"You and me, we're in a club now!" - a DFTW/Disneymoon/Vacay August 2017 PTR

Wow. That is amazing that the trip fell into place. Have a great time.

Thank you! I've never been the spontaneous type. I think maybe Nathan pulls that out of me? He is much more so. But it really just kind of fell together in a matter of a couple of days.

Its YOUR wedding. You are allowed to celebrate it however you see fit. I know sometimes its hard to put your foot down with family, but this is YOURS and N's day. Your wants are the only ones that matter!

Thanks for this! That's the approach we decided we had to take. It's hard when family is involved, but everyone is coming around, and we're really happy about how OUR wedding will be :)

That's awesome! I've been trying to get there for ages. I cant wait to hear all about it!

I'm excited for this! And I know N is even more. Can't wait to go and share all about it.

GRANDMA TO THE RESCUE!! That's awesome! Theres nothing better than a little R&R at WDW!

My grandma is amazing! She helped raised me when my mom was a single mother, and we've always been close. She's almost 70 and still travels all the time and spends most of her days chasing around my 8 year old cousin. And I totally agree!

I fully admit that once you said you were going back I started speed reading to see when, and I was getting so excited...I"m so happy you get to go back down and get your mind off of everything, but I am super sad we'll be missing each other!

Actually so sad. What an amazing Dismeet we could have had!! So close, yet so far. :( Maybe the stars will align for us someday...

I completely understand about your work situation in combination with everything and needing a getaway. I have been there, believe me! I hope this trip down will be the boost and recharge you need :hug:

Thank you for this! I'm totally lucky to have the life and the job I do, but everything is relative, and sometimes you just need to get away.

I'll be there on the 20th! :cool1: @chunkymonkey and I are hoping to meet up at AK between our Pandora passholder previews. Let me know how your plans turn out ;) :hyper:

Oooh I hope we can sort something out! I should have our plans pretty solid very soon. Sadly, however, I think it's pretty unlikely we'll make it to AK on the 20th. If I'd known we were going to be there in May I totally would have tried to book an AP preview, too! But since we didn't, and since we're not staying on site to take advantage of EMH, we figured it'll be pretty mobbed there based on crowd calendars, so we're probably going to do our AK stuff on the 19th instead. I'll let you know though!

I usually lurk but after this last post I had to pop in! My husband and I got married last October and around March of last year I was in the same spot as you with the anxiety and just feeling down and then mix that with planning a wedding and figuring out finances.... cue tax return time! We booked a trip to Disney for May right then! The trip did wonders. We came back and finished wedding stuff and had our Disney moon in October to look forward to!

Your trip in May will be wonderful and it sounds like very much needed!

Wow, how eerily similar is that!? I'm glad it did the trick for you, and I think that even with such a short little trip it'll be just what we need too. :)
As soon as I got the jist of your post, I thought, "she's going to say she'll be there when we are!"

As soon as we had the dates settled I had a moment where I was like..."Wait...Ariane!" I rushed back to your TR to see if I had the dates right in my head. :)

Yes, a big regret of mine, too, believe me. However @Raeven only lives a couple hours from me and we've discussed getting together here in NY (to shop of course, what else lol) and I swear I'm going to make that happen! I'll probably end up meeting @xlsm here in NY too, when she comes to stalk my almost neighbor Kevin Bacon :dancer:

Oh my gosh, how had I forgotten about the Kevin Bacon obsession!? This is hilarious!

We should do whatever we can to make this possible!! I'll be anxiously awaiting your plans so we can see when and where we can meet up :goodvibes So happy for you that you're getting to do this trip!

We absolutely should try to make this happen! It doesn't look like we're going to be frequenting many of the same haunts as you (Avoiding EMH parks and not staying onsite has played a bit role in this...which we've never had to worry about before...feels weird...) But we may cross paths briefly here and there. Possibly on the 19th depending on if/when and how long you're at Epcot. We'll chat!

Aw :hug: (that's a hug for you because your not feeling well I feel like it looks like a "your adorable" hug).

Thank you! Hugs back your way :hug: They're always appreciated :)

It took me awhile to adjust to an office job. I don't mind having one though I hope to work somewhere else someday (even if it's just a better office job somewhere else) but it took me a longer than I thought to adjust to it. Because I basically do nothing all day. Well I go on Disboards to keep my sanity :rotfl: It definitely helps to have trips to look forward to. When I worked part time in college at the mall I was always doing like 50 thing at once and I barely even got a chance to relax and I always wanted a job like this while I did that so I try to remind myself of that from time to time. Also it's nice to have set daytime hours, and after a string of bad bosses I have a nice one. It's not for everyone though, I know a lot of people who can't imagine working in an office (Josh is one of them). I hope you get to get out of that office soon!

Yeah, I had thought I'd do really well in an office job, but I think you're definitely right that they're just not for everyone. I never expected I'd be the kind of person who needed a lot of variety and human interaction, but that's what this job taught me. I'm also super productive in short bursts, and then I need to switch tasks or I get bored...which doesn't work well when you're proofreading braille dots in a novel for 5 hour blocks! :laughing: I've been here almost 2 years now, and it's just not the right fit. My colleagues are great, but they're the kind of people who are good-office-job-type people. I also love doing things right and following rules/guidelines, and a lot of our work is so subjective. I hate always being told I did something "wrong" because someone else sees it a different way, but then there's no actual rule to follow to make sure I do it "right" the next time. It's time to move on :)

Same here...then it all went to Disney. I wanted to plan an extra trip too but I couldn't get Josh on board with a 4th one :rotfl:

Ahahaha I already suspect that Disney will be draining our bank accounts around here for many years to come.

Aw I was thinking that too!

So sad. We almost could have had a fabulous Dismeet. Hopefully someday!
I'm sorry to hear you've been feeling down lately :( Big hugs to you! I know how working an office job can really make you feel unfulfilled at times.

Yay for planning a spontaneous trip! That is so awesome and I'm glad you were able to work out the logistics!
We will be flying May 18, getting in late at night, doing Disney the 19-20, and flying home the 21st.

We'll be there the same time as you. Congrats on your wedding BTW!
I'll be there on the 20th! :cool1: @chunkymonkey and I are hoping to meet up at AK between our Pandora passholder previews. Let me know how your plans turn out ;) :hyper:

Yup! We're going to squeeze in a meet after your preview and before mine!
I'm also super productive in short bursts, and then I need to switch tasks or I get bored...which doesn't work well when you're proofreading braille dots in a novel for 5 hour blocks! :laughing: I've been here almost 2 years now, and it's just not the right fit. My colleagues are great, but they're the kind of people who are good-office-job-type people. I also love doing things right and following rules/guidelines, and a lot of our work is so subjective. I hate always being told I did something "wrong" because someone else sees it a different way, but then there's no actual rule to follow to make sure I do it "right" the next time. It's time to move on :)

That does sound very repetitive! Even for an office job. And frustrating!

So sad. We almost could have had a fabulous Dismeet. Hopefully someday!

Well since Disney is taking all our money for years to come...I think one day our trips will align :rotfl:



Can we all go shopping and them stalk Kevin Bacon? :thumbsup2
I'm sorry to hear you've been feeling down lately :( Big hugs to you! I know how working an office job can really make you feel unfulfilled at times.

Yay for planning a spontaneous trip! That is so awesome and I'm glad you were able to work out the logistics!

Thank you! :hug: We're excited it came together the way it did!

We'll be there the same time as you. Congrats on your wedding BTW!

Maybe we'll see you there! I haven't gotten to your TRs yet, but they're on my list of "to reads" :) And thank you!!

Can we all go shopping and them stalk Kevin Bacon? :thumbsup2

Okay, I'm inviting myself to this and flying down.
Just read through your PTR - congrats on your upcoming wedding. Just realized we'll be in Disney at the same times for both May and August.

Aug. 16-19: Coronado Springs
This is the resort we chose to start our trip because we knew we wouldn't be spending too much time at our resort during the last-minute wedding planning and the big day, but we wanted to do a moderate that appealed to us both. The extra bonus is that neither of us have stayed here before, so we can both cross it off our lists! I've read lots of pros and cons about CSR, but I think (hope!) it'll be a good fit for us. We're also putting up our small bridal party here for 2 nights and think it'll be appealing to them, too.

I've seen some pictures of the refurbished rooms and they are gorgeous. Very modern, like staying at the contemporary. Actually may even be nicer than the contemporary because it feels brighter.

Aug. 19-22: Polynesian
Initially, this wasn't even on our radar. As we were putting together our budget and schedule, I'd suggested that if we stayed somewhere offsite more economically for a few days at the end of the trip, we could try to do a deluxe like Wilderness Lodge or AKL for a couple days in this time slot. That's when my mom offered us a pretty cool wedding gift...she remembered how much we had both liked Poly when we went for our meal on our last trip (N especially!) and offered to pay half the cost of a room there for 3 nights for us. We gratefully jumped at the chance and booked. Still waiting on Passholder deals to see what it'll end up costing us, but it was made much more doable by my awesome Mom. So, basically...this is gonna be us...

BTW, we are at the Poly from August 12-20th. We are AP holders too but we got a fantastic deal for labor day special. This is basically the cheapest deal all year to stay at Deluxes. PM me if you'd like to know more as it's through a specific travel agency.

Our annual passholder magicbands arrived!! They're very close to our wedding colors, and it also doesn't hurt that they make a nice "something blue."

Very nice!

  • Cape May Cafe (a treat for just the two of us the day before the wedding, new for us!)
  • Crystal Palace (the morning after the wedding day for my side of the family)
  • Kona (new!)
  • Be Our Guest (PPO. Currently at 8:20, but I keep stalking to see if an earlier time will open up. We've done lunch and dinner but never breakfast, and we've never done a PPO breakfast before :D)
  • Ohana (breakfast is new for us)
  • Boma (x2)
  • Tusker House


  • Beaches and Cream (new!)
  • The BOATHOUSE (new!)
  • Boma (in place of a formal reception for all our guests)
  • Ohana (also for my side of the family the day after the wedding)
  • Kona (new!)
  • Coral Reef
  • Cape May Cafe (new!)
  • Sanaa (new!)
  • Hollywood Brown Derby

Yum! I've a few of those on our list too!

The biggest issue right now is over the fact that I will not be changing my name — a decision that's important to me, and that N and I agreed on together.

I never changed my name. In Asian culture it's actually the norm for the woman to keep her name. But I unofficially use my married name on things like Facebook and name tags and other non-offical documents and sites :)

The prize at the end when the year was up will be to do a 5k at RunDisney

Yay! You'll have so much fun! We just did the 5k for the first time in Feb. I am not a runner too. I, in fact, detest running, but running at Disney was a lot of fun. We're doing it again in November for Food and Wine.

So all of a sudden...we're going to Disney!!...AGAIN!...in, like, 22 days!!

I'm meeting @ariane37 and @krrrristen that weekend too:) Let me know if you'd like to meet up, but since it's a short trip for the both of us, no big deal if we don't. Maybe we'll see each other in August!
All my trips are turning into DISMeet parties and that's what makes it so fun!
Just read through your PTR - congrats on your upcoming wedding. Just realized we'll be in Disney at the same times for both May and August.

Awesome! Great minds think alike!

I've seen some pictures of the refurbished rooms and they are gorgeous.

I think the new rooms are beautiful! There's going to be construction on the big new building they're building while we're there, but that doesn't bother me much. It won't be while we're sleeping, which is all I really care about. I'm a growly bear when I don't sleep enough.

BTW, we are at the Poly from August 12-20th. We are AP holders too but we got a fantastic deal for labor day special. This is basically the cheapest deal all year to stay at Deluxes. PM me if you'd like to know more as it's through a specific travel agency.

Ok, I'll definitely PM you in case it's helpful for us too!

Yay! You'll have so much fun! We just did the 5k for the first time in Feb. I am not a runner too. I, in fact, detest running, but running at Disney was a lot of fun. We're doing it again in November for Food and Wine.

Oh that makes me feel better! I'm really looking forward to it...but like you, I kind of hate running. haha

I'm meeting @ariane37 and @krrrristen that weekend too:) Let me know if you'd like to meet up, but since it's a short trip for the both of us, no big deal if we don't. Maybe we'll see each other in August!
All my trips are turning into DISMeet parties and that's what makes it so fun!

Let's aim for August for sure!! And once I've got our plans sorted and posted then if you're going to be anywhere around the same time we should definitely meet up! But if it doesn't happen naturally this time that's fine because we're both on such crazy short trips. Our last trip was when I was just starting to lurk on the Dis, so I'm looking forward to the potential for Dismeets on our upcoming trips! :)
I'm sorry you've been down lately. A trip to Disney would certainly cheer me up too. I think we may just miss each other. We're flying in on the 20th of May.
I'm sorry you've been down lately. A trip to Disney would certainly cheer me up too. I think we may just miss each other. We're flying in on the 20th of May.

Thanks. I think it'll be just the ticket! :) But sad to see that we'll probably just miss each other with you flying in on the 20th and me flying out on the 21st! :(
Suddenly All the Updates:
Wedding Trip Tidbits & May Plans

Hi friends. That feeling you get when you suddenly have all the new things to post on your PTR and you don't even know where to start?

Yeah, I have that.

First of all...is today really Friday? For real? That's SUCH good news!

Also exciting? Today I got a new part-time job. I don't really have the time or energy for another job, but it's a cool one, so I couldn't resist. It's singing two nights a week in a 50s diner. The shifts are only 3 hours and the pay is good. I'm hoping I'll be able to keep it when I go back to school if the scheduling works out!

I'm also gearing up for our Princess Tea on Sunday to raise money for the Children's Wish Foundation. Anna's gonna be there all day long, and she's gonna be excited! She's even practicing her signature so it looks as authentic to the one you'd get at WDW as possible.

In other exciting news (more exciting! I should probably dig out my thesaurus...) some of you may remember reading one of my rants about my aunt and her husband and son who were unsure about coming to the wedding, and how there was a lot of tension because the family didn't want her son to miss out on Mimi's (that me!) wedding or on going to Disney World. We were all just kinda waiting on the husband and his moods. Well just in the last couple of days they've decided that they are tentatively ALL planning to go. And they must be pretty sure about it because they've told their son and they wouldn't want to disappoint him. The 8 year old is pretty psyched. Now I'm giddily thinking about what little trinkets to pick up for his wedding welcome bag! Tsum tsums, a misting fan, maybe a pin lanyard, a Disney hat to keep the sun off his precious little porcelain face, etc. :) Because I totally needed an excuse to go shopping...

In OTHER EXCITING NEWS (because yes, there's more!) some of you may have noticed @chunkymonkey's comments on here about using an unnamed travel agency which is known to offer a very low special rate on deluxe hotels leading up to Labor Day. We chatted about it, and I decided to look into it and get a quote for our stay at the Poly Aug. 19-22. When I saw the quote, it seemed a little too good to be true, and I had a moment where I was very skeptical.

I did a little more research and read lots of reviews of the agency, asked chunkymonkey's travel agent a handful of questions, and then called and booked it with him. He warned me how unlikely it was that there would still be availability those days at Poly at this point, but then 15 minutes later I was getting the email that everything was all set! I linked the confirmation # in My Disney Experience and everything appeared to be totally legit and good to go. The best part?...

...we saved $400 on our 3-night reservation!!

That meant that we quite literally got 3 nights for the price of two on our old reservation. And our old reservation was a passholder deal, so it was already significantly lower than rack rate. Like, woah.

So a big thank you to chunkymonkey and to her nameless TA at the nameless agency. :grouphug:

That's already a lot of information. And yet, somehow, there's still more. Time to start sharing about our:

May Whirlwind Weekend Travel Plans:
Departure Day(s) - May 17-18

We couldn't get a single semi-reasonable flight (in terms of price, times, and connections) out of our home airport for this trip, so we decided to book out of Bangor, Maine. This is only a couple of hours driving from our families' homes, but about 8 hours away for us. The price made it totally worth it though – and so glad I booked when I did, because as of today the price has gone up over $50 a person so far – and the best part was that we could fly direct. Those of you who read my first report know how much I hate hate hate to fly, so I always opt for a direct flight when I can so I only have to do the up-and-down (my worst part) once. Flying makes me hate everything. I'm all like:

N, of course, loves to fly. Like a kid at Christmas. No joke.

So I work Wednesday the 17th. As soon as I get home from work around 4:30 we will load up the car as quickly as possible (including road snacks...maybe I'll get N to make supper before I get home and bring it with us...) and get on the road. 5-6ish hours later, depending on bio breaks and traffic, we'll stop at my family home for the night.

After not quite enough sleep, we'll hit the road Thursday morning, May 18th, cross the border, pick up a few parcels I've ordered to our international mailbox place with snacks and other helpful items for the trip, and make the 2ish hour drive to Bangor. I'm hoping we can hit Bangor around lunch and stop somewhere like the Texas Roadhouse to eat. Our flight isn't until 6:28pm, so we may stop to do some shopping or whatever while we wait, but I'm always anxious about being at the airport on time in case anything goes wrong, so we'll probably head over there pretty early since we'll have nothing better to do. The airport there is pretty stark though, so we'll need to plan some entertainment: books, movies, travel games, etc.

We'll hop our flight, hopefully have zero delays and get in to Orlando early before 10. Then we'll have a rental car to pick up (which we may bite the bullet and put the insurance on...I never would in Canada, but if something happens when you're renting international it can be a pain to put it through your insurance...my credit card provides great insurance, but N will have to have the car in his name, not mine, since I'm still considered a young driver (under 25) and will probably cost an arm and a leg to put on the rental agreement, so that option's out...)

Then we drive the hour+ from Sanford to the timeshare, hit up a gas station or something for some water and bananas on the way since the grocery store will likely be closed when we get there, and turn in, exhausted.

Travel days are pretty much my least favourite days ever, but I'm planning for it to all be worth it!

Still lots more planning coming your way real quick the next few days! Such a short-notice trip requires me to pull out ALL the PTR stops! Excitement levels rising...
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In OTHER EXCITING NEWS (because yes, there's more!) some of you may have noticed @chunkymonkey's comments on here about using an unnamed travel agency which is known to offer a very low special rate on deluxe hotels leading up to Labor Day. We chatted about it, and I decided to look into it and get a quote for our stay at the Poly Aug. 19-22. When I saw the quote, it seemed a little too good to be true, and I had a moment where I was very skeptical.

Hahaha that was me when I first used them a few years ago and I was like, "No way, are you kidding me, I can finally afford to stay at the Poly?!?"

...we saved $400 on our 3-night reservation!!


So a big thank you to chunkymonkey and to her nameless TA at the nameless agency. :grouphug:

You're welcome! I'm so glad it worked out for you. :) :grouphug:
I wasn't kidding when I said updates were coming at you fast this week! I've got our Princess Tea all day tomorrow, then work next week and Nathan getting home from his work trip, beginning my new job, etc., so even though I was just here yesterday I decided to squeeze these May updates in when I know I'll have time.

But first, more life news. So I needed new running shoes. This was especially important since I'm actually working on training to do a bit of running. My last pair of runners were over a year old (I actually bought them before going on our first Disney trip as a couple last spring.) They were dying more quickly than I'd hoped, and I knew I'd need new runners before RunDisney anyway, so with the upcoming two trips before that and the tax rebate I had, now seemed like a good time to buy. Good sport-type-shoes are SO expensive, especially in Canada. I'd bought a pair for around $180 including tax, but they gave me blisters and I returned them. Then I heard last night that a local sports store was having a huge inventory sale this weekend and went in this morning. I got two pairs of running shoes, a wicking tank top, and 3 pairs of socks for less than I spent on the shoes I returned!! Now I have indoor and outdoor pairs that are good for me to run in.

I still haven't decided whether to wear a pair in May or not. (This is probably a dilemma that will come back later in a packing update, because I'm hoping to only take two pairs of shoes. More on this later.) But they'll definitely come with me in August.

So I was feeling great having gotten such great deals! ...then I went to the drug store looking for a small bottle of face sunscreen that would be small enough for my carry-on and wouldn't break me out. I spent $30 on the world's tiniest bottle of fancy sensitive sunscreen, and suddenly everything evened out in the world and my day of good deals was over, and I felt broke again.

But the lady said she breaks out if the wind blows in her direction and she can wear this sunscreen, so I'm crossing my fingers. It better be made with liquid gold and unicorn tears.

May Whirlwind Weekend Travel Plans:
Disney Day 1 - May 19

Our first (of two) park days will be pretty jam-packed. We're planning to start at Animal Kingdom because it's the closest park to the timeshare (so it'll be easier to get there earlier in the morning after a later night the night before.) We also picked it because we both love Animal Kingdom, and it looks like May 20th will likely have some more intense crowds since it both has EMH that day (which we don't get access to for the first time :sad:) and the Pandora previews, so we're probably avoiding AK that day and the 19th will be our only chance to get there.

*Side note: I'm so sad/jealous with all you folks going to the AP previews and having Dismeets! Had I known we were going in May (which seemed impossible at the time) I would have worked harder to try to get a AP preview slot back when it was announced! Alas, it was not to be. We'll have to wait till August to see it.*

I have FP+ booked at AK for morning. The early ones I know we definitely won't need FP for, but I just wanted to use up my 3 FP and there wasn't any time in the schedule to put them at a more opportune time. I thought about saving our FP for our second park so they'd be more useful, but I'm not willing to risk the safari having too long a line and having to miss it. For both days I booked some FP for us both to use together, and some I used my FP to book something extra for N to ride with my magic band. Since I anticipate that I may be feeling under the weather and zonked with all the travel and the shocking summer heat messing with the brain condition, I suspect I won't be up to doing as many rides and I figured N might as well use them to get some extra rides in.

We have:
9:05 Everest (for N)
9:10 Dinosaur (for N on my band)
10:40 Safari (for both of us)
11:40 Kali River Rapids (for both, may skip this.)

You may notice a gap in our morning FP. That's because I have a secret! I booked the Caring for Giants tour from 10:00-11:00 as a surprise for N. (Nobody tell him! lol) I was looking for a tour we could do on a budget trip without breaking the bank. I'd originally thought of Marceline to the Magic Kingdom, but it's longer than I want to do on such a short trip. Then I thought Behind the Seeds, but the greenhouses can get really hot and I don't deal with the heat well and won't have had time to adjust to the temps yet. Then I found this one and it seemed perfect! (I also noticed after that @Raeven is doing this tour too? Hope we both like it!)

After either the safari or Kali, we'll head out of AK and grab some quick service to share (or pack lunch) on the way out. We'll need to keep our appetites though because next we have...

1:00-2:00 - wedding cake tasting at Erin McKenna's in Disney Springs!

I called to ask them about ordering cupcakes in our anticipated wedding cake flavours, and she told me they do cake tastings for $25! (Cheaper than a dozen cupcakes there by far!) This is so exciting for me because it's something that most brides get to do in their planning that I had just accepted we wouldn't get to do. We're sampling four cakes: brownie (our first choice so far?), pumpkin, carrot, and red velvet, with 6 frostings: mint (anticipated fave?), vanilla, chocolate, mocha, maple, and cinnamon. Yay!

I've planned to give us around 90 minutes to drive from AK to Disney Springs and park (if we skip our Kali FP), and I'm hoping early on a Friday afternoon traffic will be fine and even with potential road work we'll have no issue getting there, but I always worry about delays and being late...

Then when we're done we'll have another 90 minutes to get back to the Grand Floridian for...

3:30-?? (maybe an hour?) - meet (and talk through ceremony) with our officiant, Rev. Kevin.

RevKev is busy most of our two trip days with weddings, but he said he'd happily squeeze us in between two weddings if we could come meet him there at the GF. We're grateful and excited to meet him. :)

Our evening is wide open, so we thought we'd probably head over to Epcot to wander and do some rides/WS. This may be an opportunity to cross paths with @ariane37 and her hubby on their adults only trip. Sending a prayer up to the Dismeet gods that it works out some time we're there...

This seems like such a packed day, and I'm already anticipating we'll have trouble doing everything, especially our first day after so much travelling...but I'm hopeful! Our second (and final :sad2:) Disney Day is coming up in the next post at some point this coming week...
May Trip $$
  • 0.8 flights (voucher) and hotel 3 nights (timeshare): Free
  • 1.2 flights and rental car (bundle from Allegiant Air): $482
  • Caring for Giants tour for two (annual pass discount): $51
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It's singing two nights a week in a 50s diner.
That sounds so neat! What songs do you sing? I'm a fan of 50's music :goodvibes

..we saved $400 on our 3-night reservation!!

Our evening is wide open, so we thought we'd probably head over to Epcot to wander and do some rides/WS. This may be an opportunity to cross paths with @ariane37 and her hubby on their adults only trip.
Yes!! Right now I'm thinking we'll be there until the park closes or close to it, because I don't think we'll even get there until around 4-4:30, so very good chance the meet will happen!!!!
Then I heard last night that a local sports store was having a huge inventory sale this weekend and went in this morning. I got two pairs of running shoes, a wicking tank top, and 3 pairs of socks for less than I spent on the shoes I returned!!

Yay! Great deal!

I spent $30 on the world's tiniest bottle of fancy sensitive sunscreen, and suddenly everything evened out in the world and my day of good deals was over, and I felt broke again.

Haha that's like me all the time. I'm a beauty product junkie. But I've cut back a lot, really I have :)

*Side note: I'm so sad/jealous with all you folks going to the AP previews and having Dismeets! Had I known we were going in May (which seemed impossible at the time) I would have worked harder to try to get a AP preview slot back when it was announced! Alas, it was not to be. We'll have to wait till August to see it.*

Aww, it's ok, there will be plenty of time to experience Pandora. But hope you get to do the Dismeets! It's fun!

1:00-2:00 - wedding cake tasting at Erin McKenna's in Disney Springs!

I still haven't decided whether to wear a pair in May or not. (This is probably a dilemma that will come back later in a packing update, because I'm hoping to only take two pairs of shoes. More on this later.) But they'll definitely come with me in August.

When I worked in a sporting goods store they always said Asics were the best.

So I was feeling great having gotten such great deals! ...then I went to the drug store looking for a small bottle of face sunscreen that would be small enough for my carry-on and wouldn't break me out. I spent $30 on the world's tiniest bottle of fancy sensitive sunscreen, and suddenly everything evened out in the world and my day of good deals was over, and I felt broke again.

I bought one that was supposed to be good for senstive skin and really protect you from sun, but two days into our first trip I noticed a kind of rash forming where I had applied it. We ended up just buying a basic one from the gift shop and I've used that type ever since. Instead of buying a smaller one for the carry on I buy one of those empty travel size bottle packs and squeeze some into one of those.

(I also noticed after that @Raeven is doing this tour too? Hope we both like it!)

I am...well was. I changed to Tiffins for the ROL package and now I think we might cancel because we won't have enough time. I hope you like it though!
So much good news. I'm really happy for you. I think Michelle had Rev Kevin too. If it's the same Reverend you're going to love him. He was great.
That sounds so neat! What songs do you sing? I'm a fan of 50's music :goodvibes

Yeah, I think it'll be really fun! We dress up and wear poodle skirts and stuff :) I don't have my song list yet, but it's a lot of stuff like Dean Martin, Sinatra, Frankie Avalon, Neil Sedaka, etc. I actually don't know too much 50s music cuz I'm a wee babe, but I think it's fun! I sang "Breaking Up Is Hard to Do" for my audition, and I think I'll be doing "Lollipop" and "Please Mr. Postman" among other things. If you have any suggestions I'd be happy to take them! :P

Yes!! Right now I'm thinking we'll be there until the park closes or close to it, because I don't think we'll even get there until around 4-4:30, so very good chance the meet will happen!!!!

Yay! I hope this is a go! I'll send you a message closer to the time and we can exchange some contact info.

Haha that's like me all the time. I'm a beauty product junkie. But I've cut back a lot, really I have :)

I also have this problem to an extent. I'm super low maintenance half of the time, and the other half I love me some products! I try to be reasonable about it though.

When I worked in a sporting goods store they always said Asics were the best.

I LOVE Asics :) My old ones were Asics too and they had good support and were fairly light.

I bought one that was supposed to be good for senstive skin and really protect you from sun, but two days into our first trip I noticed a kind of rash forming where I had applied it. We ended up just buying a basic one from the gift shop and I've used that type ever since. Instead of buying a smaller one for the carry on I buy one of those empty travel size bottle packs and squeeze some into one of those.

I have some of those travel bottles. I really should use them more, but for some reason I just really don't like them. I'm strange. But I have combination skin that's extremely acne-prone and absolutely hates sunscreen in almost all its forms. It's like it's a child that doesn't know what's good for it when you're trying to get it to eat it's vegetables! Hah. But I'm super pale and also don't like to burn or want to get skin cancer and wrinkles...so it's a constant struggle. :laughing: The lady also said I could return this after my trip if it didn't work for me for a full refund, so I'm taking solace in that. :P

So much good news. I'm really happy for you. I think Michelle had Rev Kevin too. If it's the same Reverend you're going to love him. He was great.

Thank you!! And that's a good sign! I've had great email contact with him and his reviews are good. He seems like a lovely man who really does care about couples, even though he meets so many. Fingers crossed!
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So many exciting things! Congrats on the new part time job! And glad to hear those family member may be coming to the wedding after all!

Your May plans sound great so far!


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