The Running Thread - 2018

May totals...

running: 66.0 mi
tennis: 29 hrs

My running this month was down significantly, as I had a taper for and recovery from a race. I also decided to take the rest of the month off from training, as I had a vacation coming up and for the mental break.

Vacation: tennis vacation with DH! Lots of tennis clinics, so my tennis is way up for the month. Also a bit of running and hiking.
Pedestrians....gotta love 'em....or just run 'em over. Today I was out for a run and on the sidewalk ahead of me were a couple walking a dog. I get within 15-20 feet and shout "on your left", which is a pretty common refrain for runners and cyclists approaching another walker/runner/cyclist. The woman moves to the side and I say thank you and good morning as I pass and she says....."Whatever".

I know I should just keep going, but it's me, and I can't. So I turn around and say "Excuse me. I was trying to let you know I was approaching. Should I have just run you over?" (I would have gone around them, of course, but with dog walkers, it's hard to know if the dog is going to pull the walker left or right--and I speak as a dog owner). I got back overlapping answers from the couple about not hearing (although they moved, so they must have heard something) and other comments which weren't friendly.

Yeah....let it go....I know I should. But I didn't. So I made a parting shot about their dog being nicer than them and left. I guess I'm just a B. And my karma scale has just tipped backwards. Sigh.
Injury question(don't worry, I won't show a picture):

I've long had a callus on the ball of my left foot. I've tried treating it with corn/callus remover, wearing those small little pads under it. It has usually bothered me during early parts of my runs, but the pain usually goes away shortly after. But lately, the pain doesn't seem to be coming as much from the callus as from underneath the callus, inside the skin. And it's hurting just to walk around on it(sans shoes).

I haven't run for a few weeks due to tendinitis, so I don't think it's from overuse. I looked up Morton's Neuroma, but that seems to affect a different area of the foot. I also looked up Metatarsalgia, but that refers more to a burning sensation, and that's not what this is.

I see my doctor in a couple of weeks anyway, but I wondered if anyone has had a similar situation, and how you were able to treat it.
Fun Friday QOTD: With the current set up of the 4 parks at WDW, you have a free trip which includes a resort on the monorail, dining plan (the middle one) and a 3 day ticket without the park hopper. Which park are you skipping and why?

ATTFFQOTD: As much as I love the park, I would have to skip Hollywood Studios. While I love the attractions and shows that are currently there, the current set up leaves it as a half a day park for me and its over crowded for the attractions I care for most. (RNR, TOT, TSMM) I'm also sad that the carrot cake cookie has changed since it's moved to its new location. I tried my first and apparently last one on our trip in April on what I learned was the second the last day of it being offered in it old location. I thought it was amazing and huge! A little sad about the change... More about snacks not related to the above question. I had the mac and cheese with pot roast on top in MK on one trip and was like this is a must every trip... well it went away like a week after that trip had ended. Sad faces for both. If they do away with the cinnamon roll at Gastons I may riot!
ATTQOTD: Hollywood Studios, without question.

Side note....I've never quite understood why Disney messes with good things when it comes to food. I never tried the carrot cake cookie(which is strange, because carrot cake is my favorite dessert), but it was obviously very popular. Why mess with it?

I understand keeping shows, parades, and queues fresh, but when it comes to food, people remember those experiences/tastes very vividly. Add menu items? Sure. Get rid of unpopular ones? Absolutely. But if something is working, leave it alone.
ATTQOTD: Hollywood Studios although I thought I would skip it last time (I did have PH) but ended up feeling like watching the night shows.

Since your question implies a monorail resort, I might be have been tempted to skip all bus rides (so AK) but would need a PH to go through Epcot to reach HS. If at a Crescent Lake resort then maybe it is AK that I would skip. Depends on the temperature, the mood and the FP I would have scored (FoP or Slinky).
Injury question(don't worry, I won't show a picture):

I've long had a callus on the ball of my left foot. I've tried treating it with corn/callus remover, wearing those small little pads under it. It has usually bothered me during early parts of my runs, but the pain usually goes away shortly after. But lately, the pain doesn't seem to be coming as much from the callus as from underneath the callus, inside the skin. And it's hurting just to walk around on it(sans shoes).

I haven't run for a few weeks due to tendinitis, so I don't think it's from overuse. I looked up Morton's Neuroma, but that seems to affect a different area of the foot. I also looked up Metatarsalgia, but that refers more to a burning sensation, and that's not what this is.

I see my doctor in a couple of weeks anyway, but I wondered if anyone has had a similar situation, and how you were able to treat it.
This kind of sounds like what I’ve been dealing with on my right foot. It’s been not quite a year. It has gotten better, but still sometimes there. Usually the beginning of the run is when it might hurt and then I either stop noticing it or it goes away. Now, it may not hurt during some runs or when wearing no shoes or shoes without cushion.
I had gone to a sports chiropractor after I had run a downhill marathon last September. The marathon made it worse and caused my ankle to start hurting too. Ankle pain went away after a couple of weeks, but nothing the chiropractor did really made the ball of foot pain go away. He said that it could be something kind of like turf toe, but with my second toe. Maybe as I’m running, my foot doesn’t roll far enough over to push off my big toe and I’m pushing off more with my second toe?? I switched to a more guidence shoe from a stability shoe, and I think that has helped. I also think it has a little more cushion than my old shoes.
If you find out from your doctor what your issue is, let me know so I can see if it may be the same thing I have been dealing with. :)
May Totals:
May was a tale of two cities, or should I say a tale of two achilles for me. My plan coming off elbow repair surgery was for 70 running miles in May. I got off to a good start but then the right achilles [tendonitis] kicked in again. I throttled back and diverted to the elliptical and bike to keep things going. Sprinkled in the May lawn rider for me.

Running: 21.6
Elliptical: 12 hours [39 elliptical miles]
Biking: 75 Miles
Mowing: 7 times [grows like crazy this time of year]

I'm going to hold off on June plans/goals at this point until I fully heal the achilles [or a play on words heel the achilles] and complete rehab on my elbow.
May Training Summary

Running duration = 26:00 hours
Running mileage = 192.3 miles
Average Pace = 8:07 min/mile (Marathon Pace + 79 seconds)
Average HR = 140 bpm (71% HRR, or about 8% less than Marathon Pace)
Indoor Virtual Biking duration = 1:32 hours
Indoor Virtual Biking mileage = 29.5 miles
Total (training) duration = 27:32 hours
Total (training) mileage = 221.8 miles
McMillan Core Routine = 20 min x 8 times = 2:40 hours of Strength Work

Well after being stung by a wasp at the end of April, I was ready to put the hiccups behind me and start training in earnest. For the most part, it was dealing with the unseasonably warm temperatures here. Normally, we've got a T+D high of 110-120s in May. But we had several 130s, 140s, 150s, and almost all the way up to 160. That's basically unheard of here in WI in May. Funny enough, for the race I'm doing on June 18th, I've done the 10k the last two years. Both of the last two years mornings were the warmest T+D I had trained in up to that point in the spring. I highly doubt that'll be the case in 2 weeks when I run the HM. But it definitely takes it's toll trying to hone in on appropriate pacing and trying to continue to get back to where I was pre-stress fracture in December. Cardiovascularly, I feel like I'm almost there under ideal conditions (T+D less than 100). But I still don't have the stamina, endurance, or power to hold those paces/HRs for very long. Only 128 days until Chicago! I'm excited to start my Daniels 4 week alternating schedule with only 2 hard workouts per week after the HM.
Fun Friday QOTD: With the current set up of the 4 parks at WDW, you have a free trip which includes a resort on the monorail, dining plan (the middle one) and a 3 day ticket without the park hopper. Which park are you skipping and why?

Magic Kingdom for me even if staying at a monorail resort. Been there, done that and not a fan of the crowds.


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