The Running Thread - 2018

I'm not a big popcorn fan - never had it at Disney (I know, shame on me!) but usually get it on the rare occasion I go to a movie. If we get some for the kids at home it is usually generic microwave stuff that they seem to like.
qotd: the closest I come to popcorn is Smartfood. Other than that, I'm not a big popcorn guy. Add me to the list of people who have never had popcorn at Disney.

Unsatisfying visit to the orthopedist today. Two weeks of rest and anti-inflammatories have yielded only a slight improvement in the shin pain. At least I’m walking without a limp now, I guess. The doctor suspects a stress issue in the bone even though mid-tibia is a really unusual place to have one and wants an MRI to confirm. If it does, I’m probably looking at a minimum 4 weeks non load bearing on crutches. Just to complete the poop sandwich, I’m up 10-15 lbs from the combination of holidays and not cutting back on calories when I had to stop running. MRI in the next week or so and I’m not even sure what to hope for. I guess I need to start rooting for a deep soft tissue inflammation masquerading as bone pain!

Thanks for listening to another frustration vent! I seem to have had a lot of those lately.

Sorry about the news. It can get very frustrating for sure. But try to get the eating back under control because you start running again the extra weight will only increase the chances of reinjury. Just a thought!
I love popcorn. I really enjoy blast o butter. And I Like the gloop kind too. I don’t eat as much now but I went through a phase where I had it every night as a snack. I will have to remember to get the popcorn bucket next time at Disney
ATTQOTD: We had popcorn at Disney but before they changed supplier. I enjoy Orville Redebenbacker movie butter once in a while. I like the popcorn at the movie theater as well. I like the Boom Chick-a-Pop a lot and make little bags of it for snacks in my family lunch boxes. After reading your answers, I started searching and it seems like Pop Secret can only be found in the US... So I’ll have to wait a while to try it.
Unsatisfying visit to the orthopedist today. Two weeks of rest and anti-inflammatories have yielded only a slight improvement in the shin pain. At least I’m walking without a limp now, I guess. The doctor suspects a stress issue in the bone even though mid-tibia is a really unusual place to have one and wants an MRI to confirm. If it does, I’m probably looking at a minimum 4 weeks non load bearing on crutches. Just to complete the poop sandwich, I’m up 10-15 lbs from the combination of holidays and not cutting back on calories when I had to stop running. MRI in the next week or so and I’m not even sure what to hope for. I guess I need to start rooting for a deep soft tissue inflammation masquerading as bone pain!

Thanks for listening to another frustration vent! I seem to have had a lot of those lately.

I totally understand your frustration. Last fall I had bad shin pain. Before the MRI I thought for sure I had a stress fracture, but it turned out it was a tibial stress reaction (grade 1). Fortunately it started feeling better after two weeks total rest, never needed crutches or a boot. Are you icing? I iced every night for 30 minutes for 6 weeks straight. After about 3 weeks I was able to do some cross training on a bike and elliptical, and after about 6 weeks I was able to ease back into running.

I know it's hard to be patient, but you are already on the road to recovery by resting for two weeks, and once you have the MRI results, you will know what you're dealing with and how to fix it. Best of luck!
QOTD: Calling all popcorn lovers! Do you make homemade popcorn or the microwave variety? Whats your favorite flavor? Those who make on the stove, wanna share a recipe?
Usually microwave or we have a popcorn machine (Disney themed of course). Just butter and salt is all we use.
I. Love. Popcorn. But, my daughter just got braces and I'm trying to play the role of supportive mom :) so we aren't having much popcorn right now. I did get some at the movie theater!

So much snow in my neck of the woods - I have 7 miles on the schedule for tomorrow. I haven't decided if I'm braving the outdoors or running in circles at the track at the gym.

Happy weekend!
Today was/were my first race(s) since the mid-September half that resulted in injury, DNS at the Hershey Half, and PT. (GoTR with Mrs. PaDisneyCouple was a run/walk stroll together for fun)

Ran 2 races today for the local winter series. They have a 1 miler first, and then 25 minutes later, the "main event". I decided to use the 1 miler as a warm-up. It would also give me an extra mile for the day. 4-5 significant ice patches in the 1 miler, while the first 3 miles of the 10k felt like they were all up hill. I plan to calculate the % grade later, as the big hill around mile marker 1 or so was steep. Most, including me, slowed to a shuffle.
@LSUlakes , can you please add:
PaDisneyCouple (MR) Springettsbury 1 Mile NG/10:12
Springettsbury 10k NG/1:00:38

Shameless plug for our journal (Our Journey to the Dark Side), where I'll try to post a full recap.
Oh gosh, I love me some popcorn! If I’m eating it at home, I prefer stovetop with salt and butter. Or if I’m feeling lazy, I’ll bring home a bag of buttered popcorn from Starbucks, because have you ever had it? It’s amazing!!
Thanks to all who have replied with words of encouragement. They are much appreciated! Uncertainty is one of my weak points. If I know the situation and facts, even if they’re bad, I can craft a strategy and path forward. This waiting for a definitive diagnosis has been taxing.

I really try to stay positive, but the start to this year has taxed that with a number of other non-running family issues topping everything off. Hopefully I’ll be back to myself soon.

I totally understand your frustration. Last fall I had bad shin pain. Before the MRI I thought for sure I had a stress fracture, but it turned out it was a tibial stress reaction (grade 1). Fortunately it started feeling better after two weeks total rest, never needed crutches or a boot. Are you icing? I iced every night for 30 minutes for 6 weeks straight. After about 3 weeks I was able to do some cross training on a bike and elliptical, and after about 6 weeks I was able to ease back into running.

I know it's hard to be patient, but you are already on the road to recovery by resting for two weeks, and once you have the MRI results, you will know what you're dealing with and how to fix it. Best of luck!

Thanks for sharing your experience. I’ve tried some icing with it. I did 20-30 mins 2-3x/day for the first week or so. I stopped because it didn’t seem to be having an impact. My pain is on the back of the tibia under the gastrocnemius and the ice didn’t seem to be delivering enough cooling to the area. After 2 weeks of rest and NSAIDs the pain is improved some and pretty mild during walking, so I’ve got my fingers crossed for it being a stress reaction instead of a stress fracture.
Really didn't know where to post this because I need to write it down (I think) for it to be real ... and I didn't want to post it independently to draw attention, but I'm also not participating in an upcoming race weekend so I didn't feel like that was a place to post either, so I'm sorry @LSUlakes for bogging down your thread and posting it here.


My Dad passed away very suddenly and completely unexpectedly today - he was actually in Peru on a trip with my little brother to celebrate my brother's birthday (which was yesterday). He was 65.

As if losing a parent under any circumstance wasn't tough enough - losing a parent in a foreign country is, just, well ... surreal.

I leave early in the morning for Orlando and will be there for the foreseeable future to help my Mom. I plan to come out and spectate the 10K and Half of Princess, so if you're running Princess let me know. Maybe I'll host a meet-up.

So ... for me, if you don't mind - tell everybody in your life today that you love them, or that you appreciate them, or just that they mean something to you ...even if you're mad at them! Cherish every step you take from the next step forward. Think of those that can't, won't or will never again do whatever you set out to do today. And say "eff it" every chance you get, because you only live one life and there's no overtime. And don't make this a one-time thing - make it an all-the-time thing.

I love each and every one of y'all, and each day I'm so proud and incredibly inspired by what you do.
Really didn't know where to post this because I need to write it down (I think) for it to be real ... and I didn't want to post it independently to draw attention, but I'm also not participating in an upcoming race weekend so I didn't feel like that was a place to post either, so I'm sorry @LSUlakes for bogging down your thread and posting it here.


My Dad passed away very suddenly and completely unexpectedly today - he was actually in Peru on a trip with my little brother to celebrate my brother's birthday (which was yesterday). He was 65.

As if losing a parent under any circumstance wasn't tough enough - losing a parent in a foreign country is, just, well ... surreal.

I leave early in the morning for Orlando and will be there for the foreseeable future to help my Mom. I plan to come out and spectate the 10K and Half of Princess, so if you're running Princess let me know. Maybe I'll host a meet-up.

So ... for me, if you don't mind - tell everybody in your life today that you love them, or that you appreciate them, or just that they mean something to you ...even if you're mad at them! Cherish every step you take from the next step forward. Think of those that can't, won't or will never again do whatever you set out to do today. And say "eff it" every chance you get, because you only live one life and there's no overtime. And don't make this a one-time thing - make it an all-the-time thing.

I love each and every one of y'all, and each day I'm so proud and incredibly inspired by what you do.

So sad, sending lots of positive thoughts to you and your family over this time. Hope you manage to get out running, I always find it helps in times like these...

Really didn't know where to post this because I need to write it down (I think) for it to be real ... and I didn't want to post it independently to draw attention, but I'm also not participating in an upcoming race weekend so I didn't feel like that was a place to post either, so I'm sorry @LSUlakes for bogging down your thread and posting it here.


My Dad passed away very suddenly and completely unexpectedly today - he was actually in Peru on a trip with my little brother to celebrate my brother's birthday (which was yesterday). He was 65.

As if losing a parent under any circumstance wasn't tough enough - losing a parent in a foreign country is, just, well ... surreal.

I leave early in the morning for Orlando and will be there for the foreseeable future to help my Mom. I plan to come out and spectate the 10K and Half of Princess, so if you're running Princess let me know. Maybe I'll host a meet-up.

So ... for me, if you don't mind - tell everybody in your life today that you love them, or that you appreciate them, or just that they mean something to you ...even if you're mad at them! Cherish every step you take from the next step forward. Think of those that can't, won't or will never again do whatever you set out to do today. And say "eff it" every chance you get, because you only live one life and there's no overtime. And don't make this a one-time thing - make it an all-the-time thing.

I love each and every one of y'all, and each day I'm so proud and incredibly inspired by what you do.

So incredibly sorry for your unexpected loss. Prayers sent for your family.
@Keels So sorry for your loss. Sending virtual hugs to you. Will keeps your family in my prayers as you move thru the difficult days to come.
Really didn't know where to post this because I need to write it down (I think) for it to be real ... and I didn't want to post it independently to draw attention, but I'm also not participating in an upcoming race weekend so I didn't feel like that was a place to post either, so I'm sorry @LSUlakes for bogging down your thread and posting it here.


My Dad passed away very suddenly and completely unexpectedly today - he was actually in Peru on a trip with my little brother to celebrate my brother's birthday (which was yesterday). He was 65.

As if losing a parent under any circumstance wasn't tough enough - losing a parent in a foreign country is, just, well ... surreal.

I leave early in the morning for Orlando and will be there for the foreseeable future to help my Mom. I plan to come out and spectate the 10K and Half of Princess, so if you're running Princess let me know. Maybe I'll host a meet-up.

So ... for me, if you don't mind - tell everybody in your life today that you love them, or that you appreciate them, or just that they mean something to you ...even if you're mad at them! Cherish every step you take from the next step forward. Think of those that can't, won't or will never again do whatever you set out to do today. And say "eff it" every chance you get, because you only live one life and there's no overtime. And don't make this a one-time thing - make it an all-the-time thing.

I love each and every one of y'all, and each day I'm so proud and incredibly inspired by what you do.

:hug: So sorry for your loss, Keels.
Really didn't know where to post this because I need to write it down (I think) for it to be real ... and I didn't want to post it independently to draw attention, but I'm also not participating in an upcoming race weekend so I didn't feel like that was a place to post either, so I'm sorry @LSUlakes for bogging down your thread and posting it here.


My Dad passed away very suddenly and completely unexpectedly today - he was actually in Peru on a trip with my little brother to celebrate my brother's birthday (which was yesterday). He was 65.

As if losing a parent under any circumstance wasn't tough enough - losing a parent in a foreign country is, just, well ... surreal.

I leave early in the morning for Orlando and will be there for the foreseeable future to help my Mom. I plan to come out and spectate the 10K and Half of Princess, so if you're running Princess let me know. Maybe I'll host a meet-up.

So ... for me, if you don't mind - tell everybody in your life today that you love them, or that you appreciate them, or just that they mean something to you ...even if you're mad at them! Cherish every step you take from the next step forward. Think of those that can't, won't or will never again do whatever you set out to do today. And say "eff it" every chance you get, because you only live one life and there's no overtime. And don't make this a one-time thing - make it an all-the-time thing.

I love each and every one of y'all, and each day I'm so proud and incredibly inspired by what you do.

I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. My heart and prayers go out to you and your family.
@Keels - I struggled with whether it was appropriate to "like" your entry. In the end I did because of your counsel. It's powerful how this thread feels like family and a loss by one is a loss by all. Thoughts and prayers.
@Keels I am so sorry for your loss. I know firsthand how hard it is to lose a parent unexpectedly and my heart breaks for you and your family. Sending positive thoughts and healing vibes. Hugs to you.
@Keels so sorry for the loss of your father. I too lost my father at a young age and feel the impact for you personally and your family. Sending wishful thoughts for you and your family to remain strong during a tough time. Keep smiling.
@Keels, I’m so sorry for your unexpected loss. I’m glad you are in a position that you can drop everything and be there for your mother!


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