The Running Thread - 2018

Looking back, I think the most scenic run I've done has been while we were on Maui. It was a path right by the ocean and had a beautiful view of the sunrise over the water as well as the mountains in the distance. And on my other side was the gorgeous landscaping of all the fancy beachfront hotels.

I second this. I love hearing the waves crashing on a beautiful Hawaii morning while running on the boardwalk. There are usually lots of people out, but everyone seems to be in a good mood!
it would be the Schuylkill River trail in Philly behind the Art Museum.
This is near my neck of the woods! The majority of the races here include this route, and ppl tend to complain that it gets boring (first world problems), but I think running on the trail, along Boathouse Row, and by the Art Museum may be some of the best views in the city!

ATTQOTD: Most scenic: running around Mission Bay (and getting lost) while on a trip for a conference in San Diego last year. I didn't start running until a few years ago, and I wish I picked it up sooner to be able to run in some of the wonderful places we've visited, but that's okay, because there are still lots of places yet to see!
QOTD: Tell us about one of the most scenic routes you have gone on a run. Is it a place you get to run often or was it during a vacation / holiday (I see this term and assume its the same as vacation. Not a term used in my little corner of the world though so I could be wrong.)

Tough, but here are a few of my top favorites:

- There is a bike/walk/run trail in Brunswick, ME I love running on during summer and fall months.
- Wine Glass Half Marathon in Corning, NY
- Big Lake Half Marathon in Alton, NH
- Running around Willoughby Lake in Westmore, VT

I don't get to run these often, but they are great when I do/did.

Looking back, I think the most scenic run I've done has been while we were on Maui. It was a path right by the ocean and had a beautiful view of the sunrise over the water as well as the mountains in the distance. And on my other side was the gorgeous landscaping of all the fancy beachfront hotels.

This is great to know. I'm hoping to do a 11.5-mile race in 2019 when my family and I travel to Maui!
Just to be clear, raisins on their own are fine. It is their presence in cookies which is an abomination.

She speaks the truth!

QOTD: Tell us about one of the most scenic routes you have gone on a run. Is it a place you get to run often or was it during a vacation / holiday (I see this term and assume its the same as vacation. Not a term used in my little corner of the world though so I could be wrong.)

I've been lucky enough to run in some quite scenic places over the years, including my hometown in Maine, and the prettiest is probably in Cape Town. There's a wonderful race there which starts in Cape Town, runs down the coast along the Indian Ocean, across to the Atlantic, and back into Cape Town for the finish. Some of the most incredible natural beauty in the world.
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There's a wonderful race there which starts in Cape Town, runs down the coast along the Indian Ocean, across to the Atlantic, and back into Cape Town for the finish. Some of the most incredible natural beauty in the world.

Is that Two Oceans Marathon? That's #3 on my list of international marathons for the future
I guess banana raisin cookie are out too? :banana:
And while we're on cookies....figs on their own are NOT fine.
Add them to a newton and magic! :wizard:
Not sure what a newton really is, besides a scientist, but I'm
sticking with my fig newtons!!

Bananas are always out! ;)

Is that Two Oceans Marathon? That's #3 on my list of international marathons for the future

Sure is! A great race, though be mindful of the cutoff time.
You do not need to go to the beach for this, just come sit on my back porch with me. I will pick up a sack of oysters from time to time. We start off eating them raw, then we start putting them on the pit, and at the end of the night, the remainder is usually fried. Its a full afternoon of greatness! I LOVE oysters and raw is probably the best way to eat them!

I'm there. I'll bring the beer and Tabasco since nothing else (crackers, cocktail sauce, horseradish) is required.

I think of oysters as 'raisins of the sea': great by themselves but not so great in cookies.
I try to run when we visit new places - quick way to get a good sense of a new place.

About a year ago I visited Bristol, Uk and did a run to a scenic bridge with a gorgeous view of the English countryside. Very memorable!

On a more regular basis, my favorite run goes along a bike trail in NH - lake
And Mountain View’s galore!

I’ve done a few races in southern RI, near Newport, that go along the ocean with gorgeous views as well!
I'm there. I'll bring the beer and Tabasco since nothing else (crackers, cocktail sauce, horseradish) is required.

I think of oysters as 'raisins of the sea': great by themselves but not so great in cookies.

I like IPA's... I only stabbed myself once so far shucking oysters... that required medical attention. The sad part is, I was about halfway through the sack and just grabbed my first beer, took a sip, grabbed a oyster and it slipped putting the blade about 2-3" inches into the soft skin area between my thumb and index finger. The first few dozen oysters were being used to stuff a goose. I now have a thick glove I use to prevent such accidents from happening again. lol
Re: Oreos... why are the double stuff ones not the norm? Like who out there is even buying the single stuffed Oreos? :confused:

My wife will get the single layer ones when she makes Oreo balls. The double stuff is not recommend per whatever pintrest recipe she uses.
QOTD: Tell us about one of the most scenic routes you have gone on a run. Is it a place you get to run often or was it during a vacation / holiday (I see this term and assume its the same as vacation. Not a term used in my little corner of the world though so I could be wrong.)

I am fortunate in that I am about 1.5 miles from my door to the entrance of our local park system which is beautiful and I run that all the time. I'm trying to think of my most scenic run and the one that is coming to mind is running the river path along the Schuylkill in Philadelphia. That was a really nice run the few times I've done it.
And while we're on cookies....figs on their own are NOT fine.

Blasphemy! I love figs! (My favorite is dried, but I'll eat them regular too)

Not sure what a newton really is, besides a scientist, but I'm

A town in Massachusetts (or is it a city? You'd think I'd know, since I lived there for 3 years ...). People who run the Boston Marathon are not particularly fond of the hills there. They may need Fig Newtons to survive those hills :)
ATTQOTD: Scenic runs while on vacation—Teton Village to South Gate of Grand Teton Nat’l Park has been my favorite. Other places “in the running” for most scenic—Myrtle Beach, along the Mississippi in New Orleans, Melbourne Beach, FL and Gettysburg, PA.
This is great to know. I'm hoping to do a 11.5-mile race in 2019 when my family and I travel to Maui!

That sounds amazing! Everywhere we looked in Maui seemed to be beautiful :) 11.5 miles is an interesting distance, what's the race?


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