Travel Changes?

Do you have cancel travel insurance? Is this something he can take a medication for? Perhaps see the doctor before you leave?
We have travel insurance but not cancel for any reason. He’s 5 and doesn’t have a fever so the only thing we use is honey and lemon. I’ll probably check the pharmacy today to see if there’s anything else. We’ll see a doctor too before we leave... probably see how he is today and tomorrow and decide what to do.
We have travel insurance but not cancel for any reason. He’s 5 and doesn’t have a fever so the only thing we use is honey and lemon. I’ll probably check the pharmacy today to see if there’s anything else. We’ll see a doctor too before we leave... probably see how he is today and tomorrow and decide what to do.

Get the doc to write you a note to get out of the trip. I’m sure he or she will given what’s going on.
If you have a ticket for an upcoming trip, you should check the current price for it (mine went down by $250+ each ticket) and if any changes to the itinerary have been made. Airlines are canceling and consolidating flights, so chances are great that your flight has been changed and might impact your travel plans. If there is a major change such as new airport or 90+ min time change, you may be able to cancel your flight and get a refund. Read the rules for changes for your particular airline. If you rebook a new flight you can fall under the flexible policy currently in place for the airlines, which is like a free insurance to change it if something happens last minute. So you can essentially get a refund, save money, and get a the new flexibly policy.

@DisneyWishes14 I rebooked my upcoming trip flights using my Delta eticket refund and cancelled my original flight due to a 90+ minute change with another airline that did not work for our schedule leaving us with less than an hour for an international layover (they were consolidating and canceling flights to meet reduced demand). I posted about this in the past. So what I learned now is if you rebook using credit from a cancelled ticket, the new policy does not apply because it's an "unused ticket," however, I was issued a voucher for the left over amount because my new ticket was less than the price of my original ticket. This voucher just needs to be redeemed by the original ticketed date and I can travel anytime after the original ticket date. This is a great scenario for us. I was able to use my eticket credit and got a new voucher that I can use for future travel with better restrictions. I really will book more Delta in the future because they really do understand their customers.
We have travel insurance but not cancel for any reason. He’s 5 and doesn’t have a fever so the only thing we use is honey and lemon. I’ll probably check the pharmacy today to see if there’s anything else. We’ll see a doctor too before we leave... probably see how he is today and tomorrow and decide what to do.

I would see if you can get in to see a doctor today. I had a cough/sore throat last week and I'm still trying to shake it off. If your child's cough might develop into something else, I would seriously consider rescheduling and seeing if his doctor will write you a note that he can't travel at this time. I, personally, would not want to be in a position to have to seek medical care in Costa Rica at this time.
If you have a ticket for an upcoming trip, you should check the current price for it (mine went down by $250+ each ticket) and if any changes to the itinerary have been made. Airlines are canceling and consolidating flights, so chances are great that your flight has been changed and might impact your travel plans. If there is a major change such as new airport or 90+ min time change, you may be able to cancel your flight and get a refund. Read the rules for changes for your particular airline. If you rebook a new flight you can fall under the flexible policy currently in place for the airlines, which is like a free insurance to change it if something happens last minute. So you can essentially get a refund, save money, and get a the new flexibly policy.

@DisneyWishes14 I rebooked my upcoming trip flights using my Delta eticket refund and cancelled my original flight due to a 90+ minute change with another airline that did not work for our schedule leaving us with less than an hour for an international layover (they were consolidating and canceling flights to meet reduced demand). I posted about this in the past. So what I learned now is if you rebook using credit from a cancelled ticket, the new policy does not apply because it's an "unused ticket," however, I was issued a voucher for the left over amount because my new ticket was less than the price of my original ticket. This voucher just needs to be redeemed by the original ticketed date and I can travel anytime after the original ticket date. This is a great scenario for us. I was able to use my eticket credit and got a new voucher that I can use for future travel with better restrictions. I really will book more Delta in the future because they really do understand their customers.

That's fantastic! Thank you so much for the information!
I am so happy to hear this. I tagged you yesterday to ask, but I may have done it wrong :) I've been thinking about him as I watch these unreal images coming out of of Italy. The BBC news is full of all kinds of possible measures if it rises like Italy. I'm glad we are flying out on Thursday, but I'm worried about DD20 who is supposed to fly home on 4/1 for part of her Spring Break. That could be right at the peak of this and I'm worried about her getting out as well as getting back in of the UK. My brother works at a big financial company in Los Angeles, and they were just all told to work from home for at least two weeks and not to travel.

DD and I are supposed to be flying home from Glasgow on 4/2 (assuming we make it there in the first place), so if we all get stuck, M will have an adult friend not too far away....
I would see if you can get in to see a doctor today. I had a cough/sore throat last week and I'm still trying to shake it off. If your child's cough might develop into something else, I would seriously consider rescheduling and seeing if his doctor will write you a note that he can't travel at this time. I, personally, would not want to be in a position to have to seek medical care in Costa Rica at this time.
That’s true. Although, I have my doubts a doctor would issue that note? I can’t see it. My husband’s doctor was very reluctant to give us a note after his eye was infected (note was to say he cannot do the cruise last year we had booked for last year). In any case I am going to monitor him between today and tomorrow to see. He coughed a little last night and this morning then hasn’t coughed since. Might be just dry at home... if he coughs some more, I’d work on moving the trip by tomorrow whatever the cost.
I am scheduled on the UK/France tour leaving 3/27. My fear is a quarantine situation either there or in the US. I called ABD and they do not have an answer to my concerns. Has anyone found out anything?
I am scheduled on the UK/France tour leaving 3/27. My fear is a quarantine situation either there or in the US. I called ABD and they do not have an answer to my concerns. Has anyone found out anything?
Not that I've heard. ABD is handling things on a case-by-case basis as far as we can tell.
Yeah, honestly this doesn't surprise me really.

Sunday I went to get my nails done and there was a woman there hacking up a lung. I mean a really deep, hard cough. She kept saying it was a sinus infection. The nail technicians gave her water (twice) and even a mask. I get that it very well could have been allergies, but in no way was that a "normal" cough. And she seems annoyed. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when she left.

On the flight home last night, by husband said he was ultra sensitive to anyone coughing or otherwise appearing ill on the plane, but he said that luckily everyone seemed fine,
I have a coworker with bad allergies, and she has had this kind of a hacking cough on and off for years. It sounds like she's coughing up a lung. We're just used to it by now. So it is possible. She gets kind of annoyed when new people ask her if she's OK, because she's been dealing with it for so long. So I kind of get where this woman is coming from. You can't stop living because of allergies. But times are different right now, and I suspect she's going to have to learn to deal.

Nope. They haven’t even cancelled the trip this week that a couple of us here are scheduled on.
Our friends live in Paris and there is talk of them closing the borders. I want to know what ABD has in place if this happens while we are there. Also, do they pay for accommodations or is that on us? I feel like the lack of communication is what is making me most nervous. Other travel companies like Backroads and Viking are allowing their customers to cancel or postpone at no charge. Why a conglomerate like Disney is keeping us “in the dark” is beyond me.
I think I have a plan for what we may do.

Right now we are scheduled for a river cruise on the Siene in late June/early July, and have airfare purchased with Air France last August.

Under Tauck's policy, I can actually change to the identical dates for their Alaska land trip, which is almost exactly the same cost and has availability.

As for airfare, I had almost resigned myself to losing the $$$ I paid for business class for the 5 of us. Right now, I could cancel or change and get a voucher for Air France, but for flights through May 31 they are giving vouchers for flights with Air France, KLM or partners. I think if I can wait out an Air France policy change effective through June 30, I can use the airfare to fly Delta to Alaska. I don't even care about the change fee, really. I just need to have a credit for use outside the Air France universe. I think that an extension to June 30 is definitely coming.

Do you all think that works?
so another update about italy -
another doctor was interviewed on our news station here.
he said that the nurses in his hospital in northern italy practically haven't stopped crying...
they are now faced with not just daily, but hourly decisions as to who they won't treat...
these are patients that if the hospital weren't so overloaded, they would be able to treat and some if not most of them could be saved, but they don't have the equipment to keep them alive, so they're letting them die...
and the nurses can't stop crying..
the doctor (quite young from how he looked), said he's never had to do this in his life, though of course, he always knew it was a possibility in a situation like this....
he said, 'first, do no harm' isn't a possibility in this situation...

and this is what people fail to understand.....the disease on its own can be survived by most....
even those who become serious can be nursed back to health..
but if there are too many patients, there just aren't enough critical care facilities to do the job and so the death toll goes up..
this is the purpose of delaying the spread..
I think I have a plan for what we may do.

Right now we are scheduled for a river cruise on the Siene in late June/early July, and have airfare purchased with Air France last August.

Under Tauck's policy, I can actually change to the identical dates for their Alaska land trip, which is almost exactly the same cost and has availability.

As for airfare, I had almost resigned myself to losing the $$$ I paid for business class for the 5 of us. Right now, I could cancel or change and get a voucher for Air France, but for flights through May 31 they are giving vouchers for flights with Air France, KLM or partners. I think if I can wait out an Air France policy change effective through June 30, I can use the airfare to fly Delta to Alaska. I don't even care about the change fee, really. I just need to have a credit for use outside the Air France universe. I think that an extension to June 30 is definitely coming.

Do you all think that works?

even though your tickets are from air france, you could try calling delta now and see what they say..
when we fly to detroit, we always buy tickets from KLM, but the flights are all on delta.
When we have problems, we contact delta, not KLM and somehow delta is able to make the changes for us even though it's a KLM ticket.

I've found over the years that Delta tries to be very helpful. And as i said, we almost always have a KLM ticket, not delta (why? business class is crazy cheap from KLM in comparison to delta for the very same seat on the very same delta plane).

as an example, my mom flew to detroit last july, business class on delta but the ticket was from KLM.
She got sick and was hospitalized. We had no idea when she would be able to fly back, so we called delta (not KLM, we NEVER call KLM).
Delta was nicer than nice, canceled the return and said that we had a year to fly her back. And they waived the change fee.
So she's sitting with an open ticket waiting for the doctors ok for her to fly back here.
As i said, Delta has been very helpful and forthcoming over the years (and northwest before them).

long story short, call delta and tell them your story. Maybe they can already help now.

Our friends live in Paris and there is talk of them closing the borders. I want to know what ABD has in place if this happens while we are there. Also, do they pay for accommodations or is that on us? I feel like the lack of communication is what is making me most nervous. Other travel companies like Backroads and Viking are allowing their customers to cancel or postpone at no charge. Why a conglomerate like Disney is keeping us “in the dark” is beyond me.
If something happens while you are actually on your trip and your itinerary changes (like you can't get into France) ABD absolutely pays for the new accommodations. I know several people whose Japan trips and China trips were affected by bad weather, and changing the flights, changing transportation, changing hotels, setting up alternative activities, etc, was all handled by ABD and was seamless & transparent to the Guests (well, except for the fact that they weren't where they expected to be). That's definitely one of the pluses of traveling with a company like ABD.

(And actually, this would all be true if something happens *before* your trip leaves, too).

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and here's the daily numbers update since it's end of day in europe.

Italy's one day death toll is shocking.
168 people died of corona today in italy and we know from what they're reporting, that they're simply no longer even bothering to treat anyone over 65 or younger with pre-existing conditions.
If you don't find that disturbing, you have a heart of stone.
To think about just leaving people to die.
I'm not saying anything against the doctors.
I know they have no choice, but it's so upsetting, i'm at a loss for words.
i can completely understand why the nurses are unable to stop crying.
And they have another 733 in critical condition, so presumably that will go up.
That one day death toll is the highest one so far in any one day - taking them up to total deaths of 631.
And total confirmed cases of 10,149.

as for France, total confirmed cases is now 1,784 having increased today by 372
the UK is up to 373, with 52 new cases today.

spain is also shooting up there, with confirmed cases now at 1,690 with the increase today of 459

but none of them have reached the staggering death toll of Italy (other than china of course)

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Yeah, honestly this doesn't surprise me really.

Sunday I went to get my nails done and there was a woman there hacking up a lung. I mean a really deep, hard cough. She kept saying it was a sinus infection. The nail technicians gave her water (twice) and even a mask. I get that it very well could have been allergies, but in no way was that a "normal" cough. And she seems annoyed. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when she left.

On the flight home last night, by husband said he was ultra sensitive to anyone coughing or otherwise appearing ill on the plane, but he said that luckily everyone seemed fine,

Same experience we've been having everywhere we go. On train today again there was someone coughing and half the car shot them a look.

DD and I are supposed to be flying home from Glasgow on 4/2 (assuming we make it there in the first place), so if we all get stuck, M will have an adult friend not too far away....
Not that M isn't an adult herself, but you know what I mean....
That's great! I just told her. I suspect things are going to bet shut down before that though. The UK papers are suggesting soon. This is the DM which should be taken with a grain of salt, LOL, but the graphs are good.
That's great! I just told her. I suspect things are going to bet shut down before that though. The UK papers are suggesting soon. This is the DM which should be taken with a grain of salt, LOL, but the graphs are good.

Yes, I'm not terribly optimistic that we are going to be able to make the trip. DD is going to be really disappointed, but at least she has seen both schools so won't have to make a blind decision.

On the other hand, Japan seems to be doing quite a good job with containment, so I am cautiously optimistic that we'll still be going there in June.

The situation in Italy is just so so sad...


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