Things on TV shows that bug you....

I felt sorry for Chip in Happy Days. He just faded away. He wasn’t even invited to his parents wedding when Mr and Mrs Cunningham renewed their wedding vows.

I once watched a documentary or something on Happy Days. They said that they wanted Fonzie to play the big brother/mentor role for Richie. They couldn't do that if Richie had Chuck as his big brother.

Family Matters had several characters randomly disappear with no explanation. Seriously! What happened to Judy?
When characters just disappear after a while never to be seen again. Or when the same show rewrites its own history again and again.

King of Queens was bad for both of these: In the first few episodes of season 1 Carrie had a sister...then she just 'disappeared', no explanation. Nada. Never mentioned again.

The way Doug and Carrie met was seemingly rewritten a couple of times. Also their friendships with Deacon and Kelly. In one episode Carrie and Kelly supposedly went to school together but it was never mentioned again and in other 'flashback' episodes, Carrie is only just meeting Deacon and has never met Kelly. Lame.

Friends did that too. Chandler and Rachel had met several times in the past but she was introduced to him in the pilot episode, for the ‘first time’. Didn’t Chandler and Monica also have three first times they said I love you?
When actors play characters that are much younger than they are in real life.

In some cases, someone just looks young for their age and can pull it off, but others don’t appear realistic. Like John Travolta, who was 21 when Welcome Back Kotter started, playing a 15 or 16-yr-old. And I believe he was the youngest in the cast. Most if not all of the Sweathogs were in their 20’s and seemed too old to me.

Same with Glee; most of the cast were in their 20’s when the show started. Gabrielle Carteris was in her 30’s and playing a high school student on Beverly Hills 90210. Why can’t they just cast real teenagers to play teenagers?

Stacey Dash was something like 27 when she was in Clueless LOL
Makeup/hair: didn't you know women everywhere wake up an hour before the alarm, slip out of bed, do their hair and makeup, and slide back into bed a couple of minutes before the alarm? TV is just imitating life :rotfl2:
Women running, at full speed, in the rain, in high heels *supposedly. Now, maybe a trained dancer could pull that off... but the rest of us are going to fall, break an ankle, and get murdered by whoever we are running from... Seriously, if I'm in heels being chased by a killer, the first thing I'm going to do is take the dang shoes off.

Like another poster mentioned, it's very easy to get a laugh out of "your area of expertise/job/hobby" as portrayed on tv.
Put a loosely taped yankauer in someone's mouth and pretend they are on a vent.
Could someone please tell Hollywood (and many patients) that we do not leave the needle in your arm when inserting an IV.
House was a hoot... their halls were FILLED with doctors, had a limited number of nurses, and no other staff. The doctors hung IVs, administered meds, ambulated patients, ran the lab tests and got results back in minutes, AND broke into homes to find out if the patient was lying. lol
I'm a NICU nurse, so pretty much any story line involving a sick baby annoys me because they never get it right and it's usually over dramatized. I especially hate when they have a premature baby that clearly weighs 8 pounds. Ugh.

I can’t watch a lot of shows because my oldest was a preemie. The blacklist did a story line with Elizabeth having her daughter the same way I had mine. It was ridiculous and over the top
I can usually ignore a few little details for the sake of a happy ending, but the invisible kids phenomenon does get to me (even though I know it's really because of child labor laws). - Just hire twins, like they did with Michelle Tanner, people!

The other thing that drives me nuts is really ridiculous sitcom episodes where the whole plot could have been avoided if the characters were just honest with each other!
Some plot lines for a whole series can be so irritating. DD used to watch Pretty Little Liars and I admit I got pulled into too but I wanted to scream at them. "Just tell your parents!!!" or the cops or a teacher or you know, any sane adult.

The OP mentioned MASH and that is one of my favorite shows of all time. Still watch it all the time. But one thing that does stick out to me is how often they go from drinking in the Swamp to surgery. And then one episode Hawkeye got all upset with a surgeon that started drinking before surgery. Hello! You do it every episode! But I still love the show and Hawkeye.
Subtitles. Ok I get it that you want us to realize some of the people in the show are from another country, but can't you just establish that and not have them continue to speak in another language and force us to try and read subtitles, often against a background that makes them very difficult to read?
The movie, The Hunt for Red October, did it well. They used subtitles for a short bit. Then switched to English.
Don’t know if this has been said....women waking up in full make up with perfect hair! Really?!
I actually knew a woman that would get up before her husband, shower and do her makeup and hair. He had NEVER seen her without her makeup. Now, they had only been married for about a year. But she planned on keeping it up as long as she could.
The other thing that drives me nuts is really ridiculous sitcom episodes where the whole plot could have been avoided if the characters were just honest with each other!

Yes! Or even, the whole complication could have been avoided if you called/texted the person. People in TV shows only have cell phones when it's convenient to the plot.
Boston accents. No one from Boston sounds like a Kennedy but that's always the accent they use!


I am laughing hysterically, because I live near Boston and sound nothing like that either! (I'm actually a transplant from somewhere else, and probably moved here too late to really pick it up, but so are a lot of people I know.)
Living in New York City, I've always wondered how people could find and afford those HUGE apartments (Friends, Mad About You, Will & Grace. Seinfeld's apartment seemed standard sized). I believe on Friends it was explained that Monica inherited it from her grandmother along with the stabilized rent. Sure, whatever
For me it is the continuity in the little things. Like it was mentioned by a PP, the sandwich that has one bite taken, then it is almost gone, then it is a full sandwich. It goes on and on, which leg is crossed, empty/full wineglass, etc.

I am a nitpik, so these are the little things that I catch.

I always thought I should have been a continuity technician for tv/movies.


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