ABC's of Trip Planning (Oct 10-20), Vol. 2- Z is for: Zippidee Doo Dah!!!!!!!!!!!!!

L is for: Lit Up in Lights

It was a pretty slow day around here. Made Russian Borscht (funny story about that coming up), got a bid for the tiling of my kitchen floor, went clothes shopping for a daughter, (guys turn away!!! **Warning, I am telling you turn away! I mean it.

Ladies, can I get a hug of sympathy right here?? Ever gone bra shopping for a teen? SHOOT. ME. NOW!

Guys, you are welcome to return...)

...and probably failed the single most important exam (and hardest) I've ever taken in my life. In order to take my mind off of the agony of waiting for those results, I busied myself with a fun little crafty project. I was going to wait to post this until this weekend, but I'm working the next couple of days, and, if I've timed things right, I think this'll land at the top of the next page. I know y'all are way more savvy at that than me. Also, I'm rather fond of my work and was anxious to share.

A little history:

For my last trip, I went all out and brought 3 grapevine wreaths and battery lights to make a lighted Mickey head for my Wishing Wreath on our room window. I don't want the bulk this time, so am going more 2D, but still with lights. Each evening I'd add my Mickey head wishes (remember those?) to the wreath and see how blessed I'd been over the course of the trip. This year, I wanted to add a hat tip to the fact that we'll be celebrating BIG. So instead of skywriting, which was too expensive, I'm spelling it out like this:

Pretty cool, huh. But even cooler with lights. Imagine it all twinkly like in the evenings when we come back to our room: a not-so-gentle reminder of why we're there; a beacon in the night; our names in (almost) neon; stars in this Disney production!

Underneath the "We're celebrating", dangling from color-coordinated ribbon, will be our names spelled out vertically. (Not yet assembled) Beside those, again not yet made, will be printed signs about 8x8 saying what each of us is celebrating:

Mine: "I just graduated from Nursing School!"
Zach: "I just got my Driver's Permit/License!"
Anara: "This is my first trip!"

Here are some close-ups of the names and die cuts that will hang vertically from the ribbons under "We're Celebrating!"

In addition, on the door, we'll have our "Guest Book" and "Mickey Wish Head". Using the extra blank yellow, red and black Mickeys I have, I will hang them from thin ribbons and make a big bundle of them to hang in a bunch on the outside of the door, along with a pen for people to sign their names and hometown if they want. Last trip, we got LOADS of fun names from all over the US and other countries. It was so fun to come "home" to each evening and see our Guest Book, and take home a fun souvenir. On a separate poster with a Mickey Head outlined in black sharpie, we'll add our completed wishes each evening. You can see those in the first thread of this PTR. If you missed those, they are basically some of our Must-Do's and Looking Forward-To's. It'll be SO great to see it fill up over the course of the trip! I'll save the door decorations for the TR, so there's actually something to write about. Meantime, use your imaginations.

No, this isn't something even remotely required to have a great trip. But as with most things, generally you get out of something what you put into it. It adds that special kind of panache to something already extraordinary; that little something that makes a Disney trip just that much more unique and memorable. I will now step out of my geekzone and return you all to the World of Adulting.

Oh! And I forgot the story:

So, this guy comes to our house today to give me a bid on laying the tile in our kitchen/laundry room/bathroom. He measures, we talk job. He's nice, we go over the process, etc... and get to the point where it looks like we're done. He turns back and says, "I have one more question: Where you learn to make Borscht?"

I explain to him that we lived in Crapistan for 10 years and learned to make a lot of Russian dishes.

He smiles and says, "It smelled SO like Russian food when I walk in."

Biggest compliment I've had in a while. Made my day.... better.
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So sorry you think you didn't do well on the Boards. Hopefully you are wrong and did just fine.

I had that feeling when I took mine too, they had told us to expect anywhere from 75 questions up to 250 and when mine cut off at 75, I panicked. I thought to have cut off at 75, I had to have either gotten a huge amount right to where the computer knows I know what I am doing or that I got so many wrong that it gave up. So I was convinced I failed because I knew I had quite a few questions that were total guesses. Well, I did pass, it was torture waiting, I took them back in the day when you had to wait a couple weeks to find out and even then I was expecting a letter saying I passed but all I got was my RN license in the mail.

Love the door decoration, really cute, I love the idea of having people sign it.
So sorry you think you didn't do well on the Boards. Hopefully you are wrong and did just fine.

I had that feeling when I took mine too, they had told us to expect anywhere from 75 questions up to 250 and when mine cut off at 75, I panicked. I thought to have cut off at 75, I had to have either gotten a huge amount right to where the computer knows I know what I am doing or that I got so many wrong that it gave up. So I was convinced I failed because I knew I had quite a few questions that were total guesses. Well, I did pass, it was torture waiting, I took them back in the day when you had to wait a couple weeks to find out and even then I was expecting a letter saying I passed but all I got was my RN license in the mail.

Love the door decoration, really cute, I love the idea of having people sign it.

That's pretty much it. I got to Q. 73 and thought, well crap, if this shuts off at 75, I'm WAY more than screwed. Because that's all it was going to take for them to know I proved myself a complete moron. At least that's how I was feeling. It shut off at 75. I almost wished I had gotten more, so I could get some I knew. GAH!!!
Page 3 already? Man, I am so slow.

Don't panic on the boards! You never know. And I know you are a highly intelligent person who prepared as well as she possibly could.

When I took the exam for my Professional Engineer license, I needed a 70% to pass. And I got a 72. And I didn't care in the least! It meant exactly the same as if I'd gotten 100%.

Love the guest book idea! Very cool.
You are so crafty and creative!

I bet you passed your test. Hopefully you get the results soon so you can know one way or the other.

Jill in CO
Way to go!! Nurse Liesa!!
We knew you'd pass. Why did you scarce us like that? : )
SO SO Happy for you!!

Your window decoration are so cool. How do you find the time for these things!! It would be neat to surprise hubby with something for the window.
I feel like such a slacker, my binder planner never really came together, hopefully I will get more organized when I'm on vacation in a couple of weeks.

I'll have to be since (in 20days) I have to make fast passes then. I'm thinking we should be able to see /meet at Epcot on the 11th. We will be there all day with dinner at VN. Doubt we will get FP for Frozen that early in the trip, but hope to book one later in the trip(my understanding is to look for harder ones at the end of your stay, since that window will only be open for people that can book 60+) Also FYi, we're at the CBR.
(guys turn away!!! **Warning, I am telling you turn away! I mean it.

Okay. OKAY!!!
sheesh.... what could be so bad that we have to....

OMG!!! My eyes! My eyes!!!!!!! gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guys, you are welcome to return...)

Too late. oh Lord.... too late... cannot.... unsee........

...and probably failed the single most important exam (and hardest) I've ever taken in my life.

Or not.

So instead of skywriting, which was too expensive, I'm spelling it out like this

I think you might be right.
That may be cheaper.

Pretty cool, huh. But even cooler with lights.


Imagine it all twinkly like in the evenings when we come back to our room:


Using the extra blank yellow, red and black Mickeys I have, I will hang them from thin ribbons and make a big bundle of them to hang in a bunch on the outside of the door, along with a pen for people to sign their names and hometown if they want.

What a great idea! Cool!

Last trip, we got LOADS of fun names from all over the US and other countries. It was so fun to come "home" to each evening and see our Guest Book, and take home a fun souvenir.

:goodvibes This may be the best Disney room idea I've seen.

But as with most things, generally you get out of something what you put into it.


He smiles and says, "It smelled SO like Russian food when I walk in."

Biggest compliment I've had in a while. Made my day.... better.

Wow. That really is a good compliment!

Guess what....

Chicken butt.

Sorry. That's from my kids.
But... I almost feel like not congratulating you... I mean... it was such a foregone conclusion ya know....

Okay, I'm kidding.


WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!


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