The Running Thread - 2018

QOTD: Tell us about one of the most scenic routes you have gone on a run. Is it a place you get to run often or was it during a vacation / holiday (I see this term and assume its the same as vacation. Not a term used in my little corner of the world though so I could be wrong.)

ATTQOTD: I've run in a few cool places, but my most scenic is probably from the Zap Fitness camp I went to this summer in NC. I would actually stop at a few places to just take in the views. The run was the 5 mile race called the Bear. We ran 5 miles gaining elevation minus a few flat spots. Seriously, not a single down hill on this route. Despite the course kicking my butt, the race ended on top of Grandfather Mt and the view was amazing! It was also much cooler at the top then where we started the race. So much so I had to put on a light jacket. Interesting side note, in the last mile as you are doing this zigzag path up the mountain, you are running on one of the turns that was shown in the running scene of Forest Gump.
To end the first month of races for 2018 we have the following folks toeing the line this weekend:

27 - @KSellers88 - Callaway Gardens Half Marathon (NG / N/A)
27 - @Sanchez - Charlie Post Classic 5k (20:59 / N/A)
28 - @gjramsey - Hot Chocolate Houston 15k (NG / N/A)
28 - @txdisneygrl - Hot Chocolate Houston 15k (NG / N/A)

Best of luck to each of you this weekend! I look forward to hearing how your race goes. If you need to make a change to your race or goal, just let me know. If anyone else would like to add a race to this weekends list, let me know as well and I will be happy to include it in the OP.
QOTD: Tell us about one of the most scenic routes you have gone on a run. Is it a place you get to run often or was it during a vacation / holiday (I see this term and assume its the same as vacation. Not a term used in my little corner of the world though so I could be wrong.)
ATTQOTD: Oh, this is really a toss-up...

Mt. Mitchell in NC (vacation): it was way more of a hike than a run, but it took the place of a scheduled run while I was on vacation and I went as fast as I could go, so I count it as one. Parked about halfway up, then took a trail to the top... A-MAZING views from the top!

Gulf Beaches of Pinellas County: my local get-away mere miles from my front door. Nothing soothes my soul like running on the beach with the Gulf waters gently lapping on the shore. ♥
Back to Waco, May seems a little late in the year for a marathon. Average temps according to the internet is a low of 60 ish and highs in the 80's. Maybe I am a wimp, but I dont like those conditions for 26.2. On top of that you have ~3 months to get ready for it now. I'll stop being negative now

I agree with all of those things, lol. And it starts at 7:00am instead of 6:00, which all the later in the year marathons seem to do. But (cover your ears @DopeyBadger) I am just aiming to finish under 6 hours (which is appropriate, since it is a 6 hour limit marathon) and it will be my 3rd marathon of the year, the first being Dopey, the second being Little Rock on March 4th. So with taking 2 weeks off after each marathon, it give me 7 weeks of training between each marathon. I may die but I will finish! Then I will have all summer to recover as I haven't even picked a fall marathon yet. Is there such a thing as always being marathon ready in training? I used to just try to stay half marathon ready, so I could run one on impulse if I saw an interesting one, lol.
ATTQOTD: We are vacation-challenged, so I don't have any exotic locations. The most scenic is Mexico Beach/Port St. Joe, Florida. As @PrincessV mentioned, there is nothing like gulf beaches, white sand and blue water.

Mexico Beach is a do-nothing but sit on the beach, drink beer and eat oysters place. (Give me oysters and beer for dinner every day of the year, and I'll feel fine...)

We go in the off-season and it's so deserted that you can walk on the beach in the morning, then do the same in the afternoon and still see your footprints from the morning.
ATTQOTD: We do an annual family trip up into northern Michigan to golf each summer. There are a lot of great golf/ski resorts up there that concentrate a lot of courses in a few areas. We like to try out different courses, but the Harbor Springs area is our favorite. I’ve run quite a bit up there and most of the trails are pretty nice. My favorite was running along Lake Michigan through the tunnel of trees.
QOTD: Tell us about one of the most scenic routes you have gone on a run. Is it a place you get to run often or was it during a vacation / holiday (I see this term and assume its the same as vacation. Not a term used in my little corner of the world though so I could be wrong.)
Well I haven’t run in many interesting places. Outside of WDW the most interesting thing is probably the Milwaukee lake front. It’s a nice area to run a race with the water on one side and downtown Milwaukee on the other.
I’ve been able to run some pretty scenic marathons. Anchorage, Pocatello (first half, second half - not so much), Bozeman, and Jackson Hole (although I can’t find my pictures for this one). I guess I’m a sucker for mountains. :) I’ve also been able to do some training runs at the north entrance of Yellowstone.




Gardiner, MT (Yellowstone):

ETA: Sorry I couldn’t stop at one place. :)
QOTD: Tell us about one of the most scenic routes you have gone on a run. Is it a place you get to run often or was it during a vacation / holiday (I see this term and assume its the same as vacation. Not a term used in my little corner of the world though so I could be wrong.)

I haven't done too many runs or races out in the great wide open where the scenery is spectacular. My most scenic runs would probably be either the Battleship Half Marathon that takes you across high bridges over the Cape Fear River and gives really nice expansive views of the river, salt marshes and historic downtown Wilmington, NC or on the other end of the spectrum the Race 13.1 Roanoke course that runs along a greenway with the river on one side and the Blue Ridge Mountains on the other. Hopefully I'll get out to something like the Vacation Race series and have some really nice views. I also have high hopes for nice scenery during the ultra in March that runs along the beach.
I love running on vacation as it's a great way to really explore an area. Last summer, we cruised the Mediterranean so while the route itself was just looping the cruise ship track several times, the surrounding scenery was beautiful. B979FB9A-B622-42DF-93B5-94073BDA76D1.jpeg

@LSUlakes - I'm finally registered for some races. Please add these:
Feb 18 - Chili Chase 4 Mile (30:29)
Mar 17 - St Patrick's Day 5K (22:39)
Apr 28 - Kentucky Derby miniMarathon (1:44:57)
Whelp... here we go again... I feel compelled to defend the cookie.

Also a great place to vent about raisins.
I had the most delicious oatmeal raisin cookie over the weekend and almost put a picture on insta just to tag you.
:rotfl2: I needed that laugh tonight (err...this morning, I guess)!! We went on for pages about raisins, if I recall correctly...:D
Nothing funny about raisins. ;)

Just to be clear, raisins on their own are fine. It is their presence in cookies which is an abomination.
Come on!! They are delish in cookies!

LOL! Oatmeal raisin cookies are one of my favorites. Whole Foods makes an awesome vegan oatmeal raisin cookie (I’m not vegan).
YES! I have finally found one of my people.

I also want to clarify that chocolate chip oatmeal is one of my favorite cookies, but we must appreciate the oatmeal raisin cookie! It doesn't have to be an either/or... they can cohabit the cookie tray in harmony!
ATTQOTD: The most scenic place I have ever run was the New River Half marathon in the mountains in Todd, NC. It was a rough race for me personally but it was a beautiful race. Half of the race ran parallel with the river and the other half was hills (gorgeous but freaking HARD to run up).

Yesterday’s question: I do not keep a journal but do keep up with my runs via Garmin Connect and Strava.
But (cover your ears @DopeyBadger) I am just aiming to finish under 6 hours (which is appropriate, since it is a 6 hour limit marathon)

The ear-covering won't have to tell him to cover his eyes!!!

Whelp... here we go again... I feel compelled to defend the cookie.

I had the most delicious oatmeal raisin cookie over the weekend and almost put a picture on insta just to tag you.

Nothing funny about raisins. ;)

Come on!! They are delish in cookies!

YES! I have finally found one of my people.

I also want to clarify that chocolate chip oatmeal is one of my favorite cookies, but we must appreciate the oatmeal raisin cookie! It doesn't have to be an either/or... they can cohabit the cookie tray in harmony!

I pretty much only bring up the raisins now to see how quickly I can summon you and @ZellyB to the conversation :)

ATTQOTD: I really enjoy running along Lake Michigan. I've done it now in races in Chicago, St Joseph, MI & Milwaukee. I'll add in the "lake" in Epcots world showcase and the riverfront in Cincy as other bodies of water I've enjoyed running by.
ATTQOTD: When I lived in Vegas, I just ran around my house area (boring). Now that I live in a cute town on the lake, the views and sights can be pretty amazing. But last fall we went to Flagstaff for a weekend and I ran there which was gorgeous. I feel more dedicated to running now and any trips we are planning out of town (that aren't race related) and I super excited to run at! Like in a few weeks we are headed to Sonoma, California and I have a 12 miler schedule. I cannot wait. (Past me is like W T F.)

$20 Half Marathon on the Milwaukee lake front! :D
A $20 HM?!?! Even I clicked through and I don't live close. Haha.

Whelp... here we go again... I feel compelled to defend the cookie.
I will stand by you and say that if I know it is in fact an Oatmeal Raisin cookie that I will quite enjoy it. But I would rather have a Chocolate Chip cookie. I prefer my raisins in things. I can't just snack on them. But gimme some Craisins any day and I'll be happy.

Side note: Thank you to everyone for not saying "Raisins are a tragic story of grapes that could have been wine." Because they aren't the same grapes used and omg that would probably be a terrible wine.
QOTD: Tell us about one of the most scenic routes you have gone on a run. Is it a place you get to run often or was it during a vacation / holiday (I see this term and assume its the same as vacation. Not a term used in my little corner of the world though so I could be wrong.)

I've had a few business trips to San Francisco, and loved running along the waterfront to and from the Golden Gate Bridge.
My favorite, though, is running around Mackinac Island in Michigan. It's an 8 mile loop with no cars, just bicycles and horses. Beautiful shoreline, lots of trees, the Mackinac Bridge in the distance. Just watch out for those road apples. I've only done it once, but I'd love to go back.

Mexico Beach is a do-nothing but sit on the beach, drink beer and eat oysters place. (Give me oysters and beer for dinner every day of the year, and I'll feel fine...)

You do not need to go to the beach for this, just come sit on my back porch with me. I will pick up a sack of oysters from time to time. We start off eating them raw, then we start putting them on the pit, and at the end of the night, the remainder is usually fried. Its a full afternoon of greatness! I LOVE oysters and raw is probably the best way to eat them!
ATTQOTD: My local half/full marathon is the Colorado Marathon, which is a very scenic course that I run every May. Running the trails in the foothills around here, and up in the mountain towns when we are up there in the summer, always have fantastic Rocky Mountain backgrounds. The most scenic to me, perhaps because it was so different than CO, was running around the grounds of Ashford Castle in Ireland and into the nearby village of Cong. The whole run felt like I was in a postcard!


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