A Tipsy Tenth Dining Adventure - Completed 9/28

Ach I’m so glad Casey didn’t take long to cheer up and get back to her normal happy self but I love her photo of you both so it was almost worth her having the grumps for 5 minutes to get that treasure! :rotfl:
We loved that wee bar last time we were in MGM and were almost sad we had a restaurant reservation because the food looked pretty decent and I preferred the atmosphere in the bar :)
Glad Jason got some fresh smelling air to chase away the pong from RnR:thumbsup2
Oh wow, thank you so much for all of this, but especially for telling me about the benedict flight at Grand Floridian!
You are most welcome. The only thing better than an alcohol flight is an eggs benedict one :D

We’re in France Sept 4th to 23rd. It has meant a lot less Disney this year but that is totally ok. I should post an update on my long neglected Pre-Trip this weekend since I’m stuck at home with a husband traveling for work and a dog that got a mass removed off his leg today so he’s needy.
Amazing!!!! Have a wonderful time. Assume you are heading to DLP but I'll go in search of your PTR so I can see what all you have planned.

Hope the pooch is feeling better.

It’s a good thing your child doesn’t get fast food! It isn’t a common thing for us but we do eat it on occasion when life is busy but luckily with bite squad, our options are much better for lazy meals when it just isn’t going to happen.
My Dad will take her to McDonalds every once in a while but she knows better than to ask us. Now we will do Papa Johns in a pinch and of course options are limited on a road trip, but otherwise its probably been 20 years or so since I had anything that resembled fast food.

It's a good thing you provided proof of the once-in-a-blue-moon Grumpy Casey - I honestly wasn't going to believe you otherwise! But still... I'm thinking "could this shot be posed?" :scratchin
Yes being the good parent/food reporter that I am I knew I had to capture it on film so everyone could see it for themselves.

Phew. That had to have been a rough five minutes ;)
I think she held on for a solid 20 which may be a new land speed record for her. Of course it didn't help that when we took the chicken door at of RNRC there was a dog crate (for service dogs I presume) and I told her that was a chicken coop for kids that chickened out. I should just start saving for her therapy now :earboy2:

Morimoto looks so good! We will definitely try to get there on our November kid free trip.

I know all about dramatic 8 year olds. My daughter is also such a good kid that when it hits its both out of character and kind of funny. Now my 3 year old is a total firecracker so I expect a lot more theatrics from her.
Sounds like we have very similar 8 year old. We always joke that if we'd had another we surely would have gotten the firecracker the second time around.

I'm happy to hear the Brown Derby achieved semi-redemption. It's one of my favorites and I've always felt badly you guys had a negative experience there (I have issues in that this is the sort of thing I "worry" about :laughing:). The lounge presentation of the salad is super cute. I've had those wontons in the restaurant (quite some time ago) and mine were definitely not fishy. I think they're off the menu now. That BO must have been something. :eek:
I know a lot of people really like HBD so the lounge was a good way to dip our toes back into the water without getting too close. Their lunch menu does look good though so we may give the inside a while someday too.

I’ve never enjoyed the HBD but the lounge is great. I have had some quality people watching time there with an old fashioned and a decent charcuterie board.
Sounds like we are founding members of the exact same HBD club. And yes the people watching was great. Definitely won't be there for our trip later this week (cause August) but in cooler months it will definitely be on our list.

Poor Casey- BO like that makes me want to cry too!

HBD lounge is on my list to try. Good to know you can order from the regular menu there too. Nice of them to give Casey fake money- next time can they give me real money ? :rotfl:
I know right? If you're gonna hand out money at least make it real next time. I'm sure that would make the citizens of Hollywood all the more popular.

We've only been to Morimoto once, and that was right after it opened, and it was just okay. They sat us on an upstairs outside balcony, so our view wasn't that great, and service was really poor. I'll chalk it up to opening pains. After reading your review, I'd love to try it again. Everything you had sounds amazing!
Sorry you all didn't have a good experience. This was our second time there (first time was just some apps at the bar though) and it hasn't disappointed yet. I'm so excited it is one of the only reservations we have for our trip coming up on 6 DAYS!!! We will be meeting up with Ariane and Ariella which I am so excited for.

Ach I’m so glad Casey didn’t take long to cheer up and get back to her normal happy self but I love her photo of you both so it was almost worth her having the grumps for 5 minutes to get that treasure! :rotfl:
I know, right???? We kept asking for the phone back and thought she was playing a game. Its certainly a classic.

We loved that wee bar last time we were in MGM and were almost sad we had a restaurant reservation because the food looked pretty decent and I preferred the atmosphere in the bar :)
The wee bar is definitely much better than the restaurant so you most definitely made the right choice.
I wish deodorant was mandatory for people to enter the park. Especially on a hot sweaty day.

I’m not always a sangria fan as it sometimes runs too sweet but the addition of brandy and some carbonation from the sprite made this delicious. I may or may not have had 3.
This sounds delicious. One day I'll make it to a lounge.

This looks good, but your description makes me never want to try it lol.

We've never eaten at the Hollywood Derby before, maybe we'll start with the lounge to try it out.
HAHAHHAHAH! Omg I'm dying. Alice has also taken to drawing faces and goatees all over my catalogs. Must be a universal thing 8yr olds do.

red peppers just = cheap lean cuisine to me.

Gurl....you hit the nail on the head here. I think it's the julienne of the peppers that really is the hallmark of freezer meals. As soon as you said that, LC Pasta Primavera popped into my head lololol
Wow your reviews are so great! Not to mention funny :rotfl: too bad I tend not to drink a lot, I think I only got 4 alcoholic drinks despite being on DxDP for 4 nights! You had more luck than me at Morimoto! The ribs were good! Although for the buribop, I didn’t get the crisp rice and the sauce was very mild for me. I guess because I’m more used to bibimbap and thought the flavours would be a little more similar!

Aww poor Casey! I think that is one thing I hate most about the summer. BO! And it’s not just at Disney! :rotfl2:Hopefully she will get another chance at RnRC. My son just got into roller coasters but is still too short for this Space Mountain and FOP. I’m hoping he continues to like roller coasters and not decide he hates them again next trip!
I wish deodorant was mandatory for people to enter the park. Especially on a hot sweaty day.
Oh me too. We even make Casey wear it in Disney.

This looks good, but your description makes me never want to try it lol.
Stay far, far away. It sounded good. It looked good. It was not.

We've never eaten at the Hollywood Derby before, maybe we'll start with the lounge to try it out.
I think it is the much better option. You aren't committing to the prices or a whole dinner there, but can just grab a few drinks and some snacks and try before you buy :D

HAHAHHAHAH! Omg I'm dying. Alice has also taken to drawing faces and goatees all over my catalogs. Must be a universal thing 8yr olds do.
Must be. I'm so technically behind I didn't even know this was a thing. Casey must have kept that one in her hip pocket and pull it out at just the right memo.

Gurl....you hit the nail on the head here. I think it's the julienne of the peppers that really is the hallmark of freezer meals. As soon as you said that, LC Pasta Primavera popped into my head lololol
Yep! Those teeny tiny pieces somehow add way more (bad) flavor than their size would let off. I swore off frozen meals a few years ago but I can still taste those dang peppers

Wow your reviews are so great! Not to mention funny :rotfl: too bad I tend not to drink a lot, I think I only got 4 alcoholic drinks despite being on DxDP for 4 nights!
Thanks so much!!! I'll have to go on vacation with you so you can order your "free" drink and I'll just drink it for ya :drinking1

Although for the buribop, I didn’t get the crisp rice and the sauce was very mild for me. I guess because I’m more used to bibimbap and thought the flavours would be a little more similar!
I've never had a bibimbap so I didn't have anything to compare it too but it certainly sounds like your buribop wasn't executed like ours was. Ours was like 50% crispy rice and it was delicious. There definitely wasn't any heat to it though.
Thanks so much!!! I'll have to go on vacation with you so you can order your "free" drink and I'll just drink it for ya :drinking1

I've never had a bibimbap so I didn't have anything to compare it too but it certainly sounds like your buribop wasn't executed like ours was. Ours was like 50% crispy rice and it was delicious. There definitely wasn't any heat to it though.

Oh definitely if we meet you can have mine and DH’s! Lol! We certainly did not really make use of this on our trip.

Ooohh, go to an authentic Korean restaurant and you’ll have a blast trying Bibimbop! It has spice and the crisp rice! 😊
Ooohh, go to an authentic Korean restaurant and you’ll have a blast trying Bibimbop! It has spice and the crisp rice! 😊
I have no idea why we haven't had this. My town has tons of Korean restaurants but when we do Korean we usually stick to the fried chicken, bbq, or the tofu soup. Definitely time for us to branch out and try something new.
All caught up!

Note if you are going to read tipsy notes make sure to mute the conference call your zoning out on.

All these drinks are good look so good! Morimoto looks so good! I love the NYC restaurant so I would assum this is just as good!

Have you not tried hooks for child care? We are trying it in a few weeks, we will still have a baby with us but hopefully she will sleep?!?! I can dream right

Poor Casey she deserves one meltdown a trip, but love the picture she took of you guys

We've got the fantasmic deal at HBD next month, and it's the only ADR we have that I am not excited about. But with Star Wars...I have no way to judge what the park will be like or if we need the guaranteed ticket that comes with it. I think I feel mostly burned because I can't figure out how to order enough to actually cover the total since you don't get an app. Paying for a FP...
I absolutely love your reports!! And I laughed so hard at so many things. Casey is fantastic - way to go on the parenting win of drinking during a meltdown. The fact that you had her take a photo of you while she did....winning the mom thing all the way.

Have an amazing time when you go again! We are going at the end of September - early October. I can't believe the last time we went was so long ago.
I got really behind!!! So be prepared for an on-slaught of comments!!!

Drinks It Had to be Drinks
I love the title. I need better titles.

We were a little early so we stopped by Jock Lindsey’s

I always want to sit in there. I am guessing we wouldn't all fit in there...

This is Lemonade and Watermelon topped with a Lemon-Lime Foam. It was sickeningly sweet which did nothing but guarantee Casey loved it.
Perfect for her! And M&G! Morgan is a sucker for Lemonade and something drinks.

My notes say this was “nasty” but I hate bourbon. And just like with Casey, my hatred of this guaranteed that Jason loved it.
I think they order these things, so that you don't want to share with them. I do love a good mule, though.

oy was it potent!
I think Andy had this, and said the same.

This was ridiculously sized for $12.50 (this was before I even took a drink) but very tasty.
So, fancy!

I haven’t seen Raiders of the Lost Ark in like 20 years so the themeing is lost on me, but who doesn’t want to drink in a diving bell. With our tables in wonderland card we saved $12.80.
We watched Indian Jones a few years back with the girls. They liked it enough. And the diving bell def looks like a fun place to sit!!!

So, basically this was a practice run for our outing together?!?

Per my notes this was lemonade with boba balls and “fern” tea. Unless drinking ferns is now a thing I’m gonna go with it was green tea.
fern tea... yem!

My notes: Good kick better than inositol cram
Translation: It had a good spice to it and the real crab was way better than the imitation stuff. Speaking of way better, I think Casey's far off model stare is really getting good :P
It really looks like a shot that Disney would put on there website! Morgan will eat sushi sometimes, maybe we will try some with Casey, although she is more of a purist and likes the straight fish and rice versions.

Casey’s convinced us that two sushi rolls really
Smart girl!

My notes: cross between rangoosnsns and spring roll love sauce much better than typical ones more xo pleat creamy and crabby
Translation: These things can cause a serious Rangoon-gasm. They are a cross between a typical crab rangoon and a spring roll and are simultaneously crispy and crabby. The sweet chili was much better than a typical one with the addition of the apricot. I got nothing on “more xo pleat” but really who doesn’t love a good pleat?
Ok, we will NEED to get this!!! Andy and I had Crab Rangoons made special for our wedding. They are my favorite!!!! Oh and the ribs...

My notes: Vito boo amazing cook in front of u mushrooms if good flavor from iron Chex 450 defeee bowl mix everything up tuna cook on outside cold but could have done wjrvohr rice is Star love Charles bits from tsk hit part pour sauce on top
Whoa. That is a doozy of tipsy notes!

degree clay pot and she explained that this is a dish Morimoto had made on an episode of Iron Chef.
Now I have to get this! I had been eyeing it as an option. I used to LOVE Iron Chef!

The girl behind Casey does not look amused!

Next time we’ll space it out so this doesn’t happen. With our tables in wonderland card we saved $30.20.
Noted! I plan to bring a few "fun" things for the girls, to keep them entertained while us adults drink and talk away.

Uber back deuces from Venezuela went they epxog parking big sweet
Ubering to Venezuela must have been pricey!

Up next, 9 days of birthday fun finally gets to my girl and like any responsible parent we just drink our way through it
It catches up to all of them at some point.

I know that girl behind Casey! And I don't think we will get the smores thing again. The tater tot bowl, def!

I love this pic! Su-Lynn is perfect in it! And they both look so happy.

The smell (and fear) was enough to bring Casey literally to tears and the kid who liked the ride just a few days ago now refused
Poor girl! Didn't you say right before we split up that she would be fine, that she liked it. Totally jinxed yourself.

Despite our best efforts we eventually relinquished but she knew we weren’t happy which in turn made her more unhappy which equaled more tears.
We have DEF been in this EXACT scenario!!!!

Crying child in tow we decided this was the perfect time to try Hollywood Derby Lounge.

This face says it all.
Face does say it all. Also, I am pretty sure at one point we might have been sitting right outside of Brown Debry before we left. I wonder if we were standing near you and didn't even realize it.

This is hilarious!!!! Taking her agressions out via iphone.

She was back to our usual girl.
Glow Cubes fix everything!

Someone’s mood continued to improve though.
Food usually seems to do the trick for Gwen too. Great photo.

This is grilled Ciabatta Roll, Whiskey Aïoli, Arugula, Watercress, Pickled Onions, Gruyère, Heirloom Tomato, and Prosciutto. The pork belly on this was incredible and exceptionally tender, but because it wasn’t crispy like bacon the whole thing was a little soggy. Don’t get me wrong I loved the whole two pieces of arugula, gruyere, and the delicious whiskey aioli but the usual crunch of a BLT was definitely missing.

I’ll have to remember for next time that fake money, glow cubes, and citrus fruits are the way to her heart.
Maybe @ariane37 should have put those things in your care package!
I have no idea why we haven't had this. My town has tons of Korean restaurants but when we do Korean we usually stick to the fried chicken, bbq, or the tofu soup. Definitely time for us to branch out and try something new.

Make sure you get Dol Sot Bi Bim Bap which in the rice in a burning hot stone pot. Regular bi bim bap is in a regular bowl that doesn't crisp up the rice like the stone pot does. If you can handle spicy, ask for kochujang sauce, add it to the dish then mix it all up & push the rice up the sides of the pot to get the most contact with the stone pot to get the most rice to crisp up. Also make sure if a raw egg is on it, to mix that in well to cook the egg in the hot rice or you can ask them to leave off the raw egg if that grosses you out.
How exciting that you guys are able to meet up again! That is so special! Give @ariane37 a hug for me, and tell her to give you a hug for me! Hope I can have a fun DIS meet with you guys some time in the not too distant future!
When did they stop that? I'd be bitter too.
Morimote's =delicious
Probably a year and a half or so ago. Casey absolutely loved them so we were very disappointed to see them go.

Note if you are going to read tipsy notes make sure to mute the conference call your zoning out on.
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: I'll be sure to remember that!

All these drinks are good look so good! Morimoto looks so good! I love the NYC restaurant so I would assum this is just as good!
I'd imagine NYC is probably better but this is pretty dang good. He used to have a restaurant here but it was short lived. We never went but I cannot imagine why it wouldn't have done well.

Have you not tried hooks for child care? We are trying it in a few weeks, we will still have a baby with us but hopefully she will sleep?!?! I can dream right
Is that one of the in room services? I haven't heard of it. I hate the idea of leaving her alone in the room if that is the case. I think we may try the Dolphin for dinner one night and use theirs if we can.

You sold me on Morimoto.
I sold myself too. We'll be back again next week!!!

We've got the fantasmic deal at HBD next month, and it's the only ADR we have that I am not excited about. But with Star Wars...I have no way to judge what the park will be like or if we need the guaranteed ticket that comes with it. I think I feel mostly burned because I can't figure out how to order enough to actually cover the total since you don't get an app. Paying for a FP...
I can totally see why you would do that. I think everyone is wondering what the crowds will be like.

absolutely love your reports!! And I laughed so hard at so many things. Casey is fantastic - way to go on the parenting win of drinking during a meltdown. The fact that you had her take a photo of you while she did....winning the mom thing all the way.
Hi stranger!!!!! I don't think I've seen you round these parts in years. Glad to see you are back!

I'm certainly not winning any Mom of the year awards but thankfully Casey can take most things in stride I mean who else in the middle of a good cry stops to take a picture of their parents :confused3

Have an amazing time when you go again! We are going at the end of September - early October. I can't believe the last time we went was so long ago.
You do the same!!!
I got really behind!!! So be prepared for an on-slaught of comments!!!
I think you may have set a new land speed record.

I love the title. I need better titles.
I have moments of inspiration, but other times I got nothing. It usually depends on how much wine I'm drinking while typing :P

I always want to sit in there. I am guessing we wouldn't all fit in there...
No but the girls could have their very own special place!

We watched Indian Jones a few years back with the girls. They liked it enough. And the diving bell def looks like a fun place to sit!!!
We haven't introduced Casey to any of this stuff. We have a heck of a time getting her to sit and watch a movie

So, basically this was a practice run for our outing together?!?

Ok, we will NEED to get this!!! Andy and I had Crab Rangoons made special for our wedding. They are my favorite!!!! Oh and the ribs...
Sounds like my kind of wedding. They were really good. Definitely on my list for our dinner!

Now I have to get this! I had been eyeing it as an option. I used to LOVE Iron Chef!
Me too! Though I love the old school Japanese one and not the American one as much.

Poor girl! Didn't you say right before we split up that she would be fine, that she liked it. Totally jinxed yourself.
Yep I totally did. She says she wants to ride it again next week. We shall see!

Face does say it all. Also, I am pretty sure at one point we might have been sitting right outside of Brown Debry before we left. I wonder if we were standing near you and didn't even realize it.
You were probably right my us and we didn't even know it

Maybe @ariane37 should have put those things in your care package!

Make sure you get Dol Sot Bi Bim Bap which in the rice in a burning hot stone pot. Regular bi bim bap is in a regular bowl that doesn't crisp up the rice like the stone pot does. If you can handle spicy, ask for kochujang sauce, add it to the dish then mix it all up & push the rice up the sides of the pot to get the most contact with the stone pot to get the most rice to crisp up. Also make sure if a raw egg is on it, to mix that in well to cook the egg in the hot rice or you can ask them to leave off the raw egg if that grosses you out.
Thanks for the tip. i'll have to look around and make sure I found one that has that version. And we love anything spicy so we'd be all over the sauce.

How exciting that you guys are able to meet up again! That is so special! Give @ariane37 a hug for me, and tell her to give you a hug for me! Hope I can have a fun DIS meet with you guys some time in the not too distant future!
Me too! Should be a few of us getting together over our trip. It's so great to meet people on here and then become "real" friends too.

Safe travels - hope we cross paths sometime next week. :drinking1
Same to you!
Hi everyone!!!! In typical form my attempts to get this finished before our next trip have failed miserably, but what better excuse than DISNEY!!!!

After yet another hellacious week at work just one more day and then we leave on Saturday for a little over a week in our happy place. We'll be staying at Caribbean Beach and thankfully no pirate room this time pirate: As usual we don't have a ton of things planned and will play most of our dining by ear but here is a little peak at some of what I know.

On our first day we'll hopefully get a little bit of time in Epcot to appease Casey's need to be in a park before appeasing our needs for dinner and adult beverages. Even better we should be meeting my sister wife Jenny (@Jenny Sanders) and her family in Disney Springs for dinner at Frontera Cocina. We are big fans of Chef Rick Bayless but have never been to the restaurant so we are definitely excited.

During the week I did get a reservation for dinner at California Grill, as well as Shula's (where I can hopefully use my get an entree free birthday coupon) but beyond that nothing specific. I'm sure we will of course spend copious amounts of time at Nomad's Lounge and want to get back to Jiko and Narcoossee's but beyond that the world is literally our oyster.

At the tail end of our trip we did get into the Galaxy Edge pass holder preview and Jason is beyond excited. I'm not a huge Star Wars fan but am always up for something new at Disney. Our preview comes with a trip to Oga's Cantina and while I understand it is overpriced and the drinks are pretty terrible, I'm not gonna pass up the chance to try a new bar. From there we'll likely spend the rest of the day in AK and hopefully will be able to see Su-Lynn (@chunkymonkey).

And for me better than Galaxy's Edge we have a little mini-epic girls trip going on for our last day. We'll spend most of the day with the awesome Ariella (@StarWarsMomofGirls!) and her family at Magic Kingdom and we should be able to meet up with Caroline (@disneyAndi14) and Tracy (@Tracy161) while we are there. Then we'll have dinner with Ariella and the gang at Morimoto's and hopefully be able to get in some time at Jock Lindsey's beforehand. And if all that wasn't amazing enough my Disney sister from another mister Ariane (@ariane37) changed her arrival day just to spend some time with us! I so cannot wait.

We leave the morning after all of the epicness (provided me and my liver can get out of bed) but thankfully vacation isn't quite over yet. We'll be driving up to Savannah for a few days to spend the National Holiday that is the day of my birth with my best friend.

So there you have it. A few things planned, some much needed time with my family and amazing dis friends, and of course lots of tipsy time! :drinking1
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