Something About Nothing............ #14

@Charade67 yes the National Trust is a charity we are members of that save and restore historic buildings and keep special areas of land safe. They are all over the country and we have a dozen very close to us. The houses are usually open to self guide or take a guided tour through the history. Wonderful places.

Hubs birthday today. We didn’t have a good sleep at all last night so I’m letting him sleep in. More trauma yesterday from ex son in law - it’s very wearing.

Little one and I are doing a cake this morning to have at lunchtime as they are away with their father this weekend. A lot of chocolate is involved!

Our first venture out for a sit down dinner later with my son and DIL.

Have a good Friday everyone.
Good morning Sans family :wave2:

Good morning Lynne :wave:

Nice pics of your walk....reminds me a little of a wooded walking path we had to a village in Germany on vacation many years ago.

Great to hear you have your trip to Scotland settled......sending good wishes your way as your hunt for your cottage in September.

Wow......that’s Lot of people with Covid in your hubby’s workplace.

Sending lots of mummy dust to Keisha.

It has been oppressively hot here. Humidity is terrible....Schumi I would trade you for a few 62 degree days here.

It was thundering all late afternoon yesterday with the sun full out. It’s like the weather does not know what to do.

It hot, humid and rainy this morning.

They have pushed back school start day here 2weeks as there has been an uptick of Covid cases. Not exponential, but increase. So caution was in order.

I think as testing increases so will positives.

Spoke with my sister who lives in Orlando and there has been big issue with testing fraud there. She said people who had signed up to get tested and went and got in line in their cars finally drove away before being tested because it was taking to long...only to receive a letter that their tests were positive and they were never tested.

Also people who had signed up and were tested and found out they were positive went to other sites to get another test to make sure first one was right and tested positive again. These were counted as 2 separate positives instead of same person single positive. She said some people had gone and were tested at 3 separate sites and these were counted as 3 separate positives. Sounds like a mess.

Went out and did shopping on Tuesday. Didn’t get everything done as it was to hot to leave any groceries in car. So still need to get meat and fresh veggies. Our farmers markets have started up here again on Saturday so will get veggies then.

The deer and squirrels have eaten all the peaches off the peach tree. I went out yesterday and raked up most of the peach pits they left behind.

Lynne enjoy your time at your sisters pool this weekend.

Have a great Thursday everyone.

Nice to see you Robo.......thank you, we are lucky around here with countryside and beaches too.......I love Germany. Haven`t been back there for a long time, sadly no plans to go back now. Scotland has a lot of similarities to Germany in many places....probably because we both get a lot of`s very green!!

I`d trade you weather anyday......I know what you mean though. We are predicted thunderstorms this weekend, we did have a storm a month or so back which was good enough for us over here....not as impressive as Florida......

Florida doesn`t seem to be dealing this very well at all. I dread to think what it`ll be like once the crowds start to come back......I think the parks are delaing with it well right now because there`s no one there. Hotels are not busy, their levels are very low. Hope your sister did get sorted with the correct result eventually.

Nice your farmers market are opening up again. We have a few round about us and they are so much nicer to shop in along with the farm stores we are lucky to have so close.

I do love the sound of the deers so close to you. They can`t get in to our property, although the foxes manage it.....pesky little things! there`s a distinct lack of squirrels round here for some reason......not sure why.

Have a great weekend.......

We have been too. I got the emails from Sam's and Walmart also.
I went into the liquor store a few days ago for the first time in 6 months and some guy tried to come in without a mask and they asked him to leave and come back with a mask. Sheesh.....

We're not sure we're even going to attempt it, even though our plan would be to sit on the patio.

That's all you can do. We've been taking a lot of precautions for so long up here that I think other areas have either not been, or not used to doing. We had to because we were part of the first wave of cases in the country.
All of my family's employers have now put the requirement of mandatory quarantine for 14 days when returning from a hot spot. One of my dd's was planning on a Daytona trip next month and that's out the window now. Another of my dd's is currently in Virginia, but Virginia is not yet on the hot spot list. NY, NJ and CT just added a bunch of states and Virginia was one of them so we're watching it carefully until she gets home.

I'm sorry to hear that.

The only one of those we have here is Walmart. We do go to Publix in Florida too.

Yeah, I'm not quite there yet.

Thanks! :wave:

Raglan Road! One of our favorite places to eat and hang out in Disney Springs. I've always wanted to go for St. Patrick's Day; they have have a "Great Irish Hooley". I'm super jealous now!

There's something going on with the positives here too. One of my family works in a nursing home and its mandatory they test all staff and residents. One nurse came back positive and she said there's no way she could've been positive because she doesn't go anywhere and lives with her elderly father who is very ill. She went to the hospital and got tested again and it was negative. Then she got another test and it was negative. The dept. of health said that the first test must've been a false positive, which I didn't even know was a thing. ???? I would love to know the percentage of false positives! Or how many of the asymptomatic cases are actually false positives.

Oh well, I must get off and get moving today. Have a great day!

Masks are mandatory from today in all stores today. And initially they unbelievably said takeaways and sandwich stores were exempt......but that`s changed.

However saw this morning that two grocery chain stores have said they won`t enforce the masks :confused3 No idea if they`ll get away with that, hope not.

It`s only going to encourage those who are belligerant about wearing them already.....crazy.

Hope you enjoy eating out if you do go......we felt better once we had actually done it, now, I won`t be rushing to go for a drink in a pub or pop in somewhere I don`t know, but it felt better than I thought it was going to be. But, it is very quiet right nw, once more folks start going out it might be different.

Another slow, boring day today. That’s okay because I get to leave in an hour and a half.

Last night I dreamed that I was at Universal. I was supposed to chaperone some students, but when the boat got to Citywalk they all took off without me. I realized that I had left my wallet at the hotel, so I started to go back for it. It started raining, so I went into a shop that was selling chili bowls. I was looking at the bowls and thinking of buying some for gifts when I remembered that I didn’t have my wallet. I tried to leave the store, but found myself in a men’s clothing store. A sales clerk asked if she could help me. I tried to explain that I was just in the bowl shop and had no idea how I ended up in the clothing store. The clerk just laughed and then I woke up. I have some of the weirdest dreams.

I could stand to lose 20 pounds a few times.
Love the panda pic.
I wish I could. Someday I hope to make it over there. It’s on my bucket list.

I’m at the point where I just don’t know what to believe anymore. There is way too much conflicting information.

That’s the one. I have never been there before. I am patiently waiting until we can make reservations.

I need to go find something to do.

There is a lot of info out there and yes, who do you believe! I think we could chat for hours about dreams......Tom swears I mumble most nights too......and is always amazed how vivid my dreams are.........

Happy HOT Thursday! Another scorcher today here. I think a little rain is in the forecast so that should help cool things off a bit.

Not much going on today. At work for a little while longer then off until Monday. No plans for the weekend. We have been sticking close to home with the upsurge in cases. I need to mulch my flowerbeds so we may go get a truckload or two to put down. The vegetable garden is hanging on by a thread. Tomatoes are coming in nicely. Replanted snap beans since our baby cottontail feasted on all the blooms on the last crop. I really didn't mind, I enjoyed watching the little thing over the last few months.

Not sure what is for dinner. Nothing cooked indoors, that is for sure.

Have a good evening

Thanks!! Yes, it is a constant concern and we have told our parents that it probably is not a good idea to visit in person for a while, just to keep them healthy.

Hope you are able to get your cottage booked soon. I am holding off on booking our trip a little longer due to the surge. I am afraid they are going to lock us down again. I do love the beach but a lovely cabin in the mountains sounds nice after what has felt like a week living on the surface of the sun.

Thanks! Yes, our region is the hotspot of Virginia these days or so they say.....

I wonder too? I know of at least one person that has had a false positive.

Thanks! Hopefully it will get better soon... not today though. Another 19 cases.

Low carb works great. I have been doing it on and off forever. Been off lately more than on. Ice cream has called my name every night this week. cream is always good!!!

And yes, a cabin in the woods sounds lovely......anything to just change routine for a week or so......

I am a little worried about our Scotland visit. Mum has been so good at shielding I worry we go up and it all goes out the window......I`m not even sure what the rules are now about us going up.....I don`t think I`m supposed to hug her yet???

Doesn`t sound good where you are right now either! Hope it slows down soon......

Thanks for the mention Carole- I don’t think I ever read your first trip report and I encourage all @schumigirl fans to go back and see where “it all began”. I did miss not being able to see your original pictures but I loved your story telling!!!!! ( especially what you liked/disliked about Disney).:love:

Brenda!!!! So good to see you here......yes, stay a while and chat with us on here :thumbsup2

And Thank you for saying that.......aww shucks 😍 I didn`t write a whole lot, we did enjoy many things about Disney.......including how quiet it was 07/08 when we could ride Splash Mountain 6 times in a row without getting off as there was no one there....happy days!!!!

But, it was Universal we really fell in love with......once we stopped doing Disney, we never missed it once.

I am slowly going through the 13 trip report, and will try to do the older ones too....yes, I like pictures too in a report........:wave2:

Weather was done it’s rain in the morning, then ever so hot rest of the day. Hence, dinner was burgers on the grill, with some grilled tomatoes and grilled red peppers. Made potato salad, as too hot for baked, except little one did have her baked tater, as not will eat my potato salad. Rest of us enjoyed it though. Double cheeseburgers, put plain ones for little one. Yum! Back in the AC cooled home, to chill, and enjoy ice cream. Yep, that kind of day.

And yep, enjoy reading Schumi trip reports, and have ventured to some of the food places she has, and was so happy with eating there. Ocean Prime, and breakfast places, all were good enough for me to return, that I would not have thought to eat there, if not for Schumi’s review of those places.

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Yay, a good night sleep tonight, and WOOT! Wake up knowing it will be a Friday.

Glad to hear you made it to Ocean Prime....did I miss you mention it? It is a beautiful place and the food is wonderful.......and glad you enjoyed it. It really is one of my favourite things when folks go somewhere as they`ve read it on the trip reports.......I get so many pm`s and messages about some places.....always good to read them!

I’m still a night

Only time I’m up early morning (6:15) is when Mr Mac oversleeps and the cats wake me up for food.
Cats start begging for food around 6 am.
It takes me a good 15 minutes to wake up

I prefer to sleep in until 7 am.

You`re the only person I know I can email if I`m awake in the middle of the night or very early in the morning and I`ll get a reply straight away :rotfl:

I`m more an early morning person, although I can burn the candle at both ends for so long.......then I fall asleep in a heartbeat.

Good evening everyone. Quiet night tonight. We tried to watch some baseball but it just wasn't the same without the crowds. I dozed off while Dh was watching something. Now I am wide awake.

That looks really nice. Are the buildings open to the public under normal circumstances?

I really hope it eases up in your area soon. Any idea what is causing the increase?

I think it leaves your area and comes here. We have been getting late afternoon showers.

I think it was one of her trip reports that convinced me to stay at the Royal Pacific Resort.

Welcome Jump00..

I'll leave the light on again tonight. Going rustic this time.

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Good to know Charade......we love RPR......absolutely our home from home......

Nice fire!!!

Happy Birthday to RFF husband.......hope he has a good day........

Sending our lovely Keisha many hugs......hurry back we miss you posting on here.....🥰:grouphug:

Very weird day`s grey, warm but cool and incredibly still. The sea doesn`t even look as it`s moving at all, incredibly calm.

Think we`ll go out a walk somewhere, but no idea where.....supposed to have a thunderstorm over the weekend.....hope so. Love a good storm......

Well, we did manage to get our cottage booked last night......not in September though, going first week in October now. We found a place we both liked, right in the centre of a little town....with off street parking which is Tom`s only request. It`s quite hard in these small places to have something so central with parking that isn`t a walk away.

I did want something more remote and sprawling.....but we thought we`d prefer to be within walking distances of restaurants, little stores and such. And the place we chose is right next to a local bakery......that`ll be breakfast sorted!!! Usually I`d choose a big kitchen even though we don`t cook on any trip, this one has a tiny little kitchen.....but it has everything we need including a fridge freezer which will keep milk for tea and wine and snacks cold!

Kyle has said they`re having mac n cheese for dinner tonight, so will make Tom and I a chicken and spicy!!

And it`s Friday......for those working......happy weekend!!!






Have the best Friday...........

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Oh Mac, I was not going to bed at that time, just felt like chilling, with watching a show I had not seen before. Went to bed my usual time, then got woken up as DH must have fell asleep watching TV, as he came to bed over an hour after I did. Did promptly return to sleeping.

And yes, while it is almost noon for Schumi and Real, it’s early enough morning for me. I can be a night owl, but then I go back to being an early bird. I have always been an early riser.

I know I will be a night owl tonight. Heading to sister’s place, this afternoon, and she has always been a night owl. No matter, I am usually the first one up. Tomorrow, we have to help her step DD with a neighborhood yard sale. With three kids, 1 that turned 2, she needs help with selling the stuff. So, since she lives even further up the road than sister, we will go up today, to help her DD get ready tonight too.

Nice so many old places to visit, Real. And great pictures, looked beautiful. I enjoy some of the old architecture. Stone buildings are some of my favorite.

Yay, for Schumi getting plans set in place. Hugs took awhile for us to do. I am sure it will just be nice to say hello to mum and family while you are back in Scotland. And cottage in small village sounds like a perfect getaway. And yeah, I rarely cook meals when away. No need for a fabulous kitchen in the places I stay. I do appreciate a small oven or microwave, as nice to be able to heat up small meals or snacks.

And ah, yes. A Friday.

Good evening everyone. Quiet night tonight. We tried to watch some baseball but it just wasn't the same without the crowds. I dozed off while Dh was watching something. Now I am wide awake.

That looks really nice. Are the buildings open to the public under normal circumstances?

I really hope it eases up in your area soon. Any idea what is causing the increase?

I think it leaves your area and comes here. We have been getting late afternoon showers.

I think it was one of her trip reports that convinced me to stay at the Royal Pacific Resort.

Welcome Jump00..

I'll leave the light on again tonight. Going rustic this time.

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Thank you @Charade67 for the welcome!!!!!
Morning SAN's!
And welcome to @jump00 !

Wet and a little cloudy here now, but the sun will come out and be around 80 today. Not as hot as it's been, but still nice.
And even with our Governor putting more limits on indoor dining, there is talk that the City, which said no fans to watch our pro teams, now saying, well maybe. Um, I have no desire to ride the rails, nor sit in a stadium. Just not the risks I want to take.
I wouldn't either. If they would've had the minor league baseball games I would be tempted to go and not sit in the stands, but in the grass where we have more room to get away from people. At least that was my plan to check out.... but no baseball games. I'm still waiting to see what they do for AHL hockey since we get season tix or flex pass for the baby Pens. I think this whole Fall and holiday season will be very different too.
I passed the soccer field near my house yesterday and they were having practice. That took me by surprise! I didn't think they would be doing any sports yet, since they haven't even decided on the type of schooling they will have for the Fall.
We had a nice walk at National Trust Lyme Park.
Such beautiful pictures and area!
Thanks! Hopefully it will get better soon... not today though. Another 19 cases.
Ugh! Sorry to hear that. Our county has been hovering below 20 new cases per day, usually a very small number. (compared to three months ago!) I think our cases yesterday were 6. I did see a small spike last week, which is when they put us back on restrictions.

Hubs birthday today.
Happy Birthday to your hubby!
However saw this morning that two grocery chain stores have said they won`t enforce the masks :confused3 No idea if they`ll get away with that, hope not.
Before our governor put us back on tighter restrictions, there were a lot of stores that didn't seem to enforce the "mandatory mask" thing. Now that we're on tighter restrictions again the stores are more strict with Walmart even having a worker who stands at the entrance line to remind people they need a mask to enter. Stores are also back to closing all but one entrance and counting the amount of people going in and out to control how many people are inside.

Well, I realized I started to type this at 9:30 am and just got back to it now. I walked away from the pc and forgot to finish it, lol! Thank goodness it's Friday.
Have a great day homies!
Yeah, saw lines for some stores in the mall, that we were like, nope no need to shop there. I hear ya McK, still not going anywhere where crowded if I can help it.

Oh, for all to know, if not reading the HHN thread. There will be no HHN this year. First time in 30 years. They are, however, already promoting next year’s one. I just bought my ticket the other day. Am standing by to see how I can get a refund, as usually such tickets are not refundable. Kinda sad, but I am still coming the 2 weeks late in September. I need to get away, and I like the Fall down there. And, my time will still be during AP celebrations time, so there’s that. And I would assume, they would do something like Fall decorations around, that will make fun photo ops. Historic times, new normal. Yes, scary times health wise as well. Let’s all hope we are back to more normal, risk of virus none it very little, sooner than later. I too think not until later in the year, next year. Why we made the decision not to cruise again until at least 2022, maybe even early 2023.
Real, glad to hear DH is enjoying his birthday, and what a cute, and so perfect present. Love seeing it. What a beautiful dog.
Oh Mac, I was not going to bed at that time, just felt like chilling, with watching a show I had not seen before. Went to bed my usual time, then got woken up as DH must have fell asleep watching TV, as he came to bed over an hour after I did. Did promptly return to sleeping.

And yes, while it is almost noon for Schumi and Real, it’s early enough morning for me. I can be a night owl, but then I go back to being an early bird. I have always been an early riser.

I know I will be a night owl tonight. Heading to sister’s place, this afternoon, and she has always been a night owl. No matter, I am usually the first one up. Tomorrow, we have to help her step DD with a neighborhood yard sale. With three kids, 1 that turned 2, she needs help with selling the stuff. So, since she lives even further up the road than sister, we will go up today, to help her DD get ready tonight too.

Nice so many old places to visit, Real. And great pictures, looked beautiful. I enjoy some of the old architecture. Stone buildings are some of my favorite.

Yay, for Schumi getting plans set in place. Hugs took awhile for us to do. I am sure it will just be nice to say hello to mum and family while you are back in Scotland. And cottage in small village sounds like a perfect getaway. And yeah, I rarely cook meals when away. No need for a fabulous kitchen in the places I stay. I do appreciate a small oven or microwave, as nice to be able to heat up small meals or snacks.

And ah, yes. A Friday.

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Me too Lynne....I always feel the day is wasted if I`m not up early........yep, kitchen will do us just fine. I won`t cook anything on a trip....not even a small meal.....but for folks who maybe have families I can see why they do it.....

Snacks are cold and quick!!!

Have a great Friday Lynne......

Bah ha ha. See all you of leisure, what you are missing:

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Glad not to see that!!

Morning SAN's!
And welcome to @jump00 !

Wet and a little cloudy here now, but the sun will come out and be around 80 today. Not as hot as it's been, but still nice.

I wouldn't either. If they would've had the minor league baseball games I would be tempted to go and not sit in the stands, but in the grass where we have more room to get away from people. At least that was my plan to check out.... but no baseball games. I'm still waiting to see what they do for AHL hockey since we get season tix or flex pass for the baby Pens. I think this whole Fall and holiday season will be very different too.
I passed the soccer field near my house yesterday and they were having practice. That took me by surprise! I didn't think they would be doing any sports yet, since they haven't even decided on the type of schooling they will have for the Fall.

Such beautiful pictures and area!

Ugh! Sorry to hear that. Our county has been hovering below 20 new cases per day, usually a very small number. (compared to three months ago!) I think our cases yesterday were 6. I did see a small spike last week, which is when they put us back on restrictions.

Happy Birthday to your hubby!

Before our governor put us back on tighter restrictions, there were a lot of stores that didn't seem to enforce the "mandatory mask" thing. Now that we're on tighter restrictions again the stores are more strict with Walmart even having a worker who stands at the entrance line to remind people they need a mask to enter. Stores are also back to closing all but one entrance and counting the amount of people going in and out to control how many people are inside.

Well, I realized I started to type this at 9:30 am and just got back to it now. I walked away from the pc and forgot to finish it, lol! Thank goodness it's Friday.
Have a great day homies!

I think more places do need to go back to basics......if everyone was made to wear a mask and follow the rules, we might just get a grip of this.

Have a great weekend mrose.......

So, it`s official about HHN being cancelled.

I did mention to macraven and Janet I`d been told a week or so ago it wasn`t going ahead......from a completely unofficial person I have to say......not claiming any insider knowledge at all!!!!

It`s not really a surprise at all I guess. Incredibly sad though. We know several folks who are SA every year and love it so much.

It will be a huge gap this year with it not going ahead........

I`ve reached the age where I just looked for my glasses......and yes, they`re on my head!!!!
Haha, Schumi. I forget my sunglasses are on my head sometimes. Hope that means we both are not getting old.

Kinda dark out, rained for 5 minutes, and now muggy and sunny bright out. A what for lunch. Little one replaced tea with coffee. Both quite good this morning.

And yeah, I feel for all the workers that have their normal work routine effected so negativity by the virus response. We try to at least pick up orders at local places we used to dine in. And I am still going to do park time to help those TMs that are working.
Mac, and any other homie that bought HHN tickets. Posted in HHN thread. Was reading through the AP group Facebook posts, and Universal posted that can save your tickets and will be honored next year, or call and will be refunded.

Eh, I am planning to go next year too, so I may just keep the tickets. If Ido have to change those plans, I would hope they would let me get a refund.
Mac, and any other homie that bought HHN tickets. Posted in HHN thread. Was reading through the AP group Facebook posts, and Universal posted that can save your tickets and will be honored next year, or call and will be refunded.

Eh, I am planning to go next year too, so I may just keep the tickets. If Ido have to change those plans, I would hope they would let me get a refund.

Yes, I would imagine they`ll be very good Lynne with regards to tickets. They`ll do their best for guests with tickets.
Even with the cancellation of hhn, I’m still going to UO.

Hanging in the parks will be fine for me
And hope it will not have crowds.

so looking forward to doing hagrids with out long waits!
and will enjoy eating all my meals out.

GA numbers are still growing but our area still not requiring face masks.
Exception at Walmart, Publix, and a few more places.

just saw your post Lynne.
I have will call pick up at the hotel and will keep my bogo tickets to use for next year.

prices will go up and the tix price next year probably won’t be as sweet in 2021.
Thanks, what I figure will see at least a price increase too, Mac, and why I will hold onto my ticket too. Plus, already paid for, so one less expense for next year. If I like end of September this year, I may very well go same time, or even a week earlier, next year. I too am hoping for low crowds this end of September, as at SF for a few nights, then RPR the rest of the time. Hoping to say hello to some homies during that time. No handshake though, or hug. Chatting, and enjoying time with homies, yes.
Good afternoon. Not much going on today. Right now I am sitting in my car waiting for B to get a haircut. I could probably wait inside the salon, but don’t want to wear a mask.

Hubs birthday today.
Happy birthday to him.

I think we could chat for hours about dreams......Tom swears I mumble most nights too......and is always amazed how vivid my dreams are.........
It’s funny, I have crazy, vivid dreams, but dh rarely remembers his. He will often shout or even scream while sleeping but rarely remembers what in the dream made him scream.

Good to know Charade......we love RPR......absolutely our home from home......
I will be happy to stay there again. Dh wants to try the Hard Rock.

If they would've had the minor league baseball games I would be tempted to go and not sit in the stands, but in the grass where we have more room to get away from people.
I miss our minor league games. Such a great, and cheap night’s entertainment.

the cake went well and he was very pleased with the felted version of Louie I had made by a friend.
So cute. It looks almost real.

Oh, for all to know, if not reading the HHN thread. There will be no HHN this year. First time in 30 years.
I am sorry to hear this. I know how much many of you enjoyed HHN.

I`ve reached the age where I just looked for my glasses......and yes, they`re on my head!!!!
I’m amused every time one of our therapists misplaces her glasses. I wish I had that problem, but my vision is so bad that I can’t see anything clearly without my glasses on all times. I’m really looking foreword to getting my new ones in a couple of weeks.

Wondering what to do for the rest of the day. I should probably do some housecleaning.

The hair salon is next to my favorite ice cream place. I really shouldn’t ........
Oh yes you should, Charade. Put that mask on and enjoy some cool while B is still inside.

lunch break was so warm a walk, glad to be in AC air. Morning went fast, but afternoon is slow feeling. Why I can’t wait to say TGIF!


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