Shocking scenes in Orlando where half-mile line of cars wait for food bank after theme parks' shutdown

I've been catching up on some news this morning. Projections for unemployment in the US as a direct result of Covid range between 15% & 30% and the numbers are similar world-wide. I find it curious that there are so many discussions about when the Disney parks will re-open, without any consideration for who will still be able to afford them? Not to mention the drastically reduced mobility of people, not just internationally but even within national borders.

I know for us, so far, we are 3 weeks into a disruption to our household income, with no certainty of a resolution on any sort of time-line. The absolute first thing to go has to be our discretionary spending; I'm not sitting here in quarantine planning next year's vacation. I know some are, and I don't begrudge them, but I think many people have yet to realize just what this long, drawn-out ordeal will actually mean for their finances.
The saddest thing about a lot of those scenes is that the people taking a lot of the food don't really qualify or don't need it. It's just FREE Stuff!

After Hurricane Andrew in Miami we had huge food distribution centers set up in the affected areas, run by the military who did a fantastic job. People came from 50 miles outside the hurricane area -- like to Homestead from Ft. Lauderdale! -- to snag FREE stuff. I was with the police department at the time, and I'd see them northbound on the turnpike 30-40 miles north of the affected area.

We finally just had to seal off the southern part of Miami-Dade County to stop freeloaders and looters from coming in.
I've been catching up on some news this morning. Projections for unemployment in the US as a direct result of Covid range between 15% & 30% and the numbers are similar world-wide. I find it curious that there are so many discussions about when the Disney parks will re-open, without any consideration for who will still be able to afford them? Not to mention the drastically reduced mobility of people, not just internationally but even within national borders.

I know for us, so far, we are 3 weeks into a disruption to our household income, with no certainty of a resolution on any sort of time-line. The absolute first thing to go has to be our discretionary spending; I'm not sitting here in quarantine planning next year's vacation. I know some are, and I don't begrudge them, but I think many people have yet to realize just what this long, drawn-out ordeal will actually mean for their finances.
Hopeful thinking is the best I can think up.
The saddest thing about a lot of those scenes is that the people taking a lot of the food don't really qualify or don't need it. It's just FREE Stuff!

After Hurricane Andrew in Miami we had huge food distribution centers set up in the affected areas, run by the military who did a fantastic job. People came from 50 miles outside the hurricane area -- like to Homestead from Ft. Lauderdale! -- to snag FREE stuff. I was with the police department at the time, and I'd see them northbound on the turnpike 30-40 miles north of the affected area.

We finally just had to seal off the southern part of Miami-Dade County to stop freeloaders and looters from coming in.
This is only slightly more despicable than the hoarding of paper products, disinfectant supplied and food that's been happening for a month, resulting in shortages for everyone. Many people are convinced the supply of essentials will stop and are behaving in a classic "screw you, I'll get mine" kind of way. This motivation is quite different from anything that went on in the aftermath of previous calamities.
Either that or I'm the only DIS member in existence that is experiencing income disruption and if that's the case, yay for y'all. ;)
LOL, I just finished writing a check to the man's brother. It's one, two days into FL's shutdown where he lives and the call was so bizarre to my ears. On one hand it was a request for funds and the other part of the convo was whether he should renew his annual Disney pass.
Acheemachie, I so don't think we live on the same planet.
And no dinna say a word to him about his plans because he's younger than his brother but older than me. If he hasn't learned all of life's lessons yet what good would it be for me to tell him?

Do you well and remember this too will pass but err not anytime soon :cool:.
I've been catching up on some news this morning. Projections for unemployment in the US as a direct result of Covid range between 15% & 30% and the numbers are similar world-wide. I find it curious that there are so many discussions about when the Disney parks will re-open, without any consideration for who will still be able to afford them? Not to mention the drastically reduced mobility of people, not just internationally but even within national borders.

I know for us, so far, we are 3 weeks into a disruption to our household income, with no certainty of a resolution on any sort of time-line. The absolute first thing to go has to be our discretionary spending; I'm not sitting here in quarantine planning next year's vacation. I know some are, and I don't begrudge them, but I think many people have yet to realize just what this long, drawn-out ordeal will actually mean for their finances.

I have been talking about this for quite awhile. I know people are now working from home, but like I have said, it is one thing to set up shop at home and login. The Company you are working for though, may very well have their revenue impacted enough that it is hard for them to make payroll. And many people do not see how this can and will impact them for quite some time.

I am in a leadership role at my employer and we are running all sorts of scenarios.

I like to think many companies are doing their best and trying to continue to pay their employees and many will until mid-April or May1st. That is the time when cash flow has taken a big enough hit and even more moves will be made. That is the other reason when people say we will be stay at home for several more months? At that point unemployment will be way above even the current estimates
I meant there are people who will take advantage of a situation. Like during a hurricane, when there are people who truly need food/ice/supplies and people who don't need anything will stand in line and take it from those who do because it's free stuff.

Oh are you aware that this is happening? Or are you just assuming the worst in people instead of having compassion for people who have lost their livelihoods and are going through a really hard time? I prefer to think that people are honest and trustworthy and do the best they can and are just trying to get by. But if you have actual proof of something different than I'd like to hear it.
Oh are you aware that this is happening? Or are you just assuming the worst in people instead of having compassion for people who have lost their livelihoods and are going through a really hard time? I prefer to think that people are honest and trustworthy and do the best they can and are just trying to get by. But if you have actual proof of something different than I'd like to hear it.
I think most of these comments are in response to my post of my actual experience in another crisis years ago -- not because people have some ax to grind.

We are ALL assuming. You are assuming positive things until proven wrong. Others are assuming negative things until proven wrong. We're all doing the same thing...just with different perspectives.
Oh are you aware that this is happening? Or are you just assuming the worst in people instead of having compassion for people who have lost their livelihoods and are going through a really hard time? I prefer to think that people are honest and trustworthy and do the best they can and are just trying to get by. But if you have actual proof of something different than I'd like to hear it.

I've seen it happen during hurricanes. Many years ago (2004) when we had the triple-hit here in Florida I stood in line for ice because I needed it to salvage food. A lady behind me loudly boasted "I don't need it but free is free!". So yeah, I've seen it with my own eyes and I know it happens. I too like to think that those who need help get it and those that don't stay away, but sadly that's the state we live in nowadays.

It doesn't mean I don't help though. I am just aware of the reality.
In fact we have seen nothing yet. I was in some Pittsburgh steel towns in the early 80’s. Almost entire small towns were closed down. Some had no street lights running at night. It was awful to witness. Lots of people I talk to have no idea how bad the economy is going to get if this thing isn’t over soon. And it doesn’t appear that it will. I hope I’m wrong. But if not just wait.
We will be fine. The economy will be fine. The nay sayers have been wrong so so many times. Life will be fine. Some will be out of work. They too in time will recover. We always do. The sun will come up tomorrow.
As for Disney. We are already planning a fall trip. We always go in May but obviously not this year. Things will get back to normal soon enough. The virus has made the economy stop. Not normal economics. It will come back. Just wait. Disney will be packed when it re opens. Mark my word.
I've seen it happen during hurricanes. Many years ago (2004) when we had the triple-hit here in Florida I stood in line for ice because I needed it to salvage food. A lady behind me loudly boasted "I don't need it but free is free!". So yeah, I've seen it with my own eyes and I know it happens. I too like to think that those who need help get it and those that don't stay away, but sadly that's the state we live in nowadays.

It doesn't mean I don't help though. I am just aware of the reality.

I happen to live in Florida too, and have not noticed people scamming in an attempt to get something for free. I feel bad that one lady has so colored your opinion of other humans. To see people who are so desperate that they are willing to sit and wait for hours to get food to feed their families and have your first thought be "what leeches" that is a sad commentary.


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