Debt Dumpers - 2017

Sounds like a great plan! I'm with you on the spontaneous vacations, especially if they can be done on a budget. Will you be there the week of August 20-27? If you are, we will see you there!

Unfortunately, no! We will be August 1-3. I have gone the week you're going before though and it's a good time to go. Seems like a lot of the schools down there, and in general around the country, are starting back around that time so the crowds definitely die down. Where will you be staying?
Unfortunately, no! We will be August 1-3. I have gone the week you're going before though and it's a good time to go. Seems like a lot of the schools down there, and in general around the country, are starting back around that time so the crowds definitely die down. Where will you be staying?
We go every year around that time because our schools in South Jersey don't start until after Labor Day. We walk on alot of rides so it's great. It's just so hot and humid. We're at the Grand Floridian for $283 a night.
We go every year around that time because our schools in South Jersey don't start until after Labor Day. We walk on alot of rides so it's great. It's just so hot and humid. We're at the Grand Floridian for $283 a night.

WOW! What a steal on that hotel! We're not back until after labor day either in our part of the state because we have King's Dominion nearby (part of their deal coming here was that metro area schools wouldn't go back until after Labor Day). Most of the rest of our state is back in mid-August though. I hope you have a great trip! I know we'll be packing lots of water bottles.
Thanks, like you, we can't wait to see Pandora and River of Lights! We also don't want to miss Happily Ever after Parade and we're doing Mickey's Not so Scary Halloween for the first time. Lots of new experiences but the low convention rate we are paying allows us to go each year and splurge a little.

Glad you and hubby are living a little. Life's way too short. And for your birthday, too. I'd totally go. Wish i had more pto so I could plan more

Don't forget to book soon as fastpass selection is about a month away for us and even closer for you.
Don't forget to book soon as fastpass selection is about a month away for us and even closer for you.

Yes! I told DH we needed to purchase by June 1 so we can make FP because I know we'll definitely need them going at a high crowd time. I'm hoping to make this a relaxed trip despite the crowds though. Just ride what we have FPs for see the shows and stay cool. We did EVERYTHING on our last trip, so I won't feel such a rush to get it all done this time.
Still chugging along. For now our snowball is going toward summer vacation in August.
Next comes Christmas and ds17's senior trip to WDW. Not much dumping on our home equity loan but for now I want to make sure we have the cash on hand when it's needed so there's no temptation to charge anything.
Hey guys! I got back from my Norway trip at 1am on Monday morning and then had to head to an ultrasound appointment just 6 hours later. I have spent the last few days catching up on work and personal emails, plus reading through the threads here. Finally caught up! Prepare yourself for a long post.

First, the trip was great. DH and I both loved Copenhagen and really liked the Marriott hotel. We got upgraded to a canal view room and thanks to my gold status, we had free breakfast both mornings which helped a lot with costs. We took a canal boat tour on our first night and then toured Christianborg Palace the next morning before heading to the cruise ship. We ended up spending all the money that I had set aside for the trip, mostly because taxis were much more expensive than I had anticipated. It cost $50 to get from the airport to our hotel and then another $40 to get from our hotel to the cruise ship. We had to pay the same in reverse and then once we got to Chicago, it cost $45 to get from O'Hare to my parent's condo to pick up our car. And then food in Copenhagen was pretty darned expensive. DH really wanted to try the traditional Danish open face sandwiches for dinner the first night, but most of the places stopped serving them after lunch. We wandered forever looking and finally found a place. We each ordered a sandwich, split an order of fries and had a bottle of water each. The cost was $70! Seriously. I enjoyed the meal, but it wasn't what I would ever pay $70 for at home. On our other day in Copenhagen after the cruise, we opted for McDonald's just to keep the cost down.

The cruise itself was great and we loved the ports. On the first stop, we hiked to Pulpit Rock and it was pretty intense. The weather was supposed to be rainy, but it was sunny and around 60 F, which was perfect. But I guess I underestimated how much harder it would be to do that hike while pregnant. And I forgot to bring heartburn meds, which really slowed me down. But we made it all the way to the top and had about 20 minutes to enjoy before we had to turn around and head back down. We were the last two people back to the bus, but at least we weren't late. My Fitbit said that I had climbed the equivalent of 177 flights of stairs.

The next day we went to Bergen and did a city walking tour which we both enjoyed. As part of the tour, we went to a museum about the dried fish trade in Norway that was really fascinating. We also took the funicular up the mountainside and got great views of the city. The weather was a bit cold and rainy in the morning. After the tour, we went back to the ship for lunch and had planned to head back out afterwards, but between intensifying rain and very sore limbs from the day before, we took a nap instead.

Then we went to Alesund on May 17, which is actually a national holiday in Norway (Constitution Day). I had us booked for a morning hike up Sugarlump Mountain, but I wish I had known sooner that it was a holiday because I would have changed it to an afternoon hike instead so that we could have watched the holiday parade in the streets of Alesund. It was a great hike nonetheless, with really stunning views. We did go out into the city after lunch, but mostly everything was closed due to the holiday, so we just wandered the pretty streets for a while, enjoying the nice weather and then headed back to the ship.

We both enjoyed our last port, Geiranger, the best. It was the furthest north and had dramaticly high mountains surrounding the Fjord. The weather that day was rainy, but it didn't stop us from enjoying the amazing scenery. We had another 5 mile hike scheduled, but DH was not feeling well, so we cancelled it and booked a 2 hour bus tour that went to the summit of Mt. Dalsnibba instead. It was a good move because the views going up the mountain were pretty spectacular. We also really enjoyed the city of Geiranger. It was the smallest of the places we visited, but it had cute shops and restaurants. We enjoyed some pastries and truffles from a bakery before our tour and then we got Norwegian pancakes with strawberry jam and chocolate sauce at a little restaurant after the tour.

After the cruise, we had another day in Denmark and took a castles tour in North Zealand. We both really liked the tour and felt it was a great way to see more of Denmark outside of Copenhagen. Fredericksborg Castle was particularly stunning and we learned a lot about Danish history, which was surprisingly bloody, especially due to wars with Sweden. I always think of Scandinavia as such a peaceful, progressive place, but it wasn't always the case I guess.

And, finally, I had my diagnostic ultrasound Monday morning and they said that everything is looking really good with the baby. Normal growth and weight, etc. I am at 19 weeks on Friday, so I am really happy to hear that everything is going well. DH had them write the gender down and put it in a sealed envelope. He was thinking that maybe we would open the envelope when we visit with my parents this coming weekend. Or see if they can get a little gender reveal cake made for us to enjoy on Memorial Day. DH is still really enamored with the idea of a daughter, so for his sake I hope that it is a girl. I really have no preference except healthy!
Hey guys! I got back from my Norway trip at 1am on Monday morning and then had to head to an ultrasound appointment just 6 hours later. I have spent the last few days catching up on work and personal emails, plus reading through the threads here. Finally caught up! Prepare yourself for a long post.

First, the trip was great. DH and I both loved Copenhagen and really liked the Marriott hotel. We got upgraded to a canal view room and thanks to my gold status, we had free breakfast both mornings which helped a lot with costs. We took a canal boat tour on our first night and then toured Christianborg Palace the next morning before heading to the cruise ship. We ended up spending all the money that I had set aside for the trip, mostly because taxis were much more expensive than I had anticipated. It cost $50 to get from the airport to our hotel and then another $40 to get from our hotel to the cruise ship. We had to pay the same in reverse and then once we got to Chicago, it cost $45 to get from O'Hare to my parent's condo to pick up our car. And then food in Copenhagen was pretty darned expensive. DH really wanted to try the traditional Danish open face sandwiches for dinner the first night, but most of the places stopped serving them after lunch. We wandered forever looking and finally found a place. We each ordered a sandwich, split an order of fries and had a bottle of water each. The cost was $70! Seriously. I enjoyed the meal, but it wasn't what I would ever pay $70 for at home. On our other day in Copenhagen after the cruise, we opted for McDonald's just to keep the cost down.

The cruise itself was great and we loved the ports. On the first stop, we hiked to Pulpit Rock and it was pretty intense. The weather was supposed to be rainy, but it was sunny and around 60 F, which was perfect. But I guess I underestimated how much harder it would be to do that hike while pregnant. And I forgot to bring heartburn meds, which really slowed me down. But we made it all the way to the top and had about 20 minutes to enjoy before we had to turn around and head back down. We were the last two people back to the bus, but at least we weren't late. My Fitbit said that I had climbed the equivalent of 177 flights of stairs.

The next day we went to Bergen and did a city walking tour which we both enjoyed. As part of the tour, we went to a museum about the dried fish trade in Norway that was really fascinating. We also took the funicular up the mountainside and got great views of the city. The weather was a bit cold and rainy in the morning. After the tour, we went back to the ship for lunch and had planned to head back out afterwards, but between intensifying rain and very sore limbs from the day before, we took a nap instead.
Then we went to Alesund on May 17, which is actually a national holiday in Norway (Constitution Day). I had us booked for a morning hike up Sugarlump Mountain, but I wish I had known sooner that it was a holiday because I would have changed it to an afternoon hike instead so that we could have watched the holiday parade in the streets of Alesund. It was a great hike nonetheless, with really stunning views. We did go out into the city after lunch, but mostly everything was closed due to the holiday, so we just wandered the pretty streets for a while, enjoying the nice weather and then headed back to the ship.

We both enjoyed our last port, Geiranger, the best. It was the furthest north and had dramaticly high mountains surrounding the Fjord. The weather that day was rainy, but it didn't stop us from enjoying the amazing scenery. We had another 5 mile hike scheduled, but DH was not feeling well, so we cancelled it and booked a 2 hour bus tour that went to the summit of Mt. Dalsnibba instead. It was a good move because the views going up the mountain were pretty spectacular. We also really enjoyed the city of Geiranger. It was the smallest of the places we visited, but it had cute shops and restaurants. We enjoyed some pastries and truffles from a bakery before our tour and then we got Norwegian pancakes with strawberry jam and chocolate sauce at a little restaurant after the tour.

After the cruise, we had another day in Denmark and took a castles tour in North Zealand. We both really liked the tour and felt it was a great way to see more of Denmark outside of Copenhagen. Fredericksborg Castle was particularly stunning and we learned a lot about Danish history, which was surprisingly bloody, especially due to wars with Sweden. I always think of Scandinavia as such a peaceful, progressive place, but it wasn't always the case I guess.

And, finally, I had my diagnostic ultrasound Monday morning and they said that everything is looking really good with the baby. Normal growth and weight, etc. I am at 19 weeks on Friday, so I am really happy to hear that everything is going well. DH had them write the gender down and put it in a sealed envelope. He was thinking that maybe we would open the envelope when we visit with my parents this coming weekend. Or see if they can get a little gender reveal cake made for us to enjoy on Memorial Day. DH is still really enamored with the idea of a daughter, so for his sake I hope that it is a girl. I really have no preference except healthy!
Your trip sounds amazing, Jen. So glad you're back and everyone(Baby:)) is happy and healthy!
Budget is totally busted due to upcoming trip next month to Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon. June is also DH's birthday month and father's day so I have been spending much more than usual. July will be no better as it's my birthday month and we have a trip to NYC. August will be no better as well, my two DD's turn 8 and 11 and we have our week in Disney planned.

I also had to purchase a flight for my mother who plans to visit the US in September. The flight was $1,600, so not cheap. I had to transfer some money from our savings account to "pad" my checking account due to all of the discretionary expenses. I'm hoping to put some of that money back once the summer is over, but for now, I plan to really enjoy my summer. With all of the HORRIBLE things going on in the world, it puts into perspective how fragile life is and that you really do need to enjoy each day and experience it to the fullest.
So some things that I didn't mention in my last post. On our drive back to Michigan from Chicago, DH hit a pothole. It was already dark and pretty much impossible for him to have known it was there. When we checked the car the next day, sure enough there was a bulge in the tire wall. DH took it to the dealer and they said it would cost $240 to replace the tire. Since the car is so new, we luckily didn't need to get a set of tires. I priced it with some other places and it was pretty much the same, but DH wanted to stick with the dealer so that they would do a thorough look at the car to make sure there wasn't any additional damage.

Well, when they took the tire off, the wheel was badly bent and also needs to be replaced. So total, the cost is about $700. We have enough sitting in our car maintenance fund right now, so I'm not freaking out but we are going to have to find some extra money to replace it with so that I have enough to cover my 4 year maintenance service on my car some time later this year. We are planning a garage sale for July, so I am thinking we will use any proceeds from it to pad that fund back up.

And I also just ordered a new washer/dryer from Costco. When I bought my house, it came with a Whirlpool set and so my mom asked if she could have my LG set for my sister. I was really reluctant because I loved that set and it was very new. So my mom then said that she would buy the set from me, giving me close to what I paid for it when I was ready to buy a new set. Well, I hate the Whirlpool set and have wanted to replace it since almost day one of moving into the house. The washer gets moldy no matter how diligently I clean it and leave it open to dry. The dryer usually leaves clothes unevenly dried, forcing me to run another cycle. DH has known for a while that my greatest desire for the house is to replace them.

When LG came out with the sidekick pedestal washer, I was really intrigued. I can see so many good uses for a smaller separate washing machine: small loads of whites, delicates, etc. And with a baby on the way, I can see using it for daily loads of cloth diapers. Well, last year Costco had a sale on the sets, but we just didn't have the money at that point. Costco is running basically the same sale again right now. I priced the items separately and they would normally cost close to $3k with tax, way out of our price range. Costco is selling them for $2300 ($2,438 w/tax), but it includes a $300 mail in rebate, bringing the cost down to $2140. My mom gave me $1200 to make up for the old set (I think I paid $1600 for it originally), so DH and I are covering $940 of the cost. The cost is coming out of the baby fund, since I see this as almost essential given the increase in laundry that we will be doing once the baby arrives. I am hoping to sell the old washer/dryer set for around $600 or so, since it is still in good shape and very functional. That would bring our total cost to just $340 for the new set. And if we can't end up selling them, at least I can write them off as a donation on next year's taxes.

And because we were making this big purchase, I decided to upgrade to the Costco Executive membership since this puts us almost at the break even point for the additional cost. So anything else we buy between now and the end of the year from Costco will give us a 2% bonus. And I also opened a new credit card, the Chase Freedom Unlimited. I have been planning to get it in place of my Capitol One Quicksilver card since after the bonus from my Chase Sapphire Reserve, I will get 2.25% cash back on any purchase when I redeem for travel. I plan to use all these earning towards airfare to Italy for our cruise next year, so this will be very helpful.
Starting to make some minor purchases for our August Disney trip. Kohl's has a $10 off $25 coupon for this weekend so I purchased a new pair of tennis shoes, which I have badly needed anyways since I think my current pair is causing some foot pain. They were $31 with the coupon and I chose to pick them up in store so no shipping costs. Plus the last time I chose in-store pick up, the woman apparently did not ring it up correctly when I picked up and I got my $11 leggings free... but I'm not counting on lightning striking twice or anything :rolleyes: I'm also planning on picking up some dollar store ponchos since I'm sure we'll get a thunderstorm in August. I'm also planning to buy a filtered water bottle from Amazon so we can utilize water fountains but hopefully filter out the terrible taste. We've used Amazon Prime Pantry to ship water in the past, but it's not worth it for just a three day visit.

We are having a our second horse show tomorrow so hopefully we get better turnout on this one so we make some money!
Starting to make some minor purchases for our August Disney trip. Kohl's has a $10 off $25 coupon for this weekend so I purchased a new pair of tennis shoes, which I have badly needed anyways since I think my current pair is causing some foot pain. They were $31 with the coupon and I chose to pick them up in store so no shipping costs. Plus the last time I chose in-store pick up, the woman apparently did not ring it up correctly when I picked up and I got my $11 leggings free... but I'm not counting on lightning striking twice or anything :rolleyes: I'm also planning on picking up some dollar store ponchos since I'm sure we'll get a thunderstorm in August. I'm also planning to buy a filtered water bottle from Amazon so we can utilize water fountains but hopefully filter out the terrible taste. We've used Amazon Prime Pantry to ship water in the past, but it's not worth it for just a three day visit.

We are having a our second horse show tomorrow so hopefully we get better turnout on this one so we make some money!
You never know with lightning ;) I'd like to ship water, etc for our September trip because it's about two weeks, but we're at the Dolphin and I'm not sure if I can... I need to look into that. I am all about dollar store or walmart ponchos. I've got a bunch left from our Disneyland trip last summer.
I'm so happy this trip fell into place for you :)
You never know with lightning ;) I'd like to ship water, etc for our September trip because it's about two weeks, but we're at the Dolphin and I'm not sure if I can... I need to look into that. I am all about dollar store or walmart ponchos. I've got a bunch left from our Disneyland trip last summer.
I'm so happy this trip fell into place for you :)

Thank you! We are very excited! Forgot to add I'll be purchasing Disney gift cards from Kroger and Target this weekend to pay for our trip and get 4x fuel points or 5% off with that.
And, finally, I had my diagnostic ultrasound Monday morning and they said that everything is looking really good with the baby. Normal growth and weight, etc. I am at 19 weeks on Friday, so I am really happy to hear that everything is going well. DH had them write the gender down and put it in a sealed envelope. He was thinking that maybe we would open the envelope when we visit with my parents this coming weekend. Or see if they can get a little gender reveal cake made for us to enjoy on Memorial Day. DH is still really enamored with the idea of a daughter, so for his sake I hope that it is a girl. I really have no preference except healthy!
I'm glad everything is going well with your pregnancy! So exciting! How fun to find out the gender with your parents this weekend :)

Your trip sounds like an amazing time. It's always weird to see the price differences for meals and such in other countries. $70? Wow!

We ran into a similar car/money situation with my deductible for my hail damage. We have money in a general savings (I look at it as a small emergency savings), but it wasn't specifically in the car fund. We have enough in the car fund to cover it right now, but DF's registration is due in August (and we were going to renew early for a credit card spend) and he needs tires this year, so we'll have to make it up either for the car fund or that general savings. I foolishly didn't factor insurance deductibles into that car fund, oops!

The washer gets moldy no matter how diligently I clean it and leave it open to dry.
This is what worries me about the front load washers... I'm interested to hear what you think about the sidekick pedestal washer. We're a ways off from needing anything but I was really intrigued when I saw it at the store recently, for many of the same reasons as you (except kids, at least right now :) )
I'm glad everything is going well with your pregnancy! So exciting! How fun to find out the gender with your parents this weekend :)

Your trip sounds like an amazing time. It's always weird to see the price differences for meals and such in other countries. $70? Wow!

We ran into a similar car/money situation with my deductible for my hail damage. We have money in a general savings (I look at it as a small emergency savings), but it wasn't specifically in the car fund. We have enough in the car fund to cover it right now, but DF's registration is due in August (and we were going to renew early for a credit card spend) and he needs tires this year, so we'll have to make it up either for the car fund or that general savings. I foolishly didn't factor insurance deductibles into that car fund, oops!

This is what worries me about the front load washers... I'm interested to hear what you think about the sidekick pedestal washer. We're a ways off from needing anything but I was really intrigued when I saw it at the store recently, for many of the same reasons as you (except kids, at least right now :) )

Thanks. I am excited to find out the gender because I have been itching to start some baby sewing. Knowing the gender probably wouldn't change what I make a ton or anything, since I plan to make mostly gender neutral stuff. But I do have some patterns for some really cute baby dresses that I would definitely make if it is a girl. Otherwise, more pants and shirts.

Though the $70 was steep for dinner, I guess we can both look back on it as a fond and ridiculous story. They were basically $20 sandwiches!

DH has had really terrible luck given that his car is just over a year old now. He has been in two accidents already (one we paid OOP, the other through insurance since he wasn't at fault) and now this pothole! So the car has been in the shop 3 times in 1 year. Which means that in the last year we have spent almost $2k on repairs on a new car!

And I will definitely give my review on the washer/dryer once I have had them for a bit. My old LG set was a front loader too and I never had problems with mold at all. I would just leave the door open after washing and it would dry out just fine. This Whirlpool set gets moldy constantly and makes the clothes smell funny. Hoping for better results with the new machines.
Planted my vegetable garden today (we've had some late cold temps and hail here so that delayed it a bit) and am looking forward to lots of free tomatoes and zucchini this summer! I'm also going to plant some dahlias and sunflowers this weekend. Have a great holiday weekend everyone!
WOW! What a steal on that hotel! We're not back until after labor day either in our part of the state because we have King's Dominion nearby (part of their deal coming here was that metro area schools wouldn't go back until after Labor Day). Most of the rest of our state is back in mid-August though. I hope you have a great trip! I know we'll be packing lots of water bottles.
Our governor just passed that law too, because of Ocean City. We have to start after Labor Day and be done by June 15. The kids won't even have a full week's spring break next year. We're not thrilled with that. We only used one storm day this year so they are getting out a full week early and with the new law, it will be literally the longest summer vacation they have ever had. They have some stuff going on here and there, do a summer sport, will start fall sports in August and we're taking a family vacation but I still feel like they're going to get bored.
June is also DH's birthday month and father's day so I have been spending much more than usual. July will be no better as it's my birthday month and we have a trip to NYC.
My Dh's birthday is right before Father's Day. July is not my birthday month but we are also going to NYC then. So I feel your pain.
It's been a pretty crummy, low-key memorial day weekend around here. DH and I held our second horse show (also a flop). I've definitely complained enough now about it that we will not be doing these again next year. I hate to be whiny like that, but I am not enjoying it, we are not making any money, and I could spend the time I spend at these horse shows riding my own horse that I work hard to afford.

I've also been feeling a bit under the weather all week, and after the horse show Saturday I knew that I was getting worse so I had DH stop by the BetterMed near our house on the way home. I thought the copay was $60, since that's what I paid last year, but for some reason it was only $30 this time. I got reimbursed from my insurance for the $60 last year, so I wonder if I'll get reimbursed for the $30 this time too. It turns out I have bronchitis, so the doctor put me on steroids and codeine cough syrup. By the time we got home Saturday night, my voice was completely gone and I haven't been able to talk louder than a whisper since then. I'm thankful it was a three day weekend, because I definitely would not have been in good enough shape to go to work today.

So I've pretty much done nothing but lay on the couch all day yesterday and today so far, which isn't really how I like to spend my time. I have read some stuff and looked at things for our August Disney trip though. And I haven't had the opportunity to spend any money!


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