The Running Thread - 2018

ATTQOTD: Many of the attractions that folks are pointing out bring back some fantastically satisfying memories. I'll pick any attraction that I could experience again as a teenager when I first visited in 1974 but especially "If You Had Wings".

MSEP or SpectroMagic - I love the night time parades with the lights!
Osborne Lights - I ran the last night time W&D, these were so pretty
Off Kilter
Mr. Toad
Wonders of Life
World of Motion - I have a lot of nostalgia about the ride that was in here... my family got stuck on it on at least 3 occasions (and have also been stuck on Spaceship Earth at least half a dozen times, including having to walk from near the top of the ride a couple times)
Journey Into Imagination - The original version!
Maelstrom - It was cheesy but we always loved it :) VELCOME... TO NORVAY!
Ellen's Energy Adventure - LOL just kidding... kind of. It was a great place to take a mid-afternoon nap. :o

For food, I can't think of anything specific except one thing. Back several iterations ago in the area currently known as Disney Springs, the section currently known as the Marketplace was the entirety of the area and it was called Walt Disney World Village. There used to be a pizza restaurant there (I think where Wolfgang Puck Express is now) called Minnie Mia's Pizzeria that served deep dish pizza that was really quite good and pretty cheap for Disney. We used to go there at least 1-2 times a trip for dinner.
I am still salty that they changed the ToT to Guardians of the Galaxy.

Oh man! But have you been on GOTG?!? To each his/her own, but our family actually prefers so much more than TOT. With the 6 different versions it’s so much fun!!:hippie:

And so incredibly excited PTN will be at DCA with a new Incredibles float!:yay:
They still have it at Disneyland.... Just sayin'... Haha
Shhhh don’t tell them, it’s busy enough as it is!

I miss DL Peoplemover. Not that I ever went on it but it bugs me they have the track there unused. It would be cool to ride over Tomorrowland on it! I did try the WDW version and thought it was very cool.

I thought I would miss DCA ToT but went on GotG and thought it a worthy replacement, especially when the DHS version is better.

Paint and the Night is brilliant, glad I caught it on our 2015 visit.
Oh man! But have you been on GOTG?!? To each his/her own, but our family actually prefers so much more than TOT. With the 6 different versions it’s so much fun!!:hippie:

I’m just not a Marvel (or superhero) fan in general so I’m pretty meh about the whole situation. But no I haven’t ridden it yet. Planning to head to DL next month. I will report back. :)
I’m just not a Marvel (or superhero) fan in general so I’m pretty meh about the whole situation. But no I haven’t ridden it yet. Planning to head to DL next month. I will report back. :)

Yes! Definitely let me know what you think!:chat:
Agree with MSEP. So much nostalgia for the original one with its music and Pete's Dragon float! When they relaunched a few years ago, the music was off so it was nice that they did the orig for the most recent MSEP (from what I heard). Too bad I missed it. :(

Paint the Night was pretty awesome though.
ATTVEFFQOTD(BAOSBIWFOF): Answer to the very early fun friday question of the day (but answered on Saturday because I worked forever on Friday): :)

I have to go along with the votes for Main Street Electrical Parade, for me it is everything that is Disney. And I also have to mention Osborne Lights and Billy Hill and the Hill Billy’s at the Golden Horseshoe Saloon in DL. Just the best memories of all three for me.

@Wendy98 thanks for the link! What an incredible runner!
My girlfriend wants to run a 5k with me...she has had knee issues before so she wants to be careful. The first step is to get her proper shoes, but after that I am looking for a recommendation on 5k plans and also on what to so to help her avoid injury. Can anyone give me some advice? I want her to start with a run-walk method, i believe.
I've struggled with lots of joint issues and 4 years of plantar fasciitis, so getting back into running after 20+ years made me look very carefully at a plan that would minimize injury risk. I'm doing strength training, stretching, and also the Lydiard Foundation free ebook 8 week program called "First Steps" for people that can't comfortably run 15 minutes at a time. I've been doing it for a couple of weeks and the hardest part is not doing more each week. Very minimal pain in my knees, and it's getting better now that I'm strengthening the surrounding muscles.

The Costal Challenge is, as it's name suggests, a challenging race along the coast of Auckland's north shore. It starts at Arkles Bay on the Whangaparoa Peninsular and finishes some 33km later at Devonport, just across the harbour from Downtown Auckland. The race is almost all along the coast, apart from the last 1.5km, and includes a couple of river crossings each with a few hundred metres of swimming, lots of rocky coastline, some sea walls that can be run on, and some nice beaches.

I have done a leg of this race back in 2015, so knew what I was in for. Well, I thought I did. I had ran the middle part of the race as part of the relay, and there was a bit of everything. What I didn't know was just how hard the first section of the race would be, and what an impact tthat was then going to have towards the end.

Within 200m of the start, we were in the water. The first 3km were spent clambering over rocks and wading through waist deep water. This wading was tough, I could really feel it on my quads, and even at that point knew the extra effort was going to cause issues later on. There were brief (50m max) sections where you could run, but it was tough, slow going. The first 3km took 30 minutes, including the first river mouth crossing. Beach sections were few and far between, and there were lots of parts with big rocks to navigate. The end of the first section finally came after 11km and nearly 2 hours, and I hadn't enjoyed it at all.

The second section was better and was the leg I had ran previously. There were more beaches but still a lot of rocky terrain to navigate, as well as lots more water. My shins were taking a battering - wading through the water, swells would move you around a bit and hidden rocks under the water would only be found when my shin hit it... But I made it through the second leg mostly unscathed, enjoyed the bits where I could finally find some rhythm, but getting tired of the rocks and water.

The final 11km stretch was technically much easier, little to no water and not as many rocks, but by then all the work was taking its toll. There were times with the rocks where I was really having to pull up high or navigate 2m+ drops and these were really tough on the legs, especially the quads that got a hammering with the wading. The easy bits were getting tough, and it was survival mode time. Not helping especially towards the end was my watch had added some distance - I was counting down to the 33km but that went by with still some way to go. Eventually we made it on the road, so I knew we were close, but it was one of those agonisingly short distances that took forever. I eventually crossed the line 4h40m after starting, 24th overall for the full distance and 9th in my grade.

This was much tougher than I had anticipated, up there with my first marathon in terms of distance I needed to cover while feeling like crap. It was mentally very tough, tougher than a marathon as there was no rhythm I could get in to and zone out. My legs were destroyed for the rest of the day and are still not good this morning. I'm yet to reach that point where I reflect back positively on the race, still a once and done though I would do one of the legs again as part of a relay.

Below is the Strava link for those interested!
Congrats on finishing a dissertation! I have to say it was simultaneously a high and low point in life, and the need to sleep for weeks on end is familiar to me.
Can you swim with a pull bouy or rig something else to immobilize your kick until you get an all clear?

thanks! It still doesn't feel real.

I've thought about a pull buoy, but don't have any of my own, and would need to check whether the facility has any...doesn't help that my doc referred me to an orthopedist, whose next available appointment is in April. Ugh.


Mardi Gras: my family is Greek, so Lent for us this year starts this coming Monday. We've never really celebrated any sort of equivalent thing, not even sure if it's done in Greece...but Easter is a party.

Surface: asphalt, I guess; don't mind the treadmill that much either. Trails don't really appeal to me (I test gravity just fine on my own on a flat surface, no need to add small obstacles into the mix...). The one I hated was an airport 5k on the runway -- as cool as that was, you don't realize how much give there is on a standard asphalt road until you try tarmac. Man, that one hurt.

Track: not sure if there are any close by, haven't looked...I do fine with the Inner Harbor and general downtown b'more environs. On any given day you'll pass dozens of people running along the water.

Disney: give me original Figment back! (also, 20,000 leagues under the sea and Mr. Toad., please and thank you.)
And my registration so far:

February 18 - flav - Otttawa Winterman 10k (depends on conditions/NA)

April 28 - flav - Mont-St-Gregoire Maple Run 5k (have fun with 10yo DD who insists on running a 5k/NA)

The Voyager Combo...
May 26 - flav - Ottawa 5k (NA/NA)
May 26 - flav - Ottawa 10k (NA/NA)
May 27 - flav - Ottawa Half-Marathon (NA/NA)

August 12 - flav -
Waikiki Boca Hawaii Norman Tamanaha 15K (run Diamond Head with locals/NA)

I wish the next one could be Disneyland Paris 36k but it will likely be Montreal Rock ‘n’ Roll Half... To be continued!

The weather and ground conditions were perfect for my first official winter run so I aimed for less than 55 minutes and succeed!
February 18 - flav - Otttawa Winterman 10k (depends on conditions/54’51”)
Really, really miss Off Kilter (EP) and Osborne Lights (HS). Also, miss Mr. Toad's Wild Ride and Snow White's Scary Adventure (MK), but got to see them out at Disneyland. And Jingle Jungle Parade (AK). Years ago, I loved walking through the Animation building and seeing real animators at work, but that was my first trip to WDW and before I got back, that opportunity was no longer there. Oh, and Cranium Command. I think of that as a precursor of Inside Out!

The Costal Challenge is, as it's name suggests, a challenging race along the coast of Auckland's north shore. It starts at Arkles Bay on the Whangaparoa Peninsular and finishes some 33km later at Devonport, just across the harbour from Downtown Auckland. The race is almost all along the coast, apart from the last 1.5km, and includes a couple of river crossings each with a few hundred metres of swimming, lots of rocky coastline, some sea walls that can be run on, and some nice beaches.

I have done a leg of this race back in 2015, so knew what I was in for. Well, I thought I did. I had ran the middle part of the race as part of the relay, and there was a bit of everything. What I didn't know was just how hard the first section of the race would be, and what an impact tthat was then going to have towards the end.

Within 200m of the start, we were in the water. The first 3km were spent clambering over rocks and wading through waist deep water. This wading was tough, I could really feel it on my quads, and even at that point knew the extra effort was going to cause issues later on. There were brief (50m max) sections where you could run, but it was tough, slow going. The first 3km took 30 minutes, including the first river mouth crossing. Beach sections were few and far between, and there were lots of parts with big rocks to navigate. The end of the first section finally came after 11km and nearly 2 hours, and I hadn't enjoyed it at all.

The second section was better and was the leg I had ran previously. There were more beaches but still a lot of rocky terrain to navigate, as well as lots more water. My shins were taking a battering - wading through the water, swells would move you around a bit and hidden rocks under the water would only be found when my shin hit it... But I made it through the second leg mostly unscathed, enjoyed the bits where I could finally find some rhythm, but getting tired of the rocks and water.

The final 11km stretch was technically much easier, little to no water and not as many rocks, but by then all the work was taking its toll. There were times with the rocks where I was really having to pull up high or navigate 2m+ drops and these were really tough on the legs, especially the quads that got a hammering with the wading. The easy bits were getting tough, and it was survival mode time. Not helping especially towards the end was my watch had added some distance - I was counting down to the 33km but that went by with still some way to go. Eventually we made it on the road, so I knew we were close, but it was one of those agonisingly short distances that took forever. I eventually crossed the line 4h40m after starting, 24th overall for the full distance and 9th in my grade.

This was much tougher than I had anticipated, up there with my first marathon in terms of distance I needed to cover while feeling like crap. It was mentally very tough, tougher than a marathon as there was no rhythm I could get in to and zone out. My legs were destroyed for the rest of the day and are still not good this morning. I'm yet to reach that point where I reflect back positively on the race, still a once and done though I would do one of the legs again as part of a relay.

Below is the Strava link for those interested!

Sounds like an awesome challenge! Almost more of a swim than a run. Congrats on taking it down!
QOTD: Aside from illness/injury, what reason(s) do you deem acceptable to skip a planned run or workout?

Todays question is a suggestion from a fellow poster. Thanks for the suggestion!

ATTQOTD: I try not to skip runs, but as of late I just havent had enough time to do anything but work and what must be done at home. My answer would be work would be a reason to miss a run, because without the job all of the other stuff isnt possible.

Kids activities or weather mostly

A very early fun Friday QOTD: (VEFFQOTD) If you had the power to bring back any past attraction, show, food item, or character, what would you choose?

ATTQOTD: This one is hard to just pick one! Food wise I would love for all Starbucks locations to be removed and returned to their former glory, followed by a return of the pot roast on top of mac and cheese in MK. But, my one true wish is that the opening show in front of Magic Kingdom would return. The morning show in front of the castle (Have only seen YouTube videos of it) is really bad! The show at the entrance was a classic and amazing with the train, characters, mayor, songs, the family that would get picked to be a part of it all!!! It's everything you would want it to be and it was 100% Disney. They have now sold their soul to the devil to make a few extra bucks on coffee in the parks. :mic:

Ok, Ill calm down now about it, but we should really start a petition that Disney will ignore. Its also likely they did this for other reasons and I am wrong... but I still want the old way back! Did they bring it back and I just dont know??? Doubt it..


I do wish we had a parade though.


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