Adam the Woo Banned from Universal

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If you listen to his video on where he talks about being banned, he states that he was not alone, so he's hinting that he had somebody escort him around and he edited that person out of the footage.
Here is the Nickelodeon video.

Is this the video that got him banned?
Adam is a really nice guy. So he went back stage years years ago. Nobody got hurt over it people. A lot of hate in this forum.

Ummm, I haven't seen one single hateful comment on here -- in fact he seems to have a lot of fans here. Comments about him pushing the trespassing laws are not hate -- just common sense.
What irks me about the situation is the fact that it took this long for Universal to take action upon it since all these actions he committed were years ago and now he no longer does this sort of activity at theme parks, as well as been even unbanned from Disney Parks.

Not only Adam has an AP as he states in the description, but often goes as well. If Universal was truly concerned for their property, they could have taken better action to prevent, as well as escort Adam out of the park. His full name is easily found online and while is a common name, they usually have security near the entrance, as well as he would have to go to guest services to get his permanent AP. If they were truly worried and did their research, they could have caught him in numerous times in numerous situations.

Regardless of whether we're fans, or not, we do not know how long their intentions were to find Adam and ban him, but if it has been quite sometime they need better security procedures. They have their high tech security procedures for checking bags and their guests property they bring with them, but what if someone who is actually dangerous was trying to enter the park? We do not know how long, but if they've had intentions to serve this "ban" for awhile, clearing Universal is missing the ball.
I was really surprised by this. Especially Universal officials escorting him out. To be honest it seems very unlike Universal, considering they seem to really embrace other vloggers like Tim and Jen Tracker. I'm interested to see the Tracker's response since they are so well connected with Universal and also friends with Adam. I'd also like to hear the thoughts from some of the Dis team, I'm pretty sure Craig has mentioned Adam the Woo before. I really can't imagine Universal standing by this for very long, it doesn't seem to be their style

I felt the same way! Tim and Jen just did the MIB challenge invited by Universal and clearly they have a great relationship with the park. I know they are friends with ATW and i just am curious how they will react to his ban. Jen and tim are my favorite vloggers!
Adam is a really nice guy. So he went back stage years years ago. Nobody got hurt over it people. A lot of hate in this forum.
<edited to remove the "h" word per mod's instructions>
I have no bad feelings toward Adam myself, but I believe the negativity some may see on the various forums is two fold:

1 -- He broke rules. Nobody likes seeing people who think the rules don't apply to them.


2 -- He's a Full time vlogger.

This one is tough to nail down why people don't like full time vloggers, I mean, we all watch entertainment. For as long as we can remember in history there have been people who have made their livings off of entertaining others. We just have a new-ish medium to watch non-pros do the same. So why the negativity? Well, I know myself, I want to see vloggers who demonstrate that they have skill or knowledge they're sharing. (I love to learn.) This is easy for the tech and science vloggers I watch, it's all about a specialized/learned skills. It's not so easy for the "going to a theme park" vloggers. Literally, if you have a camera and a computer, anyone can do that. Add to that on this type of Disney-oriented forum, there's probably a good amount of envy going on for anyone who gives up their day job to go to parks all day, LOL. But overall, I think if we are watching these folk, we're looking for more than what the ordinary person will bring to the game. Adam has a oddball personality: he is goofy. But he also brings a bit of historic info into his videos which can make his videos worth watching. Is he the best? Not in my book, but he's not the worst either.

(Side note - the only full time vlogger who does theme parks on a regular basis who I really, really love watching is Justin Scarred. This is just my opinion, so don't shoot me, hehe. He puts tons of effort into researching, writing and editing that I can really see him doing well in the long term. As for the rest... they come, they go. Whomever is popular today will be fodder tomorrow. It's just the way entertainment works.)

Getting back to the topic of Adam being banned: These parks need to set limits for the vlogging community. There are more and more people thinking they'll become full time theme park vloggers, and will break rules unless they've seen them enforced. Universal was right to put their foot down, but they really missed the timing on Adam. As such, this ban may have no effect on others at all.

The parks work hard to maintain a certain image and just one bad clip, one wrong line, not even directed toward the parks themselves can impact them. There are no contracts to keep someone who is a well behaved vlogger today from turning against them in a moment tomorrow. They'll be watching & acting to protect their products.
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He has more to lose now, When he started his videos he was living out of his van. He now has a subscriber base and very nice Patreon, Tee shirt sales etc.

And a lot more free publicity for his 'brand'. Can't help but figure this is a stunt to raise his profile.

Never heard of him prior to this, watched the video o_O not entertained but admitted probably not his demographic/target audience

This person isn't a clueless kid goofing around. Stated here he has been around the block long enough to need prior legal representation for his efforts. He seems sharp enough to know the drill by now with which he has to operate: be legit and don't violate laws as to proprietary information.

I'm all for creatively expressing yourself, even better if you can make a living doing it. Good may come out of this as to a teaching moment for impressionable trespass (repeatedly & for profit) you will be eventually caught & 'punished'.
I've never heard of him either and doubt I ever will again after this thread falls off the first page.
Someone needs to define "hate" for me, I guess. I see nothing here that I would even categorize as dislike.
Let's drop the word "hate" in this discussion Twinkle bug

It serves no purpose

If peeps want to discuss Adam and the situation feel free to do so

This is not a debate board but a sharing of information and your thoughts

Play nice
Last warning

QUOTE="keishashadow, post: 57482204, member: 77945"]And a lot more free publicity for his 'brand'. Can't help but figure this is a stunt to raise his profile.

Never heard of him prior to this, watched the video o_O not entertained but admitted probably not his demographic/target audience

This person isn't a clueless kid goofing around. Stated here he has been around the block long enough to need prior legal representation for his efforts. He seems sharp enough to know the drill by now with which he has to operate: be legit and don't violate laws as to proprietary information.

I'm all for creatively expressing yourself, even better if you can make a living doing it. Good may come out of this as to a teaching moment for impressionable trespass (repeatedly & for profit) you will be eventually caught & 'punished'.[/QUOTE]
I don't watch vlogs or read blogs. Guess I'm not the target audience either. :confused3
"pcstang, post: 57484389, member: 408188"]QUOTE="keishashadow, post: 57482204, member: 77945"]And a lot more free publicity for his 'brand'. Can't help but figure this is a stunt to raise his profile.

Never heard of him prior to this, watched the video o_O not entertained but admitted probably not his demographic/target audience

This person isn't a clueless kid goofing around. Stated here he has been around the block long enough to need prior legal representation for his efforts. He seems sharp enough to know the drill by now with which he has to operate: be legit and don't violate laws as to proprietary information.

I'm all for creatively expressing yourself, even better if you can make a living doing it. Good may come out of this as to a teaching moment for impressionable trespass (repeatedly & for profit) you will be eventually caught & 'punished'.
I don't watch vlogs or read blogs. Guess I'm not the target audience either. :confused3[/QUOTE]

I don't either. I honestly couldn't care less about this guy. I just don't like people who think they're above the rules.
The parks work hard to maintain a certain image and just one bad clip, one wrong line, not even directed toward the parks themselves can impact them. There are no contracts to keep someone who is a well behaved vlogger today from turning against them in a moment tomorrow. They'll be watching & acting to protect their products.

That's why there are lurkers on all of these Disney forums as well. If you don't believe it, look at some of the changes that get made. Some of the topics that get brought up are things that get addressed in the parks. Are these official forums for Disney? Nope. Does Disney send their people here to investigate? You'd better believe it.

The best example I have of this is a situation with a CM. They were on a board talking about a certain situation that got them fired and they went back to HR to talk to them and the person in HR brought up the whole thread from that particular board and forum. The CM came back on then and informed everyone of that.

Granted, we know there are insiders on here as well, but there's people further up the chain too. So yeah, Disney and Uni know these places exist. Who needs a survey to find out the issues when you have discussion boards full of it!

I mean, we all jump in on the threads about price increases for this and that, and then it happens? Come on, that's not forum magic... that's the lurkers pulling priceless data!
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