Disney’s MARVELous Super Hero - New You - New Year Celebration – January 2017!!

Good morning friends :D hope you all enjoyed your weekend.

It's the start of another week but more importantly today marks the half way point for the month ... time is flying by!

Lets think about Scarlet Witch...


So she started on the dark side but came to join the Avengers after the death of her brother Quicksilver at the hands of Ultron. We could sometimes think of our unhealthy selves as being on the dark side but we are all changing sides also to the Healthy side!! Scarlet Witch has several cool powers one of which is the ability to harness energy and use it in battle and to protect herself.

The halfway point can be tricky sometimes ... it can either propel us to further success if we have been making great gains or if results have been slower or life has been hectic we can easily fall off the wagon around now. But I am here to cheer you all on :cheer2::cheer2: to encourage you to harness your energy, keep you moving and use it if you feel you are battling right now :D

QOTD: How are feeling at this half way point? What strategies could you use to maintain your energy levels throughout the rest of the month ... this can be physical e.g. fuel as in food or mental energy as in motivation ?​
No worries! And it is a work/school holiday for lots of us in the U.S. today, so I imagine some folks with be rising later than usual..........P

Phew - thanks - it is getting busier again on my end ... started working half days today for 3 days ... then I have 2 more days off before returning to normal work hours next week. Bella's funeral is this Wednesday ... so lots going on, on this side of the world for me right now.
Managed to run the Star Wars 10K yesterday with ease but got a bad case of food poisoning at around 2am so I didn't make it to the half marathon :( This has really caused me to feel down about myself and what I am trying to do through the next several months for goals. I recognize that my job is going to be more involved than I was originally told, so now I've gone from one extreme of "nothing to do" and now am "doing everything" at all hours!

I know I shouldn't beat myself up and count this up to a combination of bad food and stress, but it really didn't sit well with me that I wasn't able to do something. I am human after all and there will be things out of my control.

I'm going to try to check in more here - this last week was just tough to do so. I feel just so darn tired all the time because of the hours being worked. I hope it gets easier!

:grouphug: more hugs coming your way. I am sorry about the food poisoning and missing your race - I know how important they have become to you. After reading your last sentence, can you believe I actually wrote and posted todays QOTD before I read your post - I must have been channelling the telepathic part of Scarlet Witch's powers :-). New jobs are exhausting at first ... but I know you will find your groove hang in there.

Hidden Figures (which we both thought was TERRIFIC),

Oh so glad you liked this one ... I really want to see it ... its not out just yet here but will be very soon!

Ate waaayyy too much popcorn at the movies yesterday, (but at least it wasn't real movie theater popcorn) but proud to say we resisted the call of the peanut butter M&Ms. We couldn't find a small bag to share and were very tempted to buy a big bag and try to control our portions.... but I KNEW I would have a hard time with it.... so the big bag went back and we bought a small bag of regular M&Ms. They were good, but not great.... not worth the calories.

Great work resisting those peanut butter m&ms ..... you reminded me to share that the last few times we have been to the movies I haven't had popcorn!! This is a huge deal for me.

17 laps done in 11 minutes today. 100% of goal well actually a bit more but I am not figuring that out.

:banana::banana: We will be able to call you Quicksilver soon! Well done you are getting quicker each day :D
QOTD: How are feeling at this half way point? What strategies could you use to maintain your energy levels throughout the rest of the month ... this can be physical e.g. fuel as in food or mental energy as in motivation ?​

I feel I need to step back with exercise, stop using steps to earn calories (as it ends up taking over all my time!) and refocus a little of keeping it happy and sustainable. I just find being so busy make me way too hungry and tired so I need more rest days and start increasing activities slowly

I am not very happy with last few weeks to be honest. I am going to have a good think about how to make the second part of the month better.

So happy with the weight, but not so happy with the level of energy and over all little out of routine.
Playing catch up again... I ended up not coming to work Friday. It was one of those 'nope, can't do it days', as much mental as physical. All the little things that have been off kilter and bothering me since Christmas seemed to be in full force... I ended up sleeping most of the day. I need to make some major changes... which I've been talking about for a while but not actually doing.

Which leads in to today QOTD: where are you now that we are mid-way thru the month, well, in most ways I am still at the starting gate. I will say that yesterday I got a lot of the nagging household things taken care of: I started working on chores right when I got up, so most of the day was free and clear of the burden of un-done stuff. I even got my landlord in to look at the furnace (it was making a knocking sound when it shuts off). This is such an emotional lift, and helps me to feel so might lighter and clearer.

I ended up not doing the walk Sunday, but will be doing the one down at the beach tomorrow, that'll help me get my miles average up, so I can make my goal. We're having a stretch of pretty nice weather, so it will be nice to be out of doors even though it will be dark for the walk tomorrow as it starts at 5:30pm.

My Brother and family are going down to the beach mid-February and I had planned on going at the same time but then went a couple weeks ago so was going to cancel, but mentioned it to my Sister and she'd like to go, so I'm headed back to the beach for kind of a do-over. This time I fully intend to be out doors more, including a walk at Beard's Hallow which is a marsh, but will give me the woodsy walking that I am craving.

Happy Monday all.
QOTD: How are feeling at this half way point? What strategies could you use to maintain your energy levels throughout the rest of the month ... this can be physical e.g. fuel as in food or mental energy as in motivation ?

Feeling fairly good about things at this point. I am starting to see the scale really going down which makes me happy. I will share how much later in the month. I have more energy just with the walking which is nice. Eating has been more of a challenge mainly due to the budget and the roads preventing me from getting out to get shopping done. I have had no desire to go out unless absolutely necessary. It is actually a bit warmer which considering it is still below freezing the fact that the wind chill is above 0 is a big deal after over a month of below zero temps without the wind chill. Though it was supposed to be in the low 40s this coming weekend and now they are saying in the mid 30s. Which is a bummer since we were planning on smoking meat. By we I mean my dad pulls it out of the garage onto the back drive pad and DH takes the meat over from our house and puts it on and goes and checks it. My job is to do the rub. Which should be tomorrow for at least the side pork and the rear roast on Thursday at the latest. Plan is to do the side pork into bacon on Friday and the rear roast into a ham on Saturday. I can't wait for the yummy meat.
Today so far I have gotten my 11 minute walk in with just under 17.5 laps completed. Aiming to get it up to 18 laps completed in 11 minutes. Feeling it a bit in my legs even with remembering to take some magnesium and calcium this morning. Breakfast was two small apples with crunchy peanut butter, two slices of Wheat Montana White Wheat Toast with spreadable butter (hormone free variety). and a glass of hormone free skim milk. That should last me until our main meal about 3-3:30 which I have scalloped potatoes ( from a box not that ambitious besides I am out of potatoes so those are on the list to get today) and Venison Loin Steak along with a vegetable which I will need to pick up in town Thinking a blend of cauliflower, broccoli, and carrots sounds nice. This evening the girls and I will more in likely have soup and sandwiches or something else that is light.
I am enjoying my Sharpen Blend in my diffuser which smells so nice and I am debating on starting to get ready to head into town or do a little bit more on the computer first before getting ready. I plan to leave here in about 45 minutes so I had better start getting ready. I guess that makes the choice for me.
I feel I need to step back with exercise, stop using steps to earn calories (as it ends up taking over all my time!) and refocus a little of keeping it happy and sustainable. I just find being so busy make me way too hungry and tired so I need more rest days and start increasing activities slowly

Ok thinking outloud here - have you spoken to your PT at your gym about your dilemma and possible solutions? Does your training include any HIIT and wondering if there is a way to get some more intense calorie burning in a shorter time rather that all that time spent on steps.

I am not very happy with last few weeks to be honest. I am going to have a good think about how to make the second part of the month better.


It was one of those 'nope, can't do it days', as much mental as physical.

Sometimes you just need those days so good for you for listening to your body. Your family has been through a tough time and its all part of healing - be kind to yourself :hug:

where are you now that we are mid-way thru the month, well, in most ways I am still at the starting gate.

You are not alone - I have not been so on track this month either.

so I'm headed back to the beach for kind of a do-over. This time I fully intend to be out doors more, including a walk at Beard's Hallow which is a marsh, but will give me the woodsy walking that I am craving.

Sounds nice - you are a fantastic sister! Enjoy the down time at the beach - I think it will be worth the do-over :-)

Feeling fairly good about things at this point. I am starting to see the scale really going down which makes me happy.

:banana: dancing banana to help you celebrate :-)

I have more energy just with the walking which is nice. Eating has been more of a challenge

It is great you are noticing an energy change - as for the eating don't worry too much I am sure it will come when you are better able to focus on it and have better access to shops - remember small consistent changes will make the difference so your walking is a great start :-). Yes budgeting always plays a part in many aspects of healthy living, and I am on a fairly tight one as well being a single mum, but I feel you are pretty resourceful and with a little bit of research could find some budget friendly recipes when you get to that point. I may even make a QOTD around this soon to help us all with inspiration.
I headed to town got to the bank which was my first stop so I could cash the check for everything else. Bank Closed so face palm (mentally not actual) and headed back home stopping by my favorite coffee shop ( no its not thousand bucks. I find their coffee and tea bitter and will only get apple cider there if there is no other place to stop) for a coffee cake and a Grande Skinny iced Glacier Chai with Caramel added (Glacier Chai has white chocolate) and headed on home. Got dinner made and it was yummy expect I don't think 9 year old thought so she ate the bit of meat I cut off a piece for her ( we have to cut her meat up still as she doesn't have the motor skills to do so and we cut a little bit off putting the rest back on the serving plate. If she wants more she lets us know and we cut it for her if not then it is I keep back and let DH and 11 year old try and stab for it) and some corn. She didn't even touch the potatoes on her plate even to try. She of course had breakfast when she got up about noon so it hadn't been that long. Her breakfast was finishing off the jar of chunky peanut butter ( not much left) with a spoon ( at least she was nice and did not use a fresh spoon for every bite ( her usual mode operanda).
QOTD: How are feeling at this half way point? What strategies could you use to maintain your energy levels throughout the rest of the month ... this can be physical e.g. fuel as in food or mental energy as in motivation ?​

I'm doing well for the most part but I think I need a better plan for managing my pain. I'm so motivated to get better at running that I'm beginning to lose focus and not giving myself as many rest days or switching it up as often as I should. Part of the problem is that my other go to activity is swimming, and even though the pool at my gym is heated, something about swimming in the winter -- and especially wet hair outside afterwards -- is still kind of miserable. As a result of all this single-minded focus, I'm beginning to experience some issues with pain in my feet and ankles, and I don't know how much of it is newbie pain and how much of it is "slow down, pal!" pain. So all of that is kind of getting in the way of my progress.
Well I'm up another pound today but I'm ok with it because I did a little web reading on concussions and it's better to eat right now After resting yesterday (not working or working out anyway) my eye looks much better. Friday night I worked out pretty hard and while on the elliptical I moved my head around too much I think and was feeling kind of dizzy yesterday. I can really--rock out--on the elliptical. so maybe none of that for me the next week or so. Or be careful. Gonna take it easy again today--go peruse Goodwill for clothes for the concerts (Sunday the half off tags change) and we have tickets to see the new starwars finally. Went last night but it was just about sold out so we picked seats for tonight and bought tickets. I'm kind of excited--the theater has new reclining seats lol. Still ridiculously cold here but driving conditions are fine. So percentage wise I guess I'm up about 10 % lol.

Take extra good care of yourself and protect that head!

I am just back from my run - somehow ended up running in the dark because I messed up. And that on a Sunday when I can run during daylight hours. But at least I got my run in! Currently I am bit frustrated with weather and then a small medical issue (a sore spot in an area where it would uncomfortable when running) keeping me off the road. But I am determined to test out a new gym this coming week and hopefully sign up for a couple of months to get access to a treadmill. As much as I hate that instrument, at least it is an option when there is ice on the streets...

Eating was not that great this weekend as my sister was here visiting my parents and there was lots of meals where I had no control over what was being served. But it was a great time and so I am just leaving the weekend behind and am going back to healthy eating from now on.

Ice is scary! Good for you for preparing a Plan B.

It is nerve wracking speaking in front of groups .... I am sure you will do great! Be kind to yourself about the stress eating ... after the first week you will probably find your groove and then you won't need to do it anymore.

I hope the symptoms resolve soon - but yes it is very important to be careful with head injuries. Sounds like fun hunting a bargain and reclining seats at the movies - I am jealous! Our cinema just renovated and they thought it was a good idea to make the seats narrower and reduce the foot space - so now it feels like I'm on a cramped plane when I go to the movies - I am sure this is what triggered my sore knee last week.


Well my weekend is over people. Saturday we went to the movies to escape the heat so hot here right now and more heat coming in on Wednesday apparently - kids saw Middle School and Mum and I saw La La Land - gotta say don't know what all the fuss is about - the highlights for me was seeing the places we had been to in our trip like Warner Bros Backlot and Griffith Observatory.

I don't have high hopes for La La Land but I LOVE old musicals so it is high on my list once it makes it to blu-ray or cable. Sadly I've become my grandparents, never going to the movies because "it will be out on video soon."

Managed to run the Star Wars 10K yesterday with ease but got a bad case of food poisoning at around 2am so I didn't make it to the half marathon :( This has really caused me to feel down about myself and what I am trying to do through the next several months for goals. I recognize that my job is going to be more involved than I was originally told, so now I've gone from one extreme of "nothing to do" and now am "doing everything" at all hours!

I know I shouldn't beat myself up and count this up to a combination of bad food and stress, but it really didn't sit well with me that I wasn't able to do something. I am human after all and there will be things out of my control.

I'm going to try to check in more here - this last week was just tough to do so. I feel just so darn tired all the time because of the hours being worked. I hope it gets easier!

Oh no! I think food poisoning is one of those things that gets an automatic pass for not being able to do something. Still, I can see how that would be upsetting. You have high goals and a solid plan to achieve them. It will happen. And it will get easier as you adjust to the new job. Change is exhausting in and of itself.

Hi! Checking in with my weekly report ;)
Goal was to stay on my low carb diet & lose 3 pounds- I'd give myself a 98%
I lost exactly 3 pounds as of this morning & I stayed low carb all week except 1 meal that I had a few spoons of pinto beans. I don't think I actually went over 20 carbs but it's not on my acceptable foods list (yet). So, hence the 98%

Great weekend! Lots of soccer & basketball for the kids and all wins :D
Church, house got cleaned, car got cleaned out - including car seats (eww), grocery store and about to watch the Cowboys!
The kids have the day off school tomorrow, so an extra night off. Couldn't be better :)

Great job!

I agree totally with your opinon of La La Land. DD and I decided to make yesterday a double-feature day so when we were done with Hidden Figures (which we both thought was TERRIFIC), we stayed in town and bought tickets for an evening showing of La La Land and we were disappointed. It wasn't terrible, but certainly not worth the cost of admission. If you are interested in it, hold off for Netflix and a boring weekend. Considering there are two movies that I really want to see that I might not get to (Fantastic Beasts and Rogue One), I am disappointed that I wasted $$ and time on La La Land.

Oh no, oh no, oh no!!! I'm so sorry to hear this! First of all, hope you are feeling MUCH better! And so sorry you didn't get to run your race. How very disappointing!


Hey all! Weekend wasn't quite as productive as I needed it to be.... but oh well... live and learn. Ate waaayyy too much popcorn at the movies yesterday, (but at least it wasn't real movie theater popcorn) but proud to say we resisted the call of the peanut butter M&Ms. We couldn't find a small bag to share and were very tempted to buy a big bag and try to control our portions.... but I KNEW I would have a hard time with it.... so the big bag went back and we bought a small bag of regular M&Ms. They were good, but not great.... not worth the calories.

Roasted a turkey today. I cannot remember the last time I did that! Since DS has a poultry allergy, I just stopped doing it... not worth it if you don't have enough people to eat it up! I was going to wait and cook it later this week, since DS leaves for school tomorrow, but he went out for one last date night with his girlfriend tonight so the rest of us had turkey. DD and I made roasted butternut squash and broccoli to go with it. It was good and filling and of course, now I have enough turkey to feed us for the rest of the week AND a carcass to make stock! And the leftover butternut squash will be used in change-it-up breakfast bowls in the morning.

I'll be back in the morning to say hello and answer the QOTD!...............P

What is a change-it-up breakfast bowl? Sounds intriguing! Even though I hate change, particularly in the morning. :)
I'm still trucking along. I woke up with a vicious head cold this morning so am very glad of the holiday. With the first class just two days a way I need my voice back pronto!

I did my strength training workout today in spite of the stuffy head. I really needed the feeling of accomplishment. Not my best session ever and it is short to begin with but I did the whole thing so yay me!

I've eaten nothing but soup all day but I've pretty much consumed my weight in Gatorade and ginger ale. Very curious to see tomorrow's daily weigh.

QOTD: How are feeling at this half way point? What strategies could you use to maintain your energy levels throughout the rest of the month ... this can be physical e.g. fuel as in food or mental energy as in motivation ?

I actually feel OK. My eating could still use a lot of help but I'm definitely still in the motivation zone. I'm feeling great after keeping up my exercise schedule for an entire week (a tiny accomplishment to be sure but one I really needed) and I really want to keep checking off those boxes.

I'm officially not logging my food again until Thursday but I'm trying to be mindful about my choices and I think I'm mostly succeeding. Even today's soup and juice was largely the result of really listening to what my body wanted.

Leaving aside the stress eating, I know that I definitely need a better food prep plan. Between work and teaching and my commute, I don't have a ton of downtime and I'm still not prepared to deal with that. At the very least, I need to start making a big batch of soup or stew on weekends that I can use for lunch or quick meals throughout the week.

I feel I need to step back with exercise, stop using steps to earn calories (as it ends up taking over all my time!) and refocus a little of keeping it happy and sustainable. I just find being so busy make me way too hungry and tired so I need more rest days and start increasing activities slowly

I am not very happy with last few weeks to be honest. I am going to have a good think about how to make the second part of the month better.

So happy with the weight, but not so happy with the level of energy and over all little out of routine.

Maintenance sounds hard. Is there something that you could substitute as a goal? Those of us who are losing get the reward of seeing the scale inch down. Is there a maintenance version of that?

Playing catch up again... I ended up not coming to work Friday. It was one of those 'nope, can't do it days', as much mental as physical. All the little things that have been off kilter and bothering me since Christmas seemed to be in full force... I ended up sleeping most of the day. I need to make some major changes... which I've been talking about for a while but not actually doing.

Which leads in to today QOTD: where are you now that we are mid-way thru the month, well, in most ways I am still at the starting gate. I will say that yesterday I got a lot of the nagging household things taken care of: I started working on chores right when I got up, so most of the day was free and clear of the burden of un-done stuff. I even got my landlord in to look at the furnace (it was making a knocking sound when it shuts off). This is such an emotional lift, and helps me to feel so might lighter and clearer.

I ended up not doing the walk Sunday, but will be doing the one down at the beach tomorrow, that'll help me get my miles average up, so I can make my goal. We're having a stretch of pretty nice weather, so it will be nice to be out of doors even though it will be dark for the walk tomorrow as it starts at 5:30pm.

My Brother and family are going down to the beach mid-February and I had planned on going at the same time but then went a couple weeks ago so was going to cancel, but mentioned it to my Sister and she'd like to go, so I'm headed back to the beach for kind of a do-over. This time I fully intend to be out doors more, including a walk at Beard's Hallow which is a marsh, but will give me the woodsy walking that I am craving.

Happy Monday all.

Good job on getting all of that naggy stuff done. I envy your woodsy walking. :)

( at least she was nice and did not use a fresh spoon for every bite ( her usual mode operanda).

This made me laugh. My mother's rule when I was growing up was that we could only eat peanut butter out of the jar if we used a fresh spoon for every bite. And we had to wash the spoons. :)

I'm doing well for the most part but I think I need a better plan for managing my pain. I'm so motivated to get better at running that I'm beginning to lose focus and not giving myself as many rest days or switching it up as often as I should. Part of the problem is that my other go to activity is swimming, and even though the pool at my gym is heated, something about swimming in the winter -- and especially wet hair outside afterwards -- is still kind of miserable. As a result of all this single-minded focus, I'm beginning to experience some issues with pain in my feet and ankles, and I don't know how much of it is newbie pain and how much of it is "slow down, pal!" pain. So all of that is kind of getting in the way of my progress.

I feel your pain. I love the pool but I hate swimming in winter. Even in an indoor heated pool.

Would Disney feet saving strategies help your feet and ankles? I always help mine after a long park day by rolling an icy cold water bottle around with them and then heading for an alternating cold/hot soak. Usually 5-10 minutes of cold water (a bucket of ice plus cold water in the tub) followed by 10-15 minutes in hot.
QOTD: How are feeling at this half way point? What strategies could you use to maintain your energy levels throughout the rest of the month ... this can be physical e.g. fuel as in food or mental energy as in motivation ?

I love Scarlett Witch. She's so underrated. And amazing in her own way!

So I woke up this morning and I felt better about everything. I went through and evaluated my training plan and modified it slightly so that I am doing speed work based on a conversation with a running coach post 10k on Saturday.

And I went grocery shopping and bought grapes! And apples! If you know me I'm terrible at the healthy stuff. Maintenance mode is rough and I like the red grapes because it's like eating wine at work.
This made me laugh. My mother's rule when I was growing up was that we could only eat peanut butter out of the jar if we used a fresh spoon for every bite. And we had to wash the spoons.

It would be nice if she washed the spoons or even put them next to the sink. She starts out with every spoon we have clean in the drawer and the dishwasher, moves onto the butter knives, and then if she hasn't had enough the forks are eligible for use. These are left in various spots around the house since her favorite time to get stuff is when mom is in the bathroom, out shopping and dh is supposedly watching her but either in the basement, outside, engaged in a book, or sound asleep. Doesn't help that the kid has perfected the ninja sneak skill set including picking up and carrying the chair where she wants it to get stuff out of a higher cupboard instead of the normal drag the chair that most kids her age do.
Ok thinking outloud here - have you spoken to your PT at your gym about your dilemma and possible solutions? Does your training include any HIIT and wondering if there is a way to get some more intense calorie burning in a shorter time rather that all that time spent on steps.


I don't want to earn calories with exercise anymore. We don't do HIIT, only strength in the gym and if i do too much i don't have energy for the strength workouts. It's about a month and there is so much good visible result from the workouts, it's worth prioritizing energy for them at this point

I am not trying to loose any more weight so 2000 calories average should be plenty for me without the need to earn more habitually. i mean, I walked 15000 steps on average last year but didnt' train as hard, so if I want to be in balance it's logical to cut the walking little bit

I disconnected fitbit from mfp for the next few months to help myself not be tempted to earn extra
Ok to answer the QOTD myself - I really have not done all that well towards my goal this month ... I have really indulged in the idea of relaxing on holiday - I haven't meal planned all month - I have eaten out - not always bad take-away - but feel that I have definitely gone over my 10 time leeway. I am doing well though on the chocolate front, in that I have not bought myself bags of it since when my last ones ran out back in November. The few times I have had the bad takeaway I have not enjoyed it so much - so that is a good thing for moving forward. I am back at work next week and feel this will help to get me back on track with the eating front as we settle back into the usual routine.
I don't want to earn calories with exercise anymore. We don't do HIIT, only strength in the gym and if i do too much i don't have energy for the strength workouts. It's about a month and there is so much good visible result from the workouts, it's worth prioritizing energy for them at this point

Ah ok - my confusion - I thought it was the time the steps were taking but that you still wanted something. Your new plan sounds good - hope it works - especially if you are able to shift that focus from tracking and just LIVE the healthy life.
Hello friends :wave:.


We have been exploring the abilities and characteristics of the Marvel Super Heroes to help us on our healthy journey. But we need to think about what it is that makes all of us SUPER HEROES. We can spend a lot of time being self-critical on this journey and it is important to remember that we need to be kind to ourselves more often.

QOTD: Tell us 3 things that are SUPER about you!

For those of us who have done something similar before - challenge yourself to tell us 3 different things than you have in the past.
QOTD: Tell us 3 things that are SUPER about you!
For those of us who have done something similar before - challenge yourself to tell us 3 different things than you have in the past.

Tough question - it's hard sometimes to find 3 positives about yourself because we are our toughest critic.

1 - I am goal oriented. Once I set my sights on something I don't stop until it happens.

2 - i love pizza but will go out of my way to make sure I have the calories for it. It's all about the math!

3 - I am creative and love to express myself through sewing projects. Next up: DIY running capes for Princess weekend. Snow White and Elsa need capes and it seemed like a good way to break in my sewing machine.


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