Your photos really, really make me want to see Universal during the Xmas season!!

Universal should pay you royalties...you're a wonderful advertisement for them!!

lol...….some folks say I already do!!!!! ::yes::

I`m glad you like the pictures.....it really is beautiful there at Christmas.....definitely after HHN our favorite time to be there.....followed by Mardi Gras....followed by......oh heck I`d just be there all year round if they let us!!!

Love it all year round...and glad you`re still reading along...…...:)
My daughter loves the chocolate stampede! She started ordering it on her birthday at about age 10. She called it "The Deliciousness!" Her 15th birthday is next week, so we may be having the deliciousness again soon!
By the time we got to PB it had stopped.

Sal`s is a nice place...….very small and has several options for lunch including sandwiches, salads, subs, and pizza.....there are some ready made options in the chillers.

But, we are here for pizza...…..and today I made a mistake. Usually we order a cheese pizza for Kyle with bbq sauce base, but for some reason I ordered a Margerita…….doh!!! Tom and I are going to share a BBQ chicken with no scallions, add pineapple and jalapenos...….it is lush!!!!

So when the pizza`s are ready I see my mistake......the lady offers to redo it but Kyle says he`ll just pick the tomato slices off....and it is fine.....but have no idea why I ordered that one...….

This should be a fairly short entry...……

Knockturn Alley is an area we like a lot......although today we really didn't spend a lot of time in here...….in previous trip reports I have loads more pictures of this area, and we just didn't take too many today...…

It`s nice to just wander around and enjoy......and we did today.

Of course we do have "tradition" pictures we take around the park....and between these doors is one of them.....


The ceiling has a fake night sky that is very realistic with moving clouds and views of the full moon.....of course trying to capture that has been something Tom kept missing, so he was determined to get it this time...…simple things of course...…..


It was fairly quiet still and we did manage to get a few pictures with almost no one around.....it`s nice when it`s like this and we have been fairly fortunate that most of our visits have been like that, but, we have seen it busy......not so much fun then!!!


Again, it`s the detail that so takes us aback at times......looking at old style London in black and white films, they captured everything that would be so true to the times......we just love it and genuinely spend a lot of time just wandering and taking it all in.







We didn't go in the shop today and instead we headed back out into the beautiful sunshine...…..and it really was beautiful...….the heat was lovely, but the forecast was predicting a short downpour in a little while.....although right now it didn't look like it. But of course this was Florida...….wait five minutes...….



We walked out of Diagon Alley and headed round to the left to head out of the park......they decided to do the Simpsons first so I wandered again a little...…..and took some images, but to be honest I ended up sitting outside the Simpson`s store on one of the benches and again, watched the world go by...….it`s something I do enjoy doing and Tom and I often just sit having a drink and watch the other guests wander and sometimes race around the park to get to where they are going...….






They go on Simpsons ride once...….I think that`s enough for them....it`s not a ride I ever go on since it knocked me bad.....will never ride it again. And although Transformers does make me feel a little bad, this one was full blown dreadful. Apart from that ride I can go on anything in the parks with no side effects...….

They appear fairly quickly and we set off towards the exit...…..stopping for one photograph...…..


And at that the rain starts...…..the sky had looked ominous for a little while behind us...….but it just came down so quickly...….we took a little shelter along the pathway...…



I have to say much as we love the Blues Brothers and their unique car......it stinks to high heavens when it passes you...….but they do give us a massive wave..... and we now try to avoid the rain that was now teaming down.....


We take shelter in the Universal store for maybe 5 minutes or so...….and then it goes off and we head for the boats as we are going to Portofino Bay for lunch...…

Of course this is the day there is a boat sitting for RP and we have to wait for the PB one......I think we waited 10 minutes, which is quite long. We passed by a couple who were stood at the gate that folks who are coming off the boat....so we walked past to wait where the proper gate was......and folks lined up behind us...…

The couple hadn't realised and tried to tell us they were at the right bit and I think they were quite annoyed they weren't first anymore......I`d have happily let them go first.....but they grouched about folks jumping the line...….then the boat captain told them they were in the wrong place...….lol...…

It`s a nice ride to PB and although it is a little further than the RP or HR it`s not exactly a ten mile hike....and we sat on the right side of the boat......we sat on the wrong side of the boat as the rain was coming in and hitting us.....so we sat right at the end so as to avoid it...….but it was fairly heavy.

By the time we got to PB it had stopped.

Sal`s is a nice place...….very small and has several options for lunch including sandwiches, salads, subs, and pizza.....there are some ready made options in the chillers.

But, we are here for pizza...…..and today I made a mistake. Usually we order a cheese pizza for Kyle with bbq sauce base, but for some reason I ordered a Margerita…….doh!!! Tom and I are going to share a BBQ chicken with no scallions, add pineapple and jalapenos...….it is lush!!!!

So when the pizza`s are ready I see my mistake......the lady offers to redo it but Kyle says he`ll just pick the tomato slices off....and it is fine.....but have no idea why I ordered that one...….



I have to say they were both delicious. We always enjoy their food whether it be sandwiches or pizza. It`s the only place we like to eat in PB as we have tried the restaurants, but found them too processed and when we asked for omissions in sauces they told us it wasn't possible as they had already been made up. Considering this was an allergy and not just being difficult or fussy, we decided not to go back.

Once we had finished we headed up to the lobby which is beautiful......and of course they do have a lovely Christmas tree...…I have a real love of Christmas Trees especially when they are beautifully decorated...….and folks often comment on it...….


You can go outside onto one of their small balconies from the lobby.....and the view is lovely, and you can see the rain had really cleared up now...….and the heat was building up nicely again...….




Back inside we wander around and enjoy seeing the sights and the lovely aroma that is prevalent in the lobby......very fresh.



It is a beautiful and probably for us, the second nicest of the hotels that offer EP...….although we are not so keen on Italy the theme is still very nice. We have been to the real Portofino and the hotel does have a similar look to an area there.....the good thing is it doesn't smell like the real Portofino Bay did when we went...….they had problems with drains and that is our outstanding memory of the place.....not a good one!!!

This place however, did smell beautiful...….

It is so quiet during the day.....almost deserted in many ways......there are many folks around and there are people in their business area too.....but it seems quiet.


Once we are done wandering around, we nip down to the bathrooms which are nice too. It was a quick visit and so quick, I realised later I had left my sunhat on the back of the stall door......few years ago I was notorious for losing hats and having to replace them......but, hadn't done that for a while......hey ho...…

We go out and ask for an ODC to take us back to RP, and there isn't any available.....so one of the guys, I forget his name, offered to get one of their own cars to take us back.....we are very grateful to him for doing so...….and we are back home in a few minutes...…..

This service is excellent and a fabulous perk of staying onsite. It`s complimentary apart from a tip of course.

Seeing your review of Sal's is helping me get excited for our April trip!
I also love pineapple on pizza. The best part is that putting jalapenos and pineapple on my pizza would help insure that no one else in my family would take my pizza!
More great posts, taking me back :).

All the local parks there have started to really amp up the Xmas decorations last few years. It’s such a great way to get into the holiday vibe with a late Nov/early Dec. visit.

Thanks!!!! The parade was excellent and we did like where we stood this year as opposed to last year...…

More pics to come.....:)

We did the APH area this year, standing just past the bend onto the street. IMO was not conducive to taking pics. Much prefer the macy’s Area.

Tom is getting fancy on the pic taking :). Nice shot, may have to swipe the concept lol

Lol.......you’re welcome!! Always glad to help..........

He is rather easy on the eye in most pictures.........:flower:

Yep, like that picture..........::yes::
Ah, yes, he is a treat. Does he ever take a ‘bad’ picture when in that character?
My daughter loves the chocolate stampede! She started ordering it on her birthday at about age 10. She called it "The Deliciousness!" Her 15th birthday is next week, so we may be having the deliciousness again soon!

Oh my goodness.....I love that description!! If I liked chocolate I’d use it too......lol......

It is quite an amazing dessert........hope she has a lovely birthday next week.......:)

Glad you liked the pictures......Sals is amazing........

Lol.....yes, I adore pineapple on pizza and bbq sauce which irritates one friend who is 100% Italian........she won’t go out with us if we go for pizza.......and yes jalapeños too........Tom loves it too so I kinda have to share with him.....although at home he never gets that.......I do!!!! All mine........lol......

Your trip is just around the corner.......you must be so excited.........
More great posts, taking me back :).

All the local parks there have started to really amp up the Xmas decorations last few years. It’s such a great way to get into the holiday vibe with a late Nov/early Dec. visit.

We did the APH area this year, standing just past the bend onto the street. IMO was not conducive to taking pics. Much prefer the macy’s Area.

Tom is getting fancy on the pic taking :). Nice shot, may have to swipe the concept lol

Ah, yes, he is a treat. Does he ever take a ‘bad’ picture when in that character?

Our evening coming up soon.......:thumbsup2

Loved the decorations.........they really did make it feel Christmassy without being OTT. Although......I love OTT too......I’m easy to please with Christmas.........long as it’s good!!!

Yes, someone said the AP area wasn’t the best.......did you see the AP Lounge in the Studios was being extended till March 31st......not a great place but if you need to charge phones and such it would be ok.

Boys and their toys!! We did get another shot like that.....I think....up close so it’s not flattering in any way!!!

Oh Capt Jack Sparrow.........yep, he always looks good.....in character......::yes:: ::yes::
Glad you liked the pictures......Sals is amazing........

Lol.....yes, I adore pineapple on pizza and bbq sauce which irritates one friend who is 100% Italian........she won’t go out with us if we go for pizza.......and yes jalapeños too........Tom loves it too so I kinda have to share with him.....although at home he never gets that.......I do!!!! All mine........lol......

Your trip is just around the corner.......you must be so excited.........
I'm from California, so I have an excuse on the pizza. LOL

My kids got a free kids meal at LongHorn for having good report cards (I think one of their classmates's father manages the local one). They are begging to go. Maybe this weekend. Although, we are trying to curtail the eating out due to funds and diet.
I'm from California, so I have an excuse on the pizza. LOL

My kids got a free kids meal at LongHorn for having good report cards (I think one of their classmates's father manages the local one). They are begging to go. Maybe this weekend. Although, we are trying to curtail the eating out due to funds and diet.

I just love pineapple and jalapeño on everything!!! They’re perfect with a lot of things.......

How lovely, what a nice treat and well done to them for having such good report cards........always good to hear.

Hope you get to Longhorn this weekend......I hear you on the diet part though......this time of year is so difficult to get back into any kind of healthy eating.........

I’m sitting here fighting the urge to go open some potato chips!!! I can hear them calling me!!! Lol......
that christmas parade was just wonderful :lovestruc- love seeing these pics and reliving it. So glad we saw it on our 1st night before I got sick, since we never made it back to Universal like we planned. Loved the minions floats the best.

Sure wish they still let passholders be balloon handlers...that must have been so much fun for anyone who got the chance to do this in the past!

How's the passholder area for the mardi gras parade? Is it a good spot?
that christmas parade was just wonderful :lovestruc- love seeing these pics and reliving it. So glad we saw it on our 1st night before I got sick, since we never made it back to Universal like we planned. Loved the minions floats the best.

Sure wish they still let passholders be balloon handlers...that must have been so much fun for anyone who got the chance to do this in the past!

How's the passholder area for the mardi gras parade? Is it a good spot?

Oh I know....such a shame you got sick!! It`s not fair is it...….yes, the minions were lovely. They are so cute and Gru is a real favourite of mine...….

It does look a lot of fun to be a balloon holder....quite a responsibility though!!!

The passholder areas tend not to be the best places to see the parades....we stood opposite Starbucks near Louie`s last year and, also in front of the Boulangerie both were good as you can see the float approach ....but this year we may have a rethink and stand somewhere else.....not sure where though.....lol.....
Love the photos of the parade! The train is so cute. I think I saw a movie once about a Gingerbread man that looked like the balloon one, he was a psychopath or something.
Father Christmas looks like the real one.:)
Loving your report but fearing that Kyle is getting sick.....:sick: (I know he did but am hoping it didn't ruin the trip). Thank YOU for doing this report, life is REALLY tough lately and this is one of the few things bringing any joy to my life!
Love the photos of the parade! The train is so cute. I think I saw a movie once about a Gingerbread man that looked like the balloon one, he was a psychopath or something.
Father Christmas looks like the real one.:)
Loving your report but fearing that Kyle is getting sick.....:sick: (I know he did but am hoping it didn't ruin the trip). Thank YOU for doing this report, life is REALLY tough lately and this is one of the few things bringing any joy to my life!

Thanks so much, always glad to see you post :).......I’m glad you enjoyed them........a psychopathic gingerbread man!! Sounds very weird.....lol.....

Well, yes, he did get sick, but he made it to NASA on the Thursday which was one of the main things he wanted to do on his trip........and he felt fabulous that day which we were pleased about!! It was The Thursday night and the next day he really went downhill.

Oh bless you!!! I’m so sorry things have been so tough for you....I truly hope things improve for you.......sending many hugs to you.........:grouphug:


The day we took the least pictures ever...………

Another night we slept like exhausted babies...….this morning I lay for a while before moving as I just wanted to go back to sleep....but as always, it just doesn't happen.....so I eventually get up and open the drapes to quite a depressing sight.....it looks cold and the wind is blowing.

The forecast the night before was for temps to be around low 60`s, but right now it was showing as 48F.

I went through and woke Kyle up to see how he was and he said ok......so we would do the parks today again. Although I was tempted to hit up the mall......but parks it was as we were mainly doing what Kyle wanted to do this trip.

Once we were all showered and dressed we headed upstairs to the lounge for breakfast......we got settled and we were enjoying our breakfast. I did glance at Kyle a few ties hoping he`d be fine as tomorrow was the day he was most looking forward to....NASA. I prayed he`d feel good enough to go......I didn't keep asking him how he was, as there`s nothing worse when you don't feel 100% and someone keeps asking you how you are feeling...….I just kept a sneaky watch on him.

I ask one of the girls what the weather is like and she says it is really, really cold...….and mentions it`s the wind that's making it feel worse....she says it`s nasty and one of the other girls says the same thing...and she`s from the North!! So I guess it`s going to be cold. I decide I`ll take my winter hat I brought for getting off the plane when we land back in England...….

We finish our breakfast and decide we won`t really need sunscreen, but Kyle does put some on the back of his neck as it will be exposed….and he catches the sun so easily...….so that took only a few moments.....

We go downstairs and decide we`ll go to IOA and enjoy the morning there...…I had put on long leggings, Tom had long trousers on and Kyle had knee length shorts on!!! But......how bad could it be...……

We came out the elevator, opened the door facing the pool and stepped outside...……

Holy Moly!!!!! It was bitingly cold...…..really, really bitter......and Elida had been right...the wind was nasty...I had never felt this before in Orlando...….I did remember one year when we left in November, and it had been cold...that was in 2010. But this...…….this was entirely different...….we are quite used to cold where we live....we face right on to the North Sea......so I`m not a softy with weather.....but...…….

I stopped dead in my tracks, turned around and announced I was going nowhere and back into the hotel......Kyle said he wanted to go put on long trousers...….sensible decision......Tom looked at me and said what will we do.....of course Kyle wanted to go to the park.....so Tom said he would go with him after he got changed...….

I said of course they should carry on and still go, but no way was I wandering round a park in that cold wind......it would be miserable......and going on rides like Hulk, would just be painfully cold!!!! I said I`d go sit in the Club lounge with my Ipad and wait for them to come back...I could pass a morning easily doing that...

So, they headed off and I went back into the lounge whereby a couple of them laughed when they saw I was planning to hibernate in here all morning...…..Elida said she told me it was bitter!!! She said it would still be cool tomorrow but the wind would be missing, so a much more pleasant day all round.

I sat down at our usual table and it was lovely.....the sun was creeping around and was soon streaming in the windows I was sitting at..…..and I was like a puppy in a basket at this point...….I was basking in the heat coming from the heaters and now from the sun that was perfectly positioned for me...….

I did take some pictures of the new hotel on I Drive......of course it has progressed since then...….the parking garage will be so convenient for the hotel too and looks to be a decent size...….



My morning passed quickly, between internet and chatting......and around midday or just after my two guys meandered in looking......yep cold...….

They had gone to IOA and did a few rides like Hulk, Doom, Spider-Man, Kong and FJ......went back and did Hulk, Doom and Spider-Man again....then walked back exclaiming it was cold, but now the sun was higher it wasn't just as bad, but it was that dreaded wind that made the day unpleasant...….I was so glad we hadn't gone to KSC today.

But, there had been a reason.....there was supposed to be a rocket launch on the Tuesday and it had been postponed. They only had a short window in which it could take off again, so it was going ahead today around 1.15pm......so that was one of the main reasons we weren't going today......we weren't sure how things operated with a launch day, although it wasn't a major launch, it would still attract interest. So, Thursday suited us better....

I asked them where they wanted to have lunch......Kyle asked if we could go to Jake`s.....he does like it in there and the food too....but of course, he wanted to see the launch from the hotel in an hour or so. We were happy to eat at Jake`s too......we had planned to go to Orlando Ale House tonight on Kirkman, so a lighter lunch would be good...…..

There was no wait for a table today, although it was busier than I imagined......and we were seated in minutes......Kyle despite being cold orders his daiquiri......and demolishes it in around one minute.....so we get him another as we order food...….


Kyle is going for the flatbread instead of the slightly huge pizza he usually gets.....with just bbq sauce and cheese on it.....and it came with fries...…


And Tom and I rather simply went for the Crawfish Chowder...….although when it arrived it was cool....very cool, so unfortunately we had to call the waiter over and told him they were cold.....I hate sending food back and will avoid doing so unless there is a problem with it.....and cold soup is never nice. He was so apologetic and immediately said he`d get fresh ones.....and they did come out boiling hot and a slightly larger serving we noticed than the bowl I had taken a picture of...…..it was filled to the top of boiling hot chowder.


We adore the chowder in there and it`s one of the dishes we always look forward to enjoying in Jake`s.....Kyle loved his flatbread but was conscious of the time till the launch. We may have helped him enjoy some of the fries as he couldn't eat them...…….

We paid the check and went up to the lobby and we were in time to see the launch.....it was a SpaceX Dragon resupply spacecraft. Not a huge launch, but impressive all the same as we had always missed launches while we were there.....sometimes by a day......and we are huge Space/Astronomy/NASA nerds...….moreso Kyle and I but we all enjoyed seeing this one.

We went up to the room and I said to Kyle that dad and I wanted to go to Mount Dora as we had run out of the lovely Chipotle Olive Oil we get from there...….it takes around 30 minutes or so to get there, so I said if he didn't want to come that was ok......but he said no, he`d come along too as he had never seen Mount Dora.....

We grabbed the car keys as I put on another top on top of the one I had on already and the one and only sweater I had brought....……we all only had fleecy`s as jackets...….

They thought this was funny somehow........we went down to the lobby and braved setting foot outside......it wasn't as bad as this morning, but it wasn't the heat we are used to...….this wasn't fun.....

The drive wasn't much fun either...….the route we always take had roadworks and somehow...…"someone" took a wrong turn despite the satnav telling them to go straight on.....and we heard the famous word from our Satnav lady...…."recalculating"

This wasn't unusual for us...…...lol...…..

This journey was taking much longer than normal, I turned round to speak to Kyle and he was asleep.....now I felt bad for coming out at all......he looked wiped out......although he said later he had been so comfortable he just shut his eyes for a few minutes and woke up as we arrived in Mount Dora.....it is a comfy car!!!

And eventually we did get there...….almost an hour since we left...….I said to Kyle we would just go get the Oil and then head back and he could stay in the car if he wanted, but he wanted to at least see the place we spoke of so fondly...…..

We only really wandered down to show him the Lake and of course there was a giant Christmas Tree......I`d bet this quaint little town would have some beautiful events going on for the festive season...…but, we didn't look......maybe next year……..and bless him he did pose for a picture...…..


We left and went straight to the Oil store and Kyle did glance around and agreed it was a nice little place.....but we grabbed two bottles of the oil we wanted, had a quick look around and got back in the car.....

They do sell beautiful products in here......so many flavours of light and dark balsamic vinegars too as well as all the oils they do. They also sell smoked maple syrup which was gorgeous....and we planned to buy some of that but they had sold out. He said it would be in on Saturday, but we wouldn't be back up this trip. He suggested we email before our next visit and he`d make sure there was some in for us......how lovely.....and good service.....



This must have been the shortest outing we have ever had in all our trips. But I wanted to get Kyle home and into the warm...….me too if I`m honest!!!!

We drove back our normal route and it did only take 30 minutes. Tom dropped us off at the doors of RP and went to park the car......we headed up to the room and turned the heat up...…..

Kyle just wanted to go lay down for a while, so we told him we`d go up to the Club lounge so he could sleep......and would come back down to see how he was. He was chalk white right now.

We decided we wouldn't be going to the Ale House tonight and would eat in the hotel......so up in the lounge of course everyone was asking where he was....when we told them he wasn't feeling so good they offered to get him anything he wanted.…..we thanked them and said we`d let them know if he did.....

We passed some time up there and even nibbled a few items form the choices on offer and they were nice....just a few bits though, and Tom went down to check on him......he was awake and had asked for some of the flourless chocolate cake from Jake`s.....one of the girls offered to order it for him, but we said we`d go down and then go eat ourselves...….and again they said whatever he needed they`d get for him.....so kind.

It looked lovely out our window so I did take one shot......the pool had been closed as it was just too cold to keep it open...….it`s always weird seeing it empty early evening...…..


Tom went down to get Kyle`s chocolate cake from Jake`s as a takeout......and Kyle said he felt a bit better but wanted to stay in the room tonight......told him of course, anything he wanted to do.....I said we could postpone KSC till Friday or Saturday if need be......he said he`d see how he was in the morning. I was gutted he wasn't feeling great....

I have to say the sight of the cake cheered him up immensely...….it was huge!!!!!

He was watching tv and I said we didn't have to go out, but he said he`d be fine, so we went down to Orchids for some sushi...…..Kyle doesn't eat it, so we don't tend to go when he is with us.....although you can order from Jake`s menu there too.

We sat at the tables tonight and Tom ordered a beer and I had wine as I had some in the lounge earlier.... it is so nice in here...although when they change it to the new revamped sushi bar it sounds gorgeous!!! I cannot wait to see that...….the grab and go that is in here in the mornings is being relocated to a proper grab and go over the other side of the lobby......again, it`ll be lovely.


We had snacked upstairs in the lounge so we weren't massively hungry and decided to get two dishes to share and a few slices of smoked salmon.....we do love that!!!!

We ordered along with the smoked salmon the Dynamite and Volcano rolls as we do like it quite spicy......the other spicy one we love is the Mexican roll...….if we had room we planned to order that later...….


But, we didn't...….it is quite filling, plus what we had nibbled on earlier had made us not as hungry as we thought...…..we also only had one drink as we just planned to go back upstairs and relax in the room.

We did joke on the way up in the elevator if Kyle was in our bed sleeping I was taking the rollaway and Tom could rough it on the pullout.....I wouldn't have been surprised as Kyle does like his comforts!!!

But, he was sitting on the sofa watching tv and drinking water.....and said he felt much better......he said it was the cake that helped…...of course it was...….lol

We sat for a couple of hours and watched a movie.....no clue what it was.....but this was kind of nice.....we usually don't sit in the room and just watch tv...…..Tom poured us a glass of wine and Kyle had some orange juice the lounge had sent down......and he did look better I have to say, just tired.

Yes, I know he`s an adult......but, you don't want to see them poorly however old they are...….so we were glad to see he had picked up a bit.

Eventually, around 10.30ish we decided to call it a night and head for bed.....Kyle had his bed pulled over before we could blink!!! And we said our goodnights and briefly spoke of how much we were looking forward to the next day.....finally we would see KSC...…..

Our evening coming up soon.......:thumbsup2

Loved the decorations.........they really did make it feel Christmassy without being OTT. Although......I love OTT too......I’m easy to please with Christmas.........long as it’s good!!!

Yes, someone said the AP area wasn’t the best.......did you see the AP Lounge in the Studios was being extended till March 31st......not a great place but if you need to charge phones and such it would be ok.

Boys and their toys!! We did get another shot like that.....I think....up close so it’s not flattering in any way!!!

Oh Capt Jack Sparrow.........yep, he always looks good.....in character......::yes:: ::yes::

Darn it, I knew I forgot to do something...missed the lounge completely. For that matter forgot to lug my kiddo to see Fallon, no loss there lol.

Kyle had more ‘down’ days this trip than I realized, sounds like he really tried to soldier on through feeling crappy. Have to laugh, think I’ve met my frozen anything strawberry match.
Darn it, I knew I forgot to do something...missed the lounge completely. For that matter forgot to lug my kiddo to see Fallon, no loss there lol.

Kyle had more ‘down’ days this trip than I realized, sounds like he really tried to soldier on through feeling crappy. Have to laugh, think I’ve met my frozen anything strawberry match.

lol....you’re not missing anything with the AP lounge........and yep, missing Fallon won’t have him losing sleep for missing it.......

Oh he did miss a few days Janet.....bless him.....but next day up is KSC.....he was brilliant there.......but then went rapidly downhill!! But, we just wanted him to enjoy that day as it was the one day he’d so been looking forward to....

Glad you’re still enjoying reading along.........



Not sure if I was worried how Kyle was going to be today, but I didn't sleep the best last night....I thought I heard him up a few times, but apparently he didn't move the whole night. Although I must have slept as Tom said he got up and I never moved.....but I did have that worried feeling he was going to be ok.

I had also, just for fun organised an alarm call from Spider-Man...….why not....better than a dull automated voice telling me it was time to get up......and at 5.45 exactly I got my call......and as expected he was very exuberant and keen we should get up and start the day!!!

So, Tom forgot I had arranged for this call and asked who it was......I replied Spider-Man and he said yeah right...….lol...….

I got up and poked my head through to the sitting area and Kyle was already awake.....I think he heard the phone ring in our room. And he said he felt good!!!

I think we were all pleased he was ok......I wouldn't say he was 100%, but he was certainly fine for a day to KSC...……

One by one we were all showered and dressed and we all decided to wear long trousers and the warmest tops we had with us, and we were happy to see it wasn't to be anywhere near as cold as yesterday......no wind today.....much more pleasant.

We walked into the lounge just as they opened and one of the girls, Elida looked shocked to see us so early, she did laugh when we walked in and wondered why we were early......lol....we had never made it this early for breakfast as we never do EE. But she then remembered we were doing KSC...that explains it......we are if nothing else, usually creatures of habit...…and she told us it was a LOT nicer outside today...no wind and it would be warmer...….that, we liked to hear.

It was quiet in here this morning so we had our usual cereal for Kyle and toast and croissants for us with some coffee and we didn't spend a lot of time here today......once we were done we headed downstairs and took what we needed for the day.

We turned onto Turkey Lake Road and went for fuel, I picked up a couple of packets of cough sweets as I felt a slight sore throat developing and Kyle had been taking some too and his were done. We filled the car and headed off finally for the day we had waited so long to do.

It doesn't take too long to get there, you go past the airport and it`s more or less a straight road......you can`t miss it. And the weather was beautiful...…the scenery too is very pretty once you pass by the Orlando area.

We chatted all the way there about one thing and the other and we were so happy to Kyle so animated about today......he was feeling good. We decided the thing we were most excited to see was the Space Shuttle. Closely followed by Saturn V.

We hadn't bought our tickets ahead of time and we had asked advice from Samuel in the lounge if we should purchase any extras, or would the standard entrance ticket be enough for a first visit....he suggested the standard day ticket should be fine for us as there was quite a lot to do anyway......he was right and we were glad we took his advice.

You can see the Vehicle Assembly Building from miles away.....we had seen it years ago when we went to Cocoa Beach...….we were on the beach and even then we were surprised you could see it so clearly. This building is amazing and one of the icons so synonymous with KSC...…...so many facts about it...… just some taken from their own site...……

  • One of the largest buildings in the world by area, the VAB covers eight acres, is 525 feet tall and 518 feet wide.
  • The VAB high bay doors are the largest in the world at 456 feet high and take about 45 minutes to completely open or close.
  • The building is home to the largest American flag, a 209-foot-tall, 110-foot-wide star spangled banner painted on the side of the VAB.
  • It is made up of 65,000 cubic yards of concrete and its frame is constructed from 98,590 tons of steel. It stands atop a support base of 4,225 steel pilings driven 164 feet into bedrock.

It really is massive...….and so impressive.

The whole place is huge and impressive though...….at 34 miles long and roughly six miles wide, the entire place covers 219 square miles...….impressive!!!

We approach and we get more excited to arrive...….roads are well signposted and very clear....you really can`t miss this place.....even we couldn't get lost!!


As we drive along the path towards the entrance, there is grass and water either side of the road.....and I see my first real life alligator!!! It was just sitting half in and half out the water...….I don't like them, have no desire to see one close up or from a distance.....it was just the first time I had actually seen a real live one in it`s natural habitat...…..horrible things!!!! I`ve always been glad Kyle never wanted to go to Gatorland or anywhere similar......not for us. But, it was something to say I had now seen...….and would be happy to not see another so close.


We pull in and pass the signs for where to go and where to turn.....you can`t miss the entrance and it is impressive too...…..




I turned round to Kyle who had a massive smile on his face...….and we both just grinned at each other.....

I think the parking for the day was $10, absolute bargain........The car park is almost deserted......almost. There was a few Japanese tourists getting out of cars and a school tour which was quite small. But we did feel incredibly lucky to visit when it was so quiet...….


We got parked, on the second row.....no issues there and headed out ready to begin this day...….


The prices are excellent..….they really are....we really did get our monies worth and more by the time the day was finished...…

Tom went over to the regular counter and purchased our entry for the day......as Kyle and I veered ever closer to the entrance......but we were in no rush, we did have all day and by the looks of the non-existent crowds we wouldn't have any trouble seeing all we wanted to.


I loved this!!!!!


Although I hadn't noticed the tourist with the Elton John glasses on!!!





Once we had gone through the entrance, where there was a brief and cursory bag search and I have to say the employees we had encountered so far were wonderful......so very friendly and all wanted everyone to really enjoy everything the place had to offer.

We looked at the map and Kyle wanted to do the Heroes and Legends show......it`s a full screen 4D show where you feel as if you are travelling in space...….you see it all through the eyes of the earliest space travellers and what they experienced.... Then you see those inducted into the U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame. It sounded a lot of fun.


We would come out at the rocket garden later...…..


I had my hat off now as it was already warming up nicely......you still needed a light jacket at this point, but so much nicer than yesterday...……


You walk up the path towards the entrance of the theatre and pass by some of the rockets on display...…the Mercury Atlas and Mercury Redstone were the two we saw first...….


We got to the top and there was one other couple waiting to go in and one man on his own.....this guy was intense. Very intense. Now Kyle loves all this and has done for years, but this guy looked as though his life depended on getting into this theatre first right now...…..we hung back as it wasn't going to be mobbed with five of us...…..we were just enjoying being here right now...…



You first go into an ante room and see some images on a 360-degree screen that connects into a film called “What is a Hero?” featuring astronauts, celebrities and ordinary people talking about their heroes.

You then go through to the theatre which is 28 feet tall and wrap around.....one of the best places is on the top tier and as far back as you can as you can see the whole panorama.....However, it did made me feel extremely woozy as you do feel as if you are moving and you are standing up. There are three tiers of space to stand so you do get a good view of the whole show wherever you stand. But, it was so interesting. In a nutshell, it`s a 7 1/2minute movie, “Through the Eyes of a Hero,” that tells stories about four astronauts — Alan Shepard, Neil Armstrong, John Glenn and James Lovell. They show old clips and also use enhanced computer generated images too. It`s supposed to make you realise that we think of astronauts as heroes and teaches us about the meaning of courage. They travel to places that are inhospitable to man and downright scary if truth be told!!!

Once you have watched that part, you then go through and see all the displays before seeing the Hall of Fame.....

The pods and displays are all designed to show "A Hero is" It includes astronauts’ artifacts and special characteristics of heroes. The designers built displays to show each of their nine qualities. A hero is passionate, curious, tenacious, inspired, confident, disciplined, principled, selfless and courageous.

Here you can see a Redstone rocket suspended overhead along with the Sigma 7 capsule.



Each pod is designed to look like the inside of a space capsule and contains items of interest — many of them donated by astronauts — and offers other interactive components. You can hear some amazing audio and some video of certain astronauts with particular subject named at the front of the pod. There are also holograms in some.


Below is Deke Slayton’s World War II bomber jacket. It is so small.

Donald "Deke" Slayton was one of the original Mercury 7 astronauts, but he never flew in that program. Because of a heart condition, he was grounded for decades before being approved and flying in the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project, the first joint mission with the Soviet Union.

This man was so interesting. He had an amazing life, and a full life.....sadly passed away with brain cancer in 1993.


There are so many other pods and fascinating artifacts to enjoy, but I won`t post them all...I would be here all day on them alone!!!

Then you move on to the rather large display which copies exactly the original consoles of the Mercury Mission Control room, and the map of the world on which the Friendship 7 was followed. John Glenn was on this.



The Gemini 9 capsule. Scarily small.



The Statue of Alan Shepard is located at the entrance to the Hall of Fame. He was the first American to travel into space and participated in Mercury Redstone 3, Apollo 14 and the Mercury Atlas 10 missions. Another true hero. And again, fascinating guy who actually developed Ménière's disease, but stayed with Nasa and eventually did go back into space aged 47 to complete the Apollo 14 mission with his famously smuggled golf clubs aboard!!! This guy sounds like he would have been a lot of fun to be around.

I have no idea what I`m saying to Kyle below...…..


It is a fabulous place and amazing sight to see.



Next up.....The Rocket Garden...…..
I am excited to read this part of your trip! We have never been to KSC. The first part of the day looks awesome! Glad to see you get to go back next December. Will Kyle go along with you then too?


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