Something About Nothing............ #14

RFF....yep, haven`t seen it on any of the movie channels for years.....shame as it`s better than most offered now. was good .......enjoy your evening too........ good....

Red wine.......even better....

Our weather is so weird right now.......looks and feels like thunder and lightning, but not forecast. Looking out to see it`s light and quite bright, but the woods behind us, the sky looks ominous. No idea at all if we`re due any thunder.

My guys did bring home a load of muddy a bag where nothing could touch the inside of the car. But, they had a lovely afternoon. There was only them and another two men the whole afternoon. I don`t think many know they`re open again.

Settling down for movie in a bit.......
Question for those of you who travel from inside the US. How far in advance of your trip do you buy plane tickets? Our trip in in mid- March.
I booked my September flight with delta back in late January.

I start watching fares early to get a ball park range of costs.
Then when I see rates decrease for a flight that would be good for me, I know it’s time to book

A few years back I watched flights for costs and waited until they had a dip in price at 90 days out.

I usually use Delta or United but did fly with Southwest on occasions.
I don't fly very often, so I am not sure what is a good fare. I have discovered that I can get cheaper flights from Roanoke that I can from my city. I think American is my only option if I fly out of my city.
Question for those of you who travel from inside the US. How far in advance of your trip do you buy plane tickets? Our trip in in mid- March.

SW usually only goes so many days out in advance can’t remember what but I’m typically right around 2-3 months out with them unless they have a special, Frontier I’ve got the specials literally 2 weeks before a last minute trip I’ve booked and others, it’s like Mac said, if I see a price I like I snag it.
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Morning homies - sunny and mild here today. Hubs has to finalise some paperwork this morning so I’m going to bake a cheese and onion pie for our meal later.

I’m also going to declutter our bedroom while the house is quiet. When we moved in we placed a few plastic storage boxes under our (huge) bed so I want to sort through them today as we’ve forgotten what’s in most of them.

I’m attending our online Church service at 11 - it’s nice to “see” everyone and I haven’t had chance the last couple of weeks. I like the fact we are all muted for the singing so I can sing out loud and nobody can hear!

We had restrictions returned for anyone travelling to Spain - must quarantine for 2 weeks on return. My son and DIL have booked to travel there (had Florida and Italy cancelled earlier) but another few weeks so may change again for them.
I don't fly very often, so I am not sure what is a good fare. I have discovered that I can get cheaper flights from Roanoke that I can from my city. I think American is my only option if I fly out of my city.

Good luck with your flights........hope you get something that suits you.

Charade out did herself on leaving the light on

Where were you this morning??? I was up so early.....we pulled the drapes back a little last night as we wanted more air coming through the window.....down side is it gets light around 3am right as soon as it got light I was awake......then the sun began to stream in as our bedroom faces the sea where the sun comes up........lovely, but no sleeping then.......can`t complain really, it is lovely waking to the sun......

Morning homies - sunny and mild here today. Hubs has to finalise some paperwork this morning so I’m going to bake a cheese and onion pie for our meal later.

I’m also going to declutter our bedroom while the house is quiet. When we moved in we placed a few plastic storage boxes under our (huge) bed so I want to sort through them today as we’ve forgotten what’s in most of them.

I’m attending our online Church service at 11 - it’s nice to “see” everyone and I haven’t had chance the last couple of weeks. I like the fact we are all muted for the singing so I can sing out loud and nobody can hear!

We had restrictions returned for anyone travelling to Spain - must quarantine for 2 weeks on return. My son and DIL have booked to travel there (had Florida and Italy cancelled earlier) but another few weeks so may change again for them.

Yes, now isn`t the time to be booking trips. That quarantine was always going to happen looking at what was happening on their beaches. One of my friends is out in her villa in Menorca, and she spends all summer out there and comes back in September, but her husband usually goes out for three weeks with her, not this year. I feel for people who had just left on their flights when this was announced.

Have a good Sunday RFF........

Stayed up late for us last night......watched Ruthless People which was so funny....then Austin Powers 2......and started watching Halloween, the original one....but tiredness took over and we gave up on that one.

Before we went to bed, I put the slow cooker on with diced beef in Ale and let it cook away all night....smell this morning was glorious. Will reheat it later and make a good old Scottish steak pie......not exactly the weather for it as it is beautiful today......but in trying to reduce the freezers we are getting through the meat and trying to sustain variety. So, steak pie it is. Beautiful puff pastry on top........dinner sorted.

Today is gorgeous......little sea breeze, but at least sun is shining and low to mid 70`s promised........doubt we`ll beat mac`s Georgia temperatures......ever!!!!! :sunny:

Having brunch today instead of breakfast.......all the usual options and been asked for poached eggs poached it is. Ideal for a nice lazy morning......waiting for blueberry muffins to come out the oven now. Reminded us we do miss our group brunch get togethers day soon we hope!

Lazy Sunday coming up........




Ah yes, I would happily come over to Schumi’s for tea. My mum was always a tea drinker, and when I took her to England, we both enjoyed tea over there. Little one, though, not a tea drinker. Guess it did not continue down the line. LoL. But yes, I too am enjoying a tea, my morning favorite beverage. While I do enjoy coffee too, I much prefer a good cup of tea. And most of my coffee drinking includes ice in it. Winter time, I will sometimes have hot coffee after dinner.

The sunrise was beautiful and so bright (and hot) as the AC blew cool air most of the night says it was a warm overnight. 80 out now, and 93 will be the high temp this later afternoon. Weather guy said absolutely sunny day, and those with breathing issues, stay inside, the humidity will be rising through the day. With 93 the high, I am so most likely almost as warm as Mac.

With the 5 am forecast saying sunny day, now on my 3rd load of wash. Just hung up the second load, and yay, first hung load has some dry, so really hoping to find more dry before hanging the third. Nice to hang out wash.

And a happy hello to Jump. Glad you too enjoy Schumi’s trip reports. Stay around, great food and all kinds of weather are news here. Hope you are doing well.

Robo, I hope you are feeling less itchy and swollen with that poison ivy. Sending well wishes, and hope your HHN mug has good coffee in it this morning.

Real, I hope the weather holds for tending the garden. While long ago now, my mum and I enjoyed traveling all over England, and we very much enjoyed the Wedgewood area. To this day. I have some jewelry and pieces we bought at the Wedgewood Pottery shop. That was the first, and only, time I had been to England, as I took my mum on a long trip, sightseeing in England, Scotland and Wales. We had a great time, and was the first time I bought English tea in a tin. Now a days, I can happily find English tin tea in most stores.

Ah, Schumi also had me at lazy day. I deserve it after the absolutely muggy day, yesterday. Was so nice to jump in the pool after that sale time. The rest went to a church, that sells things, and takes donations their church store. Got there just as they were closing. No way was I bringing anything back home. Done with, means done with. And what I made, paid for our take out dinner from the place that does home style food. For the same price as a fast food place, we got cooked carrots, fried applies, mac and cheese, mashed and gravy, chicken fingers, chicken with bacon and maple syrup, and chicken dumplings. We were all so hungry, older one finished off my large serving of chicken. Nothing left. Watch the screen for some time, but could not leave the light on, as promptly went to bed at 11, drifting to sleep hearing older one chatting with his friends, playing his online games. Little one had headphones on, as I past by her room, so I have no idea what was on her screen. When they went to bed, have no idea. But both are sleeping, and I don’t expect to see them up before the breakfast hours expired. Which I think is a secret way, little one does not have to order breakfast foods. I did buy bagels on the way home last night, so I assume she will get one of those, when she arises. We too, hope to have a lazy day. Wash to be finished soon enough, then relaxing before the kids get up, as our Sunday routine is to stock up grocery for a few days, and take the trash out, as pick up is tomorrow, trucks arrive around 7am. While DH and I will be up more than. 2 hours before that, I much rather get ready for work, than putting out the trash. We both have been known to add a little more when we get up though, once in a great while.

So homies, have that wonderful Sunday, the day to rest, and relax. Sending well wishes to Keisha. Hope your vision is much better today. And hope those that were in that hurricane hit to Texas, are safe, and not flooded out, or have damage from the wind. That hurricane hope includes Buckeev and his family.

Ah yes,
44A4B6AA-6477-4171-93DA-DE9F5FD14DCE.jpeg ::yes::


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@Lynne G glad you enjoyed visiting with your Mum - lovely memories. Never got my Mum to the US despite Dad loving it through business visits from the 60’s until retirement - he worked for an American company and was proud to do so. Mum had terrible health problems with her ears and could not fly following major surgery on them. So we would drive into Europe which we always loved. Italy, Switzerland and Austria became our favourites. Quite adventurous at the time we started but Dad would have loved to take her to the places he visited.

Good day for laundry here too. Bedding and mattress topper blown dry on the line, ironed and all back on now (one of the few domestic chores I hate!

Hubs has been hedge cutting and just come in from the garden hungry now.

Roasted veggies, sausages and baked potatoes for dinner. Should have been pie but found tons of veggies needed using.

Emma (daughter) is back from first yoga since lockdown. She tries to keep busy while the children are away but it’s tough. We are going to watch the Downton Abbey movie tonight as she’s not seen it yet and we will happily watch it again!
Having a great morning without the heat!

only 85 right now and will go to 90 in the afternoon
This weather I like!
Sitting in my sun porch and having a nice breeze

Rest of the predictions for the week will be hot and won’t be able to sit outside when that happens.

Not complaining as we do not get snow and cold like some of the homies do.

Hope you all are chilling and having a great weekend!
Read a few minutes ago walking dead finale will be October 4

yes, I still follow that show...
Having a great morning without the heat!

only 85 right now and will go to 90 in the afternoon
This weather I like!
Sitting in my sun porch and having a nice breeze

Rest of the predictions for the week will be hot and won’t be able to sit outside when that happens.

Not complaining as we do not get snow and cold like some of the homies do.

Hope you all are chilling and having a great weekend!
Read a few minutes ago walking dead finale will be October 4

yes, I still follow that show...

Thought I’d heard they were making a movie with Rick Grimes.

Not sure where I seen that, do you know anything on that?
Another steamy day here. The pooch appears to have gone feral, swear his hair grew 4 inches in last two weeks. Going to bribe the mr to hold him while i do some quick ‘pruning’ :)

Little comes back here today, missed her last week but glad for the quite time. The mr outdid himself picking up the slack while he was off work.

Lots of testing here, one DS was positive & cleared to go back to work tomorrow. The 2nd was clear and out of the still resulting self quarantine coming mid-week. My mom’s nursing home is in process of being tested, they are repeating their 1st positive in her area of the complex. Sigh

HHN is still stinging, sharply. Changed trip around, now @ HRH coming in on 26th, then onto Swan, will be thrilled to see it through in whatever format.
I found that 20 lbs you lost and I don’t wear it well
Donate it to charity, nice tax write off :)
My fall trips to the Darkside have included hhn for the past
over 25 years, but still have plans to go to UO this September.
Be there or be square
What is everyone doing today?
I think we should get the bus gassed up and go to Schumigirl’s house since she is having pizza
I always have various chips on hand, will toss them in my bag & start pumping Dave full of Pepsi

My fav fancy type are the old bay flavored ones, just grabbed pickle flavored (ew) for GD. Worse than they sound BTW. know the way.......come on over!!! All you lovely ladies always welcome.....we need Mr Keisha.....he has the licence!

Just what Keisha needs......a good old get together.......
I’m always down for a good time
I think if you`re like that you`ll never change. My mum is now 85 and whenever you call her, she`s up to somehting. She cleans even when something doesn`t need cleaning.....but it keeps her active, especially these last few months.
Good for her!

To quote my dear old Dad: “If you stop moving, might as well have them start digging the hole in the ground.”
I`m sure they`ll have some muddy clothes to get washed when they do appear.....they`ll get changed there as they won`t get back in the car with muddy clothes....not a chance!!
There’s always the tide pen lol
Have a nice case of poison Ivy on ankles and left arm.. It must have been hiding under the English Ivy I was weeding the other day. Didn’t see it, but SURPRISE.........I have seemed to find some each hear...a little extra-Strength Benadryl and extra strength cortisone cream help a lot. The joys of summer gardening.
Oh noooos that sounds miserable indeed
I know many have lost loved ones (our family included), lost dreams of weddings, graduations, treasured family get togethers etc...but we will get though this......there is hope.....we are made of tough stuff...and if the folks that unleashed this virus on the World think they are going to beat us down they have another thing coming. Our resolve to survive and come out the other side of this thing is strong and we will win. Have faith it will get better

going back to 400 BC, pandemics have shaped our existence. this sort of thing moves at lightening speed now due to our global mobility & was long-overdue. what’s truly sad, aside from the loss of life/misery, is that we were so sadly unprepared/unrealistic handling it.

Especially, considering how you have been affected, I applaud your positivity :). IMO, winning is a subjective term in this instance. I’m resigned to settle for survival until we can bank on vaccination/herd immunity, sooner vs later would be swell!

Even then,we all live & learn going forward & be prepared to taking precautions to prepare/mitigate the next round of whatever inevitably will come our way.
Another steamy day here. The pooch appears to have gone feral, swear his hair grew 4 inches in last two weeks. Going to bribe the mr to hold him while i do some quick ‘pruning’ :)

Little comes back here today, missed her last week but glad for the quite time. The mr outdid himself picking up the slack while he was off work.

Lots of testing here, one DS was positive & cleared to go back to work tomorrow. The 2nd was clear and out of the still resulting self quarantine coming mid-week. My mom’s nursing home is in process of being tested, they are repeating their 1st positive in her area of the complex. Sigh

HHN is still stinging, sharply. Changed trip around, now @ HRH coming in on 26th, then onto Swan, will be thrilled to see it through in whatever format.

Donate it to charity, nice tax write off :)

Be there or be square

I always have various chips on hand, will toss them in my bag & start pumping Dave full of Pepsi

My fav fancy type are the old bay flavored ones, just grabbed pickle flavored (ew) for GD. Worse than they sound BTW.

I’m always down for a good time

Good for her!

To quote my dear old Dad: “If you stop moving, might as well have them start digging the hole in the ground.”

There’s always the tide pen lol

Oh noooos that sounds miserable indeed

going back to 400 BC, pandemics have shaped our existence. this sort of thing moves at lightening speed now due to our global mobility & was long-overdue. what’s truly sad, aside from the loss of life/misery, is that we were so sadly unprepared/unrealistic handling it.

Especially, considering how you have been affected, I applaud your positivity :). IMO, winning is a subjective term in this instance. I’m resigned to settle for survival until we can bank on vaccination/herd immunity, sooner vs later would be swell!

Even then,we all live & learn going forward & be prepared to taking precautions to prepare/mitigate the next round of whatever inevitably will come our way.

Just changed our HR res from AP rate to Savvy rate because it’s actually cheaper now for late September.
Hot here today.... going on 86 but very humid.

Not a lot going on really, just household chores and painting the front door. I need to get into the garden because we're overloaded with cukes and they have to be picked. I tried a new recipe, cucumber kimchi, and it smells really good so far. I love regular kimchi so I thought I would try it. Cucumber and zucchini just explode in the summer and we're always looking for new things to do with them.

Have a nice case of poison Ivy on ankles and left arm.. It must have been hiding under the English Ivy I was weeding the other day. Didn’t see it, but SURPRISE.........I have seemed to find some each hear...a little extra-Strength Benadryl and extra strength cortisone cream help a lot. The joys of summer gardening.
I missed this yesterday! I'm sorry to hear that. I'm very allergic too, and sometimes get it. No fun. I have a product called Tecnu that's a scrub you wash with after gardening or exposure to clean off the oils. It helps a lot so you don't get it, and also if you do get it, it helps dry it up quicker. I got it at Walmart.
@mckennarose what type of dogs do you have?
A chihuahua and a pomeranian mix. Two littles.
Lots of testing here, one DS was positive & cleared to go back to work tomorrow. The 2nd was clear and out of the still resulting self quarantine coming mid-week. My mom’s nursing home is in process of being tested, they are repeating their 1st positive in her area of the complex. Sigh
Sorry to hear that. Is DS ok now?
My family member who works in the nursing home is getting tested every other week now. They test residents also. Our county cases are going up from only about 6-7 a few days ago to 27 yesterday.
My fav fancy type are the old bay flavored ones, just grabbed pickle flavored (ew) for GD. Worse than they sound BTW.
LOL! I like the dill pickle ones... but I also like Salt and Vinegar too.

Finished the Mandrake and made two book covers too. He looks more grey toned on my pictures, but he is a warmer brown. He does have a whole body inside the pot too, not just the torso. I might add more leaves at the top, not sure yet..... I'm not the best at sculpting faces, but I just kept thinking "ugly-potato-baby-looking-thing with roots... lol!
No fun. I have a product called Tecnu that's a scrub you wash with after gardening or exposure to clean off the oils. It helps a lot so you don't get it, and also if you do get it, it helps dry it up quicker. I got it at Walmart.
It works. Like ivyrest better but haven’t seen in stores for ages

growing up we would get the spot doused in gasoline How did we survive lol
Sorry to hear that. Is DS ok now?
Thanks. As good as he’s going to get
LOL! I like the dill pickle ones... but I also like Salt and Vinegar too.
ooh yes but only certain brands
Finished the Mandrake and made two book covers too. He looks more grey toned on my pictures, but he is a warmer brown. He does have a whole body inside the pot too, not just the torso. I might add more leaves at the top, not sure yet..... I'm not the best at sculpting faces, but I just kept thinking "ugly-potato-baby-looking-thing with roots... lol!
Wait, u made it? That’s crazy nice!


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