Rumor about “modified experiences” when Disney reopens (read 1st post for potential modifications being considered)

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And I just did. Four for June 5.

July 6 was available, too. I think the blogger may have been duped -- they might want to start checking stuff before posting.
Thank you for posting this. It’s one of the things we want to do pending they are open so I may buy them too. We did the Animal Kingdom after hours and it was totally worth the money.
I didn't realize it was only the Villains. That's disappointing. We did the regular After Hours 2 summers ago, and we really liked it. One of the things we liked most (besides zero wait times for attractions) was how quiet and relaxed it was. We took some great pictures on the hub, relaxed for a few minutes just sitting in the hub with it quiet, no one walked down Main Street at one point for at least 5-10 minutes, even got free espresso from Starbucks because they were so dead. It was just such a different feeling.

By contrast, we were there in February on a night that they had the Villains After Hours. We were there until close, and actually past closing time by a good half-hour because we got on Haunted Mansion about a minute before close, then the ride got stuck for 20 minutes. So we got to see, despite being funneled away from the hub, what Villains was like, and we thought it would have been awful. I realize some people would really like it, not to slight them in any way - it's just not for us at all. It was super loud, the music was blasting all the way out of the park - it was like a techno-dance party on the hub. That super chill, relaxed, empty feeling was completely gone - exact opposite (I'm sure it was still no crowds - talking about the feeling).
Not a fan of villains either. Regular after hours are amazing and we’ll do them at any park they’re offered at. Not only is it exactly as you describe, it takes the pressure off the whole trip of having to get FPS for the popular rides. Our days are much more relaxing too!
Not a fan of villains either. Regular after hours are amazing and we’ll do them at any park they’re offered at. Not only is it exactly as you describe, it takes the pressure off the whole trip of having to get FPS for the popular rides. Our days are much more relaxing too!
We debated doing it last time with our kids (did it on a kid-free trip), but we decided it was just a bit too late (they were 5 1/2 and 7 at the time). There was actually an 8:00 when we went most recently, but it was the night we arrived (got to our resort at 8:00 - would've been too much with a travel day). I would be even more inclined to pay for After Hours now, I guess depending of course on what's going to be open, because I would feel even more comfortable with the spacing that existed when we went before, so it would be so much easier to keep our distance. We currently have trips planned for August and December, and while I want to go, I'm also concerned about what my comfort level will be with the precautions taken, etc. I'd pay extra to be more comfortable (with the caveat that my pay has been currently cut because of reduced business at work and if that's still the case months from now, I might have a different outlook).
Just don't understand all these people that believe the virus can go through a mask one way but not the other way. And why do we still have to stay 6ft apart even if both people are wearing a mask. Remember these experts saying this are the same ones back in March were saying nobody should wear a mask except for medical people and have been SO wrong about the numbers from the beginning.
Everything I have read says mask on or 6ft, not both...even though that is the more considerate way to go.

In the beginning they were saying not to wear masks because (A) they expected people to understand what a pandemic is and stay at home as much as possible and B they didn’t want the public to hord all the N95 masks before hospitals/states could stock up what they could.
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As someone that lives in NY where its been mandatory to wear a mask in public for several weeks, I still hate putting it on. But I dont try to walk into the grocery store without it. It doesnt matter what it does, and doesnt offer protection wise, right now, people are seriously afraid of going out in public and catching the virus (though a lot of those people still do go out in public, but thats another story). If I’m making strangers around me feel more comfortable putting themselves in a safer positions in public by wearing a mask, I’m fine with it, for now. If my next trip to Disney still takes place and I’m required to wear a mask, I’m completely fine with that. But if we start getting into late 2020 or 2021 and we’re still required to wear masks everywhere, I’m going to start to take issue with it because its going to seem more like a way of life as a replacement for a vaccine that many people believe is never going to come to fruition.
Plastic/plexiglass shields separating the cashier from the customers can be installed in days not months. I have no doubt the sanitizer dispensers were ordered the day Disney thought about closing.

Deciding when, if ever, guests are required to wear masks and how to enforce such rule is a big issue.

Think of mask rules being similar to smoking policy. Non-smoking rules don't benefit the smoker. Cloth mask aren't intended to give protection to the wearer but rather other guests. IF Disney thinks masks are necessary then Disney must enforce the rule. Give the guest a warning, give the guest a mask and scan their magic band. Three strikes and their magic band will turn red when the enter an attraction or enter a park.
Right, not going to argue about every change they may need to make. Some will take awhile, others are ready to go immediately. Spots on the floor to indicate 6’ could be produced and laid out in a week if not days. It’s not just about placing any order though, we are talking massive, sustainable quantities of product.

I also shouldn’t pretend to know what’s going on behind the scenes. Wdw is being allowed to be somewhat sovereign in this, so I doubt DeSantis knows exactly what supplies they need to open up anyway. But I think we can all agree they are working to be beyond prepared for the day they reopen.
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Everything I have read says mask on or 6ft, not both...even though that is the more considerate way to go.

In the beginning they were saying not to wear masks because (A) they expected people to understand what a pandemic is and stay at home as much as possible and B they didn’t want the public to hord all the N95 masks before hospitals/states could stock up what they could.
In ohio we are told by Dr Acton even with mask on you still must stay 6ft apart
I think a policy of “strongly encouraging masks” will be enough for wdw. For ppl who want to wear them and/or feel they should, they will. Those ppl who can’t or choose not to, won’t. So it should still help things if some or most ppl are wearing them even if they’re not mandatory & not everyone does.
I agree, but also disagree. Myself, husband, and kids have been 20 times, but this will be my granddaughter's first trip. Our trip is July 1-6 and we're going if they're open. She won't know that she's missing out on being able to hug a princess, she'll be happy to SEE a princess in real life from afar. Same for any character. She won't know she's missing out on parades or fireworks or any show that's not open. She will simply be mesmerized by being at Disney and riding rides and seeing Cinderella's castle. Plus, I think Disney will have "new magic" to replace what they're temporarily removing due to Covid. (I'm an optimist and I find joy in most anything!)

We are in the same position. Our upcoming trip was to be our "once in a lifetime" trip. Now, this isn't actually true. We have been many times, and God willing, will hopefully be many times again. But, the kids will be 5 and 2, so we planned to splurge big time this trip...character meals, BBB, EMM....just splurging on a lot of things that we normally don't.

So, knowing we'll probably miss out on a lot of those, we do wonder if it's worth it. No character interactions, no shows, no fireworks, no parades...they're at that age where character interactions and shows are such prime and special experiences.

That said, looking on the bright side, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to experience Disney in a way that many of us haven't since the 80s/90s.....or maybe never before, and possibly never again. Yes for the kiddos' first trip (that they will remember, at least), you don't want them to have the memory of masks and craziness and stress and no parades, no fireworks, no Festival of the Lion King, no Epcot. You want them to have those GREAT memories. But maybe the tradeoff is...they have memories of a less crowded Main Street, fewer lines, etc.
I think a policy of “strongly encouraging masks” will be enough for wdw. For ppl who want to wear them and/or feel they should, they will. Those ppl who can’t or choose not to, won’t. So it should still help things if some or most ppl are wearing them even if they’re not mandatory & not everyone does.
That only works if they enforce strict social distancing in keeping 6ft apart.
I think a policy of “strongly encouraging masks” will be enough for wdw. For ppl who want to wear them and/or feel they should, they will. Those ppl who can’t or choose not to, won’t. So it should still help things if some or most ppl are wearing them even if they’re not mandatory & not everyone does.

The main problem I could see arising from only encouraging masks is that its well known the use of a mask is to keep the potential virus contained within your mask. How effective it really is, or if its truly just a placebo is another debate. But because wearing a mask is sort of a respect for the others around you type of solution, I could see problems arising between guests that are wearing masks, and people who arent. People that do wear masks would probably take Issue with people who arent because of the feeling that “I’m protecting you, but you’re being selfish and not protecting me”

If they only encourage the masks and dont make it mandatory, I think they need to make it crystal clear to everyone that its not mandatory.
The main problem I could see arising from only encouraging masks is that its well known the use of a mask is to keep the potential virus contained within your mask. How effective it really is, or if its truly just a placebo is another debate. But because wearing a mask is sort of a respect for the others around you type of solution, I could see problems arising between guests that are wearing masks, and people who arent. People that do wear masks would probably take Issue with people who arent because of the feeling that “I’m protecting you, but you’re being selfish and not protecting me”

If they only encourage the masks and dont make it mandatory, I think they need to make it crystal clear to everyone that its not mandatory.
I agree. But I would much prefer the social distancing anyway. I can’t stand it when ppl have their stupid masks on & want to stand on top of me at Walmart (like today). There are so many morons out there that I think the mask thing makes ppl think they’re safer then they are.
I agree. But I would much prefer the social distancing anyway. I can’t stand it when ppl have their stupid masks on & want to stand on top of me at Walmart (like today). There are so many morons out there that I think the mask thing makes ppl think they’re safer then they are.

After my Target trip on Wednesday I felt the mask made me unsafe. It was a bad fit and I fidgeted with it before I realized what I was doing. I know I didn’t have the virus when I went in and I still wore it anyway, because it’s a “rule.” Luckily I have other masks that fit better, but it is still very uncomfortable.

Social distancing isn’t going to work either, because we as humans just can’t do it. We need interaction. It’s only a matter of time before the entire system of mitigation measures completely breaks down.
After my Target trip on Wednesday I felt the mask made me unsafe. It was a bad fit and I fidgeted with it before I realized what I was doing. I know I didn’t have the virus when I went in and I still wore it anyway, because it’s a “rule.” Luckily I have other masks that fit better, but it is still very uncomfortable.

Social distancing isn’t going to work either, because we as humans just can’t do it. We need interaction. It’s only a matter of time before the entire system of mitigation measures completely breaks down.
You can have interaction while being 6 ft apart.
You can have interaction while being 6 ft apart.

Sure, but it is not sustainable. I know you disagree, but it just isn’t.

There is no point in standing 6 feet away from my friend that I haven’t seen in 2 months. We might as well FaceTime instead.

Humans need touch. They need intimacy. Social distancing will not last. Louisiana proved that 3 weeks in.
Sure, but it is not sustainable. I know you disagree, but it just isn’t.

There is no point in standing 6 feet away from my friend that I haven’t seen in 2 months. We might as well FaceTime instead.

Humans need touch. They need intimacy. Social distancing will not last. Louisiana proved that 3 weeks in.
I believe there are people that don't need intimacy and social contact, but they are probably miserable anti-social people. Most of us like being around around other people. Why go on a vacation to shout at people from 6 feet away. Masks are also dehumanizing...No thanks. If WDW requires a mask I'll just wait until this is over.
I believe there are people that don't need intimacy and social contact, but they are probably miserable anti-social people. Most of us like being around around other people. Why go on a vacation to shout at people from 6 feet away. Masks are also dehumanizing...No thanks. If WDW requires a mask I'll just wait until this is over.

I can usually go without being around people for long periods of time, but when I see my friends and extended family I want more than a wave and shout from 6ft away!
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