A difficult confession

Plugging along. Back to Disney for the first time this Friday (not entirely sure I WANT to go... skittish about the virus, but I suppose we can't I've in fear forever).

Also, I hint about the above quote: It's not from a movie, it's from an attraction.

Yay! Back to Disney! I hope you have a great time :thumbsup2

The Attraction... is it Dinosaur?
This Friday? Time to start packing! Or just swimsuit and towel and sandals and suntan lotion and mask...and umbrella

I know a lot of you are going to call me a "troll."

My wife just left me. I'm not looking for sympathy. It helps to write things out to process them. It's Florida, right? When it rains, it pours.

EDIT: I VERY MUCH UNDESTAND that it may seem like I am creating a story. I would think the same thing about someone one else. But, I'm not. Sometimes things go sideways in life... I'm not one to feel bad for myself. Just want to "talk it out."
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If you knew my life story, you would say I am making it up...
And I think to myself I wish I had that good of imagination.
Sorry for this and for you and your wife.
She needs support & understanding as much as you also.
I hope you can prove to yourself you are strong enough to stay healthy and strive for a better future and hopefully you can remain friends.
I think of Paul Simons song It’s like a window in your heart ❤️

I know a lot of you are going to call me a "troll."

My wife just left me. I'm not looking for sympathy. It helps to write things out to process them. It's Florida, right? When it rains, it pours.

EDIT: I VERY MUCH UNDESTAND that it may seem like I am creating a story. I would think the same thing about someone one else. But, I'm not. Sometimes things go sideways in life... I'm not one to feel bad for myself. Just want to "talk it out."
I’m sorry to hear about your changes, are you still going to WDW?
I’m sorry to hear about your changes, are you still going to WDW?

No... Bad things happen in threes, right? I just need one last for now.

Will someone please send me a bad penny that I can't get rid of? It would be #3 and a Godsend!
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I know that many don't want to take advice from those without experience, but if you have kids, do your best to dissuade them from drugs and alcohol. I never touched a drug, but alcohol became my poison, Most will never develop an addiction. But some will. And, yeah, alcohol is a drug... There is a 6% success rate in kicking anything. Do your best to stop your kids from being the 94% and you, as well.

One is too many; a hundred is never enough.
Hang in there. Sorry about the wife. Things WILL look up soon. But don’t brush aside your feelings or try not to feel them. Go through them without booze. There’s light on the other side.
Make plans to live a much better life from here out.
I just want to say... I'm honored that there have been so many replies and pages. Thanks. I honestly never though that there would be such an outpouring. I just wish these damn shakes would stop!

...You have no idea how many times I had to edit this message before it was grammatically correct!

Anyway, who remembers the original Journey Into Imagination? They shifted the big reveal to the beginning on the new one. I have no qualms saying this... my last girlfriend bought me a VHS of old rides (bootlegged) some things no one will ever see again.

Sorry for typing.... shaking still
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So, I guess I'll give up some more about myself.

I'm an older guy, I was a cop for 10 years. I was almost killed twice on the job. I suffer from PTSD anxiety and depression. I'm really worried about going to MK tomorrow with the mask. I've been offered a service dog 3 times, but I declined. And I really resent those people that bring dogs into the parks with fake vests. :)

And no need to ask why I denied. There are other people that need them more.

EDIT: Just wanted to talk a little bit. When I wsa a cop, I worked midnights... no one is awake now !

Also, in an earlier post, I stated that I don't like to dislose info about myself. By the end of this, you will have my full name, license picture and social security number. I'm terrible like that :)

Good luck with the SSN. If I keep shaking like this, it will never be accurate.

And, hey, I didn't mention that I was a cop for any kudos or "thank you for your service." I never know how to respond to those. So, "Let it Go." :)
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So, I guess I'll give up some more about myself.

I'm an older guy, I was a cop for 10 years. I was almost killed twice on the job. I suffer from PTSD anxiety and depression. I'm really worried about going to MK tomorrow with the mask. I've been offered a service dog 3 times, but I declined. And I really resent those people that bring dogs into the parks with fake vests. :)

And no need to ask why I denied. There are other people that need them more.

EDIT: Just wanted to talk a little bit. When I wsa a cop, I worked midnights... no one is awake now !

Europe is awake, it's 10:30 in the morning here.

And about the dog, you owe it to yourself to try everything to get yourself to a better place. This is not the time to say your suffering is worth less than others. You are not a fake and your suffering is equal to others.

I want to show you this Dutch commercial from a few years ago. It's from the organization which coordinates all kinds of help animals.
Translation of the voice over: We train dogs to wake up people from nightmares, as we do not just help people who cannot see. But also people who have seen too much.
Europe is awake, it's 10:30 in the morning here.

And about the dog, you owe it to yourself to try everything to get yourself to a better place. This is not the time to say your suffering is worth less than others. You are not a fake and your suffering is equal to others.

I want to show you this Dutch commercial from a few years ago. It's from the organization which coordinates all kinds of help animals.
Translation of the voice over: We train dogs to wake up people from nightmares, as we do not just help people who cannot see. But also people who have seen too much.

Thank you... and that's amazing. Dogs are incredible... how do they sense that stuff? I have 2 Rots and the little girl knows when I am going through a lot of anxiety. She'll drape herself across me or shove her snout in my mouth (tasty).
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Get yourself up and go... to Disney... you have to move forward... take another step...

So what your going alone, lots of people go alone, its no big deal.... and right now maybe a change of scenery will do you some good... taking a step away from your problems, to clear your head, might be what you need.

As well Disney's magic might really be what you need... to help you clear out, and start processing things differently...

A different perspective.
I'm writing this because I need an outlet. I can only put so much on my family, but I can't sit on everything.

My wife turned 34 today. I had a whole day planned; I was going to take her to MK, then go to Morimoto for dinner, The Ganachery for her dessert (I don't eat stuff like that) and then a $100 shopping spree (yeah, I know, at Disney Springs that's about a bag of jelly beans). She left to go to another place 2,000 miles away (I don't want to give up too much information) and told me she'd be back early afternoon today for her birthday dinner and then leave again. I just found out that she won't be back at all today, she cancelled her flight.

I know this all sounds convoluted and like a made-up story, but it is not. I just need to write because it is cathartic and helps me not to drive myself crazy :).

There won't be any MK today. I can't associate this with anything Disney. It will ruin it for me.

Thanks for reading. Again, I swear this is all true and I am not a troll.

EDIT: I put 14 years into this woman. In May 2020, celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary. Why do bad things happen to bad people? I have a dark sense of humor and way of dealing with things. The last year hasn't been so great... again, thanks for reading.
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I'm writing this because I need an outlet. I can only put so much on my family, but I can't sit on everything.

My wife turned 34 today. I had a whole day planned; I was going to take her to MK, then go to Morimoto for dinner, The Ganachery for her dessert (I don't eat stuff like that) and then a $100 shopping spree (yeah, I know, at Disney Springs that's about a bag of jelly beans). She left to go to another place 2,000 miles away (I don't want to give up too much information) and told me she'd be back early afternoon today for her birthday dinner and then leave again. I just found out that she won't be back at all today, she cancelled her flight.

I know this all sounds convoluted and like a made-up story, but it is not. I just need to write because it is cathartic and helps me not to drive myself crazy :).

There won't be any MK today. I can't associate this with anything Disney. It will ruin it for me.

Thanks for reading. Again, I swear this is all true and I am not a troll.

EDIT: I put 14 years into this woman. In May 2020, celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary. Why do bad things happen to bad people? I have a dark sense of humor and way of dealing with things. The last year hasn't been so great... again, thanks for reading.
Hang in there rockbro, have you kept up with your meetings? If so, has it seemed to be helpful?
I know that many don't want to take advice from those without experience, but if you have kids, do your best to dissuade them from drugs and alcohol. I never touched a drug, but alcohol became my poison, Most will never develop an addiction. But some will. And, yeah, alcohol is a drug... There is a 6% success rate in kicking anything. Do your best to stop your kids from being the 94% and you, as well.

One is too many; a hundred is never enough.
Stick with it, you're so close.
I hope that my daughter never will be where you are. She sees that her dad must drink every night, and she knows how it affects him. He stopped for a while, and it was a good time for our family, but that was then, and we are back to his normal. I've tried my best to show our daughter her whole life that this doesn't have to be her normal. I had not been around anyone who wasn't able to do without wine nightly, so it caught me by surprise. Daughter is wiser, and will be on high alert, I hope, to not be in the same situation.
But she understands, it's not anything to do with being a good or bad person.
He's a good person.
And I believe you are, too.
But life's better without the drinking, for you and those around you. And no matter what may be going on with your marriage, there ARE people around you. Don't let her issues be an excuse to baskslide.
Stick with it.
Well, without it. :)
Nothing wrong with a few extra dollars in the pocket and giving your body and brain what they really need instead of what they don't.
And if what they need is Disney, we all understand that here!
I hope you had a great day. Editing b/c that line sounds stupid under the circumstances. What I meant to say was I hope you have had the best possible day, given the circumstances.
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