they do 1/2 days for kids not taking the Keystone. Between that, Election Day and Memorial Day, it will be here before we know it!

I was talking with someone a few days ago and said something like this time next year I don't know that I will be planning our summer WDW trip because any vacation will revolve around college visits. And then I wanted to throw up. This time next year we will be visiting colleges. Matt is still trying to figure out what he wants to do/go. He is pretty sure that he wants to do business - just not sure accounting, finance, marketing, etc. He just said "what ever The Walt Disney Company will hire me to do, I will do." I guess we could always visit UCF and still manage to get in Disney. :rolleyes1

He is looking for a job for the summer and after school but having a tough time. He will be 16 in November, just when we would want his hours to cut down because of school, so it is slim pickings. He applied to two grocery stores in the area and he also applied to a local farm/market/nursery and waiting to hear back. I said maybe take it as a sign that you are suppose to have one more "summer of fun" and just go with it. That didn't go over to well. Guess that's a good thing, right?

Ugh, I don't want to think about college yet!
I made the mistake of telling Julia the University of Alabama was highly rated for nursing and now she has that in her head b
It's so far away! LOL
Julia applied for summer rec counselor, but they hire returnees and 16 year old and up first, then 15, so she probably won't get hired.
A friend owns a beauty bar and has asked her to work for her as a receptionist Saturdays only like 10-4.
$10 an hour, cash, and free blow outs whenever she wants. LOL She says she wants to do it, but once Sept. comes she's busy every Saturday with cheering. So she's going to talk to the girl and let her know she can do it just for the summer and see what she says.
Still has her tutoring job, see if they still want her over the summer. She really can't have a job during the school year, no time with sports.
Wow my youngest son is done 5/21 and then its off we got to WDW 5/24 :cool1:

That would be so great! Alas, always the end of June here.

Our school gets out June 5. My boys have a week off, then they are off to scout camp. After that they are going to glacier national park with the scouts.

I'm surprised about college visits so soon! We aren't even thinking about that yet. In fact my nephew is a junior this year, and he just started college visits.

My DS is working on his Eagle Scout project. I'm hoping he earns Eagle by fall. The boys seem to lose interest when they get older.

My DS got his first job back in December. They called him the day he turned 14 and could legally be hired. He's washing dishes at a small family restaurant. He's been doing great!

2018 is coming faster than I would like! I will still have my youngest here until 2020, but it won't be the same. I'm trying to talk DS into living at home and attending a local college, but he's not interested. Lol

I have the same, my son graduates in 2020.
Good luck to your son with his Eagle Scout.
Does he wash dishes at home, too? ;-)
Hello all! Thought I would join your group. I have twin 15 year olds, who are just completing their freshman year. Wow! Nearly sophomores. How did this happen? They were babies just yesterday, I swear.

They are boy/girl twins. My son is into rock climbing and choir. My daughter just lettered in theater. :-) I am learning that letter jackets are expensive. LOL.

Anyway, looking forward to sharing the next three years with you all!
Hello all! Thought I would join your group. I have twin 15 year olds, who are just completing their freshman year. Wow! Nearly sophomores. How did this happen? They were babies just yesterday, I swear.

They are boy/girl twins. My son is into rock climbing and choir. My daughter just lettered in theater. :-) I am learning that letter jackets are expensive. LOL.

Anyway, looking forward to sharing the next three years with you all!

Hi! Welcome!
I know, it's amazing how fast time flies!
On Friday, I went to the Pops concert our high school puts on.

They have a symphony orchestra and a senior violinist had a solo performance and was crying after she finished. Cried then.
The conductor had all the seniors stand and introduced them..teared up then.

Then they sang Home by Phillip Phillips. Tears.
LOL, I'm going to be a mess come 2018!
We are winding down but it makes for a crazy schedule! Last week was the final orchestra concert with the seniors being honoured and then DD had her AP exam on Friday, results in July. We gave one of her good guy friends a ride and I was glad because they kind of joked around and helped each other relax.

DD is taking Honors geometry in summer school so she will be in the AP math track. She is also doing driver ed so with that and working one night a week and volunteering at the library, her summer will be full.

We just found out that June 2016 she will be going to Vienna, Germany and Italy with the orchestra so we have a lot of fundraising to do the next year!
We are winding down but it makes for a crazy schedule! Last week was the final orchestra concert with the seniors being honoured and then DD had her AP exam on Friday, results in July. We gave one of her good guy friends a ride and I was glad because they kind of joked around and helped each other relax.

DD is taking Honors geometry in summer school so she will be in the AP math track. She is also doing driver ed so with that and working one night a week and volunteering at the library, her summer will be full.

We just found out that June 2016 she will be going to Vienna, Germany and Italy with the orchestra so we have a lot of fundraising to do the next year!
Oh that's fantastic, I'm jealous! How long will she be there?

DD took Honors Geometry this year, but not going into AP math, she'll be in Honors Alg 2 next year.
Only taking 1 AP. Human Geography. I don't even know what that is, tbh.
Drivers ed will be first marking period since she turns 16 in Oct. here you have gym 3 marking periods and the 4th is health every year except sophomore year when you get drivers ed.
Oh that's fantastic, I'm jealous! How long will she be there?

DD took Honors Geometry this year, but not going into AP math, she'll be in Honors Alg 2 next year.
Only taking 1 AP. Human Geography. I don't even know what that is, tbh.
Drivers ed will be first marking period since she turns 16 in Oct. here you have gym 3 marking periods and the 4th is health every year except sophomore year when you get drivers ed.

They will be in Europe for two weeks seeing Venice, Kitzbuhel, Munich, Salzberg and three days in Vienna. They take their instruments so they can take lessons, give concerts and go to concerts. It should be an amazing experience! It is a big leap for her protective parents...eek! but we are keeping our anxiety to ourselves.

She took AP Human geo and it was a deadly dull class but at least it is done. She well be in the same Advanced Accelerated Honos Algebra (say that three times fast!) And that will eventually lead to AP Calculus.

We decided to go private for driver ed. DD is wary of driving so a lot of one on one instructor time is a good idea. She will have health this year too and is thrilled to get out of gym for one

All I know is this is all going way too fast, sigh

How's everyone's summer going?

We are finishing up our homeschool year and my daughter is taking driver's ed on line at the moment. Since summer has arrived, we will spread our conclusion of the year through August since we had two major life events this year. She also had a medical event in the fall that was poorly timed and wiped out some days of work since she had to make up her on line course work that continued without her.

She is done with 3 credits. The rest will be done by the end of August as we operate at summer workload. Her Driver's ed, she is flying through. So she should be ready for her Learner's Permit soon.

In the next two weeks I will be finalizing our curriculum for next year and purchasing. We will be taking advantage of FLVS this year. DD wants to start the graphic arts sequence for her primary elective for the next 3 years if she sustains interest.

Travel wise, we just returned from trip and have another one planned for end of July, early August.

Next year...from memory as I am not at home.
1. AP Biology
2. Algebra II
3. Latin (retaking the same class on line again as she struggled with translations and reading comprehension and she has time)
4. Great Books, Romans year for Lit (on line)
5. Something for Social studies possibly
6. Theology II
7. Chemistry possibly
8. Commencing graphic arts sequence with a Pre-req I forgot the name of.

Piano bumps to an extra-curricular and she is returning to dance after a 4 year break.
OK, total brag here but DD received a "4" on her AP exam!!! For a class she hated, getting college credit as a freshman is pretty spectacular! Very proud. :goodvibes:
I think our driver's ed is different. My dd recently turned 15 close to the end of the school year so next spring she can technically go for her permit the day she turns 16. After that she can do driver's ed which has nothing whatsoever to do with school. I believe there is a 2 hour mandatory parent child class then there is the classroom portion, passenger in the car with another driver, and student driver hours plus parents have to sign off that the child has completed x amount of hours outside of drivers ed. Once these are complete a license can be obtained at 16.5.

This summer dd is volunteering at a museum which has a highly competitive teen summer volunteer program. She just started this week and loves it. Other summer fun is a group figure skating session which includes lessons and volunteer instruction with younger kids. She is also doing piano/voice lessons. She is also helping out at her sister's soccer camp which gives community service hours. We don't have a big vacation planned but will go away for a family cabin camping weekend and we do other small things - we went to Great Wolf Lodge for a night etc. We also take advantage of living near Boston. For example DD15 and I did a Boston North End tour including trying 3 slices of pizza and visiting places like Paul Revere House and Old North Church (done it all before but the tour was fun).
Honest question: If your son/daughter is a freshman this upcoming year, doesn't that make them a class of 2019? There seems to be couple of different groups posting on here. Ones who have just finished their freshman year and those who are starting it in the fall.


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