this is such a sad sick world

Probably, just to be violent and act out, like most of them are. How about taking poor Aunt Jemima off a syrup bottle. People loved looking at that African American woman and she looked so happy, positive and a good cook. Irrational behavior!!!
Your posts are by far the most entertaining thing on the DIS at the moment if nothing else.

*quoted because The Rule
Well, you get some quotes from contractors and let me know because every parent has been told it is going to cost over $100K., they need to change all the uniforms because the bad word "cowboy" is on them also. We don't want the children to get emotionally damaged wearing a bad cowboy on their uniform! The administration also said they have been thinking of changing the name since 2004-2005 but then let them install a turf field a few years ago with Cowboy on it!!! Rocket scientists!

You didn't mention that the 76k included uniforms in your first post. It's more than a bit disingenuous to try and throw them in now that someone did a little fact checking and questioned your numbers. Further, I don't need any estimates. if an artificial turf field was installed shortly after 2005 it's over due for a top layer replacement anyway. That would have to be done whether they were changing the name or not. Hence my post that if the entire field is going to be replaced, there is something more going on than simply replacing the logo.

Update. 60 new full unis would cost about 10k. Just the jersey (top half which is probably the only thing they'd have to change) would be much less than that figure. Also many places will offer a discount on those things for some free advertising on the field.
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And since that poster brought up IG Farben, here is the memorial on that site.

It is really difficult to avoid in daily life what happened in our recent past, and using Germany as a bad example is quite laughable when we are generally seen as one of the best for acknowledging our past. We've moved beyond the generation born at the end of the war who used to say 'why am I to blame? I wasn't born then!' to my generation and young

I think you misunderstood the point. That poster didn't use Germany as a bad example of anything, laughable or otherwise.

The German industrial war machine, often complicit with the horrors of WWll, was allowed to continue afterwards and be part of the necessary rebuilding of continental Europe.

No contentious statues to tear down today but certainly no squeaky clean legacy either.

ford family
You claim to be in the New York Area. I googled and found one school in the area changing its name from Cowboys. I found the field on Google satellite. If the field is grass they need do nothing but let the grass grow, mow it, and the paint will eventually be gone by next season.

Actually, his/her profile says s/he's from Montvale, NJ.

Googling, (sorry @disneyjunkie :lmao:) I found this below .:thumbsup2

The school sounds wonderfully progressive, in moving forward with the times. They will even involve students & staff in deciding the new name change.

"Below is the official press release from the Pascack Valley Regional High School District with regard to the Board voting to remove the school mascots.
Montvale, NJ, June 23, 2020: At the Pascack Valley Regional High School District Board of Education meeting on June 22, the Board voted to remove the “Cowboy” and “Indian” as the Pascack Hills and Pascack Valley High Schools’ respective mascots. This decision was in response to ongoing presentations and discussions with students, faculty, staff, and administration regarding how such mascots are not inline with the district goal of equity and inclusivity.​
The Pascack Valley Regional High School District stands against racism, fostering an environment where no one is persecuted or marginalized. Our intent is to educate our district community on the mutual contributions of all races, genders, religions, and cultures accepting, respecting, and learning from one another.
In the coming year, we look forward to soliciting the input of students, staff, and community members as we work to identify new mascots that will promote the values of the Pascack Valley Regional High School District. We applaud the efforts of our entire district community in working to bring us closer to this goal and we are committed to continuing this work. "​
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Actually, his/her profile says s/he's from Montvale, NJ.

Googling, (sorry @disneyjunkie :lmao:) I found this below .:thumbsup2

The school sounds wonderfully progressive, in moving forward with the times. They will even involve students & staff in deciding the new name change.

elow is the official press release from the Pascack Valley Regional High School District with regard to the Board voting to remove the school mascots.
Montvale, NJ, June 23, 2020: At the Pascack Valley Regional High School District Board of Education meeting on June 22, the Board voted to remove the “Cowboy” and “Indian” as the Pascack Hills and Pascack Valley High Schools’ respective mascots. This decision was in response to ongoing presentations and discussions with students, faculty, staff, and administration regarding how such mascots are not inline with the district goal of equity and inclusivity.​
The Pascack Valley Regional High School District stands against racism, fostering an environment where no one is persecuted or marginalized. Our intent is to educate our district community on the mutual contributions of all races, genders, religions, and cultures accepting, respecting, and learning from one another.
In the coming year, we look forward to soliciting the input of students, staff, and community members as we work to identify new mascots that will promote the values of the Pascack Valley Regional High School District. We applaud the efforts of our entire district community in working to bring us closer to this goal and we are committed to continuing this work. "​

That is in fact the School I found. They're replacing the Indians mascot at another school too.

How about taking poor Aunt Jemima off a syrup bottle. People loved looking at that African American woman and she looked so happy, positive and a good cook. Irrational behavior!!!
The corporation that owns the logo and brand has made the determination to take her off the bottle and eventually rename the brand. It is not irrational for them to make such a change so as not to lose customers over a logo that is demeaning. Hardly irrational.
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Oh, I didn't see you name a school.
I figured because I only found one (and if there were others, they'd certainly show up in my search) that it was in fact the school the poster was referring to. And I didn't want to reveal location. But now I know the poster themselves revealed the location in her profile, I could have.
Probably, just to be violent and act out, like most of them are. How about taking poor Aunt Jemima off a syrup bottle. People loved looking at that African American woman and she looked so happy, positive and a good cook. Irrational behavior!!!
OK, you are just messing with us now.

We all know that Aunt Jemima was a play on a racist trope of black women HAPPILY work as cooks and housekeepers for white families.

I suggest you visit the African American museum in DC (or any museum dedicated to history/experiences of black folks in this country)and spend some time viewing the exhibit on advertisements and the black experience.
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Probably, just to be violent and act out, like most of them are. How about taking poor Aunt Jemima off a syrup bottle. People loved looking at that African American woman and she looked so happy, positive and a good cook. Irrational behavior!!!
I can't even go here. Your privilege is showing.

We are supposed to be having buffalo wings with blue cheese dressing for dinner tonight. I've already started on the sangria...
You didn't mention that the 76k included uniforms in your first post. It's more than a bit disingenuous to try and throw them in now that someone did a little fact checking and questioned your numbers. Further, I don't need any estimates. if an artificial turf field was installed shortly after 2005 it's over due for a top layer replacement anyway. That would have to be done whether they were changing the name or not. Hence my post that if the entire field is going to be replaced, there is something more going on than simply replacing the logo.

NO, it's over $100K and the field itself is approximately $76K


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