As the virus drags on, are you relaxing your own standards?

We have been really good with the social distancing over the last few months. My DD21 had only seen her boyfriend and his family from March 9th to May 15th. His family closed their house to everyone but her and we did the same. DS23 and DH had only seen 2 friends each (outside with social distancing). They also spent time on the golf course. I hadn’t been anywhere except for the grocery store once a week. I’m a middle school teacher and was working like crazy doing distance learning. That’s how it WAS.

Virginia moved to Phase I a couple of weeks ago. DD went up to her college to help her graduating boyfriend move home. She saw about 15 friends over the week she was there and had food and drinks on restaurant patios several times. I wasn’t totally happy about the number of people she saw, but it was out of my control. DS added a few more friends to his routine over the last couple of weeks as well. A week and a half ago, I finally left the house to go to a park, people watch and feed the ducks. Then this past weekend, we had dinner and drinks on a restaurant patio on Friday, and had a couple over for social distancing dinner and drinks on our deck on Sunday. Midweek I went over to another friend’s house for drinks around their outdoor firepit. It was nice to get out. I was a little nervous, but it was all outside with distancing.

Things sort of went crazy yesterday. Yesterday was our last day of school. All faculty and staff had to participate in an outdoor drive up book return because all the kids had to return the books they’d been using for the last 10 weeks of distance learning. Then we had to bucket brigade/human chain all the books back into the building and into the classrooms. It was 96 degrees outside. Most of us had masks on most of the time. I didn’t wear one because my job was to direct traffic. I was isolated and didn’t come in contact with anyone. But I did talk to a few of my teacher friends without a mask a couple of times - outside and not super close. During the bucket brigade was probably the closest I got to anyone. I didn’t think anything of it until today.

Today one of my teacher friends texted me that her nurse daughter just tested positive for Covid-19!!! Just got the test results back this morning. And her other daughter has symptoms too. She and her husband have 5 adult children plus two of the kids’ spouses and one baby living in their house right now. 10 people- all exposed now. And DD’s boyfriend is friends with her sons and was over at their house visiting for a few hours Saturday night. He and DD then spent all day Sunday together. Yikes!!! So he was exposed, and if he has it, DD has been exposed. DD also marched on Monday and Wednesday in 2 daytime protest marches (without our knowledge, wearing a mask but with hoards of people). So all that careful quarantining has been undone in just a couple weeks’ time. I hope and pray we all stay healthy. If we do, it will be because masks and hand washing saved us.
Just to ease your mind a bit want to give a recent experience. BIL had not been feeling quite right a month ago. He was still going to work. On the 4th day of feeling off he started running a fever, low grade for 3 days, he went and got tested and came up positive. He didn't quarantine until the fever. Symptoms progressed to mild GI distress, fatigue, mild body aches. He had exposed his wife and young adult sons, who live, work, and commute with him. Plus he had been going to work, though maintaining SD. No one else at home or work developed any symptoms. They did not get tested because until 2 weeks ago you had to show symptoms in our state.
I'm still sticking with all original precautions - cases, positive results and deaths are on the uptick in my area the past couple of weeks as beaches and businesses opened back up - not sure if there will be any impact from all the protest gatherings soon too.

I'd like to get out, but still staying home for now - no stores or activities.

Might try an outdoors restaurant or the beach in a few weeks when the initial frenzy dies down. Everyone's rushing to get out right now after being cooped up.
Relaxing The virus is just as contagious as before and there is still no treatment/cure. I think in the internet age lots of people think there will be instant answers for things and many don't grasp this isn't magically going away tomorrow by wishful thinking or being in denial. Covid19 isn't any less serious of a global health crisis just because some businesses have started to reopen.
Relaxing The virus is just as contagious as before and there is still no treatment/cure. I think in the internet age lots of people think there will be instant answers for things and many don't grasp this isn't magically going away tomorrow by wishful thinking or being in denial. Covid19 isn't any less serious of a global health crisis just because some businesses have started to reopen.

I don’t think many believe it’s gone or going away, quite the opposite in fact. I think many people have realized that this isn’t going away for the foreseeable future and have decided to take calculated risks to start going back to life and to maintain their livelihood. Many people feel that to stay home indefinitely isn’t possible and so they’re trying to learn to live with the virus.

While it’s still a global pandemic, keeping the hospitals well below capacity is what helps it from becoming a crisis again IMO.
After watching high profile politicians attending crowded protests/rallies/memorial services with masks off and no social distancing this week, it definitely makes one wonder if all the hysteria and destruction of the past three months was necessary.

We've relaxed our standards some and grateful we never gave up visiting with our kids and grandkids.

If there is a huge increase in infections/deaths from this week's chaos within the next 14 days, we'll continue with caution.
I don’t think many believe it’s gone or going away, quite the opposite in fact. I think many people have realized that this isn’t going away for the foreseeable future and have decided to take calculated risks to start going back to life and to maintain their livelihood. Many people feel that to stay home indefinitely isn’t possible and so they’re trying to learn to live with the virus.

While it’s still a global pandemic, keeping the hospitals well below capacity is what helps it from becoming a crisis again IMO.
Exactly this! Although I do believe it's less contagious than it once was or we were lead to believe. I have seen the activities and groups in my area over the last month and it all should have resulted in a huge spike, which we haven't seen *knock on wood* If we don't get major spikes after these protests, I think an honest conversation needs to be had.

That said, I don't for a second think it's gone away. I just know there are other risks out there besides Covid and I haven't stopped living for those. And our mental health does matter and that is being greatly affected by the SIP. So much like I wear a seat belt and don't drive if I've been drinking, and I go to all my necessary doctor's appointments, I will take the recommended precautions with this. But as I've said, I'm ready to start learning how to live WITH this virus still out there.

I don't begrudge anybody who isn't ready and I don't think they're doing it solely on fear. But I'm not making my choices ignorantly either.
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So for us...

DH and I never really stayed home so to speak, it really was not a option... Faith over Fear...

DH works in essential service's... as far as our daily routine it really did not change that much... He was working more, I made us each a mask before my sewing machine went kaput... bought extra hand sanitizer, soap to keep in his car and wipes for him for work...and kept some for me...

My parents are in the age bracket, and both of them have compromise immune systems... both had been in and out of the hospital for unrelated issues, before all this started... so them staying home was a must... so I have been doing all the shopping, taking them to follow up visit at the doctors office, and its 130 miles round trip to their house and back... I was out shopping some times as early as 6:00 am, standing in line to be able to get most of the things that they needed... and they will not order, and/or have it delivered...they think that someone will steal their identity's...its just the way they are...not going to change them...

So I am a hand washer, this is not something new for me, I have been doing this my whole life... this is something that you are taught as a child, and in school... I worked in healthcare, and so I am a bit a germaphob... I carry wipes with me everywhere, and this is not something new, I always have done these things... I have always wiped down airplane seats, tray tables, and boy have I gotten alot of side eye and eye rolls, I guess I wasn't so crazy after all.. I wipe down hotel rooms each time we return, I don't make a big deal of it, I just do it and move on... I wipe off grocery carts the whole cart not just the handle... I wipe off Tables and Chairs at Disney, or in fast food places and think nothing about it... I wipe off the counters and island in the house with bleach wipes after I put the grocery away, again something that I have always done...So I am really just doing what I have always done...

After the first few day of the media and all their fear mongering... we stopped watching, we would watch the President and the Governor speak and that was it... for us it was to find out for DH's job and for me traveling back and forth with a curfew... I had to tell my parents stop watching the news... they honestly believed that if they went outside they would get it and die right there on the driveway... there are many older people that are shut in and that's their link to the outside world...

On the weekend when everything was shut down we would get in the truck and just drive around, through the Disney property, just to get some Disney magic, over to coast, checking out place to take our boat, We did haul our boat out several times, we just went to another county locally where the boat ramps were opened, and put in...

We went as far as going to GA so that my DH could get his hair cut and we could eat in a restaurant for our anniversary, Seasons 52 really nice meal, and we went shopping, and drove up into the Mountains in north Georgia, antiqued a bit and stayed in a hotel...

We hauled our boat over to the river and head into the gulf, and it was packed, lots of people on and in the water, Great Memorial Day weekend and pretty much in these little towns everything was open for business...and no-one was wearing mask... small town Americans trying to survive...

Now that things are starting on opening up, We have eaten out... numerous times, I am shopping, sometimes with a mask sometimes without...I am noticing that more and more people are not wearing mask while shopping...

They opened up our community pool, and just rearrange the furniture.... which people just move around to suit them... and really with all the chlorine, which is basically bleach, and 90+ degrees... I don't think many people are really worried about it.. kids are playing on the steps with each other... adults talking to each other...

I feel our Governor is doing the right thing, opening slowly... we are just in phase two, the are opening movie theaters 50% and now you can sit at the Bar and eat in a restaurant 50%... retail 100%, gosh I hope that means that they are going to open the fitting rooms... Universal opened today... and Disney next month... looking forward to getting back to normal...

As far as the vaccine goes...for my family, we get flu shots every year for influenza so we will get the vaccine for this...

As far as the hand washing and hand sanitizer, wipes in my bag... this is just part of my daily life for the past 35 years or more... so this is not going to change...

As far as the mask wearing... It's not good wearing a mask all the time, it can effect your immune system and start to break it down, some germs are good, and helps your immune system stay on point.. they beat us in the head with classes...

And if we are suppose to be social distancing and wearing mask... why are people protesting and are not keeping with the social distancing guidelines, and most are not wearing mask... In no way am I saying that they should not peacefully protest what happened, which is terrible and should be held accountable just like anyone else and that they have the right to protest and with that they should be held to the same standard at these events, that everyone is being held to in our daily life...
So this could cause another spike... so what then... Again everyone should be held to the same guidelines... if not then we should just open up and get on with it... Just my thoughts..

Wishing peace and pixie dust for all...
Faith over fear? Really? So the 110,000 people who died from this didn't have enough faith? :sad2::sad2::sad2: Because that's what you're telling them.
I am ready to get back to living out in the world. I still wash my hands alot and social distance. I do not wear a mask when I walk outside. If we meet anyone we always move and they do too. I only wear a mask in stores. I am waiting for the restaurants to open and will enjoy that. I believe that as time goes on we have to learn to live with this and try to get back some sense of normalcy. If some people want to stay home and wear masks it is totally their choice and I understand. I am making my choices with care that works for me. I know everyone is waiting for a vaccine and getting excited about new advances but those don't always work out. There may never be a vaccine so we will have to deal with this. Unfortunately now there is going to be the collateral damage from people putting off medical care that they desperately needed and there are lots of mental health issues. Hospitals will have to work with these issues now.
Swim school was busy yesterday. It felt weird to be doing a normal activity. Chairs were removed from the inside viewing area to promote social distancing. No one had a mask on.

They expanded the outdoor viewing area, so that is where I will sit next time.

On a side note, my kid was huffing and puffing and whining about sore legs after the lesson. HA! I told her instructor she's been a sloth for almost 3 months! He was pushing her hard yesterday and she needs it!
DH has asked his PCP for a prescription for the antibody test. He was mildly sick in Feb, I don't think he had it, but he is curious. We know they are not super reliable. He wants to go on a dive trip in Oct in the Caribbean, and just wants the test for his own comfort. He seems to think Medicare will pay for it.
Simply put, NO
I think of COVID as a fire burning in a huge forest. Some areas worse than others but entire forest affected. The fire might be out here and there but the embers still burn. The smoke is still smoldering and until its self contained and those embers are not a threat to re-ignite, my theory is keep fighting the fire ( adhere to the CDC guidelines)
I don’t think many believe it’s gone or going away, quite the opposite in fact. I think many people have realized that this isn’t going away for the foreseeable future and have decided to take calculated risks to start going back to life and to maintain their livelihood. Many people feel that to stay home indefinitely isn’t possible and so they’re trying to learn to live with the virus.

While it’s still a global pandemic, keeping the hospitals well below capacity is what helps it from becoming a crisis again IMO.

I agree.
The virus is weakening. Yes it's still around and probably always will be in a weakened form. Hospitalizations in my area are way down 84 per day at the peak ( I live in a VERY large county and that number doesn't reflect Chicago) to 0-2 hospitalizations per day in the last week and a half.

We are still being cautious but I no longer wipe the groceries down when I buy them. Just gotta wash hands. Best medicine is fresh air!
I'm fine. I stay home most of the time anywhere.
I do wear a mask when I go out and so I shop fast because they get so hot.
I am not ready to go to a hair or nail salon. We used to go to a movie every week, not ready to do that yet (our theater isn't open yet anyway).
I am still not comfortable eating sit down in a restaurant.
So........just grocery shopping.
I do have a WDW trip in December and I will be going
Same as you. It’s still scary knowing the virus is out there so I don’t go out much other than grocery and for walks in my neighborhood. I am a homebody normally so I’m not going stir crazy but my DH misses going to work ( he is working from home) but loves the gas savings.
I don’t think many believe it’s gone or going away, quite the opposite in fact. I think many people have realized that this isn’t going away for the foreseeable future and have decided to take calculated risks to start going back to life and to maintain their livelihood. Many people feel that to stay home indefinitely isn’t possible and so they’re trying to learn to live with the virus.

While it’s still a global pandemic, keeping the hospitals well below capacity is what helps it from becoming a crisis again IMO.

Yeah, exactly this. Plus we are coming to understand it far better than we did in the early days, which makes it more possible to assess risks and selectively resume normal activities. That wasn't possible at the start, when we didn't know as much about how it spreads and what precautions and conditions help or hinder contagion.


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