Debt Dumpers - 2019

Well, DF got a deer this morning. Unfortunately it was with the front of my car. :scared: Oh well, he wasn't hurt and there really wasn't much damage and he thinks he can fix it himself. Great start to his birthday. They asked if he wanted to leave work early and he was all for it since he has tomorrow off. Luckily our bonus is on our next check so we can cover the loss of hours easily.
I have a 12 year old that is not interested in sports so it makes it easier not to go down this path. Saying that I work in college athletics and my summer extra money jobs are covering all the tournaments that parents pay thousands of dollars to play in. If little Johnny is on the C team no he's not going to get an NCAA scholarship:)

I have a 12 year old who is not into sports as well, but that has not saved me one bit! She is in drama club, chorus, and peer mediators at school. At church she is in youth group and is a kid member of their tech team (lights, sound, etc). She also does local theater. Thankfully right now, the only thing requiring driving is youth group/tech team once a week and blessedly, they feed her!

My 9yo does first lego league/4H lego robotics, but his Dad takes him to that because my husband is an adult mentor for the older kids. I am the #1 for XC though from August-November about 4-5 days a week :duck::duck:

I'm feeling insanely fortunate that we are in the position for me to homeschool the girls. I feel so strongly against elementary age kids coming home with hours of homework. The schools here have very limited recess. "Lunch" is 30 mins with no talking allowed. It's horrible.

I feel very fortunate that our grade school teachers do not believe in sending busy work home. Even my 6th grader usually only has about 30 minutes of work to finish when she gets home. Even then it is only what she was not able to do at school. We don't get enough recess time here either. It's pathetic. About 20 minutes once a day. Usually most classes get 2 when it's nice out and their teacher takes them out. Often times my 9yo son's first 'chore' when he gets home is to go play outside for an hour or two if it's not bitterly cold or nasty. He doesn't do well if he can't be active. Shoot I had him still running his XC practice course until January, just for the mental benefits it affords him.

Lunch....well. That one is hard. I work as a noon aide, so I am front lines. If they talk and don't eat their food, we get complaints from parents. Lunches brought home, or thrown away and starving kids. If we make them be quiet and eat their food, we get complaints from parents. Our reasoning is I'd rather know kids have been fed and will not be hungry all day because they spent the whole time socializing. Doesn't mean it doesn't rub me the wrong way because I know across town my kids are dealing with the same thing though.
Got some good news today. When we moved last year and forwarded our mail I signed up for whatever it is called that sends me an email telling me what is in my mail each day. Today I see I have a hand written envelope addressed to me from my mom's address (we live in the same town) but it isn't her handwriting. I called her to see what she mailed me and she said nothing. I told her I have something in my mail from her house- She said her husband had asked for my address and that he had talked about sending us money for Disney but she didn't know he did. We are all going to Disney together in March and he and my mom paid for the house and everyone was to be responsible for everything else on their own. I told her he did not have to give us any money but am appreciative of it! I have money figured out for March so I am going to put this towards our flights for December!
We didn't have much money growing up (got free lunches at school and were at the poverty line at one point) so we didn't have jam packed schedules of activities. We did some sports in high school and 4-H but that's about it. I think it would have been pretty stressful for me actually as a kid but then again I'm also an introvert and need down time to recharge. We ate dinner together every night as a family and I agree that it's important.
We didn't have much money growing up (got free lunches at school and were at the poverty line at one point) so we didn't have jam packed schedules of activities. We did some sports in high school and 4-H but that's about it. I think it would have been pretty stressful for me actually as a kid but then again I'm also an introvert and need down time to recharge. We ate dinner together every night as a family and I agree that it's important.

Ha, I forgot about 4-H! Started that when I was 9, but I include that under "horses." DH and I met through 4-H and we still volunteer annually.
The housekeeper cancelled because her son was sick, so we probably won't be able to reschedule her to come until after we get back from our vacation in March. We have decided to put the $120 that we won't have spent on a February cleaning towards parking costs at the airport. Somehow I forgot to account for that in our travel budget. Oops. That should still leave $40 left over, so if we don't overspend anywhere, I plan to put that towards the trailer loan.

I also was able to make an extra $100 payment towards the loan yesterday and should be able to make another extra $100 payment some time next week thanks to Swagbucks and mystery shop earnings. This will bring the loan down to $12,500. I have another $75 pending from Swagbucks, but they have extended the time it takes to get shop and earn credits to 60-75 days, so I won't see most of that money for another month or two unfortunately. But all of that extra money will go towards the trailer loan too. And DH and I decided that any money left over from the extra March paycheck will also go towards the trailer loan, which will definitely dip it below $12k. My goal is to get the loan down to $10k by the end of October if I can. About $800 will come from our regular loan payments, so I will have to come up with another $1200 of extra money between now and then. About $150 extra per month is my challenge to myself. If we could keep up that pace, then we would be on pace to have it paid off in full in 3 years or less. I am so motivated to see that debt eliminated!
The housekeeper cancelled because her son was sick, so we probably won't be able to reschedule her to come until after we get back from our vacation in March. We have decided to put the $120 that we won't have spent on a February cleaning towards parking costs at the airport. Somehow I forgot to account for that in our travel budget. Oops. That should still leave $40 left over, so if we don't overspend anywhere, I plan to put that towards the trailer loan.

I also was able to make an extra $100 payment towards the loan yesterday and should be able to make another extra $100 payment some time next week thanks to Swagbucks and mystery shop earnings. This will bring the loan down to $12,500. I have another $75 pending from Swagbucks, but they have extended the time it takes to get shop and earn credits to 60-75 days, so I won't see most of that money for another month or two unfortunately. But all of that extra money will go towards the trailer loan too. And DH and I decided that any money left over from the extra March paycheck will also go towards the trailer loan, which will definitely dip it below $12k. My goal is to get the loan down to $10k by the end of October if I can. About $800 will come from our regular loan payments, so I will have to come up with another $1200 of extra money between now and then. About $150 extra per month is my challenge to myself. If we could keep up that pace, then we would be on pace to have it paid off in full in 3 years or less. I am so motivated to see that debt eliminated!

I'm so excited for those extra March paychecks lol. I should only need part of mine to pay off the remainder of my student loan after my tax refund, but I'm hoping to use them to pad our horse show account.
I've never really understood the "extra paycheck" thing. I'll get three paychecks in March, but none of them will be extra in terms of the first one goes to bills and the second goes to rent, then the third goes to the next month's bills again.
I've never really understood the "extra paycheck" thing. I'll get three paychecks in March, but none of them will be extra in terms of the first one goes to bills and the second goes to rent, then the third goes to the next month's bills again.
It’s extra when you're paid bi weekly and budget as though you only get two checks a month for all 12 months. So the additional check on the 3 pay day months becomes extra.
I've never really understood the "extra paycheck" thing. I'll get three paychecks in March, but none of them will be extra in terms of the first one goes to bills and the second goes to rent, then the third goes to the next month's bills again.

some folks who get paid bi-weekly budget on 2 per month/24 per year plan so the two extra checks per year are used for savings or other expenses (my dd throws hers as large chunks towards her student loans).
Month two of my money-life overhaul. LOL, it's already losing its novelty.

I should be ashamed but I was never taught about a budget. I grew up in a 4 bed 2.5 bath with dad driving a company car. No one ever talked about money. I married a very wealthy man and my budget was handing him my monthly cc bill and it was paid. But, that was a long time ago. We divorced almost 20 years ago, and I've worked since. And I work hard. I'm a charge nurse in an ER, I work overtime every week and I work a weekend contract (off 5 per year) for the extra $12000. And now, all these years later, it's finally sinking into my skull that I need to have a better idea of how much money I have and where it's going.

This month has a lot of extra expenses. Not including my taxes that, although I made $800 less than last year due to increasing my retirement again, are up $1400. It's my DHs birthday, my BFFs birthday, and another very good friend (couples) birthday. I had to buy seresto flea collars for my littles (x 6) and I just got a bill for $300 for my termite contract for the year. UGH.

My husband wanted something kind of expensive so I actually sold something to buy it. I'm fine with it. I have too much crap and don't want any more money on the CC. I've never had (and hope never to) problems paying my bills. I just pay too much money out. This no-buy that I started in January has opened my eyes to just how easily I spent money without thinking about it.

I do appreciate everyones tips here. I'd not have a clue how to even start if I hadn't started following this thread. I think with some serious work, I can have my debts paid off in two years... which feels like a long time. But, every cent of my money I get to keep is a win.
In summer we have more time to throw some extra activities in, so besides pool membership I’ll have them signed up for a camp here or there, or a Rec league where it’s just games and no stats kept and meets once a week. Since there’s not the long days and school to think about, I don’t mind putting a few extras in for summer. We never did the scout route, I offered each time I saw signs up to join, and got emphatic no’s. I think my kids are pretty much homebodies as that’s what they prefer to just be home after school or most nights, they even say they rather stay home. They’re pretty content with just one activity at a time, although occasionally something overlaps but I’ll admit when it comes to running around for things I don’t like to myself!
some folks who get paid bi-weekly budget on 2 per month/24 per year plan so the two extra checks per year are used for savings or other expenses (my dd throws hers as large chunks towards her student loans).

Well, I get paid bi-weekly and budget that way. It just never works out that the third paycheck is actually "extra" for me. I must be doing something wrong.
My next 3 paycheck month isn't until May. Which is kind of nice because we get our quarterly bonus in June so I should be able to make a good dent in the wedding fund in May/June.
I imagine the answer is yes, and that it's probably how a lot of us ended up here, but does anyone else struggle with spending as a coping mechanism? I feel like emotional spending is my downfall. Nothing huge, but there's been some stress for me lately and I'm never more tempted to spend than in times of stress/ sadness/ anger/ etc. How do you guys combat it?
Month two of my money-life overhaul. LOL, it's already losing its novelty.

I should be ashamed but I was never taught about a budget. I grew up in a 4 bed 2.5 bath with dad driving a company car. No one ever talked about money. I married a very wealthy man and my budget was handing him my monthly cc bill and it was paid. But, that was a long time ago. We divorced almost 20 years ago, and I've worked since. And I work hard. I'm a charge nurse in an ER, I work overtime every week and I work a weekend contract (off 5 per year) for the extra $12000. And now, all these years later, it's finally sinking into my skull that I need to have a better idea of how much money I have and where it's going.

This month has a lot of extra expenses. Not including my taxes that, although I made $800 less than last year due to increasing my retirement again, are up $1400. It's my DHs birthday, my BFFs birthday, and another very good friend (couples) birthday. I had to buy seresto flea collars for my littles (x 6) and I just got a bill for $300 for my termite contract for the year. UGH.

My husband wanted something kind of expensive so I actually sold something to buy it. I'm fine with it. I have too much crap and don't want any more money on the CC. I've never had (and hope never to) problems paying my bills. I just pay too much money out. This no-buy that I started in January has opened my eyes to just how easily I spent money without thinking about it.

I do appreciate everyones tips here. I'd not have a clue how to even start if I hadn't started following this thread. I think with some serious work, I can have my debts paid off in two years... which feels like a long time. But, every cent of my money I get to keep is a win.

The novelty DOES wear off fast. I will say that once it becomes more habit than not, it does seem easier. Also you reminded me that I need to start making piles of things to sell. My daughter has agreed she is finally done with her American girl dollhouse, so I am hoping to make some money back on all the furniture and extra clothes.

In summer we have more time to throw some extra activities in, so besides pool membership I’ll have them signed up for a camp here or there, or a Rec league where it’s just games and no stats kept and meets once a week. Since there’s not the long days and school to think about, I don’t mind putting a few extras in for summer. We never did the scout route, I offered each time I saw signs up to join, and got emphatic no’s. I think my kids are pretty much homebodies as that’s what they prefer to just be home after school or most nights, they even say they rather stay home. They’re pretty content with just one activity at a time, although occasionally something overlaps but I’ll admit when it comes to running around for things I don’t like to myself!

Speaking of...I need to decide if we're getting pool passes this year. I got a super good deal on Magic Waters passes at the end of the last season, which to my surprise was bought by Great America a few months later, so for $60 pp for my kids and I we now have Great American AND Magic Waters access. We do like the park pool though, because it's 5 minutes away, and they see a lot of their friends there. Also this reminds me that I'll need to put a deposit on summer camp soon :(:(

I imagine the answer is yes, and that it's probably how a lot of us ended up here, but does anyone else struggle with spending as a coping mechanism? I feel like emotional spending is my downfall. Nothing huge, but there's been some stress for me lately and I'm never more tempted to spend than in times of stress/ sadness/ anger/ etc. How do you guys combat it?

YES. This is how I got here. The MINDSET anyways. I am getting better. I build it in now. I budget for it. I gave myself an allowance. I also pull out cash when we get rewards on our cards. I save it up at home. I usually let it build up for a while. I have not shopped for leisure/fun/emotional response in a few weeks. Tomorrow I am going to Hallmark (need a card and I have rewards to use), getting my eyebrows waxed, going to Home Goods, and Hobby Lobby. I have $90 in my stash, so I will give myself a budget and maybe get some lunch after. Any leftover cash will go back in my stash. I find that doing it THIS way, greatly decreases the amount I spend. Without a plan, I can spend almost $200 in a day of running around. I bet tomorrow I can get home spending no more than $50.

It also makes this way of life, or what we're working towards anyways, feel less restrictive.
I imagine the answer is yes, and that it's probably how a lot of us ended up here, but does anyone else struggle with spending as a coping mechanism? I feel like emotional spending is my downfall. Nothing huge, but there's been some stress for me lately and I'm never more tempted to spend than in times of stress/ sadness/ anger/ etc. How do you guys combat it?

I'm the same way and I don't have a good solution, except if I want to spend, I try and spend on something for the house (we're currently redecorating and doing some light renovations) instead of useless crap I don't really need.


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