The ABCs of a New 'Ohana Adventure-G is for: Greetings From Teppan, Good-Byes, and Good News!!! - COMPLETED 1/7

I'm the same. I don't do any of the rides. I mean... they can't compare to a permanent theme park's anyways.
I go for the exhibits, the sights and sounds and some snacks.

Exactly! In fact, one of my favorite Fair Memories is spending an evening with the local Salsa Dancing Club and learning the basic salsa moves. LOVED that!!

Hmmm... maybe? Not sure about that. It's a different category, though.

Ok, I'll give you that.

Okay, how cool would that be???

VERY!! I don't know much about modern engines at ALL, but it'd sure be fun learning!

Ah. Missed the note about the red button, did you?


Hmm... For me, I guess it depends? I've done MS and felt really ill afterwards... and other times, not so much. Weird.

Maybe you didn't eat (or did eat) before one vs. the other?

I need to go again and spend more time there. Maybe even not go for the show, but just to look around.

I like to do that a lot! Esp. at Disney. There is truly a lot to see and some real (authentic) pieces of art to be found!

Probably the same with The Time Machine, The Island of Dr. Moreau or The Invisible Man. That last one in particular is fascinating.

I didn't realize it until my kids got hooked on the Classic Monster stories, that they are actually a genre that deal with the human nature, heart and condition. They were written as contemporaries of the newly emerging science of psychology during the Gothic era of fiction. Oddly, the Grimm Bros are put into that category as well. There is a very heavy influence of political commentary intertwined that is super interesting to pick up on as well. Anyway, the point being they aren't just "scary stories". Sorry, if you knew all of that, LOL, just was sort of musing about how complex horror genres are that I didn't know about until my girls made me read Frankenstein- probably my favorite, but makes me cry.

Yes. Although with the death rate climbing so steadily... I dunno. And they're saying that they've probably under counted the number of deaths attributed to COVID-19.

Except it has a very predictable curve that you can easily see from other countries' bouts that are now on the other side. And no, they are actually being overcounted with firsthand accounts of docs calling a lot of deaths Covid that aren't or can't be substantiated. At least here. There is $ involved so that always is going to skew things. I suspect here, they are calling even ONE death "a climb" so in theory they will NEVER open up again because there will always be "just one more". As I've said before, this isn't going anywhere. Just like the flu or SARS and TB. It's here to stay. Our governor literally said, she wants to see no deaths for 10 days before she will allow business again. That is completely insane. I know others have different opinions, but there will be no businesses left with that sort of metric.

More Mummy (non-simulator) and less Transformers (simulator... and lousy).

I always thought the best power to have would be mind control. Because then you could win over any other person with a superpower and basically have all of them at your disposal.

So you want to join the media? ;)

Good point.

It was also one of the few "big" rides that Drew could go on, so he really loved it.

I love to see him getting to go on more and more rides over the years. It's fun to watch him grow up and get to join the gang more and more.

Simpsons messed us up, too. I have some theories on that one.

I'd sure love to hear them!!

I love that show. Amazing how long it's been on the air.

I know!! I think it's because they keep it so relatable!

(goes to buy stock in detergent)

Interesting you should say that. I, for the first time ever, opened a brokerage account and am buying a few stocks for fun. :) It's interesting to learn about how they work and watch them from day to day win and lose.

If by "thought" you mean "hoped", then...well, that's what @pkondz was thinking, anyway.


I'm sure this has already been answered, but it's the train from Back to the Future 3. It was next to the Delorean time machine from the first two movies. The Simpsons ride used to be the Back to the Future ride (this is why the doors to the ride vehicle open up like a Delorean) until it was re-themed, so that's their little tribute to the former ride.

I had no idea and didn't even notice the doors there. All the chatter of this train makes me want to watch the movie now.

We always say it's better to be busy than bored. Mostly I'm really glad you have a paycheck. So many people have lost theirs! This has been brutal.

Brutal is a gross understatement. I will never stop being grateful for my income during this, but my heart aches for those who are losing everything they've worked to hard for.

I'm sure there are no shortage of opinions. I think the bottom line is that none of us have ever been through this before. There's not really a playbook. And then there's real division as to which voices should carry the most weight in making decisions.

I would whole-heartedly agree with that. Paying the price for a lot of "unknown" is a tough pill to swallow.

At the risk of spoiling my upcoming mini-TR, we basically thought of Universal Studios as: 1. The Harry Potter Stuff
2. Everything Else

And Hagrid's coaster was a fantastic ride.

Yep, that's it in a nutshell. That's why I'll end up with 5 chapters (6 maybe?) of HP stuff and 1 of "Everything Else". LOL!

1. Favorite park changes depending on the visit. 5-10 years ago, Epcot was hands down my favorite and Hollywood Studios ranked 4th. Now, Epcot needs the makeover, the "upgrades" have made Soarin' and Mission: Space worse, and it's probably ranking 4th. DHS has added more appealing rides and moved up. I'd probably choose AK or DHS as my favorite right now.

2. Hard to pick a favorite area. I loved what they did with Pandora and the Asia jungle trek is amazing in AK. DHS looks so much better since they got rid of the dumb sorcerer's hat. Like you, I really love Adventureland too.

3. Coasters > simulators for me, no matter how good Flight of Passage is. I would choose either Expedition Everest or Rock 'n Roller Coaster. And a sentimental vote for BTMRR.

OH wow, I'd sure agree with that. EPCOT was my favorite for a long time too and AK my LEAST. But , AK grew up and became so beautiful and well-rounded. I will probably makes some opinion changes after the "new" EPCOT emerges with new rides, etc... but DHS continues to be 2nd or 3rd even. SW isn't a huge draw for me no matter how detailed the theming is in there.

And yes! Pandora is near perfection in artistry and execution. If I want to find calm and beauty, yep, I head for the Maharaja Trail.

Hmmm, coasters vs. screens? I guess I find it hard to choose as they are so different. Toss up maybe for EE and Avatar. Then again, comparing Soarin' vs say, BTMRR, no contest. Thunder ftw!
Exactly! In fact, one of my favorite Fair Memories is spending an evening with the local Salsa Dancing Club and learning the basic salsa moves. LOVED that!!
I like checking out the photo contests. Great way to feel inadequate!
Maybe you didn't eat (or did eat) before one vs. the other?
No idea!
I like to do that a lot! Esp. at Disney. There is truly a lot to see and some real (authentic) pieces of art to be found!
I didn't realize it until my kids got hooked on the Classic Monster stories, that they are actually a genre that deal with the human nature, heart and condition. They were written as contemporaries of the newly emerging science of psychology during the Gothic era of fiction. Oddly, the Grimm Bros are put into that category as well. There is a very heavy influence of political commentary intertwined that is super interesting to pick up on as well. Anyway, the point being they aren't just "scary stories". Sorry, if you knew all of that, LOL, just was sort of musing about how complex horror genres are that I didn't know about until my girls made me read Frankenstein- probably my favorite, but makes me cry.
No, I didn't know all that. I just know that I enjoyed the books. :)
If you could have one spell to use at your disposal what would that be? Tell me about a scenario you might find yourself in and use that trick up your sleeve and at the tip of your wand!

Well, I don't think I could discuss a scenario like that on this forum, but I would love to use the avada kedavra curse on a prominent individual! :laughing:

I can’t even remember more than that we loaded a “bus” and were supposed to be on the way to a party, but some people were chasing us around on freeways and stuff. Sorry, that’s the best I can do for you.

That's OK, another friend described the ride as "a period in his life that he will never get back."

But, let’s cut to the chase, it’s not Harry Potter, or even Disney, “amazing”. Nevertheless, a first-time visitor such that I was, is obligated to tour the entirety of both parks and I admit with full conviction I did enjoy it- some parts more than others.

It's a fun place to visit, but it's no Disney. The rides don't have a factor of me wanting to ride them again, mostly due to the motion simulators, screens and nausea factor.

They also took me on a nausea-inducing spin with Krusty, Bart, and Lisa. While this land, along with the Suess area, were probably my faves for overall theming (other than the HP areas, of course), the ride itself was a bit much for my tender tummy and after my spin through Springfield (pun intended) I was pretty much done with simulator rides for the day.

Yeah, that one did me in long ago, and I haven't been on it since.

At one point, they even blatantly poke fun at Disney, which was almost as refreshing as the mist from the backside of water.

I've heard that is kind of a funny aspect of the shows.

When this all began, I thought I’d be out of work entirely, but fortunately that has not been the case.

I'm glad to hear that you are not living out of your car.

If you've been to Uni, what is your 1) Favorite area? and 2) Favorite ride?

I like the Seuss area, I think it's cute. As I said above, most of the rides are too nauseating to ride for me. I guess I would have to say the Carousel or Cat in the Hat ride. I don't remember what Men in Black is like, only went on it once about six years ago, or maybe it was even longer. Our first visit was just when they started ground breaking on HP land.
U is for: Universal Under Hagrid’s Care

Time to discover what Hagrid is up to in his neck of the woods. If you’ll follow me now into Hogsmeade, we’ll find it’s quite a lot! But first, we have to get there, right? How about by means of a magical train- The Hogwarts Express. The station’s easy enough to find, but the platform might be a bit more difficult.

The owls on trolleys might give you a solid hint, but don’t expect to find it on any schedules at King’s Crossing Station.

The massive, steam-belching engine hoves into view, and the conductor calls out, “All aboard!” Got your companions- both animal and human? Then let’s set off!

Best keep your wands handy just in case you need to heat up your lunch or gulp… drive away any Dementors! You just never know; danger is around every corner in the World of Witches and Wizards. Using Muggle-style commentating, I can say that the Hogwarts Express is extremely well done. It’s not just a train that takes you past live scenery, although I’m fairly certain Uni would have done a whizbang job at that too. But they opted for a more, in true Uni-style, simulator approach to things. But this train, unless someone casts the wrong spell, isn’t going to produce nausea like most everything else in UniWorld. I won’t give any spoilers because I can’t remember most of the cool details and I wouldn’t want to ruin it for those you who haven’t been on it yet. But it is really fun and a must-do if you have the “park hopper” option. If you don’t, however, it’s my humble, albeit correct, opinion that to add the option of 2 parks in a day for the extra $100 isn’t worth it. Fun and unique? Sure! Worth the cost of an entire meal at a mid-range restaurant? No.

The first thing that MUST be done in Hogsmeade is a rope drop dash to Hagrid’s Motorbike Adventure which rivals the best theme park attraction anywhere in Orlando. It has some very unexpected elements that make it thrilling, one-of-a-kind, and a pure delight to ride. Its track is smooth, the theming is extremely well-executed, and even the queue and attraction exteriors are quite something to see. What will RD be like? Same as any other RD at Disney, but fewer people. You’ll stand in line to tap into the park just as long and you’ll fast-walk to the attraction and it’s just as far. It’s also similar to Disney in that once you get to the newest premiere attraction, the ride will almost certainly be down. Then you’ll wait in the lava hot sun hoping it’ll be back up before you lose your lead on the crowd.

At least that’s what I did.

A precious hour of my time was sucked before I gave up and moved on to ride the Forbidden Journey. Thank God for the Max Pass I had by staying at the Portofino. So I toddled off to another super awesome ride in the Hogsmeade area, but “up” at the school of Hogwarts, I found myself flying around and getting’ my game on. Dementors tried to eat me and I checked out the Chamber of Secrets without dying by clever use of my Patronus spell.

Hagrid’s dragon was out-of-control again and almost killed me, but narrowly escaping death about 9 and ¾ times, I made it safely back to school just in time to retrieve my stuff out of the locker and head on over to Hagrid’s cottage and see if his dragon came home. Although it hadn’t, his Hippogriff had, and I took a sweet little spin on his back. What can I say? It’s the cutest, most charming baby coaster ever. I liked it far more than the Barnstormer which is the closest thing I can compare it to.

Okay, I’m going to go out on a limb here and come close to Disney-blasphemy risking a good flaming: The queues and pre-shows for the Uni Potter rides are equal, if not superior to, many of the Disney queues. However, I’ll add the caveat that Disney has recently stepped up their game with adding interactive elements like those at PP and 7DMT. Regardless, even if I were to compare say POTC or Splash to anything in either Potter Area, the Disney queues suck in comparison.

After riding both of those, I was heading back into the “village” to check out all things Hogsmeade when stroke of dumb luck sent me reeling back into the queue of the finally opened Motorbike Adventure. I just happened to be passing the end of the VERY quickly forming new line of the ride, stopped to ask if it was open, and hopped into it!! WOOT!!!

Soon enough I was zooming around the Forbidden Forest with the Centaurs, Skrewts, and Unicorns. And now, utilizing the magic of my wand to hide some of the ride elements and features from a technical point here you go. To unlock the spell just wave your wand and say, “Spoilicus Illuminati”.

“With a maximum speed of 50 mph throughout seven launches, the ride includes more launches than any other roller coaster in the world. It is the second coaster in the United States to feature a vertical drop track at nearly 17 feet, and the longest roller coaster in Florida, measuring nearly a mile in length (5,053 ft). The track also features a "spike" that catapults guests 65 feet into the air at a more than 70-degree angle, followed by a backwards drop in one movement.[16] The roller coaster was supposed to be Universal Orlando's third attraction to employ a Virtual Line system, the first one at Islands of Adventure and the first Universal coaster to feature the virtual queue system,[17] however, as of January 2020 it has not yet been implemented and the coaster is employing regular queue lines.”[18]'s_Magical_Creatures_Motorbike_Adventure#cite_note-rising2019-18

If you can read that, thank the Wikicians.

I know you’ll have indulged on the goodies from the Treat Trolley on the Express, but traveling, flying, and cheating death sure makes me hungry! I headed to The Three Broomsticks for some light lunch. Dinner would be heavy and just as magical, but in an altogether different world of fun. Meantime, let’s explore the medieval-themed eatery and enjoy some split pea soup and salad:

Soup & Salad Combo
Leek & Potato or Split Pea & Ham Soup; Side Salad with Choice of Dressing

Not gonna lie, the soup was amazing! The salad was… salad. But once in a while, during a theme park vacation, you need a salad. Ya just doo…. sorry, no pics. I'm pretty sure you can envision a bowl of soup and a salad.

By the time I was done with lunch, and butterbeer of course, I was ready to browse the area and slow down. Had to, the crowds were as thick as my pea soup.

I think at some point I rode The Forbidden Journey Again and made my way around the other areas of Islands of Adventure that I told you all about in the last chapter. If memory serves, I made my way back to the Portofino for some rest and cleanup before dinner. Why? Because those boats are just so darned convenient and quick. It’s VERY rare I’d go all the way back to my resort on Disney property before dinner as it can easily end up eating almost 2 hours out of a day to do that. The hassle-factor is large. And that, my friends, is a quick and dirty re-cap of my many and varied enounters with Hagrid’s animial mis-management techniques that almost got me killed all day long. I'll leave you with another train shot. Because trains are cool.

Next up: U is for: Under the Big Blue Sky and Unadulterated Pigging Out
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I really enjoyed this update because you hit on the two wizarding attractions I have yet to experience myself! I knew you could see Hagrid's Hut from the little coaster, but didnt realize you see Buckbeak, as well :) And the line for Hagrid's Motorbike was insane the entire time we were there in December.
The station’s easy enough to find, but the platform might be a bit more difficult.
This is very true. I ran as hard as I could, right at the wall and bashed my face into brick.
Of course it was easier when I tried again at the right wall...
Best keep your wands handy just in case you need to heat up your lunch or gulp… drive away any Dementors!

Oh! Nevermind. I thought you were talking about me. I read that as "demented", not Dementors.
I can say that the Hogwarts Express is extremely well done.
It was a really nice surprise.
But this train, unless someone casts the wrong spell, isn’t going to produce nausea like most everything else in UniWorld
Correct. It's far more relaxing than nausea-inducing.
But it is really fun and a must-do if you have the “park hopper” option. If you don’t, however, it’s my humble, albeit correct, opinion that to add the option of 2 parks in a day for the extra $100 isn’t worth it.
Correct is right. If you have a park hopper you should do the train. If you're as enchanted with the Potter lands as most seem to be, then it's a definite "must do".
But is it worth $100 (a person!!) just to ride it? Definitely not.
It’s also similar to Disney in that once you get to the newest premiere attraction, the ride will almost certainly be down. Then you’ll wait in the lava hot sun hoping it’ll be back up before you lose your lead on the crowd.

At least that’s what I did.
Oh, no! That's awful! And... I suppose, not all that unexpected.
Dementors tried to eat me and I checked out the Chamber of Secrets without dying by clever use of my Patronus spell.
So... what is your Patronus, hmmmm? Surely not a stag. That seems reserved for the Potter clan.
Hagrid’s dragon was out-of-control again and almost killed me,
Silly little beastie.
but narrowly escaping death about 9 and ¾ times,
I see what you did there.
What can I say? It’s the cutest, most charming baby coaster ever. I liked it far more than the Barnstormer which is the closest thing I can compare it to.
That's about it. It's cute. It's a baby coaster. But it's better than Barnstormer.
Okay, I’m going to go out on a limb here and come close to Disney-blasphemy risking a good flaming: The queues and pre-shows for the Uni Potter rides are equal, if not superior to, many of the Disney queues. However, I’ll add the caveat that Disney has recently stepped up their game with adding interactive elements like those at PP and 7DMT. Regardless, even if I were to compare say POTC or Splash to anything in either Potter Area, the Disney queues suck in comparison.
I agree with you. There are some queues that Disney has (and you've mentioned a few) that are first rate. I think of EE for example. Then there are others... But they seem to have figured that out and are taking steps to rectify that (Pooh and PP).
stroke of dumb luck sent me reeling back into the queue of the finally opened Motorbike Adventure. I just happened to be passing the end of the VERY quickly forming new line of the ride, stopped to ask if it was open, and hopped into it!! WOOT!!!
Wow! Great timing!
To unlock the spell just wave your wand and say, “Spoilicus Illuminati”.
If you can read that, thank the Wikicians.

let’s explore the medieval-themed eatery and enjoy some split pea soup and salad:
mmmm… pea soup. Made some just the other day.
But once in a while, during a theme park vacation, you need a salad. Ya just doo…. sorry, no pics.
Thank yoo for not sharing pics of your doo.
Had to, the crowds were as thick as my pea soup.
Well... not the crowds, but your prose.
Because those boats are just so darned convenient and quick.
It’s VERY rare I’d go all the way back to my resort on Disney property before dinner as it can easily end up eating almost 2 hours out of a day to do that.
I wonder if that will change if you're on a Skyliner resort?
I love the theming in the queues at HP world in Universal, just incredible!
FJ is amazing and the tour through Hogwarts is very cool.
I really like seeing Buckbeak and Hagrid’s Hut.
I love the Hogwarts Express, so fun!
The Hogwarts Express. The station’s easy enough to find, but the platform might be a bit more difficult.

For all of you muggles, maybe.

Got your companions- both animal and human?

Eh, more or less.

I can say that the Hogwarts Express is extremely well done.

It is a lot more fun that traveling between parks through the other entrance!

If you don’t, however, it’s my humble, albeit correct, opinion that to add the option of 2 parks in a day for the extra $100 isn’t worth it. Fun and unique? Sure! Worth the cost of an entire meal at a mid-range restaurant? No.

Yeah, it's hard to argue otherwise.

The first thing that MUST be done in Hogsmeade is a rope drop dash to Hagrid’s Motorbike Adventure which rivals the best theme park attraction anywhere in Orlando.

Rivals? What are your other contenders?

It’s also similar to Disney in that once you get to the newest premiere attraction, the ride will almost certainly be down. Then you’ll wait in the lava hot sun hoping it’ll be back up before you lose your lead on the crowd.


Hagrid’s dragon was out-of-control again and almost killed me, but narrowly escaping death about 9 and ¾ times

Hmm... That seems awfully specific.

Although it hadn’t, his Hippogriff had, and I took a sweet little spin on his back. What can I say? It’s the cutest, most charming baby coaster ever. I liked it far more than the Barnstormer which is the closest thing I can compare it to.

I'm not sure I can say it's that much better than the Barnstormer. I mean, it's the exact same ride. The theme is better, sure. But the ride itself was identical.

Okay, I’m going to go out on a limb here and come close to Disney-blasphemy risking a good flaming: The queues and pre-shows for the Uni Potter rides are equal, if not superior to, many of the Disney queues. However, I’ll add the caveat that Disney has recently stepped up their game with adding interactive elements like those at PP and 7DMT. Regardless, even if I were to compare say POTC or Splash to anything in either Potter Area, the Disney queues suck in comparison.

This is true. But it's probably a bit apples-to-oranges in that most of the Disney rides were built a couple of decades ago. I'd say the rides that have been built/refurbished recently have made major strides in a big way.

After riding both of those, I was heading back into the “village” to check out all things Hogsmeade when stroke of dumb luck sent me reeling back into the queue of the finally opened Motorbike Adventure. I just happened to be passing the end of the VERY quickly forming new line of the ride, stopped to ask if it was open, and hopped into it!! WOOT!!!

Wow! Nice bit of luck there!

If you can read that, thank the Wikicians.


Not gonna lie, the soup was amazing! The salad was… salad.

It always is.

But once in a while, during a theme park vacation, you need a salad. Salad is for the post-vacation detox.

If memory serves, I made my way back to the Portofino for some rest and cleanup before dinner. Why? Because those boats are just so darned convenient and quick. It’s VERY rare I’d go all the way back to my resort on Disney property before dinner as it can easily end up eating almost 2 hours out of a day to do that.

Definitely less travel time to Universal resorts, for sure. They seemed to always have buses ready to load, too.
That's OK, another friend described the ride as "a period in his life that he will never get back."

LOL!! Too funny!

It's a fun place to visit, but it's no Disney. The rides don't have a factor of me wanting to ride them again, mostly due to the motion simulators, screens and nausea factor.

I'd agree with that. :)
Yeah, that one did me in long ago, and I haven't been on it since.

It's cute, and even fun, but I think it was a one and done for me.

I'm glad to hear that you are not living out of your car.

Not yet.
I like the Seuss area, I think it's cute. As I said above, most of the rides are too nauseating to ride for me. I guess I would have to say the Carousel or Cat in the Hat ride. I don't remember what Men in Black is like, only went on it once about six years ago, or maybe it was even longer. Our first visit was just when they started ground breaking on HP land.

Me too! But I liked the ET ride the best (outside of the HP ones) with MiB up there. Writing this portion of the TR makes me want to go back again someday.
I really enjoyed this update because you hit on the two wizarding attractions I have yet to experience myself! I knew you could see Hagrid's Hut from the little coaster, but didnt realize you see Buckbeak, as well :) And the line for Hagrid's Motorbike was insane the entire time we were there in December.
Buckbeak is super well done! And Hagrid's hut is perfect! I love his gardens and the pumpkins that are chewed on. Such great touches! As for the line, I don't think it's going to be less insane for quite some time.
This is very true. I ran as hard as I could, right at the wall and bashed my face into brick.
Of course it was easier when I tried again at the right wall...

Oh geez! Did Hermione fix your glasses once you got on the train?


Oh! Nevermind. I thought you were talking about me. I read that as "demented", not Dementors.

LOL!! Did you guys have Dr. Demento up there? A radio DJ that did crazy funny songs?

Correct. It's far more relaxing than nausea-inducing.

Unless you get too many chocolate frogs.

Oh, no! That's awful! And... I suppose, not all that unexpected.

Nope, which is actually why I really like the Boarding Pass method with RotR. Not done it yet, but from what I read, if it's down you're not stuck in line.

So... what is your Patronus, hmmmm? Surely not a stag. That seems reserved for the Potter clan.

Oh gosh! That's a tough one! I'd have to really think on that one.

I see what you did there.


That's about it. It's cute. It's a baby coaster. But it's better than Barnstormer.

I like it better because there's so much more to look at and use my imagination with that at Barnstormer. The queue there is positively boring with a few outlier gems.

I agree with you. There are some queues that Disney has (and you've mentioned a few) that are first rate. I think of EE for example. Then there are others... But they seem to have figured that out and are taking steps to rectify that (Pooh and PP).

YES!! EE! But, when was the last time you rode Kali. I almost think that queue rivals it in terms of cool stuff. As to rectifying it? Yes, I'd agree, they are doing a good job making them more tolerable to stand in.

mmmm… pea soup. Made some just the other day.

LOVE pea soup, but the last soup I made was last night and was Thai pumpkin curry. Sooo good!

Well... not the crowds, but your prose.

heh, thanks. :)

I wonder if that will change if you're on a Skyliner resort?

That is yet to be seen. :)
The Hagrid ride wasn't around when we did our Universal trip, so that's one that I skipped the spoilers on. It does sound like something I'd enjoy. If/when we go back, I'd probably try to stay on-site for the express pass, but I might skip the hoppers, since we've already done the Hogwarts Express. Back when we went, I did spring for the hoppers - that felt like my biggest splurge for the whole trip, but I couldn't *not* do it.
I love the theming in the queues at HP world in Universal, just incredible!
FJ is amazing and the tour through Hogwarts is very cool.
I really like seeing Buckbeak and Hagrid’s Hut.
I love the Hogwarts Express, so fun!

Yep, some quite frankly are much better than those at WDW. Most of the exceptions are in AK.

In general, everything at HP is so good!! And even if you aren't a huge HP fan (I do enjoy them, but not over-the-top) it's super immersive.
For all of you muggles, maybe.

Oh I see how it is. Drawing class lines now, are we?

It is a lot more fun that traveling between parks through the other entrance!


Rivals? What are your other contenders?

FoP, EE, probably RotR?

Hmm... That seems awfully specific.

Well, someone has to be accurate and it ain't gonna be the MSM. ;)

I'm not sure I can say it's that much better than the Barnstormer. I mean, it's the exact same ride. The theme is better, sure. But the ride itself was identical.

I know, but what sets it apart is the pretty cool queue. I mean... Hagrid's Hut? Yes, please!

This is true. But it's probably a bit apples-to-oranges in that most of the Disney rides were built a couple of decades ago. I'd say the rides that have been built/refurbished recently have made major strides in a big way.

Then, they've had 2 decades under Iger's watch to rectify it. LOL! Let's get 'er done!! I may retract my application as private nurse for the Dwarves and just apply to be CEO for the whole company. Salad is for the post-vacation detox.

:lmao: Then I'd say you have plenty of time to avoid your salad.
Definitely less travel time to Universal resorts, for sure. They seemed to always have buses ready to load, too.

That I can't comment on. Never rode, or even saw, one.
The Hagrid ride wasn't around when we did our Universal trip, so that's one that I skipped the spoilers on. It does sound like something I'd enjoy. If/when we go back, I'd probably try to stay on-site for the express pass, but I might skip the hoppers, since we've already done the Hogwarts Express. Back when we went, I did spring for the hoppers - that felt like my biggest splurge for the whole trip, but I couldn't *not* do it.

Then I definitely think you need to go back ride it! It's truly amazing! And I agree. While I loved the Portofino, I think I'd be just as happy with a "mod" and a max pass. Could be a long while before any of us is able to do any of that though. Time will tell...
Did you guys have Dr. Demento up there? A radio DJ that did crazy funny songs?

This caught my eye in your conversation with @pkondz! We used to visit our family friends at their home in Michigan when I was growing up. It was a cottage on the lake, and they didn't have a TV, so at night we actually listened to Dr. Demento for entertainmen, LOL. The only thing I remember is he sang something about rolly, polly, fish heads!


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